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Name: Cade Speroni

Module 3 Learning Materials (Part 2) Notes (Assignment 3.3)

Learning Materials Your Notes
Canvas Materials:  I wanted to be a US Marshall or a fighter pilot!
 Instructions for Assignments 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 Both of which I want to be today but in heavy
 Module 3 Assignment Meeting Agenda pursuit of a fighter pilot
 We are going a good job as a team to go over
Discussion Prompt for Notes:  What will your assignments and send reminders. If anyone has
response to the IceBreaker be?  (you have to questions they are always addressed in the group
open the agenda in 3.4 to respond to this.) chat and resolved! We have really good
“The 8 Characteristics of Effective Constructive  Be specific; make it actionable
Criticism”  Descriptive and helpful; not evaluative and
punitive. Make it a coaching session
Discussion Prompt for Notes:  What did this  Own your feedback; don’t pass the blame
article tell you about how you should  Address issues not the person
format/present your feedback to the other team?  Don’t give to much feedback all at once
Understand that feedback has a psychological  Dialogue, not monologue; be a great coach with
element to it. Think of the steps and how the open ended questions
other person will receive them. Try to have a
 Follow up, do a summary of what you went over
dialogue it should not be an argument. Follow up
 Follow up on the feedback – don’t forget about it
on the feedback to ensure they understood it and
correct it/improved.
“Taking Constructive Criticism Like a Champ”  Back off the defensive; use these 6 steps
1. Stop initial reaction
Discussion Prompt for Notes: What did this 2. Think of the benefits
article tell you about how to minimize your 3. Try to understand; dialogue
defensive reaction to feedback from another 4. “thank you’
team? Think of the benefits and understand why 5. As questions/review
you are being told this. Stop the initial defsive 6. Follow up? (if it’s a larger issue or frequent)
reaction, recognizing it the first step. Follow up
and think about the coaching and ask questions.
“How to Use others’ Feedback to learn and grow” “feedback is more of our relationship with the world, and
the worlds relationship with us.”
Discussion Prompt for Notes: What did this
video tell you about how to minimize your Be a person who wants to improve from feedback, not
defensive reaction to feedback from another look for compliments. Those people typically report
team? higher work satisfaction, adapt more quickly in new roles,
Don’t immediately look for a reason to reject the and higher performance reviews.
information. Understand your relationship with the
world or your environment and be adaptable. If I can find something wrong with the feedback, I can
reject it. Loss of opportunity
“The secret to giving great feedback” The way we typically give feedback is ineffective. It puts
you in either ‘indirect or soft’ and you don’t recognize the
Discussion Prompt for Notes: What did this feedback at all or you become defensive.
video tell you about how you should
format/present your feedback to the other team? 1. The micro-yes; start by asking a short and
important question. Shows the feedback is
Do not just attack the other team with a few actually coming “Do you have a chance to go
comments. Find questions to ask that they can over _____” A pacing tool for the feedback and
think about after watching our feedback. Think of creates them to ‘buy in’
a way to create a dialogue after the video. Be 2. Data point; get to the point and cut out anything
clear and specific no blur words! non-objective. No ‘blur words’ don’t say things
like ‘you should be more proactive’ this can mean
different things and is not specific enough.
3. Impact statement; how did their action impact
you. It helped me or hurt me by XXX
4. End on a question; wrap the feedback with a
question. “how do you feel about it or what do
you think we should do?” this creates
commitment over compliance. DON’T LET IT
BE A MONOLOGUE with only you speaking,
create the dialogue.

 Being good at giving feedback also means you

should be looking for feedback, asking how to
improve actively. ‘pulling feedback’
Chanley Chat on Measurable Criteria Think about intro statement.
Make the feedback a positive situation for both negatives
and positives

Make notes as you watch the other team’s video on See below
the Assessment template and attach it to this notes
document for submission

Team Assessment of Another Team - I watched from the 30 min mark to the 1:15 point
Use this template to complete the assessment of the other team that you have been assigned to review
and submit as part of your notes assignment for Module 3 Learning Materials Part 2 (preparation for the
Module 3 Assignment meeting


Other team being assessed: Team Name and/or Team Number: Team 1

Your team which is assessing the other team: Team Name and/or Team Number: Team 6

Include brief introduction of your team to the other team that includes your names, something
interesting about your team. Also, should appreciate that they are letting your practice on them! Rely
on the reading materials for ideas about how best to complete this feedback report. Please “clean up”
this formatting to delete all the extra information and instructions above. Just leave the Team Names
information and the chart below.

