JY Book of Esntl Oils Part1

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Copyright @ 2000 by Jeffrey C.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior
permission o f the author. A

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalog record for this book is available from the
Library of Congress.

Second Printing, 2002

The recommendations outlined in this text are intended for practitioners trained
in Oriental Medicine and the use of essential oils. ~ndividualswithout proper
training should not attempt toward self-treatment without qualified medical
supervision. Nothing in this book should be construed as a promise of benefits
or of results to be achieved, or a guarantee by the author of the safety and
efficacy of its contents. The author disclaims any liability, loss or risk incurred
1 directly or indirectly as the result of the use ofapplication of any of the contents
1 of this manual.
To the ~eaders:
This manual is a collaborative effort by numerous students from coast-to-coast in the
compilation of idonnation that I have presented in previous workshops/seminars on
essential oils. It represents a basic materia medica and as such, is not an exhaustive
work. Utilizing the most common language ofChinese medicine -TCM -the material is
presented based on patterns while the specific protocols that are outlined generally reflect
more of my own approach. Upon the requests of colleagues and students within (he
Worsley tradition, I have also included some applications dial I believe will be quite
useful in their work.

The content of ibis book imparts my own interpretation based on my empirical findings,
clinical use, and readings from (he aromdmqy field. I have focused mainly on me
most common essential oils c u d y available in the market today. In addition, other
data pertaining to these o h may have be neglected due to disagreement, lack of
validation from actual application (on acupoints), andor pure ignorance. I invite readers
to update me on the topic and to share with me their own findings so that the common
bond of helping our clients will have greater possibilities. -
White I have explored the psycho-emotional effects that essential oils possess in my
lectures, I have chosen to omit this topic in this compilation. The main reason being that
it is important to better understand how to work with each individual psyche within
Oriental medical perspectives - which is currently lacking.in the training of clinicians.
As such, the use of essential oils without mat kind of training can potentially be
detrimental to tile clients. And I do caution the readers who may be easily influenced by
the number of aromatherapy books in the market that deal with this subject
Thus, this text is not intended to serve as a teaching tool on how to use essential oils. It is
assumed that the reader is already familiar with essential oils and more importantly,
concepts and theories p&g to OrientalMedicine. The point selections are primarily
tased on points that activate yuan-source qi (e.g., yuan-source,mu-alann, shu"transport),
channels that are intimately related to yuan-source qi (i.e., Kidneys, Triple Heater), and
meridian systems that will directly affect yuan-source qi (i.e., Divergent and Eight
Extraordinary Vessels). In some cases, points not belongingto these categories may have
been included due to their effectivenessbased on TCM.
Lastly, please note that all applications outlined in this book is for TOPICAL
EXTERNAL USE ONLY (and in most cases, as dilutions), unless otherwise stated. I
would also suggest not using the same oils constantly but rather following a rotational use
of&È"!? -- -- 7 ,.
T'rr/'t.nflfl 6 1
I hope the readerfclinician will benefit from the recommendations that I have outlined
here as much as I have enjoyed creating and working with the oils.
El-&, FulAird'i

Jeffrey C. Yuen
- CJBiuffqfltani
Esst Jsls and TCM Ca


Clew Heat
Caieput ( L w )
Chamomile (Liver)
Clary Sage (Stomach)
Cypress (Lung)
Frankincense (Lung & Stomach)
Helichiysum (Lung & Liver)
Hyssop Linalool (Lung)
hula (Lung)
Lavandin (Lung& Liver)
Lavendar (Lung & Liver)
Lemon (Liver& Stomach)
Lemon Verbena (Heart & Liver)
Clear Heat & Dry Dampness
Cajeput (Lower Heater) Lovage (Middle & Lower Heater)
Cedarwood (Lower Heater) Niaouli (Lower Heater)
Eucalyptus citriodora (Upper Heater) Sandalwood (Lower Heater)
Fir (Lower Heater) Tea Tree (Lower Heater)
Helichiysum (Middle Heater)
Clew Summer Heat
Cardamom Patchouli
Eucalyptus citriodora
Fire Toxins
Caulophyllum Celery Seed
Garlic Palmarosa
Helichrysum Sage
Lovage Violet
Cool the Blood
Clary Sage Rose
Helichrysum Vetiver
Melissa Vitex
Mimosa Ylang Ylang
Resolve Phlegm
(In general citrus for hot-phlegm, spices for cold-phlegm.)
Atlas Cedar (damp-phlegm) Ginger (cold-phlegm)
Bay Laurel (hot-phlegm) Grapehit (hot-phlegm)
Caraway (damp-phlegm) Juniper (all)
Camphor (turbid phlegm) Marigold (hot-phlegm)
Elemi (cold-phlegm) Onion (damp-cold phlegm)
Eucalyptus polybractea (cold-phlegm) Styrax (turbid phlegm)
Fir (damp-phlegm)
Calm the Shen
Chamomile Sandalwood
Frankincense Vanilla
Lavendar Vetiver
Mandarin Violet
Mimosa Ylang Ylang
Food Stasis
Basil Grapefruit
Dill Styrax
R e & z t e Qi
Anise Orange
Atlas Cedar Palmarosa
Bergamot Pennyroyal
Bitter Orange Peppermint
Celery Seed Petitgrain
Chamomile Rosemary
Lavandin Rosewood
Lavendar Tangerine
Lime Tarragon
Mandarin Yarrow
Invigorate Blood
Cajeput Frankincense
Camphor Ginger
Cinnamon Hyssop
Cumin Juniper
Fdemi Litsea

