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Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and Osteocytes:

Unveiling Their Intimate-Associated

Responses to Applied Orthodontic Forces
Ulf H. Lerner

Bone is remodeled and modeled by the concerted activities of 3 cell types—

osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts are the cells that pro-
duce bone extracellular matrix and are responsible for its mineralization.
Osteoblasts also have endocrine activity through secretion of osteocalcin,
which regulates fat and energy metabolism. These cells also control the
differentiation and activity of osteoclasts. Osteocytes are osteoblasts that
have been incorporated into bone matrix and are cells with extensive den-
dritic processes through which the cells communicate with other osteocytes
and with osteoblasts. Mechanical loading is sensitized by the dendritic
processes and transferred to biochemical responses involved in control of
osteoblast and osteoclast function. Osteocytes also have endocrine activity
by releasing fibroblast growth factor 23, which is involved in phosphate
secretion in kidneys. Differentiation of osteoclast mononuclear progenitors
to mature multinucleated osteoclasts is regulated by macrophage colony-
stimulating factor and receptor activator of NF-␬B ligand, expressed by
stromal cells in bone marrow or osteoblasts in bone, as well as by osteo-
cytes. The integrated endo- and paracrine control of osteoblasts, osteocytes,
and osteoclasts is important for maintaining bone mass and for control of
remodeling and modeling processes in bone, including during orthodontic-
induced tooth movement. (Semin Orthod 2012;18:237-248.) © 2012 Elsevier
Inc. All rights reserved.

Remodeling and Modeling of Bone up by osteons of a central Haversian canal

Tissue with blood vessels and nerve fibers surrounded
by bone tissue in concentric parallel layers.
Histologically, the skeleton comprises 2 types
The trabecular bone forms spicules (spongy
of bone tissue: cortical (compact) and trabec-
ular (cancellous) bone. The cortical bone bone) in the interior of some parts of the
makes up 80% of the volume in the adult skeleton. The vertebrae are most rich in tra-
skeleton and the trabecular bone makes up becular bone, but it also fills up large parts of
the remaining 20%. The cortical bone forms a the flat bones in the skull, pelvis, and sacrum
peripheral shell in all kinds of bone. It is built and in the distal and proximal parts of long
bones. Both the cortical and trabecular bones
are important for bone strength. In the jaw
Department of Molecular Periodontology, Umeå University, bones, the cortical bone surrounds the teeth
Umeå, Sweden; and Center for Bone and Arthritis Research, Insti-
tute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg,
and alveoli and delimits the periodontal liga-
Gothenburg, Sweden. ment from interior trabecular bone. The inte-
Address correspondence to Ulf H. Lerner, DDS, PhD, Depart- rior of the bones contains bone marrow com-
ment of Molecular Periodontology, University of Umeå, SE-901 87 prising the hematopoietic tissue, which in
Umeå, Sweden. E-mail:
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
elderly people becomes more and more adi-
1073-8746/12/1804-0$30.00/0 pocytic. Because interesting interplay between bone cells and hematopoietic cells has been

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 18, No 4 (December), 2012: pp 237-248 237

