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Nagorno-Karabakh conflict - CORPUS

Terminologic Freq. Sample Sentences FIELD

Term (VERB)
1 Say 400 1.Naryshkin said a new war in the region was Nagorno-
unacceptable to Moscow and said the latest Karabakh
upsurge in fighting was different from conflict
previous flare-ups
2. The U.N. High Commissioner for Human
Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said last week that
some 90,000 ethnic Armenians had fled the
fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh for Armenia.
2 Kill 108 1. Asked why he and other villagers were Nagorno-
afraid to stay, he said they feared the Azeris Karabakh
would kill them. conflict

2.Old Russian-brokered ceasefire failed to

halt the worst fighting in the South Caucasus
since the 1990s. At least 750 people have
been killed since fighting began on Sept. 27.

3 Call 56 1.“This step ... was categorically rejected by Nagorno-

Baku,” the foreign ministry said in a Karabakh
statement. Baku called the statement conflict

2. Turkey and Azerbaijan want an end to

what they call Armenian occupation of
Nagorno-Karabakh, and Azerbaijan wants
Turkey involved in peacemaking

4 Control 53 1. A ceasefire was struck late on Monday and Nagorno-

Russian peacekeeping troops have deployed Karabakh
as part of the deal to end a conflict over the conflict
enclave, which is populated and controlled by
ethnic Armenians but internationally
recognised as part of Azerbaijan.

2.At least 1,000 people have died in nearly

six weeks of fighting in and around Nagorno-
Karabakh, a mountainous enclave
internationally recognised as part of
Azerbaijan but populated and controlled by
ethnic Armenians
5 Take 67 1. Even though the 83-year-old Armenian’s Nagorno-
blood oxygen levels were far below normal, Karabakh
the ambulance called by her family refused to conflict
take her to hospital
2.“Even if they had taken her to hospital,
there would anyway have been a queue and
no places available,” her daughter-in-law,
Gayane Mkrtchyan, told Reuters.

6 Accuse 66 1.. Azerbaijan accused Armenia of also Nagorno-

launching an unsuccessful rocket attack on an Karabakh
Azeri hydro-electric power station in conflict
Mingachevir. Ethnic Armenian forces in
Karabakh denied the assertion.

2. Although a ceasefire was agreed in 1994,

after thousands of people were killed and
many more displaced, Azerbaijan and
Armenia frequently accuse each other of
attacks around Nagorno-Karabakh and along
the separate Azeri-Armenian frontier.

7 Attack 60 1. Shushan Stepanyan, spokeswoman for Nagorno-

Armenia’s defence ministry, said Azerbaijan Karabakh
had used drones to attack frontier posts near conflict
the country’s southern border with Iran.
2.Armenia said Azeri forces had attacked
civilian targets including Nagorno-
Karabakh’s capital, Stepanakert, and
promised a “proportionate response”.

8 End 50 1.It ends military action and restores relative Nagorno-

calm to the breakaway territory, Karabakh
internationally recognised as part of conflict
Azerbaijan but populated and, until recently,
fully controlled by ethnic Armenians.

2. The fighting is the worst since a 1991-94

war that killed about 30,000 people and ended
with a ceasefire that has been violated

9 Talk 50 1. But he told France-24 television that he did Nagorno-

not advocate military intervention by Russia, Karabakh
which has a defence pact with Armenia, or conflict
other countries that could lead to “another

2.“It is almost certain to fail if it doesn’t also

involve a detailed plan to end the
occupation,” Turkish presidential spokesman
Ibrahim Kalin told Al Jazeera.
10 Deny 36 1. Authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh denied Nagorno-
this. Karabakh
2. Azerbaijan accused Armenia of also
launching an unsuccessful rocket attack on an
Azeri hydro-electric power station in
Mingachevir. Ethnic Armenian forces in
Karabakh denied the assertion.