? Cardarnom


Cypress Myrtte

Clary Sage Spikenard
Roman Chamomile Valerian
n Portals
Camphor Peppermint
Expel Wind-Danw-ColdBi
Benzoin (Damp-Cold) Litsea (Wind-Darop-Cold)
Birch (Wind-DampCold) Sassafras (Wind-Damp-Cold)
Celery (Wind-Damp) Spruce (Wind-Cold)
Cinnamon(Damp-Cold) Styrax (Cold)
Coriander (Damp) Terebinth (Wind-Damp-Cold)
Hyssop (DamPCold) Thuja (Damp-Cold)
L+fmon(Damp) W inteqgeen (Wind-Damp-Cold)
Expel Damp-Hot Bi
Fir ,. + -

Drain Dampness
Rhja (harsh expellent)
Tonifv Oi
Angelica Neroli
Caraway Oregano
coriander Pine
Cumin Savory
Hyssop Thyme Linalool
Niaouli Violet
Tonifv Yang
Basil Lemongrass
Cinnamon Litsea
Clove Pine
Fennel Spruce
Nourish Blood
Angelica Savory
Carrot Seed Thyme Geraniol
Roman Chamomile
Nourish Yin
Fennel Rose
Geranium Sage
Jasmine Vitex
Camphor Oregano
Garlic Savory
Ginger styrax
Wood Excess
Chamomile Lemon
Lavendar Spikenard
Wood Deficiencv
Carrot Seed Rose
Chamomile Vetiver
Fire Excess
Lemon Verbena Spikenard
Sweet Marjoram Valerian
Fire Deficiency
Frankincense Sandalwood
Earth Excess
Cardamom Petitgrain
Earth Deficiency
Caraway Neroli
Metal Excess
Citronella Myrtle
Eucalyptus Ravensare
Sweet Marjoram
Metal Deficiency
Fir Pine
Hyssop Linalool Thyme Linalool
Water Excess
Cedarwood Juniper
Water Defciencv
...found in almost all essential oils
...tend to be antiseptic, antibacterial
...can be analgesic, mucolytic (expectorant)
...are drying and will irritate the skin in high concentrations
...tend to be antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral
...concentrated mostly in roots & wood
...can be anti-inflammatory, carminative, hypotensive, nervine, analgesic, antispasmodic
...rarely found in essential oils
...tend to be antifungal, antiviral
...can be expectorant, purgative
...contains phytosteroids -- hormonal balancing
...generally non-toxic with no skin irritation
...tend to be strong antibacteriallantiviral, anti-infectious
...sesquiterpenols are especially noted for being tonifying and emotionally uplifting
...tend to be antiseptic, antibacterial
...often irritate the skin (use low dilutions and for short interval) and can be toxic to liver
...modulate the immune system and are anti-depressants
Aldeh vdes
...tend to be antiviral, anti-inflammatory
...generally strong nervine, sedative, hypotensive
...can reduce heatlfever and are vasodilators
...often will irritate skin
...strong for breaking up fat (lipolytic) and phlegm (mucolytic)
...can be analgesic, anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary,digestant
...are neurotoxic and need to be very careful with use during pregnancy
Esters (Acid +Alcohol)
...tend to be antifungal
...considered one of the most balancing and harmonizing chemical reactions
(user-friendly, except methyl salicylate)
...can be anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, nervine
t ...generally anti-spasmodic
...are mucolytic and serve as expectorants
...can irritate skin and some are neurotoxic

I Lactones
...found in some absolute oils
...considered the most powerful mucolytic,
...can reduce body temperature
...usually photosensitive and can be skin irritants
...tend to be antiviral, antifungal
...are anti-coagulantshlood-thinners
...very good for balancing moods
..-photosensitiveand can damage liver
Phenvlpropane Derivatives
...tend to be strong antiseptic, antifungal
...many can cause skin sensitivity reactions
A cia3
...primarily in aromatic hydrosols (good for moisturizing)
...tend to be antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
Monoterpenes Sesquiterpenes Diterpenes
Angelica Root Anise Seed Angelica Root
~e&oin Atlas Cedar Clary Sage
Bitter Orange Black Pepper Sage
Black Pepper Patchouli Fennel
Cajeput German Chamomile
Cistus Yarrow
Sweet Marjoram Myrrh
Savory Spikenard Rhizome
Cypress Needles Ginger Root
Fir Needles Valerian Rhizome
Pine Needles Ylang Ylang
Caraway Seed
Celery Seed
Juniper Berries
Elemi Resin
Orange Peel

Alcohol Phenol Aldeh vdes

Atlas Cedar* Cinnamon Leaf Cinnamon Bark
Rosewood Bay Laurel Leaf Citronella Leaf
Sandalwood* Mimosa Melissa/Lemon Balm
Vetiver* Oregano Myrtle
Basil Leaf Nutmeg Lemongrass
Geranium Leaf Cumin Seed
Ho Leaf Litsea Fruit
Lemon Verbena
AhhoZ (C 'ontÈd
Thyme Linla1001
Bergamot IPeel
Carrot Seaa*

Hyssop Liiialool

Esters Ketones Ethers

Bay Laurel Leaf Angelica Root Anise Seed
Geranium hula Root Fennel Seed
Clary Sage Atlas Cedar Myrrh
Myrtle Camphor LeaCBark
Tea Tree Thuja
Petitgrain Mugwort
Birch** Pennyroyal
Wintergreen** Spearmint
Cardamom Sage
Roman Chamomile Caraway Seed
Helichrysum Fennel
Lavendar Hyssop FloweringTops
Bergamot Marigold

