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In Time, filmed in 2011

1. What is the most important resource that people have?

The most important resource people have is time.
2. What is the currency of exchange to subsist?
The bargaining chip to survive is time.
3. What happens when that resource is finished?
What happens when that resource is finished people unfortunately die?
4. Why do you think they have chosen time as the unit of power?
Because it is the most valuable thing we have.
5. What do you think of always being young?
I think it would be a better way to live.
6. Compare the society of the film with the world society.
It is practically the same, there are very rich people (who have a lot of time), and
poor people who live from day to day.
7. What is the relationship between time and money?
In the movie they pay with time and in reality, with money.
8. Do you think it is fair to pay to move from one area to another?
It does not seem fair to me, due to everyone is the same and they could go from one
area to another without having to pay.
9. How would you survive living in a world like this?
I would try to stay in an area that was not the poorest but also the richest and work.
10. Will you bet on gambling?
I would never do it, knowing that if I lose, I would die.
11. Do you think it is okay to change your life to obtain valuable things?
I think so, as long as I have a lot of time on my arm.
12. What do you think was the reason why the billionaire gives all his time?
I think that he gifts all his time, because he was already tired of living a long time,
and it is exhausting.
13. If I you have to choose between your mother's life and yours, which one would you
If I had to, I wouldn't think twice to let my mother stay alive in the world.
14. Do you think it was well done what the billionaire's daughter did to distribute the
money for the poor people?
I think it was well done, because they have already lived too long, and it is time to
give the others a chance.
15. How do you define this sentence? (poor people have to die this is how the system
I think that for few to be immortal, many must die, so nobody should be immortal if
many must die for it.
16. What do you think is the big problem in this movie?
The big problem is that everyone wants to live forever.

17. How do you rate Will Salas' help to poor people?

The action that Wills Salas does, I think is very good, because he is taking from the
rich people to give to the poor people.
18. why does the money, as in the movie, causes so much social diversity?
Because everyone thinks that being rich is happiness and although you live very
well, it is not.
19. What do you think was the most important part of the movie?
I think the most important part of the movie was when Will Salas gave away money
from the rich to the poor.
20. Do you think it is currently paid with time?
Yes, at the moment you pay with the time of your life when performing an action
and even, you also pay with money.

By: Kevin Salinas.

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