238 Lerner

demonstrated during the past decade, the marize the current knowledge on bone cell bi-
new research field— osteoimmunology— has ology and to describe how the cells interact with
emerged.1 each other and respond to mechanical load.
Bone tissue is not static but is continuously
rebuilt to adapt to external requirements and
for renewal of the extracellular matrix. In the Osteoblasts—Key Cells in Bone
adult skeleton, both cortical and trabecular Formation and Resorption
bones are rebuilt by 2 processes called remodel- Osteoblasts, the cells that form bone, perform
ing and modeling.2 Modeling of the bone is a other functions also along with this (Fig 1). Os-
process that changes the size and shape of bone teoblasts form one continuous cell layer that
either by bone resorption without subsequent covers all bone surfaces, both trabecular bone
bone formation or bone formation without pre- and endosteal and periosteal surfaces of cortical
vious bone resorption. Remodeling of bone is bone. These cells also cover the alveolar bone
the process by which old bone is replaced by new surfaces in the periodontium. Thus, all bone
bone. It is initiated by bone resorption to re- tissues will be surrounded by this syncytium of
move damaged bone and is followed by new osteoblasts, which implies that when osteoclasts
bone formation in the area resorbed. Remodel- will resorb bone, the osteoblastic cell layer must
ing does not change the size or shape of the be opened up, which is one of the starting points
bones. Remodeling is more frequent in trabec- in the bone resorption process (see later in the
ular bone than in cortical bone, one of the text).
reasons why a metabolic bone disease such as
postmenopausal osteoporosis affects primarily
Osteoblast Differentiation
bones with proportionally increased amounts of
trabecular bone, for example, vertebrae, distal Osteoblasts are of mesenchymal origin and
radius, and proximal femur. It has been sug- share stem cells with adipocytes, chondrocytes,
gested that microcracks in bone and subsequent myoblasts, tenocytes, and stromal cells in bone
apoptosis in osteocytes will activate lining cells in marrow and endothelial cells. The fate of stem
the remodeling process to stimulate osteoclast cells is determined by the concerted action of
formation and bone resorption of the mi- intracellular proteins called transcription fac-
crodamaged area. During the resorption pro- tors. When activated by appropriate signals,
cess, growth factors in bone are released, which these factors translocate to the nucleus and bind
attract and activate osteoblasts to form new bone to specific response elements in the DNA called
under a canopy of bone lining cells.3-5 When promoters. Transcription factors form com-
equal amounts of bone are formed as that re- plexes with several other activating and suppress-
sorbed, bone remodeling is in balance and bone ing proteins, and it is this complex that either
mass is kept constant. This equilibrium involves activates or inhibits the promoters and, thereby,
bidirectional interactions between osteoclasts determines whether a gene should be turned on
and osteoblasts to fine tune the balance between or shut off.
bone formation and bone resorption. It has Several transcription factors have been shown
been suggested that one such bidirectional to be important for osteoblast differentiation,7
mechanism might be the interaction between the most crucial ones being core-binding factor
ephrinB2 expressed by osteoclasts and EphB4 ␣-1 (cbfa1 or Runx2) and osterix. Mice that lack
expressed by osteoblasts.6 either of these proteins can embryonically form
How the bone tissue reaction induced by a cartilaginous skeleton, but are unable to form
orthodontic treatment should be classified in a skeleton consisting of bone tissue and die at
relation to the well-described physiological pro- birth. Key transcription factors for chondrocytes
cesses in the skeleton is not clear. Although it is and adipocytes are Sox9 and PPAR␥, respec-
sometimes referred to as a process with resem- tively.
blances to inflammation-induced remodeling, it Although osteoblast biology is generally viewed
should probably be more relevant to classify the on as similar in different parts of the skeleton, this
process as a modeling process to reshape the is not necessarily true. It seems as if bone extracel-
bone. The aim of the present review is to sum- lular matrix produced by osteoblasts is similar in
Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and Osteocytes 239

Figure 1. Osteoblasts form a 1 cell layer covering all bone surfaces. One function is to synthesize an extracellular
matrix, consisting of type I collagen fibers and several other proteins, and to subsequently mineralize this matrix
into bone. Osteocalcin, one of the proteins in the matrix, is released also into the circulation and acts as a
hormone to influence fat and energy metabolism by interacting with adipocytes and ␤-cells in the pancreas. In
addition, osteoblasts can be regulated to stimulate osteoclast formation and bone resorption by increasing
formation of RANKL and decreasing that of OPG and, thereby, paracrinally induce osteoclast progenitor cell
differentiation. Some osteoblasts become incorporated into bone matrix and differentiate to dendritic osteo-
cytes, which can sensitize mechanical loading and through decreased sclerostin expression increase Wnt/␤-
catenin signaling in osteoblasts to enhance bone formation. The osteocytes are also important in bone
remodeling, as microcracks damaging old bone causes osteocytic apoptosis and increased RANKL production
and, thereby, increased osteoclast formation to resorb the old damaged bone. The resorption process releases
coupling factors from the matrix (eg, TGF␤, BMPs), which enhance osteoblastic bone formation and subsequent
new bone formation to substitute the resorbed bone, a process denoted bone remodeling. In addition, osteocytes
secrete FGF23, a systemic hormone acting on kidneys to regulate phosphate excretion. Inset: Wnt is a large
family of different proteins with many different functions. In osteoblasts, Wnt acts by binding to the nonsignaling
transmembrane protein Lrp5 that leads to dimerization with the signal, 7 transmembrane signaling molecule
Frizzled. Downstream events include several steps and several cytosolic proteins, eventually causing activation of
the transcription factor ␤-catenin. Through interaction with responsive elements in different promoters,
␤-catenin will enhance osteoblast proliferation and activity, and a new bone is formed. Wnt/␤-catenin signaling
can be inhibited by sclerostin and Dkk1, which are 2 proteins that through binding to Lrp5 inhibits its
interaction with Wnt.

