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Earth Sciences
SPECIAL TOPIC: Mesozoic greenhouse palaeoclimate and sea-level changes doi: 10.1007/s11430-016-0166-y
•  REVIEW  •

Anatomy of a eustatic event during the Turonian (Late Cretaceous)

hot greenhouse climate
Bilal U. HAQ1,2 & Brian T. HUBER1*
Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D C 20013, USA;
Sorbonne, ISTEP Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris 75005, France

Received July 27, 2016; accepted November 2, 2016; published online December 7, 2016

Abstract    Sequence stratigraphic studies consider relative change in sea level (as regulated by eustasy, local tectonics and
sediment supply) as the main builder of the stratigraphic record. Eustasy has generally been considered as a consequence of the
growth and decay of continental ice sheets that would explain large, rapid changes in sea level, even during periods of relative
global climatic warmth. However, such a mechanism has become increasingly difficult to envision during times of extreme
global warmth such as the Turonian, when the equator-to-pole temperature gradient was very low and the presence of polar ice
seems improbable. This paper investigates the timing and extent of sea level falls during the late Cenomanian through Turonian,
especially the largest of those events, sequence boundary KTu4, which occurred during the middle to late Turonian peak of the
Cretaceous hot greenhouse climate. We conclude that the amplitude of the widespread third-order sea level fall in the middle
Turonian that is centered at ~91.8 Ma varies at different locations depending on the influence of dynamic topography on local
tectonics and regional climatic conditions. Ice volume variations seem unlikely as a mechanism for controlling sea level at this
time. However, this causal factor cannot be ruled out completely since Antarctic highlands (if they existed in the Late Cretaceous)
could sequester enough water as ice to cause eustatic falls. To ascertain this requires detailed tomographic imaging of Antarctica,
followed by geodynamic modeling, to determine whether high plateaus could have existed to accumulate ephemeral ice sheets.
Other mechanisms for sea level change, such as transference between ground water (a small amplitude shorter time scale effect)
and the ocean and entrainment and release of water from the mantle to the oceanic reservoir (a potentially large amplitude and
longer time scale process), are intriguing and need to be explored further to prove their efficacy at third-order time scales.
Keywords    Eustatic event, Turonian, Hot greenhouse climate

Citation: Haq B U, Huber B T. 2016. Anatomy of a eustatic event during the Turonian (Late Cretaceous) hot greenhouse climate. Science China Earth Sciences,
doi: 10.1007/s11430-016-0166-y

1.   Introduction controlling factor(s), although climatic causes (ephemeral ice

sheets on Antarctica and long-term Milankovitch orbital ec-
Several relatively short-lived eustatic events (prominent sea-
centricity-related climatic changes) have been invoked. Here,
level falls) have been widely identified during the early part of
we take a detailed look at the largest of these Late Cretaceous
the Late Cretaceous global highstand of sea level, which was
events that occurred during the middle Turonian and has been
a time of extreme global climatic warmth. These marine with-
designated KTu4 by Haq (2014) following a revision of the
drawals are expressed as sequence boundaries in the strati-
original Cretaceous sea-level curve of Haq et al. (1987a) and
graphic record and they have been categorized variously as
its later iterations (e.g., Haq et al., 1987b, 1988; Hardenbol et
third-order and fourth-order events, with as yet unascertained
al., 1998; Haq and Al-Qahtani, 2005).
We start with a brief discussion of eustatic history of the
*Corresponding author (email: late Cenomanian-Turonian interval. The Cenomanian and
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
Haq B U, et al.    Sci China Earth Sci   

