Uplift, Erosion and Stability: Perspectives On Long-Term Landscape Development

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Uplift, Erosion and Stability:

Perspectives on Long-term Landscape Development

Geological Society Special Publications
Series Editors

It is recommended that reference to all or part of this book should be made in one of the
following ways:
SMITH, B. J., WI-IALLEY,W. B. & WARKE, P. A. (eds) 1999. Uplift, Erosion and Stability."
Perspectives on Long-term Landscape Development. Geological Society, London, Special
Publications, 162.
PUURA, V., VAHER, R. & TUULING, I. 1999. Pre-Devonian landscape of the Baltic Oil-Shale
Basin, NW of the Russian platform. In. SMITH,B. J., WnAU~EV, W. B. & WARKE, P. A. (eds)
Uplift, Erosion and Stability." Perspectives on Long-term Landscape Development. Geologi-
cal Society, London, Special Publications, 162, 75-83.

Uplift, Erosion and Stability:

Perspectives on Long-term Landscape Development




P A T R I C I A A. W A R K E
School of Geosciences
Queen's University of Belfast

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SMITH, B. J., WHALLEY,W. B., WARKE,P. A. & RUFFELL,A. Introduction and background: vii
interpretations of landscape change

The British Isles

JONES, D. K. C. Evolving models of the Tertiary evolutionary geomorphology of southern 1
England, with special reference to the Chalklands
JONES, D. K. C. On the uplift and denudation of the Weald 25
WALSH, P., BOULTER, M. d~; MORAWIECKA,I. Chattian and Miocene elements in the modern 45
landscape of western Britain and Ireland
BATTIAU-QUENEY,Y. Crustal anisotropy and differential uplift: their role in long-term land- 65
form development

Mainland Europe and Scandinavia

PUURA, V., VAHER,R. & TUULING,I. Pre-Devonian landscape of the Baltic Oil-Shale Basin, 75
NW of the Russian platform
LIDMAR-BERGSTR()M, K. Uplift histories revealed by landforms of the Scandinavian domes 85
MIGON, P. Inherited landscapes of the Sudetic Foreland (SW Poland) and implications for 93
reconstructing uplift and erosional histories of upland terrains in Central Europe
BASILI, R., GALADINI,F. & MESSINA,P. The application of palaeo-landsurface analysis to the 109
study of recent tectonics in central Italy
BARTOLINI,C. An overview of Pliocene to present-day uplift and denudation rates in the 119
Northern Apennine

Africa and The Middle East

BAIRD, A. W. & RUSSELL, A. J. Structural and stratigraphic perspectives on the uplift and 127
erosional history of Djebel Cherichira and Oued Grigema, a segment of the Tunisian Atlas
thrust fault
BUTLER, R. W. H. & SPENCER, S. Landscape evolution and the preservation of tectonic 143
landforms along the northern Yammouneh Fault, Lebanon
ERmSSON, M. G. Influence of crustal movements on landforms, erosion and sediment deposi- 157
tion in the Irangi Hills, central Tanzania

PETLEY, D. N. & REID, S. Uplift and landscape stability at Taroko, eastern Taiwan 169
FOTHERGILL,P. A. r MA, H. Preliminary observations on the geomorphic evolution of the 183
Guide Basin, Qinghai Province, China: implications for the uplift of the northeast margin
of the Tibetan Plateau
landscape evolution of Nemegt Uul: a late Cenozoic transpressional uplift in the Gobi Altai,
southern Mongolia

The Americas
CONRAD,C. T. & SAUNDERSON,H. C. Temporal and spatial variation in suspended sediment 219
yields from eastern North America

COSTA, C. H., GIACCARDI,A. D. & GONZALEZDiAZ, E. F. Palaeo-landsurfaces and neo- 229

tectonic analysis in the southern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
COLTORTI,M. • OLLIER,C. D. The significance of high planation surfaces in the Andes of 239

& DENTON, G. H. Cosmogenic isotope data support previous evidence of extremely low rates
of denudation in the Dry Valleys region, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica

Index 269
Introduction and background: interpretations of landscape change

B. J. SMITH, W. B. WHALLEY, P. A. W A R K E & A. R U F F E L L

School o f Geosciences, The Queen's University o f Belfast, Belfast, B T 7 I N N , UK