different parts of the skeleton, but osteoblasts- data also indicate that systemic hormones regu-
forming cortical bone is probably different from late osteoblast function differently in different
osteoblasts-producing trabecular bone with dif- parts of the skeleton, as exemplified by the ob-
ferent morphology and turnover rate. Recent servations that estrogen, as well as parathyroid
240 Lerner

hormone (PTH), mainly affects periosteal osteo- activator of NF-␬B ligand (RANKL), expressed
blasts.8,9 Another important issue is whether the by stromal cells or osteoblasts, which stimulate
osteoblasts in bone formed embryonically the receptor RANK on the osteoclast progenitor
through intramembranous bone formation are cells (Fig 1; see later in the text).16,17 Thus,
identical to those present in bones formed by osteoblasts are the cells in bone that regulate
endochondral bone formation. Thus, it seems both the amount of bone formed and the
more likely that osteoblasts in different bone amount of bone-resorbing osteoclasts.
areas are more heterogeneous than previously In addition to their important roles in ana-
thought.10-12 Few investigations on osteoblasts bolic and catabolic events in bone, it has re-
include studies on effects on osteoblasts in jaw cently been reported that osteoblasts might have
bones, and it should be kept in mind that text- endocrine activities (Fig 1). Mice lacking osteo-
book descriptions of osteoblast biology may not calcin exhibit a limited bone phenotype with
necessarily be transferred in all aspects to the slightly increased bone mass (instead of de-
biology of these cells in jaw bones. creased as expected), but become fat. A detailed
phenotyping showed that the mice had in-
creased amount of visceral adipocytes, increased
Osteoblast Functions
serum levels of glucose, hypoinsulinemia, and
Osteoblasts form bone by synthesizing an extra- enhanced amount of triglycerides in blood.18
cellular matrix consisting of a wide variety of This phenotype has several similarities to meta-
proteins, the most abundant being type I colla- bolic syndrome in humans, and, in fact, patients
gen fibers. Many proteins are also found in other with metabolic syndrome turned out to have low
extracellular matrices. So far, only 2 proteins levels of circulating osteocalcin. Secretion of sys-
have been found to be specific for bone, namely temically active molecules seems not to be re-
osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein. Interestingly, stricted to osteoblasts in bone because osteocytes
bone matrix also contains several growth factors also seem to have endocrine functions (see later
including transforming growth factor ␤ (TGF␤), in the text).
insulin-like growth factors, bone morphogenetic
proteins (BMPs), platelet-derived growth factor, Regulation of Osteoblast Activities
and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). It is hy-
There is a great need to increase the knowledge
pothesized that these molecules are stored in
of mechanisms controlling osteoblast activities
the matrix to be used during the remodeling
and how they can discriminate between being a
process to stimulate osteoblast recruitment.13
bone-forming cell and a cell which also can ac-
Most unexpectedly, it was found during the
tivate bone resorption. This is particularly true
late 1970s that receptors in bone for the well-
for the development of drugs stimulating new
known bone resorbing hormones PTH and
bone formation in patients with decreased bone
1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 were not present in oste-
mass, such as in osteoporosis, but also in patients
oclasts but in osteoblasts.14 In the classical article
with decreased alveolar bone mass because of
by Rodan and Martin,14 it was suggested that
marginal periodontitis or peri-implantitis.
osteoblasts play crucial roles in the control of os-
teoclast formation, although the molecular link
Endocrine Regulation
between the receptors for PTH and 1,25(OH)2-
vitamin D3 in osteoblasts and their paracrine con- Osteoblasts express receptors for PTH that seems
trol of osteoclasts was unknown. Later, during the to be linked to both increased bone resorption
1980s, Takahashi et al showed that osteoclast for- and bone formation. If these cells are exposed to
mation in bone marrow cultures stimulated by chronically increased amounts of PTH, like in hy-
either PTH or 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 was ob- perparathyroidism, osteoblasts will enhance the
served only in areas with islands of bone marrow expression of RANKL and, thereby, stimulate os-
stromal cells or cocultured osteoblasts, and that teoclast formation and bone resorption. However,
these cells and osteoclast progenitor cells had to if the cells only are transiently exposed to the
make cell-to-cell contact for osteoclasts to be hormone, osteoblasts will increase their bone-
formed.15 In late 1990s, 2 groups independently forming activity. Subcutaneous daily injection with
showed that the molecules involved are receptor low dose of either recombinant full-length (amino
Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and Osteocytes 241