Turonian stages record the highest sea levels for the Creta- in northern Europe and North America. Hardenbol et al.
ceous Period. Within this long-term trend of high seastand, (1998) produced extremely valuable cross-correlations of
Haq et al. (1987a) identified a major sea-level fall in the various fossil groups that greatly facilitate trans-Atlantic
middle to late Turonian that was preceded by two minor re- correlations.
gressive events. These events were cross-correlated through A middle Turonian major sequence boundary (KTu4) has
ammonite zones and interpolated microfossil biochronology, been identified in several northern European sections, the
which remains the only practical method of correlating Western Interior Basin (WIB), the New Jersey Coastal Plain,
sequence boundaries in the Cretaceous, although additional and the Arabian Platform (Haq et al., 1988; Miller et al., 2004;
tools such as chemostratigraphy and stable-isotopes are Haq and Qahtani, 2005). It should be emphasized that in the
sometime also available. Thus, depending on which bio- present paper, correlations to GTS 2012 are well supported
zone (or subzone) an event is tied to, the estimated zonal for the European and WIB sections, but other correlations
duration becomes the extent of uncertainty (or the error bar) are not as well constrained and are dependent on the bios-
surrounding the dating of a particular event (Haq, 2014). tratigraphic determinations of the original authors and their
Major third-order events, occurring consistently in many interpretations of age equivalence to the standard European
parts of the world in the same biozone (or its equivalent biozones and substages.
biozone of another fossil group), have been deemed to be According to multiple integrative criteria, KTu4 occurs
synchronous, especially when major disruptive influences near the base of the Romaniceras deverianum Ammonite
from local tectonics can be ruled out. Nevertheless, steady Subzone in Europe (termed Tu3 by Hardenbol et al. (1998)),
subsidence (or uplift) may locally dampen or enhance the which has a duration of ~0.4 Myr and is in the upper part of
amplitude of this change, which can be corrected for to get a the European Collignoniceras woollgari Zone (Hardenbol et
meaningful measure of local sea-level change. al., 1998). In the WIB this interval correlates with the base
A change in local tectonics (i.e., rates of subsidence/up- of the local Prionocyclus hyatti Zone and is stratigraphically
lift), as well in the a rates of sediment supply to a margin or above the WIB concept of C. woollgari and C. percarinatus
a basin, can not only modify the local measure of the am- Zones (Hardenbol and Robaszynski, 1998; Figure 1) with a
plitude of sea-level fall, but can also slow down (delay) the total duration of ~1 Myr. In Europe the R. deverianum sub-
timing at which the sea-level falls below the shelf edge and zone (as well as the P. hyatti Zone in WIB) has an estimated
starts incising the shelf to produce incised valleys. Thus, a duration of ~0.4 Myr. This gives an error estimate for the
certain amount of diachroneity (within the error range) is to KTu4 sequence boundary of ~0.4 Myr.
be expected in the timing of the third-order sequence bound- An error bar of ~0.4 Myr for KTu4 is considered suffi-
aries. Far-field tectonics (e.g., dynamic topography; Haq, ciently narrow for third-order cycles, most of which last
2014; Cloetingh and Haq, 2015) can also significantly influ- between one to three million years. For more precise corre-
ence regional tectonics and thus the amplitude of sea-level lations than those available, multiple overlapping biozones
events when measured locally. This has led to the conclusion (based on several different fossil groups) can sometimes
that estimates of amplitude in any given location are always narrow the limits of uncertainty (see Hardenbol et al. (1998)
local or regional measures of sea-level change (= eurybatic) correlation charts for the Cretaceous of European basins).
and not equal to a collective measure of the global mean (= Chemostratigraphic (e.g., strontium isotopes) and sta-
eustatic) (Haq, 2014; Cloetingh and Haq, 2015). ble-isotopic correlations primarily using oxygen and carbon
isotopes, can also be helpful in reducing the age uncertainty.
However, in the middle to late Turonian interval, microfossil
2.   The age of KTu4 event and error estimate
(nannoplankton and planktonic foraminiferal) zones have
The astrochronologically calibrated time scale of Meyers wide durations and correlation uncertainties and isotopic
et al. (2012) has firmly placed the Cenomanian-Turonian data are not available from many individual sections. Thus,
boundary at 93.9 Ma, an age that was adopted by Ogg and one is forced to rely heavily on ammonite zonal schemes
Hinnov (2012) in the 2012 Geological Time Scale (GTS and their correlatability. Nevertheless, to adequately address
2012). The latter time scale is used here. In the Turonian the questions concerning causal mechanisms for eustatic events
Haq (2014) revision of the Cretaceous sea-level record rec- (e.g., whether sufficiently large ice sheets could have existed
ognized a prominent sequence boundary (SB) in the middle and whether ice volume variation were responsible for eu-
to late Turonian and another near the Turonian-Coniacian static shifts) in the Turonian, greater chronological precision
boundary (KTu4 and KTu5 centered at 91.8 and 89.9 Ma, is needed. Is such a precision possible for the KTu4 event?
respectively). The other three events, listed in the early Here we would like to examine the third-order KTu4 event
Turonian were considered minor in amplitude. These SB at the peak of the Turonian hot greenhouse climate to ascer-
events have been tied and cross-correlated based on am- tain whether a single, causal mechanism was likely to have
monite zonation schemes (aided by microfossil zonations) produced this prominent sequence boundary.
Haq B U, et al.    Sci China Earth Sci    3