11 Make 35 1.Azerbaijan’s military gains could make a Nagorno-

diplomatic solution more difficult: it rejects Karabakh
any solution that would leave Armenians in conflict
control of an enclave that is part of
Azerbaijan but populated and controlled by
ethnic Armenians
2. Under the deal, Azerbaijan will keep
territorial gains made in the fighting,
including the enclave’s second city of
Shusha, which Armenians call Shushi
12 Report 34 1. Azerbaijan’s defence ministry reported Nagorno-
fighting in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, a Karabakh
mountainous part of Azerbaijan populated conflict
and controlled by ethnic Armenians.

2.Both reported firing from the other side

across their shared border, well to the west of
the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region
over which fierce fighting broke out between
Azeri and ethnic Armenian forces on Sunday

13 Support 30 1.Influential Turkish politician Devlet Nagorno-

Bahceli, whose party supports President Karabakh
Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP in parliament, took a conflict
more belligerent tone, telling Azerbaijan to
secure Nagorno-Karabakh by “hitting
Armenia over the head over and over again

2. The conflict threatens to drag in other

regional powers as Azerbaijan is supported by
Turkey, while Armenia has a defence pact
with Russia.

14 Break 29 1.Dozens of people have been reported killed Nagorno-

and hundreds wounded since clashes between Karabakh
Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces broke conflict
out on Sunday, threatening to draw in
neighbours including Azerbaijan’s close ally

2. The collapse of two Russia-brokered

ceasefires had already dimmed the prospect
of a quick end to fighting that broke out on
Sept. 27 over Nagorno-Karabakh.

15 Gain 23 1. Azeri forces say they have made territorial Nagorno-

gains, including full control over the border Karabakh
with Iran, which Armenia denies. Nagorno- conflict
Karabakh’s ethnic Armenian administration
says its forces have repulsed attacks.

2. Under the deal, Azerbaijan will keep

territorial gains made in the fighting,
including the enclave’s second city of
Shusha, which Armenians call Shushi
16 Agree 21 1. Sooner or later, Naryshkin predicted that Nagorno-
the warring partners under international Karabakh
pressure would agree to a ceasefire and sit conflict
down at the negotiating table, a prospect
which Ankara has made clear it strongly

2. Plans for U.S. Secretary of State Mike

Pompeo to meet the foreign ministers of
Azerbaijan and Armenia on Friday raised
hopes this week that the two former Soviet
republics would agree to end their deadliest
fighting since the mid-1990s.

17 Recognise 21 1. A ceasefire was struck late on Monday and Nagorno-

Russian peacekeeping troops have deployed Karabakh
as part of the deal to end a conflict over the conflict
enclave, which is populated and controlled by
ethnic Armenians but internationally
recognised as part of Azerbaijan.

2. The talks were the first diplomatic contact

between the two since fighting over the
mountainous enclave erupted on Sept. 27,
killing hundreds of people. Nagorno-
Karabakh is internationally recognised as part
of Azerbaijan, but is populated and governed
by ethnic Armenians.

18 Continue 21 1.“Otherwise,” he said, “we will continue by Nagorno-

any means to restore our territorial integrity Karabakh
and ... we will go to the end.” conflict
2. Lavrov said Russia would continue to work
both independently and together with other
representatives of the Minsk group of the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE) to mediate in the conflict.
19 Leave 21 1. Arsen, 35, who declined to give his Nagorno-
surname, said he and other ethnic Armenians Karabakh
had no desire to leave anything useful for the conflict

2. Next door, grey smoke was rising from

what was left of his own house.

20 Held 19 1. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Nagorno-

Cavusoglu also held a phone call with Karabakh
Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to discuss conflict
the issue, the Turkish foreign ministry said.

2. Instead, homes have been destroyed, streets

reduced to rubble, and people forced to flee
or seek safety in basements,” she said. “Such
attacks must stop and those responsible for
carrying them out, or ordering them, must be
held to account.”