acids 1-84) human PTH, or a synthetic peptide factor ␤-catenin, which leads to increased osteo-
consisting of the first 34 amino acids, results in blastic proliferation and function. The anabolic
increased bone mass and decreased fractures in effect of PTH might be mediated by this path-
patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis.19 The way. Lrp5 can bind also to sclerostin and to
molecular mechanisms behind the chronic and Dickkopf1 (Dkk1), which antagonize the bind-
intermittent stimulation of the PTH receptor in ing of Lrp5 to Wnt. Interestingly, sclerostin
osteoblasts leading to divergent effects are not fully seems to be exclusively expressed in osteocytes,
known. Interestingly, preliminary data indicate and its expression is regulated by mechanical
that intermittent PTH injections can increase alve- loading (see later in the text). Antibodies neu-
olar bone level in patients with periodontitis.20 tralizing sclerostin is currently in clinical trials
Vitamin D3 is widely used, in combination for patients with osteoporosis with promising
with calcium as a treatment to enhance bone results.
mass in patients with osteoporosis, although the
efficacy of this treatment is debated.21 However,
Neuronal Regulation
there are no data to support that 1,25(OH)2-
vitamin D3 receptors in osteoblasts are directly Using immunohistochemical analysis, it has be-
coupled to enhanced bone formation, and the come evident during the last 2 decades that
positive role of 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 in skeletal bone tissue is more widely innervated than pre-
metabolism is more likely to be indirect by in- viously thought. The skeletal nerve fibers ex-
creased intestinal uptake of calcium.22 press a restricted panel of different signaling
molecules.29,30 We, and others, have shown that
osteoblasts and osteoclasts are equipped with
Paracrine Regulation
functional receptors for the neuropeptides vaso-
Several members of the TGF␤ superfamily, in- active intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related
cluding BMPs, TGF␤1, activins, inhibins, and peptide, substance P, and neuropeptide Y, as
myostatins, have been shown to promote osteo- well as for catecholamines, glutamate, serotonin,
blast differentiation, proliferation, and function. dopamine, and neurotrophins.
Most attention has been paid to BMPs, a large Compelling evidence for the role of the ner-
subfamily of different proteins of which several vous system was provided by studies demonstrating
have been found to be able to stimulate new that the adipocytic hormone, leptin, through re-
bone formation.13,23 However, receptors for ceptors in the central nervous system and medi-
BMPs are expressed on many different cell types, ated by the sympathetic system and ␤2-adrenergic
which, together with short half-life, limit their receptors in osteoblasts,31 affects bone formation.
use for systemic administration. Studies have showed that type 2 receptors for neu-
Another signaling system controlling osteo- ropeptide Y in hypothalamus also affect bone for-
blasts is the Wnt/␤-catenin signaling pathway, mation through effects on osteoblasts.32 It has
which has been the focus for a lot of interest more recently been shown that the receptors for
during recent years as a potential target for drug leptin in the brain regulating bone mass are
development.24 Two groups, independently and located in the brain stem and that these receptors
most unexpectedly, have shown that high bone on stimulation inhibit the expression of the sero-
mass in certain families and low bone mass in tonin-synthesizing enzyme, tryptophan hydroxy-
patients with osteoporosis pseudoglioma syn- lase 2, leading to decreased release of serotonin
drome are explained by gain-of-function and and less activation of the serotonin receptor in
loss-of-function mutations, respectively, in the hypothalamus (Htr2c).33 Consequently, the sym-
low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein pathetic system becomes activated and bone mass
5 (Lrp5) gene.25,26 This gene codes for a trans- decreases owing to enhanced signaling through
membrane protein, which can bind extracellular the ␤2-adrenergic receptors in osteoblasts. Ac-
peptides in the large Wnt family, and the com- cording to this view, central serotonin is a posi-
plex activates a 7 transmembrane signaling pro- tive factor for bone mass. In contrast, it seems as
tein called Frizzled (Fig 1, inset).27,28 Down- peripheral serotonin, mainly synthesized in en-
stream signaling intracellularly involves the terochromaffin cells in duodenum, through the
canonical pathway activating the transcription enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase 1, has negative
242 Lerner