Research into the origins of landscape has a A similar trend can be identified within geol-
long and distinguished tradition. In America, ogy, whereby studies of uplift, erosion and
landscape studies form the core of physical stability clearly fall into pre-plate tectonics and
geology while elsewhere the study of landscape post-plate tectonics generations. In the 1920s,
development has spread beyond the confines of studies of denudation were popular, as evidenced
geology to develop a firmer foothold in the by the volume of work conducted in southern
geographical tradition, particularly in geomor- England and based largely on observations of
phology. The development of ideas in land- palaeovaUeys, tilted strata and unconformities.
scape study has, however, been neither steady Sediment provenance became important in the
nor sequential. It has been characterized 1920s and 1930s and early works on the use of
instead by several major conceptual shifts inter- heavy minerals in studies of past erosion were
spersed with periods of reinforcement or developed. By the 1960s geologists were standing
neglect. Within geomorphology, and certainly back and viewing many processes in terms of
within the English-speaking world, the most their global plate tectonic significance. However,
important of these shifts occurred in the early this emphasis on processes inevitably led to the
1960s with the move from denudation chronol- development of more labour-intensive analytical
ogy of landscapes as a core activity to an methods, as a consequence of which, the wider
emphasis on process-based investigation of perspective began to be neglected. Through the
individual landforms. 1970s and 1980s, therefore, studies of uplift
In geology, the 1960s also marked an impor- developed using methods that determine heating
tant change in perspective. Publication of plate or pressurization of the uplifted rocks. Thermal
tectonic theories (sea-floor spreading, continen- estimates of uplift, including spore or conodont
tal drift, subduction and mountain building) alteration indexes, fluid inclusion studies and
had far-reaching consequences for all earth diagenetic models were developed, together
science. In particular, plate tectonics made the with estimates of pressurization including studies
study of apparently ancient processes (billions of mineralogy and sonic borehole logs. However,
of years old) applicable to the present-day perhaps the most significant advance in the deter-
with, for example, application to earthquake mination of uplift rates and amounts has been in
studies. the field of apatite fission track analysis (AFTA)
Whilst the initial shift towards process studies (Carter 1999). The widespread use of AFTA in
was a response to the desire for a better under- the oil industry has provided large datasets that
standing of the mechanisms driving landscape encompass the offshore basins formerly ignored
change, it was not long before this goal became by those concerned with land erosion (Buchanan
relegated in the eyes of many of its practitioners. & Buchanan 1995). Studies of erosion and
As a consequence, process study became an end palaeoerosion have also developed from the
in itself, rather than a means to an end. This study of derived clasts to clay minerals and
movement has been reinforced in recent years heavy minerals, requiring increasingly labour-
by a demand for greater 'relevance' from, for intensive, and hence specialist, methods to
example, research funding bodies resulting in an derive local or even regional perspectives.
emphasis on problem solving and wealth genera- Specialization clearly has many advantages.
tion that has moved away from studies at the If, however, it is allowed to proceed unchecked,
landscape scale. Consequently, within geomor- these advantages eventually come to be out-
phology, process studies and applied geomor- weighed by the effects of an increasingly reduc-
phology have come to dominate the literature - tionist approach whereby concentration on
a dominance reinforced by the increasing division small-scale studies and the pursuit of ever greater
and separation of the discipline into process detail detracts from appreciation of the large-
domains such as fluvial and glacial studies. This scale picture and ultimately fragmentation and
has reached the point where many researchers loss of the subject core. Clearly, the longer this
would now naturally identify themselves as reductionist/segregationist approach persists the
specialists in a particular process rather than as more difficult it is to define and to justify the
geomorphologists. existence of the original parent discipline.

From: SMmt, B. J., WHALLEY,W. B. & WARKE,P. A. (eds) 1999. Uplift,Erosionand Stability: Perspectiveson Long-
term Landscape Development. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 162, vii-xi. 1-86239-030-4/99/
$15.00 9 The Geological Society of London 1999.
viii B. J. SMITH E T A L .