2.1   “Orders” of sedimentary cyclicity higher-frequency cycles are normally beyond the resolution
of remote investigative tools (such as seismic exploration
In his discussion of Cretaceous eustasy, Haq (2014) stressed imaging). However, when sedimentation rates are high (e.g.,
that when considering sea-level change, it is important to in a deltaic region) fourth-order cycles may be preserved
specify the time scale of the events under consideration in the sedimentary record and are more easily discernable,
because of the differences in approach used for measuring even on seismic lines. The fourth-order sedimentary cycles
longer-term trends vs shorter duration events. For example, become important in exploration at the field-scale during
longer-term (>10 Myr) sea level trends have been estimated exploitation engineering as their architecture and stacking
by several interdependent techniques, including those based patterns provide clues to the potential baffles and barriers to
on continental flooding data, variations in the mean age of the fluid flow. Thus, the origin of third-order cycles is related
seafloor (which works as far back as Cretaceous), variations more to the convenience of the most common exploration
in the volume of mid-ocean ridges and their total length, and tool and its resolution limits (i.e., seismic stratigraphy) rather
ocean-floor emplacement of seamounts and large igneous than any other factor. And these cycles could have had both
provinces. In addition, in younger parts of the Cenozoic, a climatic and tectonic origin.
longer-term trends in oxygen-isotopic variations of seawater
have also been employed to garner a sense of the long- and 2.2   Tectonics and eustasy
short-term fluctuations of ice volumes sequestered on the
continents and their effect on changes in the amplitude of In recent years we have become aware that the global signal of
global sea level. These long-term trends (also known as sea-level variations can be expressed differently in different
second-order variations) clearly indicate that the Cenoma- places due to regional lithospheric deflections that occur on
nian-Turonian was a time of high sea stands, possibly the all time scales (see Haq (2014) for a discussion; Table 1). On
highest in the Mesozoic (Haq, 2014). Over the shorter time shorter time scales (10–100’s of years), both elastic isostatic
scales of third-order variations (~0.5 to 3 Myr, most events response to ice and water unloading during deglacials, and
being around ~1 Myr), sea-level changes, are largely mea- post-glacial viscous lithospheric response (at 1000–100000
sured stratigraphically along continental margins and in the years’ time scales) leading to mass redistribution at depth,
interior basins. These produce sedimentary cycles of princi- cause regional vertical movements along the continental mar-
pal relevance in exploration geology and are thus targets of gins (see Conrad (2013), for a summary of solid Earth influ-
interest for the petroleum industry. Fourth-order sea-level ences on sea level). These therefore influence our measure-
changes are those that occur on multiple Milankovitch orbital ment of the eurybatic amplitudes (measure of local or regional
time scales (e.g., the ~405 kyr cyclicity, multiples of the sea-level change) on shorter time scales.
orbital eccentricity) and are assumed to be largely climat- For the longer, third order, time scales of sea-level changes
ically driven. This scale of cyclicity also seems to be the (especially at the higher range of these cycles) dynamic to-
basic building block of the broader sedimentary cycles. Such pography may become more relevant. Dynamic topography

Table 1    Various mechanisms that can modify local/regional (eurybatic) and global (eustatic) measures of sea levels, their time scales, their magnitude of
change, and their extent a)
Mechanism Operative time scales Magnitude of change Potential extent
Water sequestration on land
1) Terrestrial acquifers and lakes <0.01 Myr up to 100 m Global
2) Glaciations/deglaciations 0.01−0.1 Myr 100−250 m Global
3) Water exchange with mantle ?0.1−1.0 Myr Unknown ?Global
Changes in container capacity of oceans
1) GIA a) elastic rebound 0.000001 Myr
up to 100 m Regional
b) viscous mantle flow 0.0001−0.1 Myr
2) Mean age of oceanic crust 50−100 Myr
100−300 m Global
3) Ridge production rate changes 50−100 Myr
4) Ocean floor volcanic activity (LIPS) 1−10 Myr 500−1000 m Global
5) Mantle/Lithosphere interactions 1−10 Myr 10−100 m Regional/Global
6) Intraplate deformation 1−10 Myr 10−1000 m Regional/Global
7) Dynamic topography >5 Myr up to 1000 m Regional/Global
8) Sedimentation 1−10 Myr 50−100 m Global
a) GIA: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment. After Cloetingh and Haq (2015).
Haq B U, et al.    Sci China Earth Sci   