effects on the skeleton.34 However, these data sclerostin is the mechanism by which osteocytes
are controversial, and most recently, Cui et al increase osteoblastic bone formation through
have reported that serotonin expression in en- increased Wnt/␤-catenin signaling (Fig 1). It
terochromaffin cells is not important for bone has recently been shown that down regulation of
mass.35 Future studies are needed to clarify how sclerostin by mechanical loading is mediated by
the 2 groups have come to opposite results. prostaglandin E2 acting on EP4 receptors.40
Recently, phosphate metabolism has been
shown to be regulated by FGF23, a phosphaturic
Osteocytes—Cells Embedded in Bone
protein, highly expressed by osteocytes. This
Matrix with Para- and Endocrine
protein acts on proximal renal tubule and de-
creases renal reabsorption of phosphate.41 Phos-
Osteocytes that make up ⬎90% of all bone cells phate-regulating endopeptidase, dentin matrix
are deeply embedded in both cortical and tra- acidic phosphoprotein 1 (Dmp-1), matrix extra-
becular bone tissue. The role of osteocytes in cellular phosphoglycoprotein, and FGF23 are all
bone biology and pathology was elusive for many highly expressed in osteocytes and have been
years, although it was suggested in old literature associated with mineralization.36
that these cells were involved in bone remodel- Osteocytes might also be important for the
ing and were sensitive to PTH. However, the initiation of the remodeling process. It is sug-
development of new techniques has now shown gested that microcracks in bone is one mecha-
that these cells seem to be important for regu- nism by which remodeling is induced (Fig 1).
lation of both osteoblasts and osteoclasts as well Microcrack formation in bone tissue leads to
as for systemic control of phosphate metabolism osteocytic apoptosis, and these cells have been
(Fig 1). found to express RANKL, which could be a
mechanism to induce osteoclastogenesis needed
Osteocyte Differentiation to resorb the damaged bone and subsequently
substitute old bone with new bone.2
Osteocytes originate from osteoblasts of which
some become buried in the matrix and trans-
formed from a polygonal cell to cells with many Osteoclasts—Responsible for
dendritic processes, which communicate with Physiological and Pathologic Bone
dendritic processes extending from the osteo- Breakdown
blasts into the matrix.36
Osteoclasts are the only cells in nature that can
Osteocyte Functions degrade mineralized bone tissue and are impor-
tant for physiological remodeling and modeling
It was suggested initially by Pead et al that osteo- processes, calcium homeostasis, tooth eruption,
cytes were the cells in bone that responded to and orthodontic tooth movement. Excessive os-
mechanical loading,37 and since then several teoclast formation and activity is an important
lines of evidence suggest that osteocytes exhibit pathogenetic mechanism for bone loss in dis-
mechanoreceptors involved in the sensitivity of eases, such as osteoporosis, marginal and apical
bone to mechanical loading. At a molecular periodontitis, peri-implantitis, rheumatoid ar-
level, enhanced prostaglandin production, nitric thritis, loosening of joint prostheses, and meta-
oxide, estrogen receptors, and Wnt/␤-catenin static tumor disease.
have been shown to be involved.36
Osteocytes express the components of the
Osteoclast Function
Wnt/␤-catenin pathway including the Lrp5 an-
tagonists, Dkk1, and sclerostin.38 In contrast, Mature osteoclasts are present only on mineral-
Dkk1 is expressed by many different cell types, ized bone surfaces to which they attach by a
and sclerostin seems to be exclusively expressed sealing zone (Fig 2, inset down to the right). The
by osteocytes. Interestingly, increased bone mass attachment involves expression of the dimeric
owing to mechanical loading is associated with integrin ␣v␤3 in the sealing zone, which binds to
decreased expression of sclerostin in osteo- exposed aginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RAG) se-
cytes.39 It is likely that decreased production of quences in bone matrix proteins such as osteo-
Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and Osteocytes 243





RANKL cell nuclei
RANK FcRγ sealing
DAP12 ruffled border
+ release of
pH 4.5 enzymes
TRANSCRIPT. Mineral Matrix
FACTORS dissoluon degradaon
proliferaon, differenaon and fusion RESORPTION

Figure 2. Osteoclasts are derived from hematopoietic stem cells of the myeloid lineage. Differentiation requires
stimulation of the early progenitor cells by the cytokine macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) pro-
duced by osteoblasts on the surface of bone or by stromal cells in bone marrow. M-CSF enhances proliferation
and survival of progenitors and upregulates the receptor RANK. Through increased production of RANKL and
decreased release of OPG, the receptor RANK on the progenitor cells will be activated, causing differentiation
of the cells to osteoclast progenitor cells. RANKL and OPG are expressed by osteoblasts and stromal cells and
are regulated by several bone-resorbing hormones and cytokines. Eventually, differentiated osteoclast progenitor
cells will fuse to the mature, multinucleated, and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Inset to the left: for osteoclast
differentiation to occur, M-CSF activates its cognate receptor called c-Fms and 3 RANKL molecules activate the
trimeric RANK receptor. In addition, it is required that signals either through FcR␥ or DAP12 are activated.
These 2 molecules cannot recognize ligands but have to dimerize with immunoglobulin-like receptors, a large
family of which several, including OSCAR, are expressed in osteoclast progenitors. It is neither known which of
these receptors are important in osteoclastogenesis nor which ligands are involved. Downstream events include
activation of several different phosphorylating enzymes (kinases), which then activate a wide variety of transcrip-
tion factors, including NF-␬B, AP-1, and NFATc1, that induce many genes involved in osteoclast proliferation,
differentiation, and fusion. In contrast, some transcription factors important for macrophage differentiation are
down regulated such as IRF8. Inset to the right: The mature osteoclasts are multinucleated giant cells that attach
to bone through interaction between the sealing zone and extracellular matrix proteins at the bone surface such
as osteopontin. A characteristic feature of osteoclasts is the development of an extensively folded cell membrane,
ruffled border, in the part of the osteoclasts facing bone. In this area, proton pumps and chloride channels are
expressed, which are important for the extracellular acidification and demineralization of bone. Then, proteo-
lytic enzymes are released, which degrade the extracellular matrix proteins.