= Oxides
Bay Laurel
Eucalyptus globulus
Base Middle (Heart) Top (Head)
Angelica SeedRoot Juniper Berries Bergamot Peel
hula Root Anise Seed Lemon Peel
Spikenard Caraway Seed Lime Peel
Dill Seed Carrot Seed Grapefruit Peel
Cedarwood Celery Seed Mandarin Peel
Cinnamon Coriander Seed Orange Peel
Sandalwood Cumin Seed Tangerine Peel
Spruce Fennel Seed Bitter Orange Peel
Vetiver Parsley Seed -=Peti@rain>
Cistus/Labdanum Rosewood CEucaly p W
<Myrtle> Birch Bark <Rosemary>
Patchouli Wintergreen <Peppermin(>
Violet Basil Leaf <Spearmint>
Frankincense - Cajeput Leaf :Pennyro y a b
<Galbanurn> Resin Geranium Palmarosa
Elemi Resin Ho Leaf Rosalina
Myrrh Sweet Majoram Lemongrass
Styrax Resin Melissa/Lemon Balm Lemon Verbena
Benzoin Mimosa Citronella
Vanilla <Mugwort> Bay Laurel
Marigold Niaouli White Camphor Leaf/Baric
Helichrysum Oregano Valerian Rhizome
Rose Ravensare Basil Flowering Tops
Narcissus Savory <CIove>
Tea Tree
Cypress Needles
Fir Needles
<Pine Needles>
Clary Sage
Chamomile Flowers
Hyssop Flowering Tops
<Ginger> Root
essential Oils Not Used During Pregnancy
or By Pre-pubescent Children
Niaouli (MQV)
Rosemary camphor-type
Rosemary verbenone-type
Spike Lavendar
vedpolybractea StYraX
Sweet Marjoram

wtial Oils Not for Direct Topical Applicath

Thyme phenol-type
Thyme thymol-type
Moroccan Thyme (Thymus sa

Photosensitive Essential Oils

Lemon Verbena
For All Skin Types
Cham Palmarosa
Coriander Rose
Geranium Rosewood
Helichrysum Sandalwood
Lavandin Spikenard
T airan3af Vetiver
Ylang Ylang

For Oily Skin Types


For Dry Skin Types

Lemon Balm
Tea Tree

For Mature Skin Types


Some Fixatives
Upen the diaphragm to ease cough and to expel phlegm
Regulate Liver overacting on the Spleen and Stomach

Liver Overacting on the S p l e d t o m a c h with food-induced

headaches, nausea, belching, epigastric cramping, intercostal distention,
cirrhosis (LR-13, LR-3, GB-34, SP-6)
Deficient Lung & Spleen Qi (BL-13, BL-20, BL-21, LU-1, CV-12.
ST-36, SP-3, CV-6)
Deficient Heart Blood (BL-17, BL-15, HT-7, HT-5, PC-6)
(1) Apply as liniment to improve blood circulation - make a blend with
Angelica, Frankincense, Rosemary, and Helichrysum.
Other Application@):
(I) Diffuse to invite the presence of divine angelic beings. Add Rosemary
to "elevate"its note.
Specific Protocof(s) :
(1) Apply a 6% dilution blend of Angelica (50%), Coriander (20%),
Tangerine (20%), Cumin (1 0%)to tonify qi and nourish blood.
Additional Commeft/(s):
(1) Angelica is a good oil to use during convalescence and for the elderly.
1 Yet, its overuse can lead to nervousness.
(2) Fresh root is toxic, but drying neutralizes the roxicity.
(3) Angelica increases red blood cells and thrombosis.
ATLAS CEDAR (Cedrus atlantica)

Chinese Name: Not Known

Family: Coniferae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Soft> Spicy, Camphorous
Color: Pale-Yellow to Deep-Amber
Parts Distilled: Wood chips, Sawdust (also resinoid/absolute)
Regions: North Africa (Morocco, Algeria)
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LU/HT/LR
Major Chemical Constituents: Sesquiterpenes (-50% cedrene), sesquiterpenols (-30%
atlantol), and ketones (-20% atlantone)
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Not for pre-pubescent children and during pregnancy
Actions: Mucolytic, antiseptic, antifungal, insecticide
(1) Transform phlegm and fluid stasis (including cystitis)
(2) Regulate Liver qi to promote menstruation
(1) Liver Qi Stagnation with irritability, nervousness, delayed menses LR-5,
CV-2, LR-14)
(2) Phlegm Misting the Mind with depression, melancholy, memory loss (SP-
6, CV-12, ST-40, CV- 15)
(3) Full SI Heat with lower abdominal pain and burning, tongue ulcers,
insomnia, nightmares, burning urination (CV-4, ST-39, GB-26, BL-27)
(1) Apply for oily skin and for promoting hair growth.
(2) Apply for breaking down fatty deposits (e.g., wind-phlegm lipomas,
cellulite, and scars)
Other Application (s):
(1) Apply to shower or bath during detoxification regimes.
Specific ProtocoI(s):
(1) Apply a 5% dilution blend of Atlas Cedar (30%), Birch (30%),
Peppermint (20%), and Yarrow (20%) to Bi-Obstruction syndromes and
for Divergent Meridians Zone areas.
Additional Cornment(s):
(1) Atlas Cedar is one of the best cedars in the market (especially from
Morocco. Its effects are slow, but deep and longer-lasting.
BASIL (Ocimum basilicum)
Chinese Name: Jiu Zeng JdLo Le
Family: LamiaceaeILabiatae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Strong> Spicy, Fruity, Balsamic
Color: Yellow (Exotic Basil) to Clear (French)
Parts Distilled: Leaves & Flowering Tops
Regions: Thailand, Egypt, France, Comoro Islands, Reunion Islands
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LRISTIKI
Major Chemical Constituents: Terpenols (linalool -40-45%), Phenylpropane
Skin Type: Oily; insect bites
Dosage: 4%
Contraindications: use small dose; pregnancy
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, stomachic, nervine, snakelinsect bites
(1) Release the exterior of Wind-Cold, especially in the sinus region
(2) Descend Stomach qi and resolve food stasis -dyspepsia, nausea
(3) Tonify Kidney Yang to drain Dampness in the Lower Heater - gout
(4) Promote lactation and relieve uterine congestion
(1) Wind-Cold in Yangming zone - fevers and chills, absence of sweat,
frontal headaches (and also quite effective for temporal headaches),
sinus congestion, loss of smell, muscle tightness and numbness (LI-4,
ST-36, LI-20, LU-7, BL-12, BL-13)
(2) Food Stasis with nausea*, epigastric distention, poor digestion of
protein (CV-13, CV- 12, ST-2 1, ST-25)
...*can be used for nausea during chemotherapy
(3) Deficient Kidney Yang with infertility, impotence, lack of milk flow,
amenorrhea, low back pain, weak knees, frequent urination, ovarian
cyst, prostatitis, hypotension, poor willpower, low self-esteem &
confidence (KI-3, GV-4, CV-4, BL-23) - adrenal stimulant
(4) Emptiness of the Water element
TopicalApplication(s) :
(1) Apply at BL-67 to promote birth delivery.
(2) Use with Rosemary in post-workout liniment for sorelflaccid muscles.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply a 4% dilution over BL/KI Divergent Channels.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Excessive use of Basil oil can be exhausting of yang.
(2) "Exotic"B~i1oil (from the Comoro Islands & Reunion Islands) can be
usedfor all types of hepatitis, herpeslshingles.
..- , --
(3) There are several chimotypes of Basil with the methylchavicol-type as
the most common.
BAY LA UREL (Laurus nobilis)

