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Exercise 1

It is widely __________ that African music __________ frequent and decisive

changes throughout the centuries. What is termed traditional music today is
________ very different from African music in _________ times. Nor has
African music in the past been rigidly linked to specific ethnic groups. The
individual musician, his style and creativity, have always played an important
role. The material ________ for the study of African music history include
archaeological and other objects, pictorial sources (rock paintings, petroglyphs,
book illustrations, drawings, paintings), oral historical sources, written sources,
musical notations, sound recordings, photographs and motion pictures, and

1. A. accepting B. known C. acknowledged D. agreeing

2. A. is undergoing B.undergoes C. had undergone D. has undergone
3. A. perhaps B. probably C. likely D. maybe
4. A. former B. later C. early D. oldest
5. A. information B. facts C. knowledge D. sources
Exercise 2

Radioactive isotopes, or radioisotopes, are species of chemical elements that are

produced ________ the natural decay of atoms. Exposure to radiation generally
___________ harmful to the human body, but radioisotopes are highly valuable
in medicine, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Nuclear medicine uses radioactive isotopes in a _______ of ways. One of the
more common uses is as a tracer in which a radioisotope, such as
technetium-99m, is taken orally or is injected or is inhaled into the body. The
emitted radiation can _________ by various imaging techniques, such as single
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or positron emission
tomography (PET), depending on the radioisotope used. Through such imaging,
physicians are able to examine blood flow to specific organs and _________
organ function or bone growth.

1. A. with B. through C. by D. against

2. A. is considered B. regarded C. was investigated D. disregarding
3. A. various B. difference C. variation D. variety
4. A. capture B. be capturing C. be captured D. have captured
5. A. examined B. checking C. estimated D. assess
Nationalism has been behind some of the most impressive discoveries and
achievements in human history. In the ____________ of national pride, the
American government funded the National Space Agency, NASA which led to
the moon landing. Out of that event and related research have come many
products that are used by non astronauts worldwide. Records are _________ by
athletes who seek glory for their countries. Belonging to something that people
see as greater than themselves and worthy of being _________ can inspire
people to greater things than they might have achieved on their own strength
alone. Xenophobia, on the other hand has led to many human tragedies. It has
led simple misunderstandings to _________ into wars. It has even led people
who are generally well meaning to form stereotypes that have no basis in reality
about people they have never met or spoken with. Police officers have killed
unarmed men because of a xenophobic bias that they were not consciously
__________ that they had.

1. a. searching b. pursuit c. thought d. hunting

2. a. busted b. broken c. made d. taken
3. a. appreciated b. promoted c. helped d. supported
4. a. developed b. blossom c. turned d. flourished
5. a. alert b. aware c. feeling d. responding
The case in Ferguson __________ another problem. The way the city uses the police
to raise money for city services. Ferguson is not alone. The money _________ from
traffic fines, and other small crimes is part of the budget of most cities. Each year
there is pressure to get more money. Let us say you get a traffic ticket. Or you get
fined for smoking pot, riding a bike on the sidewalk or littering. You are often told to
pay the fine and then _________ for court costs. If you do not pay, your license gets
suspended. Then you pay to get it back and are charged more fees for processing the
papers. Interest and other penalties may be __________ to your bill. You are now on
a downward slope. With your license suspended, you cannot drive to work. You lose
your job. Debts pile up. Curbing "quality of life" crimes is important. It is part of
___________ life in cities civil and comfortable for all. Many of these types of
crimes take place in those parts of the city where poor people live.

1. a. emphasised b. triggered c. highlighted d. generated

2. a. collect b. charge c. taken d. raised
3. a. accused b. demand c. charged d. impose
4. a. added b. counted c. attached d. put
5. a. self-guarding b. maintaining c. making d. keeping
Immigrants from the Caribbean and the Dominican Republic may not have health
insurance. They _________ see fewer doctors. Many have very little money. But
good health care matters to them. Products from La 21 Division Botanica for
immigrants include dried herbs from Peru. Examples are horse tail or bladder
problems; polo de Brazil for cleansing the kidney; and anamu for fevers and arthritis.
With winter coming, there are __________ to ward off colds; they contain bitter
orange, lemongrass and guanabana. The good news is that traditional medicine is
learning from folk medicine. Physicians ___________ see patients who are taking
their own form of remedies. Doctors have to know how folk medicine drugs interact
with one another and with traditional medicines. The Botanical Garden has
__________ a grant to study folk remedies. The goal is to promote health care that is
mindful of medical knowledge from different cultures. A guide is coming out next
year that will __________ patients talk to doctors about medicines. The hope is that
the distance between traditional medicine and folk remedies will become smaller.

