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From page 26. Use the items of the section D and create 2 conversations
using interactions for asking where things are and for asking for an
alternative. You can use the example of section B as a model.

Have conversations like the ones in part B. Use these items

Ana: Hi! Excuse me miss

Salesclerk 1: yes?

Ana: I'm looking for the black coats; do you know where they are?

Salesclerk 1: They are located on the first floor next to the shoe section

Ana: very kind, thank you.

Ana: Excuse me

Salesclerk 2: Yes? How can I help you?

Ana: Did you want to know if you have this garment in a small size?

Salesclerk 2: Yes of course, I leave the Czech

Ana: Thank you

Salesclerk 2: Yes to serve you, the lady fitting rooms are in the background


Alicia: Good morning! Excuse me

Salesclerk 1: Yes?

Alicia: Where are the lady's pants?

Salesclerk 1: They are on the third floor, next to the fitting rooms.

Alicia: Thank you.

Alicia: Hello! Excuse me miss

Salesclerk 2: Yes? How can I help you?

Alicia: I'm looking for these red and green pants, do you know if there are any?

Salesclerk 2: I think so, let's see

Ana: Thank you, very kind

Salesclerk 2: You're welcome, if you want to try them on; the fitting rooms are on
this side.

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