pontin and bone sialoprotein.42 The cell mem- acid extracellular milieu in the resorption lacu-
brane area surrounded by the sealing zone nae, and, thereby, resorption is initiated by dis-
becomes extensively folded and develops into solution of the mineral crystals.43 Subsequently,
the ruffled border expressing proton pumps and the decalcified bone matrix is degraded by pro-
chloride channels by which osteoclasts create an teolytic enzymes released into the resorption la-
244 Lerner

cunae. It is likely that several proteolytic en- The knowledge of the crucial roles for c-Fms,
zymes are required to degrade the different RANK, and FcR␥/DAP12 in osteoclast differen-
bone matrix proteins, but the cysteine protei- tiation has lead to extensive investigations on
nase cathepsin K is particularly important.44 Dif- downstream signaling events (Fig 2, inset down
ferent inhibitors of this enzyme are in clinical to the left).47-49 Early events include activation of
trials in patients with excessive bone resorption. different kinases leading to activation of a variety
of transcription factors, including NF-␬B, c-Fos–
containing activator protein 1 (AP-1), PU.1, mi-
Osteoclast Differentiation
crophthalmia-associated transcription factor
The formation of multinucleated mature oste- (MITF), and nuclear factor of activated T-cells 1
oclasts is because of fusion of mononuclear pro- (NFATc1), the latter being regarded as the mas-
genitor cells originating from myeloid hematopoi- ter regulator of osteoclastogenesis. In addition,
etic stem cells. These progenitors can differentiate transcription factors such as MafB and inter-
either to macrophages, dendritic cells in the im- feron regulatory factor 8 (IRF8), which are im-
mune system, or osteoclasts.45 The differentiation portant for macrophage differentiation, are
of all these cell types requires stimulation of the down regulated during osteoclastogenesis.
receptor c-Fms by the ligand macrophage colony- We have found that osteoclast differentiation
stimulating factor (M-CSF), which is needed for is regulated also by cysteine proteinases. Thus, 2
proliferation and survival of the mononucleated endogenous inhibitors of cysteine proteinases,
progenitor cells (Fig 2). The specific differenti- cystatin C and cystatin D, and the fungal cysteine
ation to osteoclasts is because of activation of the proteinase inhibitor E-64, potently inhibit oste-
receptor RANK by RANKL expressed by stromal oclast formation induced by RANKL in oste-
cells in bone marrow and osteoblasts.1,45,46 The oclast progenitors from mouse bone marrow
interaction between RANKL and RANK is inhib- and spleen, as well as in RANKL-stimulated hu-
ited by osteoprotegerin (OPG), which is a decoy man osteoclast progenitors from peripheral
receptor with large homologies to RANK. How- blood.50,51
ever, RANKL and RANK are restricted to some
few cell types; OPG is ubiquitously expressed, for
Osteoclast Heterogeneity
reasons unknown. Osteoclastogenesis is regu-
lated by the relative expression of RANKL and Most of the studies on osteoclast differentiation
OPG, and stimulators of osteoclast formation have been performed in vitro using cells from
such as PTH and 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 increase mouse bone marrow. However, mature oste-
RANKL and decrease OPG expression. The oclasts are not formed within the bone marrow
most novel antiresorptive therapy in skeletal dis- in vivo. It is assumed that properly stimulated
eases associated with increased bone resorption bone marrow stromal cells expressing RANKL in
is based on inhibition of RANKL. Thus, human- vivo initiate osteoclast differentiation in bone
ized monoclonal antibodies neutralizing human marrow and those partially differentiated mono-
RANKL, injected only twice per year, results in nucleated osteoclast progenitors, like other he-
increased bone mass and decreased fractures in matopoietic cells, are released into circulation.
patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. These cells are then recruited to periosteal and
For osteoclastogenesis to occur, it has been endosteal sites in the skeleton by a homing pro-
found that signals mediated through the trans- cess that is not fully understood, but may involve
membrane adapter proteins FcR␥ and/or DAP12 stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1 or CXCL12)
also are required.47 FcR␥ or DAP12 cannot bind produced by osteoblasts and CXCR4 expressed
ligands, but heterodimerize with different immu- by osteoclast progenitors.52 In the periosteum
noglobulin-like receptors (Fig 2, inset down to and endosteum, the partially differentiated oste-
the left). It is not known which of these recep- oclast progenitors are latent until osteoblasts at
tors are crucial in osteoclastogenesis, which li- the bone surface express RANKL and induce
gands are important for FcR␥/DAP12 signaling their further differentiation to mononucleated
in bone, or which cells produce the ligands for progenitors, which eventually fuse to latent
these costimulatory receptors needed for oste- multinucleated osteoclasts. In parallel, osteo-
oclast differentiation. blasts degrade the unmineralized bone matrix,
Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and Osteocytes 245