is a term that has been used for broad, longer wavelength, to- stands out as the most widely correlatable.
pographic anomalies caused by mantle convection flow pat- A comparison with Jarvis et al.’s (2006) detailed δ13C
terns (mantle upwelling and downwelling) that influence the carbon-isotopic curve for the Late Cretaceous indicates that
stratigraphic measure of eurybatic changes in many locations their database stops just short of KTu4 event in the Culver
(see Haq (2014), Cloetingh and Haq (2015), and references Cliff, Isle of Wight, and Dover sections of England (see
therein). The role of dynamic topography has been recog- their Fig. 3), but may extend to this level in the Eastbourne
nized as the reason for variance between estimates of eury- section. However, there is no prominent anomaly in the
batic and eustatic amplitudes. Haq (2014) concluded that interval that should correlate with the KTu4 event. A more
since the effects of dynamic topography are apparent largely recent δ13C correlation with an expanded Turonian pelagic
on the relatively longer time scales (>5 Myr), its net effect is section from Bohemia in the Czech Republic (Jarvis et al.,
to inhibit or augment the underlying global signal of higher 2015) shows similarities in the long-term trends with other
frequency sea-level events that occur at shorter time scales sections in NW Europe and the WIB, but again no shifts
and it rarely dampens out this signal completely. correlate with the KTu4 event. We therefore cannot use
δ13C curves as an additional criterion for correlation of the
KTu4 event. In North America, the best records for studying
3.   Turonian sequence boundaries
Turonian sea level changes are recorded on the New Jersey
In Figure 1, we have summarized the biostratigraphic criteria Coastal Plain and in the Western Interior Basin (WIB). Two
for age assignment of the KTu4 event that has been identified sequence boundaries were identified within inner to middle
as a major sequence boundary, when the global sea level is neritic Turonian sediments drilled at the Ancora and Bass
estimated to have fallen ~75 m (Haq, 2014). In this figure we River boreholes on the New Jersey Coastal Plain (Miller et
compare the latest Cenomanian to Turonian sequence bound- al., 2004). These are not well resolved biostratigraphically
aries of Haq (2014) with sequence boundaries and their asso- because of the shallow paleodepth, but integration of Sr
ciated unconformities identified in the Western Interior Sea- isotope stratigraphy with the biostratigraphic results suggests
way, the New Jersey Coastal Plain, England, Europe, Egypt that the biggest sea level drop occurred during the middle
and the Russian Platform. We note that although the sea level Turonian at nearly the same time as the KTu4 event. The
history interpreted for the latter region has been cited in nu- second Turonian sequence boundary was estimated to occur
merous works, it is problematic due to difficulties in corre- during the late Turonian. In the central WIB, widespread
lating local ammonite and inoceramid zones with the rest of Turonian unconformities have been recorded at the base and
Europe and because the deverianun and neptuni ammonite top of the Codell Sandstone (Joo and Sageman, 2014). The
zones are considered as contemporaneous, which is contrary KTu4 unconformity occurs at the base of this unit within
to the biostratigraphic scheme reproduced in Figure 1 (Gale, the lower Prionocyclus hyatti Ammonite Zone, which is
1996). Hiatus ages are interpreted from ages provided in the correlative with the upper C. woollgari of Northwest Europe
original publications with updates, where possible, for bio- and. Difficulties in correlating WIB ammonite zones with
zone boundary age estimates for Northwest Europe (Ogg and those of Europe remain. For example, as noted above, in
Hinnov, 2012) and radiometric ages from the Western Interior the WIB the C. woollgari Zone is followed by the first oc-
Seaway (Cobban et al., 2006). The remaining age estimates currence of Prionocyclus hyatti, whereas the ranges of these
are inferred from indirect correlation with Northwest Euro- species overlap in SE France (Kennedy et al., 2000). Such
pean macrofossil biozones and/or relative positions within distributional anomalies make a stratigrapher’s job more
identified substages. The duration of erosion associated with complex, and again underscore the need for using of multiple
the KTu4 event (and thus the extent of the missing section) overlapping criteria for establishing such correlations.
varies in different locations, which depends on the local am- In shallow marine sections studied in Egypt four sequence
plitude of the sea-level fall as well as duration of the subaerial boundaries were identified in Turonian sediments by Wilm-
exposure. sen and Nagm (2013), one of which, designated as Tu2, cor-
In Northern European basins the event under considera- relates with the KTu4 event. On the Russian Platform a major
tion was identified as Tu3 by Hardenbol et al. (1998) and sequence boundary was identified in the mid-Turonian and la-
placed in the upper part of the C. woollgari Zone (within the beled as Tu2 by Sahagian et al. (1996). However, because of
R. deverianum Subzone in Europe), and this was later desig- the difficulties in correlating Russian ammonite zones with
nated as KTu4 by Haq (2014). Although multiple unconfor- the rest of Europe, it is not clear if this comes anywhere close
mities have been placed at different levels within late Ceno- to corresponding with the KTu4 event.
manian and Turonian sequences in England (Gale, 1996), Detailed studies of an expanded pelagic Turonian section
the Salzgitter-Salder section in Poland (Voigt and Hilbrecht, from Bohemia in the Czech Republic (Uličný et al., 2014;
1997), and the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin in the Czech Re- Olde et al., 2015; Jarvis et al., 2015) are relevant and need to
public (Wiese et al., 2004), the KTu4 event of Haq (2014) be  considered  here.  This  area  in  the  Bohemia  was sub-
Haq B U, et al.    Sci China Earth Sci    5