Chinese Name: Not Known

Family: Lauraceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> Spicy, sharp
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Leaves (sometimes Berries)
Regions: Italy, France, Yugoslavia, North Africa
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Slightly cooling
Affinity: LUIST
Major Chemical Constituents: Terpenols (eugenol), cineole, esters
Skin Type: Can irritate skin
Dosage: 10% dilution
Contraindications: narcotic in large doses (avoid internal use)
Actions: Mucolytic, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-infectious
(1) Transform hot phlegm stasis (i-e., lymph nodes) and sinus congestion
(2) Regulate Stomach qi - bloating, flatulence, colic, indigestion, reduced

(1) Hot Phlegm with difficult-to-expectorate yellow-green phlegm (LU-1,
LU- 10, ST-40, LI- 11, CV- 17)
Topical Application (s):
(1) Apply directly to swollen lymph nodes.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) 8% dilution of Bay Laurel (SO%), Cistus (30%), and Caulophyllum
. .-- scars,
(20%) with Sunflower Oil applied to pi-nodules, =--. - and phlegm.

Additional Cornment(s):
BENZOIN (Styrax Benzoin)
Chinese Name: An Xi Xiang (Peaceful Breath Fragrant)
Family- Styracaceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Soft> Sweet (Vanilla-like)
Color: Amber
Parts DistilIed. Gum Resin
Regions: Thailand, Sumatra, Cambodia, Java, Laos, Vietnam
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Warming
Affinity. LU/HT/SP/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes, coniferyl cinnamate
Skin Type: Dry, cracked; cold limbs; can irritate skin
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindicatwns: Heat and Empty Heat
Actions: Cardiac tonic, mucolytic, expectorant, diuretic
(1) Arrest coughing and diffuse Lung qi
(2) Drain dampness in the lower heater
(3) Expel damp-cold bi
(4) Tonify Spleen yang - cold limbs, lethargy, reduced appetite, abdominal
distention, edema
(1) Deficient Lung Qi with damp-phlegm due to the Lung's inability to
diffuse qi (CV-17, BL-13, LU-9, LU-7, ST-40, SP-9)
(2) Damp-Cold in the Lower Heater (CV-9, BL-28, SP-8, SP-9)
TopicalApplications) :
(1) Apply 4% dilution of Benzoin (20%), Orange (30%), and Thyme
Linalool with Sweet Almond Oil over the chest for Lung and Heart
(2) Apply as a warming liniment for Damp-Cold Bi-Obstruction.
Other Application(s) :
(1) Apply Benzoin to bath water (10-20 drops) during healing crises.
(2) Diffuse with Eucalyptus radiata to subdue coughing.
Specific Protocols):
(1) 4% dilution of Benzoin (30%), Sandalwood (30%), Carrot Seed (20%),
and Caulophyllum (20%) in Safflower Oil for uterine fibroid.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Benzoin is a good fixative for cosmetic preparations.

still green & unripe)

:: All, especially oily - always in dilution (can irritate skin with sun
- .

, mucolytic, antiviral

oral and Urogemtal infectious due to

SWEET BIRCH (Betula lenta)
Chinese Name: Si Bai Pi/Hua Mu
Family: Betulaceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Sharp
Color: Clear (Yellow if White BircM3etula alba)
Parts Distilled: Inner Bark
Regions: North America
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Warming
Affinity: KIBL
Major Chemical Constituents: Ester (-90-95% methyl salicylate*)
...*considered an environmental hazard and harmful in large concentrations
Skin Type: NIA
Dosage: 10% dilution (not for long-term use)
Contraindicatwns: Toxic to the Kidneys; Deficient Kidneys
Actions: Analgesic, diuretic, circulatory stimulant
(1) Expel Wind-Damp-Cold bi-obstruction
(2) Drain Damp-Cold in the Lower Heater
(3) Promote release of wei-defensive qi from the joints (divergent
channels) - promote sweating
(1) Cold Bi-Obstruction with localized sharp pain that is worst with cold
weather (Ah-shi, ST-36, LI-4, with command points for the afflicted
area - e.g., ST-38 for shoulder, BL-40 for lower back, etc.)
(2) Shan-Sedimentation - gout, kidney stones
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply locally to arthriticlrheumatic joints and sore muscles as a
(2) Can be added to blends to break-up cellulite due to its ability to drain
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) 5-6% dilution of Birch (30%), Atlas Cedar (30%), Rosemary (20%),
and Yarrow (20%) to Cold Bi-Obstruction syndromes.
Additwnal Comment(s):
(1) Birch is the common source of Wintergreen Oil which has similar
chemistry, properties, and aroma.
(2) White Birch (Betula alba) from Northern Europe is less toxic,
containing sesquiterpenes and betulenol..
BJTTER ORANGE (Citrus awantium var. amura)