Criteria: Rating: Comments:

As suggested by students in Excellent/Good/Fair/Needs Explain the rating and provide
this class. improvement (For the whole specific feedback
prompt and for the whole
Active participation: Were all Good Saw a lot of participation from
team members actively most the team but not
participating not only when it everyone. Some people seemed
was “their turn” or they are more engaged than others.
called on but also offering their Some people are more
views voluntarily. Are other comfortable talking to a group
team members, not just the compared to others or are more
facilitator, helping draw out trusting? Could see more
more introverted members? engagement did not see a lot of
Was there fairly equal time laughing or interaction. Could
given to each member to offer be livelier
their viewpoints?
Verbal Interactions:
Were team members respectful Good Encouraging team, seemed
to others? Were they careful supportive and inclusive.
not to interrupt other team Specially in the part where they
members? Were there many were talking about the zoom
dead spots where no one was issues they were having. No one
talking? Were team members talking over or dismissing
able to hear each other or were someone else’s comments.
there problems with
sound/audio or background

Non-verbal Communication Good/Excellent Good contact, no one was on

Are all team members their phone or distracted and
displaying active listening seemed engage. Not very lively
including positive facial or excited for to many parts.
expressions, interest in what
others are saying? Impressed with the ‘popcorn’
style of communication.
Something we could implement
Time-Management: Excellent Lots of communication, not a lot
Is the team getting through the of quiet dull spots and finished
agenda without having to rush right at an hour 30 mins, spot
at the end to cover everything on.
but still having some more in-
depth conversations?
Facilitator – excellent Facilitator did a good job of
Team Management: moving in conversation and
Is each role being carried out Challenger – excellent moving to each team member.
fully? Felt formal and structured
Is the facilitator keeping the Jokester – fair/good which is a good
meeting moving forward
without rushing team Submitter – excellent Challenger – at the 34 min mark
members? Is he/she Zach did a good job of taking
summarizing main points after Host – excellent; formatted the opportunity to become the
each prompt? correct and screensharing was challenger even though he did
Is the Challenger offering good. not have to much additional
alternative perspectives and/or information to give on the point
asking for more details? since everyone else covered a
Did the jokester come prepared lot of it.
with a joke? Did he/she come
prepared with two measurable Jokester – joke was not
criteria? prepared so I had to jump
Did the team review the around the video to find the
assessment criteria at the end joke but was not able to
of the meeting? without watching the whole
Did the Host post information thing. (which was not in my
about meeting to the Google section for the video). The
doc for Team Meeting challenger threw out a
Schedules? meme/joke at 46 min so that
Did he/she record the meeting counts as a team but not for the
on gallery view? jokester.

Team Member Accountability: fair Jokester was not prepared and

Were all members well- that was not addressed. Did talk
prepared for the meeting? Did about making the sure the
they each have their notes challenger worked on arguing at
turned in and understood what 47min point. Zach does an
the team was to accomplish in excellent job of engage with the
the meeting? team and doing ‘probe
questions’ to improve
Critical/Creative Discussions: Excellent Seemed to have in depth
Were the answers offered by understanding of the material
team members thoughtful and and brought that to the
reflective or were they meeting. They used good
perfunctory and/or just the example from their personal
minimum? lives and what they read in the
Team Connectedness/Trust: Good/Excellent Seems trusting the were able to
Did the team seem to be address challengers questions
enjoying themselves and each but some people seemed more
other? Did they laugh? Did comfortable talking than others.
they share personal stories or
information? Did they ask each
other “get to know you” kind of
Technology: excellent Did not face to many tech issues
Did team work through any but they talked about it before
technology issues, such as and spent a lot of time and
sound/audio, weak internet effort to get it correct for their
signals? Did the team come up last video. Shows commitment
with a plan to resolve such and creativity.
issues, if possible?

PROVIDED ABOUT ASSIGNMENT 3.3. This template is also used in Assignment 3.2 Part 2 of the Module
3 Learning Materials.

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