Figure 1     Cenomanian–Turonian ammonite and inoceramid biozones and previously identified sea level fall events identified as unconformities (wavy
pattern) and sequence boundaries (numbered events) that include third-order events labeled in bold. Diagonal pattern represents missing time and/or missing
section. Age estimates for Northwest European ammonite zones are from Ogg and Hinnov (2012). Positions of hiatuses (wavy lines) estimated from relative
position in biozone used for regional correlation. Dashed biozones and hiatuses may have significant age uncertainty. Labels and disconformities shown for
some of the sequence boundary events were used in the original publications. References include: 1, Haq (2014); 2, Joo and Sageman (2014); 3, Sageman et al.
(1998); 4, Miller et al. (2004); 5, Gale (1996); 6, Hardenbol et al. (1998) and Hardenbol and Robaszynski (1998); 7, Voigt and Hilbrecht (1997); 8, Wilmsen
and Nagm (2013); 9, Sahagian et al. (1996). Abbreviations are as follows: Ang. = Aristrocrat Angus core; Port. = USGS #1 Portland core; Mark. Plat. =
Markagunt Plateau; N.J. Cst. Pl. = New Jersey Coastal Plain; Anc. = Ancora core; Bass = Bass River core; NW Euro. = Northwest Europe; Salz.-Sald. =
Salzgitter-Salder quarry. See cited publications for full spelling of biozones.

jected to high-resolution sedimentological, geochemical, the rates of sea-level falls in such an area would have to
stable-isotopic, and palynological analyses. Numerous be much greater than the rate of subsidence in order to be
short-term transgressive-regressive cycles in the Turonian recognized as a major sea-level event. Moreover, the iden-
were identified basin-wide (Uličný et al., 2014) and geo- tified transgressive/regressive cycles may have been purely
chemical indicators, (e.g., Mn, Ti/Al ratios) and dinocysts a response to local sediment supply responding to climate
were considered as potential indicators for short-, medium- change in the sediment source area rather than to eustasy.
and long-term sea-level cycles, respectively (Olde et al.,
2015). Long-term trends of the δ13C record (with a 40 kyr
4.   Turonian hot greenhouse climate
resolution) from the section correlate with NW European
and WIB sections, thus indicating its potential for sorting Based on the widespread correlation of a third-order sea-level
out discrepancies in the ammonite zones in the two regions. fall within approximately the same middle Turonian am-
However, as the data currently exist, it is difficult to pick the monite zone and correlative inoceramid zone, the KTu4
3rd-order cycles from among the many Milankovitch scale sequence boundary can reasonably be considered a global
cycles, expressed as short-term Turonian transgressive-re- eustatic event. Within the chronostratigraphic resolution
gressive events in the Bohemian sections. The area was available, which generally does not include microfossil or
tectonically active during the Late Cretaceous and, therefore, radiometric age control, its temporal duration seems to have
Haq B U, et al.    Sci China Earth Sci   