The case for integration and collaboration Partridge & Maude 1987; Lidmar-Bergstr6m
1995). Similarly, it is significant that the current
Calls for the integration of process studies and motivation for linking erosion rates, structural
their application to the original question of land- geology and dating methodologies has not
scape characterization and change are not new come solely from geomorphologists, but has
(Summerfield 1981; Douglas 1982). In general been matched by a comparable desire within
these calls have been hindered by problems of geology to integrate these components, largely
scale, whereby there is still an incomplete under- driven by the demands of petroleum exploration
standing of the multiplier effects of extrapolating and a consequent burgeoning of interest in
small-scale, spatially and temporally confined sequence stratigraphy. Thus, there is clear evi-
process studies to larger scales of investigation. dence for the emergence of collaborative, inter-
There is, however, an increasing awareness that disciplinary investigations.
such extrapolation is essential and that present-
day landscape cannot be explained solely in
terms of current processes or even those that The present volume
operated in the geologically recent past.
This view has been fuelled by a growing under- It was recognition of a need for interdisciplinary
standing that many of the world's landscapes are research that provided the stimulus for the meet-
much older than the Quaternary and thus require ing, jointly sponsored by The Geological Society
explanations involving long-term and large-scale of London, The British Geomorphological
consideration of both climatic change and tec- Research Group and IGCP 317 (Palaeoweather-
tonics. This has been emphasized by geomorpho- ing Records and Palaeosurfaces), that led to this
logical and geological investigations over the last publication. The contributors were encouraged
20-30 years in low-latitude environments not to examine large-scale earth surface change - as
directly affected by Quaternary glacial activity, a contribution towards the setting of an agenda
especially in Australia and South Africa (Young for the integration of process and landscape
1983; Fried & Smith 1992; Gale 1992). This in studies. However, the aim extended beyond a
turn, has been supported by an increasing desire to chronicle and understand individual
number of studies in western Europe where landscape histories. Instead, it was hoped that,
evidence has accumulated to support the survival by demonstrating the benefits of interdisciplinary
of pre-glacial landforms (Mitchell 1980), exten- discourse, a widening of interest in landscape
sive deeply weathered Tertiary material (Fitz- studies would be encouraged. It was also hoped
patrick 1963; Hall & Sugden 1987) and pre- that the presentations would demonstrate that
Quaternary weathering and associated land studies of present-day processes can be success-
surfaces (Lidmar-Bergstr6m & Ase 1988; fully placed within an evolutionary framework
Lidmar-Bergstr6m 1995; Whalley et al. 1997). and geological setting, the necessity for which
One factor that has facilitated this renewed increases as appreciation of the antiquity of
interest in long-term landscape change has been many landscapes grows.
the beginning of collaboration between geolo- The material in this volume represents work
gists and geomorphologists, which has greatly from both the geological and geomorphological
enhanced our ability to interpret landscape traditions, and encompasses a wide geographical
development. Central to this have been improve- spread and many geological interests. Most
ments in the elucidation of tectonic and erosional importantly, however, the papers highlight the
histories and the use of dating techniques such as significance of recent advances in analytical tech-
apatite fission track and cosmogenics that have nology for improving interpretation of both
significantly contributed to characterization and geologically 'ancient' and 'young' landscapes.
landscape interpretation (e.g. Morisawa & To set these developments in context, Jones
Hack 1985; Thomas 1995; Widdowson 1997). revisits the 'classic' landscape studies of SE
In addition, a greater concern of structural geol- England by Wooldridge & Linton (1938, 1955)
ogists with questions of landscape change has in the first two papers. In these, recent advances
fostered a much less dogmatic and simplistic in understanding of the Tertiary evolutionary
view of 'uplift, erosion and subsequent deposi- geomorphology of this region are supported by
tion' within geomorphological thinking. In developments in, for example, apatite fission
particular, the role of geosynclinal deposition in track dating and the establishment of inversion
promoting the deformation and uplift of sedi- tectonics. However, while acknowledging that
ment supply areas and the possibilities for using substantial progress has been made towards
rates and patterns of basin deposition for better establishing a much clearer evolutionary geo-
understanding of continental erosion (e.g. morphology for SE England, Jones recognizes

