Activities A. Reading Comprehension: Text 1: Identificacion de La Guia #02 2P 8° Grado 2021

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IDENTIFICACION DE LA GUIA N° 02 2P 8° grado 2021

Asignatura Idioma Extranjero Inglés

Docente Olga Lucia Quitian Lizarazo
Unidad de Aprendizaje N°03 Temática: Actividades de Refuerzo y Profundización.
Resultados Competencia:
1.Identificar vocabulario relacionado con actividades diarias.
2.Comprender textos sencillos.
3.Resolver preguntas de comprensión Lectora y Producción Escrita para la
Preparación de Tests.
Tiempo para el Desarrollo de la guía Week 02. (Semana 02 del P2).


Revisar Diapositivas adjuntos de repaso para el uso del Presente Simple en sus formas Afirmativa, Negativa y Preguntas.

Documento: Handout 01 Review

A. Reading Comprehension: Text 1
1.Pre-Reading: Write the meaning of the following words in Spanish.
Word Meaning Word Meaning
1.Prepare 16. go online
2.clean 17.spend time
3.cook 18. drive
4.enjoy Disfrutar 19.stay at home
5.go to work housework
6.come back home 21.water the plants 22.wash the car
8.take the bus 23.sweep the floor
9.get good marks 25. sit
11.hate 27.meals 28.naughty
14.make 29.near/ far
15.come home 30.hardworking

B. While Reading: Read the text and each sentence. Identify the subject (personal pronouns: He, she ). Identify the
verbs in brackets and complete the text with the correct form or the 3 rd person. Check the examples and the handout.

(Leer el texto y cada oración. Identificar el sujeto de cada oración (los pronombres personales: El, ella…). Identificar los
verbos entre paréntesis y completar cada oración con la forma correcta del verbo en tercera persona. Revisar los
ejemplos del documento de autoestudio: Handout 01.).

Importante: Revisar las terminaciones de los verbos cuando se refieren a la tercera persona: EL –ELLA (He,
She). Recuerde que algunos verbos terminan en : -s / -es / - ies
Hello, my name is Julia and this is my family.
My mother’s name is Rachel. She is a housewife and she is 37 years old. She gets up (get up) at seven
o’clock and __________ (prepare) breakfast for us. She __________ (clean) our house and __________ (cook)
delicious meals. She __________ (enjoy) listening to the radio and watching films on TV. She sometimes
__________ (read) magazines.

My father’s name is David and he is 40 years old. He is an office worker. He __________ (go) to work after
breakfast and __________ (come) back home at about five in the afternoon. He is a successful tennis player
and he __________ (play) tennis in his free time.

My younger brother’s name is Tony and he is 7 years old. He is very naughty. He __________ (study) at a
primary school near our house. Sometimes he doesn’t do (not do) his homework. He usually __________
(play) with his friends in the playground or __________ (go) online.

My elder brother James is 15 years old and he is a student at a high school. He __________ (like) music very
much and he __________ (play) the guitar in a band. He __________ (attend) a football course three days a

My sister Pam is 12 years old and she is a student, too. Her school is far from our house, so she __________
(take) the bus. She is a hardworking student. She always __________ (do) her homework and __________
(get) good marks. She __________ (love) going to the cinema and reading adventure novels, but she
__________ (hate) playing video games.

My uncle Henry is 42 and he __________ (live) with us. He __________ (work) in a factory that makes
bicycles. He __________ (go) to work early in the morning, so he __________ (have) breakfast there. When he
__________ (come) home after work, he __________ (watch) films on TV and __________ (go) online. He
usually __________ (go) to bed late. I __________ (love) him very much because he always __________ (play)
games with me.

All the family members spend (spend) time together at weekends. On Saturdays, we usually __________
(go) to a shopping mall. We __________ (do) some shopping and __________ (watch) a film at the cinema.
After shopping, we __________ (drive) to the seaside and __________ (drink) something at a cafe.

On Sundays, we always stay (stay) at home and __________ (do) the housework. My father and my uncle
__________ (water) the plants, __________ (wash) the car and __________ (sweep) the floor. My sister, my
brothers and I __________ (help) our mother with the rest. In the afternoon, we __________ (sit) in the living
room and __________ (talk) about our weekly plans . I __________ (love) my family very much and I
__________ (enjoy) spending time with them.

Una vez realizado todos los ejercicios. Realiza aquí tu autoevaluación diligenciado la siguiente rúbrica:

Leí atentamente todas las instrucciones de la guía.
Estudié el documento de autoestudio antes de realizar la guía.
He comprendido el vocabulario sobre actividades diarias.
He comprendido el texto de lectura.
He completado el texto con la forma correcta del verbo en paréntesis.
Escribí las respuestas en forma completa haciendo buen uso de la ortografía.
He guardado la guía en mi dispositivo.

Observaciones de la docente:


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Student’s name: ________________________________ Teacher’s Name: __________________________

Grade: ________________ Date: ____________________________________

Elaborado: Mayo 6 de 2021.

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