varied and this age is centered at ~91.8 Ma according to GTS or proscribe at least a 50% increase in oceanic poleward heat
2012 (where it was labeled as Tu3). transport relative to earlier mid-Cretaceous conditions (Bice
The KTu4 sequence boundary occurs during the warmest et al., 2003).
time of the Cretaceous Period (Hay, 2011). Evidence for Recent advances in paleoclimate modeling offer potential
such extreme global warmth has amassed from a wide ar- avenues for closing the model-data gap through consider-
ray of paleoclimatic indicators for this time, including the ation of water vapor and biological feedbacks (Kump and
presence of diverse, non-marine ectothermic reptiles at the Pollard, 2008), surface emission of non-CO2 greenhouse
paleolatitude of 71°N (Tarduno et al., 1998; Vandermark et gases (Beerling et al., 2011), and regional increases in
al., 2007), terrestrial plant assemblages from the high lati- ocean-heat transport (Poulsen and Zhou, 2013). With in-
tudes of both hemispheres (Herman and Spicer, 1996) and creasing amounts of atmospheric pCO2 Poulsen and Zhou
geochemical data that indicate sea surface temperatures of (2013) coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation ex-
36–42°C at 10°N and up to 30°C at 60°S (e.g., Bice et al., periments for the Cretaceous Arctic predict much reduced
2003, 2006; Forster et al., 2007). Although climate model winter sea ice cover at 10×pCO2 (2800 ppmv) and no sea ice
investigations attribute the extreme warmth of this time to a cover at 16×pCO2 (4480 ppmv). In coupled atmosphere-ice
high partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 (from 700 to 4000 sheet experiments for the Cenozoic, DeConto and Pollard
ppmv; Bice and Norris, 2002) as a result of high rates of vol- (2003) determined that an ice cap will not grow on the high
canic degassing (Schlanger et al., 1981; Larson, 1991; Lee plateau of East Antarctica above 2.8×pCO2 (1000 ppmv),
and Lackey, 2015), such concentrations have been deemed using present day, but ice free and isostatically adjusted,
unreasonably high, suggesting that high methane (a minimum topography, (see below).
10 times more potent greenhouse gas than CO2) may be par-
tially responsible for the peak warmth. Despite the evidence
5.   Discussion: Ice sheets in Cretaceous?
for hot greenhouse conditions, several authors have proposed
that continental ice sheets formed during this hot greenhouse Identification of a third-order sea level fall at a number of
interval and were the cause for the mid-Turonian global eu- locations worldwide within the upper part of the Collignon-
static change in sea level (Miller et al., 2004, 2005; Borne- ceras woollgari Ammonite Zone of the middle-late Turonian,
mann et al., 2008; Galeotti et al., 2009). or an equivalent correlative level centered around ~91.8 Ma
Compilations of deep-sea benthic foraminiferal and bulk (with an ~0.4 Myr age uncertainty) presents a major paradox
carbonate δ18O data reveal that the world ocean experienced as it occurs in what is considered the warmest interval of the
long-term warming from the late Aptian through middle past 150 Myr and a time when polar ice caps were least likely
Cenomanian, maintained extremely warm temperatures to have existed. It is very unlikely that any extensive ice sheet
(>20°C at mid-bathyal depths) from the late Cenomanian were present at high elevations on the major continents as the
through Santonian, and gradually returned to cooler values Cretaceous was a period with few high mountain ranges and
(~6–8°C at mid-bathyal depths) during the Maastrichtian even fewer high plateaux (Hay, 2016). The only possible ex-
(Huber et al., 1995, 2002; Clarke and Jenkyns, 1999; Wilson ception is Antarctica. The latter has been in a polar position
et al., 2002; Friedrich et al., 2012). Oxygen isotopic records since the late Paleozoic. Could there have been highlands
from surface dwelling planktonic foraminifera at south- with high enough elevations to hold ephemeral ice sheets that
ern high latitudes parallel these benthic δ18O trends. The can cause as much as 60–75 m of sea-level change?
highest planktic δ18O values occur in the late Aptian-early DeConto and Pollard (2003) coupled global climate model
Albian and Maastrichtian and the lowest values occur in and dynamic ice-sheet model used reconstructions of Antarc-
the Turonian-Santonian (Huber et al., 1995, 2002; Fassell tica based on ice-free and present day topography, with iso-
and Bralower, 1999; Barrera and Savin, 1999). At Falkland static adjustments for ice-free conditions. The maximum as-
Plateau DSDP Site 511, planktonic foraminifera show no sumed elevation of the Antarctic continent was not stated
evidence of recrystallization at the micron scale. These and presumably is based on modern analogs. Nonetheless,
specimens have δ18O values that range from –4.3‰ to –4.7‰ the model experiments indicate that a continental scale ice
suggesting that the upper ocean at ~60°S paleolatitude was cap would not grow above a threshold of 2.8×pCO2 or 780
as warm as 30–32°C during the late Turonian (Bice et al., ppmv. Most climate models have assumed at least 4×pCO2
2003). Explanations for the low oxygen isotope values that for the mid-Cretaceous (Barron and Washington, 1985; Bar-
invoke mixing with δ18O-depleted freshwater runoff yield ron et al., 1993; Poulsen and Zhou, 2013) and a minimum
estimates of water salinity that is too brackish to be compat- fit between high latitude Turonian paleotemperature data and
ible with observed microfossil assemblages. On the other climate model experiments requires at least 16×pCO2 (4500
hand, temperatures estimated assuming normal seawater ppmv) (Bice et al., 2003) unless the amount of methane was
δ18O values are incompatible with climate models unless the also significantly high.
models use either improbably high pCO2 levels (≥6500 ppm) Another problem is that we cannot meaningfully evaluate
Haq B U, et al.    Sci China Earth Sci    7