that uncertainties persist especially with regard Spencer who suggest that even in tectonically
to the temporal and spatial dimensions of active areas large-scale tectonic landforms may
uplift, the significance of palaeoenvironmental be preserved for many millions of years with
conditions and the lack of widespread dating of only minor surface modification because of low
surfaces. Walsh e t al. and Battiau-Queney con- denudation rates (e.g. in arid regions).
tinue the theme of revisiting traditional models In all of these studies, the integration of struc-
of landscape development. Walsh et al. use a tural, sedimentological and geomorphological
combination of sedimentological, palaeokarstic data have contributed to large-scale landscape
and palaeobotanical evidence to suggest a greater interpretation and identification of the spatial
antiquity for surfaces previously thought to be of and temporal complexity of landscape develop-
late Pliocene or Pleistocene age. Battiau-Queney ment. The consequence of continued uplift for
highlights the importance of such factors as regional erosion and offshore sedimentation is
continuous energy input associated with plate explored by Bartolini with specific reference to
tectonics and inherited crustal discontinuities in Italy and the Adriatic whereby sedimentological
the long-term landscape development of the data have been used to identify variability of
British Isles. uplift rates since the Upper Oligocene. These
The study by Puura et al. of the pre-Devonian issues are given a North American perspective
landscape of the Baltic Oil-Shale Basin provides by a quantitative analysis of historic erosion
a timely reminder that investigations of complex and deposition rates along the northeastern sea-
present-day landscapes may have implications board of the USA by Conrad & Saunderson -
for interpretation of similar periods of continen- an analysis that recommends caution regarding
tal dominance within the geological record. The the extrapolation of modern sediment yields to
value of traditional landform interpretation in longer-term landscape development.
the provision of a relative chronology of land- The possibility of fixing absolute time-scales to
scape development is also demonstrated by landscape development through the use of
Lidmar-Bergstr6m in her study of Scandinavia cosmogenic dating is explored in detail by
which highlights the increasingly significant role Summerfield e t al. in a study of the Dry Valleys
of apatite fission track analysis in interpreting region of Antarctica. Cosmogenic dating has
denudational histories and in identifying the rela- identified very slow rates of denudation and
tive antiquity of many present-day landscapes. landscape modification in the hyper-arid condi-
From Central Europe, Migon demonstrates the tions of Antarctica. It is sufficiently sensitive to
complexity and antiquity of previously glaciated identify differences between upland and coastal
areas and suggests that much of the upland topo- sites where slightly higher denudation rates in
graphy of the region may be inherited from the the latter possibly reflect the seasonal availability
Early Cenozoic. of liquid water and hence more active weather-
The theme of continuing tectonic control on ing. The ability to date surfaces is perhaps one
the development of individual landscapes and of the most important technological advances
landforms is followed in a series of papers in landscape interpretation. It has enabled recog-
which extend from Tunisia (Baird & Russell) to nition of the antiquity of many landsurfaces and
the Lebanon (Butler & Spencer), Italy (Basili has thus necessitated reassessment of former
et al.), Tanzania (Eriksson) and to extremely interpretations especially with regard to climate
active landscapes dominated by neotectonics in change and tectonics.
Taiwan (Petley & Reid), the Tibetan Plateau
(Fothergill & Ma), Argentina (Costa et ai.), Ecua-
dorian Andes (Coltorti & Oilier) and the Gobi
Desert (Owen et at). The close links between geo- Conclusions
morphological processes, specific landforms and
There is a growing awareness that the explana-
uplift in the formation of contemporary land-
tion of long-term landscape change remains a
scapes in tectonically active regions of Asia are
core objective of geomorphology and physical
also clearly illustrated by Petley & Reid, Fother-
geology. This realization has been prompted by
gill & Ma and Owen et al. Eriksson further exem-
the coincidence of a number of factors:
plifies these interactions with specific regard to
soil erosion in Tanzania with removal of soil 9 a much improved knowledge of geomorpho-
occurring as part of the natural long-term strip- logical processes over the last 40 years, with a
ping of regolith associated with crustal uplift recognition that applied and process geomor-
and tilting of tectonic blocks. These examples phology alone cannot provide a conceptual
of relatively rapid landscape development are framework for a discipline and that there is a
contrasted with the data presented by Butler & need for a purpose to these studies