Mediterranean, Spain, Central & South America

ComtUuents: Mono-es (Limonene ~HWO)

: Photosensitive; Deficient Qi, Cold Stomach

- f.#$#gctions:
(1) Harmonize Spleen and Stomach for prolapse, hemorrhoids, diarrhea,
plum-pit throat
':J " ' (2) Regulate Stomach Qi via descension and resolve acute food stagnation
(3) Regulate Liver Qi .-
(1) Stagnant Liver the Stomach (affecting its
descension) with epigastric constriction, nausea,
' - $ reflux, irritability, co on (LR-13, LR-14, CV-13,ST-21, LR-2,
^, :I? :\

(1) Long-term use of Bitter Orange c cause lethargy due to its sedative
a ~
: spicy, Sharp
Clear to Yellow
Unripe Fruits (Peppercorns)

Constituents: Monoterpenes (-70%),

MS: Deficient Yin with &at signs;

Digestive stimulant (stomachic); expectorant;diuretic-, analgesic

(2) Warm the Stomach to expel cold

( W^ul-CcfU with fever, chills, no sweat, body aches and pain, watery

Black Pepper oil will wake-up d-during long-distance

stimulating the mind.

the production of white blood cells).

(2) Apply %% dilution on ST-21, ST-25, and BL-21 for

(4) Apply a %%dilution on CV-1fo

CAJEPUT (Melaleuca cajuputii4-f. leucadendron)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: Myrtaceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate> Eucalyptus-like
Color: Clear-Yellow
Parts Distilled: Leaves
Regions: Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUIKI
Major Chemical Constituents: Oxides (1,8-cineole -1 5-65%), Monoterpenes (-35%)
Skin Type: Dry
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: None, though careful during pregnancy
Actions: Venous decongestant, anti-infectious, analgesic, expectorant
(1) Clear chronic Wind-Heat (fever, headache, sore throat, etc.) and Damp-
Heat in the Lower Heater (e.g., candida, cystitis)
(2) Invigorate blood for varicosity
(3) Resolve Hot Bi-Obstruction
(1) Chronic bronchitis and sinusitis manifesting as Wind-Heat and Lung Heat
(LU-10, LI- 11, LU- 11, GB-20, BL-12, BL- 13, LU-1)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply directly to areas around the ear for -earache.
, -..
(2) Add 20 drops of Cajeput to bath water during exposure to radiation
(including radiation therapy).
(3) Apply 3-5 drops to water as a throat gargle.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply 4% dilution of Cajeput (40%), Pine (30%), and Eucalyptus globulus
(30%) for Wind-Heat with Lung Qi deficiency at LU-9, CV-17, LU-7,
LU- 1, and CV-22.
(2) Apply 4% dilution of Cajeput (40%), Myrrh (30%), and Litsea (30%) on
luo vessels.
Additional Comments)):
(1) Cajeput is harsher than Tea Tree.
WHITE CAMPHOR (Cinnamomum camphora)
Chinese Name: Zhang Nao
Family: Lauraceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Soft> Spicy, sharp
Color: Clear (if brown-yellow, then contains toxic safrol)
Parts Distilled: Leaves & Bark
Regions: China, Japan, Taiwan
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Hot
Affinity: LUIHTISP
Major Chemical Constituents: Linalool, ketone (methyl cinnamate), oxide (cineole)
Skin Type: N/A
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Toxic; Pregnancy; can irritate mucous membranes
Actions: Analgesic, circulatory stimulant, insecticide, mucolytic, anti-epidemic
(1) Open the portals and expel turbidity (shock, depression)
(2) Invigorate the Blood for blood-stasis pain
(3) Stimulate the Heart to promote sweat for wind-cold
(4) Expel Wind and Dampness, such as lymph congestion
(5) Destroy parasites
(1) Deficient Heart Qi with palpitations, weak limbs, low blood pressure,
chest distress, fatigue, shortness of breath, sweat upon exertion (HT-5,
BL-14, BL-15, PC-6)
(2) Turbid Phlegm (CV-12, ST-40, SP-6, SP-9, SI-18, GB-13, ST-8)
TopicalApplication (s):
(1) Apply 4% dilution for scabies, ringworm, and itching sores.
Other Application (s):
(1) Diffuse for shock and loss of consciousness.
(2) Diffuse as a insect repellent.
Specific Protocol(s) :
(1) Apply 4% dilution for fullness/emptiness of Heart Luo.
Additional Comment(s):
(1 Long-term use of Camphor will produce restlessness, dizziness, and
(2) Borneo camphor (Dryobalanops aromatics) is less toxic and used for
the plague and nerve exhaustion.
CARAWAY (Carurn carvi)