21 Lead 19 1.But he told France-24 television that he did Nagorno-

not advocate military intervention by Russia, Karabakh
which has a defence pact with Armenia, or conflict
other countries that could lead to “another

2. But hopes that Pompeo’s direct

involvement in mediation might lead to a
breakthrough were dampened by Armenian
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s remarks in
an address to the nation.

22 Raise 19 1. The fighting in the mountainous region has Nagorno-

raised concerns it could trigger a wider Karabakh
conflict, dragging in Turkey, which backs conflict
Azerbaijan, and Russia, which has a defence
pact with Armenia.

2.The re-eruption of one of the “frozen

conflicts” dating back the 1991 collapse of
the Soviet Union has raised concerns about
stability in the South Caucasus, a corridor for
pipelines carrying oil and gas to world

23 Concern 18 1.“We are deeply concerned with the Nagorno-

violations of the ceasefire agreement that lead Karabakh
to new casualties,” NATO Secretary General conflict
Jens Stoltenberg told a news conference after
the meeting.

2. He said France was extremely concerned

by “warlike messages” from Turkey “which
essentially remove any of Azerbaijan’s
inhibitions in reconquering Nagorno-

24 See 18 1. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan Nagorno-

said on Wednesday he could see no Karabakh
diplomatic resolution of the long-running conflict
conflict at this stage.

2. Some residents of Armenia visited the area

on Saturday to see it, possibly for the last
time, and witness the village’s burning. One
Armenian woman was in tears as she

25 Want 17 1. World powers want to prevent a wider war

that might suck in Turkey, an ally of
Azerbaijan, and Russia, which has a defence
pact with Armenia. The conflict is also close
to pipelines that carry oil and gas from
Azerbaijan to international markets.

2. Azerbaijan has said it wants a change in the

talks’ format, has spoken of wanting to get
Turkey involved too, and on Saturday
accused France of not being a neutral
26 Fail 16 1.“It is almost certain to fail if it doesn’t also Nagorno-
involve a detailed plan to end the Karabakh
occupation,” Turkish presidential spokesman conflict
Ibrahim Kalin told Al Jazeera.

2. Azerbaijan’s advances on the battlefield

since fighting began on Sept. 27 have reduced
its incentive to strike a lasting peace deal and
complicated international efforts to broker a
truce. Three ceasefires have failed to hold.

27 Declare 15 1.“Today the Azeri army raised the flag of Nagorno-

Azerbaijan in Madagiz. Madagiz is ours,” Karabakh
Aliyev declared on social media. He later conflict
announced the capture of seven more

2. Regional and military analysts say the

Peacekeepers might be allowed to remain at
the monastery as a result of negotiations
which are still ongoing, Father Ovanes said.

28 Disclose 15 1. Azerbaijan says 19 of its civilians have Nagorno-

been killed, but has not disclosed its military Karabakh
losses. Eleven civilian deaths have been conflict
reported by Nagorno-Karabakh and two in

2. The Nagorno-Karabakh defence ministry

says 1,177 of its troops have been killed.
Azerbaijan does not disclose its military
casualties, while Russia has estimated 5,000
deaths on both sides.

29 Erupt 15 1.Piruza Harutjunjan, an international Nagorno-

business developer focusing on IT who lives Karabakh
in Estonia, was on a long-awaited vacation in conflict
Armenia when the fighting erupted

2. The talks were the first diplomatic contact

between the two since fighting over the
mountainous enclave erupted on Sept. 27
30 Halt 15 1. The Russian-brokered ceasefire, clinched Nagorno-
after marathon talks in Moscow, was meant to Karabakh
halt fighting to allow ethnic Armenian forces conflict
in Nagorno-Karabakh and Azeri forces to
swap prisoners and war dead.
2.beThe ceasefire, clinched after marathon
talks in Moscow advocated by President
Vladimir Putin, was meant to halt fighting to
allow ethnic Armenian forces in Nagorno-
Karabakh and Azeri forces to swap prisoners
and war dead
31 Involve 15 1. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan Nagorno-
called on the international community on Karabakh
Sunday to ensure that Turkey does not conflict
involve itself in Armenia’s conflict with
Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh
region, trading barbs with Ankara.
2. Armenia hit back at the comments, saying
Azeri forces had fired first in Sunday’s
clashes. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol
Pashinyan urged the international community
to ensure Turkey does not involve itself in the