9 the growing acknowledgement, demonstrated References

by some of the contributions to this volume,
that many of the world's landscapes pre-date BUCHANAN, J. G. & BUCHANAN,P. G. (eds) 1995. Basin
the Quaternary and Tertiary - even those Inversion. Geological Society, London, Special
that were subject to extensive glaciation Publications, 88.
9 a much improved understanding of tectonic CARTER,A. 1999. Present status and future avenues of
source region discrimination and characterisation
processes, coupled with a willingness on the using fission track analysis. Sedimentary Geology,
part ofgeomorphologists and structural geolo- 124, 31-45.
gists to exchange ideas and undertake colla- DOUGLAS, I. 1982. The unfulfilled promise: earth sur-
borative work face processes as a key to landform evolution.
9 the advent of new techniques amenable to the Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 7, 101.
dating of land surfaces and estimation of FITZPATRICK, E. A. 1963. Deeply weathered rock in
erosion rates Scotland, its occurrence, age and contribution to
9 the need to review concepts and practicalities the soils. Journal of Soil Science, 14, 33 43.
FRIED, A. W. • SMITH,N. 1992. Timescales and the role
of long-term landscape evolution, before
of inheritance in long-term landscape evolution,
first-hand experience and expertise in denuda- northern New England, Australia. Earth Surface
tion chronology is lost Processes and Landforms, 17, 375-385.
However, if long-term landscape change is to be GALE, S. 1992. Long-term landscape evolution in Aus-
revisited, it is clear that there must be certain pre- tralia. Earth Surface Processes and Landfbrms, 17,
requisites. First, earth surface studies at the land- HALL, A. M. & SUGDEN,D. E. 1987. The modification
scape scale, especially within geomorphology, of mid-latitude landscapes by ice sheets: the case of
must avoid interpretation of the history of land- north-east Scotland. Earth Surface Processes and
scape based solely upon morphological evidence Landforms, 12, 531-542.
or the efficacy of proprietary models of landscape LIDMAR-BERGSTR6M, K. (ed.) 1995. Preglacial land-
evolution. Second, given the breadth of relevant forms. Geomorphology, 12, 1 89.
knowledge and range of analytical techniques & ASE,L. E. (eds) 1988. Preglacial weathering and
now available, it is evident that, if landscape landform evolution. Geografiska Annaler, 70A,
change is to be understood, it must be through
MITCHELL, G. F. 1980. The search for Tertiary Ireland.
an interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Earth Science (Dublin), 3, 13-33.
Plate tectonics, in particular, has had a major MORISAWA,M. & HACK,J. T. (eds) 1985. Tectonic Geo-
impact on studies of land stability. The realiza- morphology, Unwin Hyman, Boston.
tion that these essentially geological processes PARTRIDGE, T. C. & MAUDE, R. R. 1987. Geomorphic
were occurring in the present day brought geo- evolution of southern Africa since the Mesozoic.
morphology into perspective for m a n y structural South African Journal o.1Geology, 90, 179-208.
geologists (especially in North America), result- SUMMERFIELD, M. A. 1981. Macroscale geomorphol-
ing in the birth of the new science of neo- ogy. Area, 13, 3-8.
THOMAS, M. F. 1995. Models for landform develop-
tectonics. Improved analytical techniques such
ment on passive margins. Some implications for
as real-time satellite imagery and seismic moni- relief development in glaciated areas. Geomorphol-
toring were the result of the obvious social and ogy, 12, 3-16.
economic requirements for understanding Earth WHALLEY,W. B., REA, B. R., RAINEY, M. M. & MCAL-
movements. Until now, the more advanced ISTER, J. J. 1997. Rock weathering in blockfields:
analytical methods (AFTA, heavy minerals) some preliminary data from mountain plateaus in
have been labour intensive and thus confined to North Norway. In. W1DDOWSON,M. (ed.) Palaeo-
local studies. Technological advances and an surfaces: Recognition, Reconstruction and Palaeo-
ever-increasing database suggest that we are environmental Interpretation. Geological Society,
London, Special Publications, 120, 133-145.
now in a position to bring the detail of local
WIDDOWSON,M. (ed.) 1997. Palaeosur['aces." Recogni-
studies into their regional context, using all the tion, Reconstruction and Palaeoenvironmental
skills of geology and geomorphology. Interpretation. Geological Society, London,
Special Publications, 120.
By their very nature, interdisciplinary volumes place WOOLDRIDGE, S. W. 8~; LINTON, D. L. 1938. Some
great strains on the expertise of a limited number of episodes in the structural evolution of southeast
editors. As a consequence, publication would not England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Associa-
have been possible if we had not been able to draw tion, 49, 264-291.
upon the experience of a large number of reviewers -- & -- 1955. Structure, Surface and Drainage in
from a wide range of backgrounds. In addition Dr Southeast England. George Philip & Sons, London.
Bob Holdsworth has provided unstinting guidance YOUNG, R. W. 1983. The tempo of geomorphic change:
and support. To all of these individuals we extend evidence from southeastern Australia. Journal of
our sincerest thanks. Geology, 91, 221-230.

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