Cretaceous sea levels by converting δ18O values to ice-vol- Some 20 Myr later the plate had subducted deep enough in
ume estimates (after correcting for the temperature compo- its low-angle trajectory that eastern Australia was able to pop
nent) because it is fraught with difficulties and in practice may back up. Today the continent is located north of the former
not be useful in deep time, beyond providing some sense of subduction site, and has dropped in elevation due to down-
the long-term trends. Application of δ18O paleothermometry ward pull in the mantle under Indonesia that is also sinking
to older than Pleistocene intervals for teasing out ice volume (Gurnis et al., 1998). There are several other examples of
estimates is complicated because of several reasons, includ- changing dynamic topographic effects with time elsewhere
ing, not knowing the past oxygen-isotopic composition of in the world on the Earth surface based on better resolution
seawater and because when ice sheets grow there is progres- tomographic images and geodynamic models (Cloetingh and
sive depletion in δ18O as elevation increases and temperatures Haq, 2015).
decrease. This implies that in early stages mean δ18O of the Could Antarctica have suffered such effects in the Creta-
ice sheets are higher than at later stages of growth. When ice ceous? Cloetingh and Haq (2015) have already discussed this
sheets shrink, without complete melting, and begin to enlarge issue. They noted that, because ice sheets are sensitive to both
again, their mean isotopic values become even more difficult latitude and altitude, if Antarctica displayed enough tempo-
to decipher. And then there are other complicating factors, ral variations in topography to cause substantial variability
such as the pH variations and diagenetic changes that can al- in water sequestration, it may be able to explain third-order
ter the isotopic signal in deep time (see discussion of δ18O vs. cyclicity in the Cretaceous. Latitudinally, Antarctica has been
ice volume in Haq (2014) and references therein). in a polar position since the late Paleozoic, but the knowl-
Although the paleogeographies of Antarctica in the Creta- edge of topographic variations will, of course have to wait
ceous are as yet unknown, the DeConto-Pollard models do until we have high-resolution tomographic images of Antarc-
imply that marine seaways may have reached the proximity tica and hind-casted geodynamic modeling of the continent
of the South Pole during the peak warming in the Late Cre- has been accomplished. Only then will we be able to ascer-
taceous. Did this provide a source of heat that may have im- tain if elevated topography could have occurred on a large
peded ice sheet growth, or did it actually provide the addi- scale by mantle-related processes underneath Antarctica that
tional moisture needed to precipitate more ice on higher al- would in turn cause sequestration of water leading to major
titudes nearby? The answer to this question depends a great eustatic changes.
deal on the elevation and topography of Antarctica during the
6.   Other potential causes
This brings us to the issue of the potential existence of an el-
evated plateau on Antarctica in the mid- to Late Cretaceous. Although our focus here has been on the potential of
Recent advances in deep tomographic imaging of the litho- glacio-eustasy in the hot-house climate of the Late Creta-
sphere/mantle transition zone have allowed new understand- ceous, we also need to consider other water sequestration
ing of the behavior of the subducted plates underneath con- mechanisms (Table 1). Periodic storage and release of
tinents (see discussion in Cloetingh and Haq (2015) and ref- water from land (in lakes, aquifers and soil moisture) to
erences therein). We already know from geodynamic models the ocean as a cause for sea-level variations is an idea that
based on such images that parts of continents can rise and has been around for a while (Hay and Leslie, 1990; Jacobs
subside when oceanic subducted slabs traverse underneath and Sahagian, 1993), though it has been assumed that the
the continental lithosphere. Examples from North America time scales on which this may occur were along the order
and Australia that have been modeled show the long-wave of Milankovitch scale (rather than third-order eustatic time
bulging and buckling that occurs (also known as dynamic to- scales) and that it could account for only smaller amplitudes
pography) due to these effects (e.g., Gurnis et al., 1998; Liu of sea-level variations (~20 m, and at the most 40 m if all
et al., 2008). In this time interval in North America a surficial free water was to be transferred to the ocean). It is however,
topographic low migrated east together with remnants of the difficult to envision how regional climate changes (which
subducted Farallon Plate, creating a major seaway in Western are not always in-sync with global climates) that are largely
Interior. Its far-field effect was the bulging in the Midwest responsible for filling and emptying lakes and aquifers on
west upwards over a kilometer and subsidence along the US land (as modern climatic analogies imply) would cause
East Coast (Liu et al., 2008). Similarly, modeling also shows global effects of any magnitude. It is also difficult to imagine
Australia’s ups and downs in the Cretaceous (Gurnis et al., a scenario where every drop of the terrestrial water were to
1998). be transferred to the ocean in a single climatic cycle, so the
In the Early Cretaceous Australia was bordered by a sub- effective amplitude of sea level variations was most likely
duction zone to the east. Initially the down-going plate pulled closer to ~20 m that would involve wet/dry groundwater
down the surrounding mantle and eastern edge of Australia. alternations. This mechanism has recently found renewed
Haq B U, et al.    Sci China Earth Sci   