Chinese Name: Zang Hui Xiang

Family: ApiaceaeIUmbelliferae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Spicy
Color: Clear to Yellow
Parts Distilled: Seeds
Regions: Holland, Germany, Scandinavia
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Warming
Affinity: SPIST
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (carvene -45%), Ketones (dextro-
Skin Type: N/A; can irritate skin
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Abortive and not used on young children under 3; cancer*
Actions: Gastric antispasmodic, carminative, mucolytic, diuretic, emmenogogue
(1) Harmonize Spleen and Stomach Qi - nausea, vomiting, abdominal
bloating, flatulence, intestinal parasites
(2) Expel phlegm and resolve dampness
(3) Tonify Spleen Qi - fatigue, lethargy, poor concentration and memory
(4) Descend qi to promote peristalsis, urination, and menstruation
(1) Deficient Spleen Qi with loss of appetite, abdominal distention,
flatulence, weak limbs, loose stools, and lethargy (BL-20, BL-21, CV-
12, ST-36, SP-9, SP-6, CV-6)
Topical Application(s) :
(1) Rub a 2% dilution on gums for toothache with sensitivity to cold.
Other Application(s) :
(1) Add 5-10 drops to baths for physical and mental exhaustion.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) 4% dilution of Caraway (30%), Coriander (30%), and Lavendar (40%)
for Deficient Spleen Qi.
(2) ~ ~ 4%~dilution 1 for
; SP/ST Divergent Channels.
(3) 4% dilution on GB-40 and GB-24 for Deficient GB with shyness and
Additional Comment(s1:
(1) *Caraway has been found to reduce the efficacy of chemotherapeutic
drugs for cancer.
CARDAMOM (Elettaria cardamomum)
Chinese Name: Dou Kou
Family: Zingiberaceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Strong> Spicy
Color: Pale Yellow
Parts Dktilled: Seeds
Regions: India, Sri Lanka
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LUISP
Major Chemical Constituents: alcohol, ester, oxides (cineole)
Skin Type: can irritate skin
Dosage: 6%
Contraindications: Deficient YidBlood
Actions: antispasmodic, decongestant, anti-reflux, deodorant
(1) Harmonize Spleen and Stomach - poor appetite, diarrhea, nausea,
(2) Transform Dampness in Summer Heat (e-g., gastric fermentation)
(3) Descend qi for coughing, vomiting, reflux, abdominal spasm; move qi
(1) Turbid Dampness with loss of appetite, dizziness, chest and abdominal
fullness, loose stools, and poor concentration (CV-12, SP-6, SP-9, ST-
40, CV-9, CV-17)
(2) Rebellious qi (CV-13, PC-6)
(1) Rub 6% dilution on abdomen for nausea
-- - and reflux.
Other Application(s) :
(1) Diffuse to deodorize odors, especially from cigarette smoking.
(2) Add 8-10 drops in bath water for poor concentration and mental
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply a 6% dilution for Turbid Dampness/Sumrner Heat with
Cardamom (30%), Petitgrain (40%), and Patchouli (30%).
(2) Combine Cardamom (40%) with any Citrus oils (60%) for Rebellious
Additional Comment(s):
CARROT SEED (Daucus carota)

Chinese Name: Hong Lo Bai Zi

Family: ApiaceaekJmbelliferae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Spicy
Color: Yellow
Parts Distilled: Seeds
Regions: France, Egypt, India
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LR/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Sesquiterpenol(40-60% carotol)
Skin Type: Dry, Mature
Dosage: 10% dilution
Contraindications: None (though not recommended during pregnancy)
Actions: Hepatobiliary and renal stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogue .
;)^f '^ &-(-.-
Functions: w ^,A--VA-<
(1) Nourish Liver blood
(2) Regulate Liver overacting on the Spleen
(1) Deficient Liver Blood with dry eyes, poor vision, brittle nails,
dizziness, and scanty menses (LR-8, LR-14, BL-18, BL-19, LR-3, BL-
Topical Application(s) :
(1) Add to night creams for blemished skin due to empty-heat during
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply 5% dilution of Carrot Seed (40%), Geranium (30%), and
German Chamomile (30%) for Deficient Liver & Kidney Yin.
(2) Apply a 5% dilution of Carrot Seed (50%) and "Exotic" Basil (50%)
for Liver Fire consumption of Blood - hepatitis.
(3) Apply a 5% dilution of Carrot Seed (40%),Celery Seed (30%), and
Lavendar (30%) for Deficient Liver Blood with Blood Stasis.
(4) Apply directly over LR-5 for emptiness of Liver Luo Channel.
(5) Apply directly over LR-14 and GB-24 for Wood Deficiency.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Carrot Seed Oil can regulate
the pr
CEDARWOOD (Cedrus species)
Chinese Name: Bai (and numerous other names)
Family: Cupressaceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Soft> Spicy, Pinelike
Color: Clear to Yellow to Dark-Amber
Parts Distilled: Wood
Regions: Morocco, Himalayas (Cedrus deodorata), Virginia (Juniperus virginiana)
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUBL
Major Chemical Constituents: Sesquiterpenes (cedrene -80%), sesquiterpenols
(cedrol -3-15%), ketones
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy; pre-pubescent children
Actions: Expectorant, antifungal, moth repellent
(1) Clear Lung Heat and expel phlegm
(2) Clear Damp-Heat in Lower Heater
(3) Relieve itch (venereal warts, HPV)
(1) Damp-Heat in the Lower Heater with burning and painful urination,
damp-sores, foul-smelling yellow discharge (CV-3, CV-5, SP-6, SP-9,
TH-4, LI- 11, SP-8, BL-64)
TopicalApplication(s) :
(1) Apply 8% dilution compress over the lower abdomen for cystitis,.
Other Application (s):
(1) Apply 12 drops to a site bath for urogenital,
+ infectious due to Damp-
(2) Combine with Citronella as a hydrosol for an insecticide.
Specific Protocol(s) :
(1) Apply direct over KI/BL Divergent Channels.
(2) Apply on SI-3 to open Du Mai and on Du points.
Additional Comments):
(1) Numerous species of Juniperus (e.g., Juniperus virginiana) is often sold
as Cedarwood.
CELERY SEED (Apium graveolens)