1. a. probably b. possibly c. rarely d. generally

2. a. cures b. remedies c. therapy d. medicine
3. a. seldom b. hardly c. mostly d. frequently
4. a. acknowledged b. taken c. received d. given
5. a. help b. hinder c. tell d. facilitate
1. Now, nutritionally, the term “fruit” is used to _________ sweet and fleshy
botanical fruits, and “vegetable” is used to indicate a wide variety of plant parts
that are not so high in fructose. In many cultures, vegetables tend to be served
as part of the main dish or side, ________ sweet fruits are typically snacks or
desserts. Thus, roots, tubers, stems, flower buds, leaves, and certain botanical
fruits, including green beans, pumpkins, and of course tomatoes, are all
considered vegetables by __________. There is no hard-and-fast rule that
clearly __________ a botanical fruit as a vegetable, but, given that tomatoes are
generally not used in desserts and are closely related to other fruit-vegetables
(e.g., eggplants and peppers), it is not too counterintuitive for tomatoes to be
_________ as vegetables.

classified decides people elaborate whereas

nutritionists as well as designates describe

2. Also known as freak waves, killer waves, monster waves, or, more
technically, extreme storm waves, these ________ swells are defined by their
unusual height—sometimes reaching as high as 30 meters (nearly 100 feet)—
and by their _________ nature, typically emerging from a direction unforeseen
based on prevailing wind and wave direction. In technical terms, an extreme
storm wave has a height that is at least 2.2 times the significant wave height
(the average of the highest third of waves, measured from trough to crest).
Several _________ are known to cause rogue waves, including constructive
interference, in which small fast waves ________ up with slow waves,
_________ in the momentary coalescing of oscillations into an unusually large
wave. While gale force winds may also play a role, rogue waves can form on
relatively calm seas.

mechanisms stable catch structure

rising unpredictable resulting surging
3. _________ in the days of America’s Wild West, when cowboys ________ the
range and people were getting themselves ___________ up in gun fights, a new
phrase - ‘snake oil’ - entered the language. It was a ________ term for the
patent medicines, often useless, sold by travelling ___________ who always
claimed miraculous _________ for everything from baldness to snakebite.

cures back caught ailment revolved

roamed dismissive involved traders

4. What we appreciate, enjoy or ___________ at in the works of genius or the

achievements of prodigies are the manifestations of skills or abilities which are
similar to, but so much superior to, our own. But that their minds are not
different from our own is ____________ by the fact that the hard-won
discoveries of scientists like Kepler or Einstein become the ___________
knowledge of school children and the once outrageous shapes and colours of an
artist like Paul Klee so soon appear on the fabrics we _________. This does not
minimise the supremacy of their _____________ , which outstrip our own as
the sub-four-minute milers outstrip our jogging.

achievements replicated commonplace

wear main marvel demonstrated

5. The bicycle was not ___________ by one individual or in one country. It

took nearly 100 years and many individuals for the modern bicycle to be
___________ . By the end of those 100 years, bicycles had ____________ the
way people travel from place to place.

born reduced discover

revolutionised invented

1. acknowledged has undergone probably former sources

2. through is considered variety be captured assess
3. pursuit, broken, promoted, blossom, aware
4. highlighted, raised, charged, added, keeping
5. probably, remedies, frequently, received, help


1. describe whereas nutritionists designates classified

2. surging unpredictable mechanisms catch resulting
3. Back, roamed, caught, dismissive, traders, cures
4. marvel, manifestations, demonstrated, commonplace, wear, achievements
5. invented, born, revolutionised

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