32 Meet 14 1. It was not immediately clear whether the Nagorno-

warring sides’ foreign ministers would meet Karabakh
Pompeo separately or at the same time conflict

2. Plans for U.S. Secretary of State Mike

Pompeo to meet the foreign ministers of
Azerbaijan and Armenia on Friday raised
hopes this week that the two former Soviet
republics would agree to end their deadliest
fighting since the mid-1990s.
33 Become 13 1. New fighting that broke out on Sept. 27 Nagorno-
quickly became the deadliest since the 1990s. Karabakh
2. 2. Azerbaijan said enemy forces in
Karabakh were shelling Azeri territory and
that one civilian had been killed. Both sides
have consistently denied each others’
assertions in what has also become a war of
words accompanying the fighting.

34 Fear 13 1. Asked why he and other villagers were Nagorno-

afraid to stay, he said they feared the Azeris Karabakh
would kill them. conflict

2. Several thousand people are feared killed

in the flare-up of the conflict. Three
ceasefires have failed in the past six weeks
and Azerbaijan’s superior weaponry and
battlefield gains have reduced its incentive to
seek a lasting peace deal.

35 Capture 13 1.Armenia said on Saturday it would use “all Nagorno-

necessary means” to protect ethnic Karabakh
Armenians from attack by Azerbaijan, which conflict
said its forces had captured a string of
villages in fighting over the mountain enclave
of Nagorno-Karabakh
2. Azerbaijan will keep territory it captured,
including the mountain enclave’s second
biggest city Shusha, which Armenians call
Shushi. Ethnic Armenian forces must give up
control of a slew of other areas by Dec.
36 Speak 13 1. He added that he speaks to leaders of Nagorno-
Armenia and Azerbaijan several times a day Karabakh
by phone conflict
2. Azerbaijan has said it wants a change in the
talks’ format, has spoken of wanting to get
Turkey involved too, and on Saturday
accused France of not being a neutral
37 Lose 12 1., Aliyev said Azeri forces were advancing Nagorno-
in a week-long offensive to retake lands that Karabakh
they lost to ethnic Armenians in the 1990s. conflict

2. Azerbaijan, however, says it has lost

patience with the OSCE’s failure to resolve
the conflict.

38 Return 12 1. Her daughter-in-law accepts that she Nagorno-

couldn’t have been saved, even if she had Karabakh
been taken to hospital. “She would have been conflict
registered and returned home to await her

2. About 30,000 people were killed in a 1991-

94 war over Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenians
regard the enclave as part of their historic
homeland; Azeris consider it illegally
occupied land that must be returned to their

39 Deploy 12 1. Putin said they would be deployed along Nagorno-

the frontline in Nagorno-Karabakh and in a Karabakh
corridor between the region and Armenia conflict

2. A ceasefire was struck late on Monday and

Russian peacekeeping troops have deployed
as part of the deal to end a conflict over the
enclave, which is populated and controlled by
ethnic Armenians but internationally
recognised as part of Azerbaijan.
40 Carry 11 1.The conflict is also close to pipelines that Nagorno-
carry oil and gas from Azerbaijan to Karabakh
international markets. conflict

2. They have raised international concern

about stability in the South Caucasus, where
pipelines carry Azeri oil and gas to world

41 Get 11 1. The clashes have raised concerns that Nagorno-

Turkey and Russia, which also back opposing Karabakh
sides in the conflicts in Syria and Libya, may conflict
get dragged in.
2.“We’re hopeful that the Armenians will be
able to defend against what the Azerbaijanis
are doing, and that they will all, before that
takes place, get the ceasefire right, and then
sit down at the table and try and sort through
this,” Pompeo said
42 Increase 11 1. Should more people leave Nagorno- Nagorno-
Karabakh, pressure on the healthcare system Karabakh
would increase. Azerbaijan has conquered the conflict
enclave’s second-largest city and, under the
terms of the deal

2. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on

Thursday said Turkey’s involvement in the
conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia has
increased the risk in the region, reiterating his
call for the issue to be resolved through

43 Begin 10 1. The number of daily COVID-19 cases in Nagorno-

Armenia has grown nearly sevenfold since Karabakh
fighting began on Sept. 27 and now stands at conflict
more than 2,000.

2. But with new infections hitting records

throughout most of last week - the 1,663 new
cases reported on Sunday was the highest
daily total since the pandemic began - health
officials in Azerbaijan also warn against
44 Urge 10 1. U.S. Democratic presidential nominee and Nagorno-
former Vice President Joe Biden said in a Karabakh
statement that hostilities could escalate into a conflict
wider conflict and urged the Trump
administration to push for more observers
along the ceasefire line and for Russia “to
stop cynically providing arms to both sides.”

2. Armenia hit back at the comments, saying

Azeri forces had fired first in Sunday’s
clashes. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol
Pashinyan urged the international community
to ensure Turkey does not involve itself in the

45 Ask 9 1. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Nagorno-

Cavusoglu asked his Russian counterpart Karabakh
Sergei Lavrov in a phone call on Sunday to conflict
press Armenia to abide by the terms of the
truce, Turkey’s foreign ministry said
2. Asked why he and other villagers were
afraid to stay, he said they feared the Azeris
would kill them.
46 Hit 9 1. The conflict between the two former Soviet Nagorno-
republics threatens to further damage their Karabakh
economies, already hit by the COVID-19 conflict
pandemic and, in Azerbaijan’s case, weak oil

2.Armenian officials said earlier that a

civilian was killed in an Azeri attack on the
Armenian town of Vardenis, more than 20 km
(12 miles) from Nagorno-Karabakh. They
said a bus caught fire in the town after being
hit by an Azeri drone.
47 Announce 8 1.“Today the Azeri army raised the flag of
Azerbaijan in Madagiz. Madagiz is ours,” Nagorno-
Aliyev declared on social media. He later Karabakh
announced the capture of seven more conflict

2. Minister Nikol Pashinyan first announced

the signing on social media in the early hours
of Tuesday and the Kremlin and Azerbaijan’s
president Ilham Aliyev later confirmed the
48 Confirm 8 1. Armenia’s defence ministry also confirmed Nagorno-
on Wednesday that Azerbaijan had seized the Karabakh
strategic town of Gubadli between the conflict
enclave and the Iranian border, an apparent
military gain that could make a diplomatic
solution more difficult.

2.The OSCE Minsk Group, formed to

mediate the conflict and led by France, Russia
and the United States, was due to meet the
Azeri and Armenian foreign ministers in
Geneva on Thursday but this has not been
confirmed. Turkey has demanded a bigger
role in the group

49 Displace 8 1. Sectarian conflict erupted,

escalating into war in 1991between
Azerbaijan’s troops and Nagorno-
Karabakh’s ethnicArmenian forces,
backed by Armenia. About 30,000 people
werekilled and many more were
2. Although a ceasefire was agreed in 1994,
after thousands of people were killed and
many more displaced, Azerbaijan and
Armenia frequently accuse each other of
attacks around Nagorno-Karabakh and along
the separate Azeri-Armenian frontier.
50 Ensure 8 1. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan
called on the international community on Nagorno-
Sunday to ensure that Turkey does not Karabakh
involve itself in Armenia’s conflict with conflict
Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh
region, trading barbs with Ankara.
2. The International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Sunday
it was concerned about the
humanitarian impact of the conflict
escalation and called on the sides
“to take all measures necessary to
ensure that civilian life and
infrastructure is respected and

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