Chinese Name: Xi Gan Zi

Family: ApiaceaeIUmbelliferae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate> Spicy, Sweet
Color: Pale-Yellow (absolute is blue color)
Parts Distilled: Seeds & Flowers
Regions: Hungary, Holland, India
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LRISTIKI
Major Chemical Constituents: Limonene (-60%), psoralens*
Skin Type: NIA; photosensitive
Dosage: 4% dilution (too much leads to diarrhea and dyspepsia)
Contraindications: Estrogenic; photosensitive; pregnancylnursing
Actions: Carminative, hypertensive, emrnenagogue, analgesic, hepatic stimulant,
(1) Regulate Liver to consolidate yin
(2) Drain dampness and expel wind-damp bi, esp. gout
(3) Clear fire toxins
(4) Descend Stomach qi - bloating, belching, vomiting, loss of appetite
(1) Fluid & Blood Stasis due to Liver Qi Stagnation with fluid retention,
menstrual cramping with thick clots, hypertension, cirrhosis (LR-14,
SP-9, SP- 10, BL- 18, CV-9, LR-3)
(2) Deficient Liver Blood** (LR- 14, BL- 17, LR-3, CV-2)
Topical Application(s):
(1) 4% dilution with Celery (SO%), Rosemary (20%), Myrtle (30%) as a
liniment for gout, rheumatism, arthritis, and sciatica
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply the above blend to Shaoyang (GBITH) divergent zones.
Additional Comments)):
(1) *Though psoralens irritate the skin, it c a t r e a t psoriasis and cutaneous
(2) **Celery Seed essential oil nourishes by regulating Liver qi to "bank" a

blood- and should be used with other oils to

*/+ ;
(3) The oil can reduce blood sugar levels, lowers blood pressure, and
serum cholesterol.
(4) The oil also promotes lactation.
(Matricaria recutha or Matricaria chamornilla)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate> Herbaceous
Color: Green-Blue
Parts Distilled: Flowers with stems
Regwns: France, Morocco, Spain, Egypt
Taste: Sweet .
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LRJHT
Major Chemical Constituents': Chamazulene (-1 0-35%), sesquiterpenes (farnesene),
oxide (-)cC-bisabolol (-20-60%)
Skin Type: All, especially sensitive skin; will shorten the healing time of bums.
Dosage: 6% dilution
Contraindications: Cold & Empty Yang; sensitive @ragweed
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, hepato-regenerative, antispasmodic, antidepressant

Regulate Liver qi (especially in the Uterus) - premature labor; sore

breast, reduce milk flow
Clear Liver fire and subdue Liver wind
Harmonize Liver and its overacting effect on the SpleedStomach -
nervous dyspepsia, IBS, candida
Calm the shen (the him), anxiety

Liver Qi Stagnation with headaches, anger outburst,

diaphragmatic/rib/intercostal constriction, skin allergies, muscle cramps
and spasm, dysmenorrhea, PMS (LR-3, LR-14, GB-34, GB-41, GV-20)
Liver Fire Invading the Stomach with epigastric burning, intercostal
distention, red eyes, reflux during stress, sore and cracked nipples,
gastric ulcers (LR-3, LR-2, LR- 14, CV- 12, LR- 13, ST-44)
Disturbed Shen with irritability, restlessness, and insomnia (PC-6, BL-
17, HT-7, PC-7)
TopicalApplication($) :
(1) Apply direct on the,soleÈflf.the.fee for its h a c a r i n g properties, such
as fevers in children.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply a 6% dilution of German Chamomile (30%), Lavendar (40%),
and Rosemary (30%) for Liver Qi Stagnation.
(2) Apply direct for fullness in the Liver Luo at LR-5.
(3) Apply direct for Wood Excess.
and f-1 -bisabolol
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Chamaemelum nobile)
C&wseName: Not Known
Famity: AsterdCompositae
Note: Middle
Aroma'. <Strong> Herbaceous, Moderate
Color. Pale-Blue to Yellow (with aging)
Parts Distilled: Flowers with stems
Regions: France,Morocco, Spain, Egypt
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LRBP
Major Chemical Constuuents: Esters (angelic and tiglic acids -75-8W), Terpenes
m e , chamazulene -10-20%), (-)((C:@,hlol(-5%)
Skin Type: All, especially sensitive skin
Dosage: 10% dilution
. German Chamomile)
Contraindicatwns: Cold & Empty Yang;
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, hepatic tonic,
(1) Regulatever qi amd Liver fire, as well as Liver's overacting actions
on the Spleen and Stomach - suppressed anger, nausea, dyspepsia,

(3) Calm the shen -


vomiting, constipation,
rashes, intercostal

- (1)


Apply a 6% dilution to cracked nipples, cystic breast, and gum
Other Applications):
Diffuse Roman Chamomile, Lavendar, sad Rose for aetyxity,

6% dilution of Roman Chamomile (SO%),

Lavendar (30%) on facial points for
Terebinth (20%), and
ension Stirrinn
Additional Comments):
(1) While Roman Chamomile is a middle note, it tend extremely
(2) Roman Chamomile increases white blood cell production.
(3) Moroccan ~ h a m o m i l ' < ( ~ r m mixta.Anthemis
e~s mixta/Chamaemelum
mixta) from Morocco (also West Africa & Spain) is a less-expensive
version of the Roman Chamomile with similar properties.
CINNAMON (Cinnamomuin zeylanicum)
Name. Rou Gui

China, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka

: Heat & Empty Heat; Pregnancy;will irritatemucous membranes
-ns:- Stimulant,antifungal, stomachic-
^ ", ^.
yÇ* teu'c

. ' (4) Strengthen--Menpire

IHdicatwns: - (,'r fr i

,' (1) w ~ w i t h c h i l l s fever, MYaches, and &"sweat (LI-4, ST-

36, BL-12, BL-13)

tightness, awl (CV- 1% BL-21, ST

(1) Apply a 4%dilution of CinnamonLeaf(30%), Swef

Rosemary (30%) as a wanning liniment for muscular tightness and
neck tension around GV-14.