favor with other workers as well (e.g., Sames et al., 2016; water to the ocean and entrainment and release of water from
Wagreich et al., 2016; Wendler and Wendler, 2016). Es- the mantle to the oceanic container are intriguing and need to
pecially, Wendler and Wendler (2016) have argued that be explored further to prove their efficacy at the third-order
both terrestrial-water transfers, as well as glacio-eustasy are time scales.
operative all the time, with the former dominating during the Thus, the operative reason(s) for the KTu4 event (and also
greenhouse times and the latter overwhelming the former in other major sea level events in the Late Cretaceous) remain
ice-house times. They feel that during the mid-Cretaceous unresolved at this time, though some important leads are at
we may be seeing such a combined effect, with dominance hand. It is most likely that in the end it may turn out that
of terrestrial-water transfer as the operative mechanism. This sea-level fluctuations during the greenhouse times are due to a
is indeed an intriguing idea and needs to be further looked combination of several factors influencing eustasy rather than
into with better argued estimates for Cretaceous pore-space one dominant source.
in active part of the terrestrial upper crust and mechanisms
that can actually transfer substantial amount of water from
this reservoir to the ocean and vice versa. The other question Acknowledgements     The authors are very grateful to the organizers
and hosts of the IGCP 609 International Workshop on Climate and Envi-
is whether these mechanisms can operate on third-order time
ronmental Evolution in the Mesozoic Greenhouse World, held in Nanjing,
scales (i.e., ~1 Myr). China from 5−11 September 2015, for putting together a highly stimulating
The other potential water sequestration mechanism, espe- and most enjoyable meeting. The authors also thank two anonymous review-
cially relevant for the Cretaceous, is the water exchange be- ers for their contributions toward improvement of this paper. This paper is
a contribution to IGCP Project 609 “Climate-environmental deteriorations
tween ocean and the mantle (Table 1). Cloetingh and Haq
during greenhouse phases: Causes and consequences of short-term Creta-
(2015) have argued that by and large the Cretaceous is char- ceous sea-level changes”.
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