which is present between the cells and the min- kines are mainly involved in inflammation-in-
eralized bone, and then retract from the area duced osteoclast formation, but the relative
giving the latent osteoclasts a possibility to mi- importance of cytokine-driven RANKL versus
grate into the area and attach to mineralized RANKL expressed by T-, B-, or natural killer cells
bone through the sealing zone.43 (NK-cells) is not known. Other inflammatory
There are several lines of evidence suggesting mediators with capacity to enhance osteoclast
that osteoclasts in different areas of the skeleton formation through RANKL in osteoblasts are
are not identical. Although the skeletal pheno- prostaglandins, especially PGE2, which also may
type in mice with a wide variety of global knock- act downstream of some of the osteoclast-stimu-
outs of certain genes is identical in all parts of lating cytokines. In addition, we have shown that
the skeleton, there are examples in knockout bradykinin, in concert with IL-1 and TNF, syn-
mice that osteoclasts in some bones, but not in ergistically enhances periosteal RANKL forma-
others, are affected. Everts et al have recently tion.30
shown that osteoclast formation in bone marrow
cultures from long bones and jaw bones in mice
Orthodontic Forces and Bone Modeling
is different, and the osteoclasts derived from the
different bone marrows are different depending Movement of teeth induced by orthodontic
on whether the osteoclasts are incubated on treatment involves reactions in alveolar bone, as
bone or on dentin. The view that osteoclasts in well as in periodontal ligament, gingiva, blood
different parts of the skeleton are not all the vessels, and nerves as elegantly summarized in a
same is discussed in more detail by Everts et al53 recent review.56 A prerequisite for the teeth to
and Henriksen et al.54 move in response to orthodontic treatment is
osteoclast formation and bone resorption. This
is illustrated by experimental studies demon-
Regulation of Osteoclastogenesis
strating that bisphosphonates, powerful inhibi-
As described earlier, formation of mature oste- tors of osteoclasts, inhibit orthodontic tooth
oclasts is regulated by RANKL expressed by cells movement in mice57 and by case observations in
in the vicinity of the osteoclast progenitors, osteoporotic patients treated with bisphospho-
which means that it is the capacity to regulate nates showing decreased response to orthodon-
RANKL/OPG ratio, which is crucial for hor- tic treatment.58 The osteoclasts appear on both
mones or cytokines stimulating bone resorption. the periodontal ligament side and the bone mar-
Hormones known to stimulate osteoclastogen- row side, and crucial biological questions are: 1)
esis through RANKL are PTH, 1,25(OH)2-vita- what drives osteoclastogenesis at these 2 sites?
min D3, thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids, and and 2) where do the progenitors come from? In
retinoids.45 Some hormones can act as inhibitors the bone marrow side, it is apparent that pro-
of osteoclast formation through receptors on genitors exist within the hematopoietic cells and
the osteoclasts and calcitonin, estrogen, and reti- may easily reach trabecular and endosteal sites.
noids belong to this group. In the alveolar side, the progenitors may either
Several cytokines also can either stimulate or be recruited from the circulation or be preexist-
inhibit osteoclast formation. Interleukin 1 (IL- ing in the periodontal ligament. It is most likely
1), IL-6, IL-11, IL-15, IL-17, IL-23, IL-32␥, car- that RANKL is needed also for osteoclast forma-
diotrophin-1, tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF)-␣, tion during orthodontic treatment and, there-
leukemia inhibitory factor, and oncostatin M are fore, an interesting issue is which cells express
cytokines that can stimulate osteoclastogenesis RANKL and what drives the expression. The role
through increased RANKL, whereas IL-4, IL-10, of RANKL is indicated by the observation show-
IL-12, IL-13, IL-18, IL-27, interfern-␣ (IFN-␣), ing that tooth movement and osteoclast forma-
and IFN-␤ are inhibitory cytokines.45,55 The tion are enhanced in mice deficient in OPG.59
stimulatory cytokines act indirectly through in- Although local factors are most important for
creased RANKL, whereas some inhibitory cyto- RANKL expression and osteoclast formation, an
kines act on osteoblasts to decrease RANKL (eg, interesting issue is whether systemic factors like
IL-4 and IL-13), and others act directly on oste- hormones and drugs can affect the process. The
oclast progenitors (eg, IFN-␣ and IFN-␤). Cyto- fact that not only drugs60 but also systemic fac-
246 Lerner

