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We know that higher education experience can be truly stressful sometimes and we want to find
out ways to support our student to cope with that more efficiently. Therefore, the purpose of this
questionnaire is to get your feedback on the stress you’ve experienced during this academic year
and the ways you’ve handled that and what were the main reason for this stress. Basically, we
ware trying to understand the relationship between the actual stress and how students perceive it
in order to better understand how to train students to not be affected by it.
1. Name: *
2. The name of your program of study and semester: *

3. How would you describe yourself as a student?
Mark only one oval
 above average
 average
 below average

4. Gender: *
Mark only one oval
 Female
 Male
 Prefer not to Say
 Other:

5. Your year of birth is (e.g..., 1996): *

6. How stressed do you feel on a daily basis during the academic year? *

Not Stressed Most

At all Stressed

7. Do you think stress has an effect on you personally in terms of your academic performance?
Mark only one oval
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know

8. If yes, how does this affect you?

9. How you much anxiety would you face in a surprise presentation?

Mark only one oval

10. If you make a mistake in front of stranger, how embarrassed will you be?
Mark only one oval

11. If a teacher Points you out in class on purpose, how would you react?
12. What would be your reaction to bully classmate?
Mark only one oval

13. when faced with a difficult test, how likely are you to forgot answers due to stress?
Mark only one oval

14. what to you feel causes you more stress?

Mark only one oval
 Tests
 Social gathering
 Time management

15. emotionally stable would you describe yourself?

Mark only one oval
16. What are the usual BEHAVIORAL effects of stress you’ve noticed at yourself? (Select all
that apply) *
Check all that apply.
 Difficulty communicating
 Increased sense of human ‘gallows humor
 ????????????????
 Change in activity performance, eating habits and sleep patterns
 Increased use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sugar or?????
 Avoidance of activities or places that trigger memories
 Other

17. What are usual EMOTIONAL effects of stress you’ve noticed at yourself? (Select all that
apply) *
Check all that apply.

18. What are the usual Physical effects of stress you’ve noticed at yourself? (Select all that
apply) *
Check all that apply.

19. What are the usual SOCIAL effects of stress you’ve noticed at yourself? (Select all that
apply) *
Check all that apply.

20. In the face of high stress, you would?

 Cry
 Have a mental breakdown
 Be calm
 Not care at all
 Other:

21. What in your opinion is the biggest cause of stress as a student?

 Student workload
 Personal commitments
 Financial issues
 Other:

22. Why are tests stressful for you?

 I want to be successful
 Family pressure
 Society pressure
 Other:


24. What are your personal methods to relieve stress? (Select all that apply) *
Check all that apply.
 Eating or drinking
 Sleeping or drugs
 Sports / Exercise
 Talking with someone or using social media
 Shopping or playing games
 None of the above
 Other

25. How able do you feel to handle stress when you are experiencing it? *
Mark only one oval
26. In your opinion does your institute provide sufficient services for student dealing with stress?
Mark only one oval
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know

27. Do you notice an increase in stress??????????????

Mark only one oval
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know
28. If yes, does your institute advertise its services more during these times? *
Mark only one oval
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know

29. Is there anything you feel your institute could do to make services available to students more
accessible? (E.g., Permanent information stand, awareness days, online sources of information
etc.) *

30. What can others do to make you less stressful?

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