tors are involved in osteoclast formation in- inhibition of their synthesis decreases the rate of
duced by orthodontic treatment is suggested by tooth movement.66 Because TNF-␣ is a potent
experimental studies showing that decreased es- stimulator of PGE2 formation in most cells by
trogen levels in ovariectomized rats is associated upregulating the rate-limiting enzyme cyclooxy-
with enhanced tooth movement61 and that in- genase-2, and because PGE2 can stimulate
duction of type 1 diabetes in rats is associated RANKL expression in periodontal ligament fi-
with increased osteoclast formation and faster broblasts and osteoblasts, it is possible that a
tooth movement.62 cascade of TNF-␣–induced PGE2 is responsible
Further supporting the role of RANKL are for the RANKL increase in the periodontal liga-
observations showing that orthodontic tooth ment. Given the fact that osteoclast formation
movement is associated with increased expres- can be controlled by a wide variety of stimulatory
sion of RANKL mRNA in human periodontal
and inhibitory cytokines, as discussed earlier, it
ligament63 and RANKL protein in cells present
is likely that stimulation of RANKL during orth-
in the periodontal ligament of rats.64 Given the
odontic treatment is more complicated than sug-
fact that fibroblasts in periodontal ligament can
gested previously and, in fact, is dependent on a
express RANKL, it is likely that these cells are
balance between several stimulatory and inhibi-
involved in the upregulation of RANKL. How-
ever, the increased expression of RANKL in peri- tory signaling molecules acting in concert to
odontal ligament is probably not involved in balance the expression of RANKL and OPG.
osteoclast formation at the endosteal and trabec- Essentially nothing is known about which fac-
ular sites during orthodontic tooth movement. tors drive bone formation during orthodontic
An alternative possibility to the view that fibroblasts tooth movement. This means that the mecha-
in the periodontal ligament are driving osteoclast nisms regulating anabolic activities in bone mod-
formation could be that treatment-induced micro- eling are not known. However, it is not unlikely
cracks in the alveolar cortical bone and apoptotic that interactions between osteocytes and osteo-
osteocytes expressing RANKL induce osteoclast blasts are important and the Wnt/␤-catenin
formation at both the periodontal ligament and pathway and sclerostin are involved, like in phys-
bone marrow site, similar to what is thought being iological remodeling of bone and in the ana-
an initiating mechanism in physiological bone re- bolic response to mechanical loading.
It has long been considered that a local in-
flammatory response induces osteoclast forma-
tion during orthodontic treatment, although Conclusions
histologic studies have shown only restricted It is apparent that the detailed knowledge of
number of inflammatory cells. However, it has bone tissue reactions in response to orthodontic
also to be kept in mind that resident cells can
treatment is still elusive, and that understanding
produce pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines.55
the biology of tooth movement and the outcome
Experimentally induced orthodontic treatment
of treatment in individual patients is a complex
has demonstrated an increased expression of
process requiring knowledge in many different
osteotropic cytokines such as TNF-␣ in the peri-
areas of biomedicine. The rapid development of
odontal ligament,63,65 and it is possible that this
cytokine is expressed by the periodontal liga- molecular biology along with translational stud-
ment fibroblasts, which then, in an autocrine ies in humans, as well as in experimental sys-
manner, induce their own RANKL expression. tems, are likely to give much more detailed in-
Another possibility is that TNF-␣ increases sight in cellular and molecular mechanisms
RANKL in the osteoblasts present at the surface involved in the modeling processes induced by
of the cortical bone in teeth alveoli. The finding orthodontic forces. This is a prerequisite to the
that tooth movement is reduced in mice lacking understanding of responses in different individ-
TNF receptor type 2 shows that TNF signaling is uals and to generate ideas of mechanisms by
involved in orthodontic tooth movement.65 It is which tooth movement could be regulated not
also well known that tooth movement induces only by mechanical forces but also by biologics,
increased formation of prostaglandins and that if needed.
Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and Osteocytes 247

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