(1) 5% dilution on ~ ~ - to6increase

7 uterine mtracdons during childKuth.
to (SB'S and GV-17 to open the Mid-Brain.
CINNAMON LEAF (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Family: Lauraceae
Note: Medium
Aroma: <Moderate> Spicy, sharp
Color: Brown
Parts Distilled: Leaves
Regions: Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, India, Burma, Jamaica, Africa
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LU/HT/BL
Major Chemical Constituents: Eugenol (-80-95%)
Skin Type: NJA; lice, scabies; can irritate mucous membranes
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Heat & Empty Heat
Actions: Carminative, ernmenagogue, circulatory stimulant
(1) Release the exterior and promote sweat for Wind-Cold.
(2) Invigorate blood for menstrual cramps.-stimulate childbirth
(3) Warm the interior to promote digestion and transform damp-cold
diarrhea and bi-obstruction.
(1) Wind-Cold (BL- 12, BL-13, GV- 14, LI-4, LU-7, ST-36)
(2) Cold in the Middle Heater (CV- 12, ST-36, BL-2 1, TH-4, SP- 1)
Topical Application (s):
(1) Add to liniments to create a warming and penetrating blend.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply to BL-62 to open Yang Qiao Mai.
(2) 4% dilution of Cinnamon Leaf (40%), Frankincense (30%), and
Benzoin (30%) for bi-obstruction due to qi and blood stasis.
Additional Comments) :
Name: Not Known

: cStronip Spicy, Balsamic

-, -
;Taste: Spicy, Bitter
-&ature: Sightly Warming (tend to be drying)
- i chemical constit-:

Actions: Antidepressant, vulnerary, mucolytic

on the Spleen - diarrhea, hemorrhoids,

cold on the surface -

with bleeding (PC-6, BL-17, LR-13,

CITRONELLA{Cymbopogon nardus)
Name: Not Known

: <Moderate> Lemon-like, Camphorow

ia, China, Central America

: Cold & Empty Yang

ammatory, insecticide, anti

Clear heat in the wei level

Resolve hot bi-obstruction
1 ww fin;
(1) Heat ià the Wet Lewl - W
ind Seal due to pestilent factors (LU-10, LI-

epidemics (good for soaps).

la (4099, Eucalyptus (30%), and Cypress

,and LI-4 during each seasonal transition.
Lemon Verbena and Melissa.
Nwne: Not Known

: <Moderate> Sweet
Clear to Pale-Yellow
Flowering Tops & Leaves
Russia,United States, Morocco, Syria

is: Esters (linalyi acetate -50-75%), monoterpenols

,fright,paranoia, hysteria
,anxiety, insomnia, heat in
bleeding, varicosity, hemorrhoids,

been found to,
Clove contains
. A - .

tumor activity and ant~-h-

(10%) which
been found to have anti-

(2) Clove has found to work synergistically withG--

sweat, loss of qpetitdtaste,
& limbs, turbid wmit (CV-12, ST-

(I) Di- for mental shggkhness and dqression.
S p c g c Pmbl(s):
(1) 6% dilution of Coridw (50%), Ginger (20%)ÂFennel (30??) for
Deficient S p l m Qi.
(2) 6% dilution of Coriander {50%), Lavendax (20%)ÂLitsea (30%) for
STISP Divergent C b l s .
AdWbnd Commnt(s):
(1) Coriander is one of in essential oils

(2) Frequent use and

CUMIN (Cumimm q m i n u ~ )

@k:- C b d & m & : Aldehyde (cumid]

&8-: ~ ~ ~ s b
CYPRESS (Cupressus sempervirens)
Chinese Name: Cong Bai
Family: Cupressaceae
Note: Middle-Base
Aroma: <So* Spicy, Pinelike
Color: Clear to Pale-Yellow
Parts Drktillet-t Needies, twigs (sometimes cones)
Regions: France, Italy, North A f ~ c aPortugal,
, Spain
Taste; Bitter (very drying)
Nature: Slightly cooling
Affinify: LUJSPM
Major Chemkal Constituents: Terpenes (monoterpenes -35-55%), including traces
of diterpenes; ketone (cymene)
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 5% dilution
Contraindicatwns: Cautious with hypertension; breadprostate cancer*
Actions: Astringent, sedative, antispasmodic7diuretic
(1) Transform dampness and clear Lung heat
(2) Astringe fluid discharge (more astringent than witch hazel) for leakage
ofqi - sweat, urine, diarrhea, menses
(3) Ascegd" Spleen qi for prolapse, hemorrhoids, varicose veins
(4) Assist the ~ i d n to e grasp
~ Lung qi - arrest wheezing
- .- and bedwettiqg
(1) Kidney Not Grasping Lung Qi with wheezing, fi-equent urination,
sweat easily (KI-7, KI-3, BL-23, LU-1)
(1) Add to blends for cellulite due to its ability to transform dampness.
(2) Add to blends for hemorrhoids and varicosity.
(3) Deodorant for sweaty feet.
Specific ProtocoI(s) :
(1) Apply direct to . LU-7
---+ during periods o f k s s ,%d m o w n g .
(2) Apply a 5% dilution of Cypress (50%), Benzoin (20%), and Pine (30%)
for Deficient Lung Qi. This blend is also good for LULI divergents.
(3) Apply a 5% dilution of Cypress (do%), Myrtle (30%), and Bay Laurel
(30%) for Damp-Cold Phlegm.
(4) Apply a 5% dilution of Cypress (30%), Pine (30%), and Roman
Chamomile (40%) for Deficient Lung Yin.
(5) Apply a 5% dilution of Cypress (30%), Atlas Cedar (30%)> and
Eucalyptus citriodora (40%) for Lung Heat.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) *Its astringent quality
pestilent qi. It is contr
its diterpenes (steroidal-like chemicals).
(2) cypress can be added to blends for Emptiness of the Luo Vessels.
DILL (Antheum graveolens)
Chinese Name: Shi Lo Zi
Family: ApiaceaeNmbelliferae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Moderate>
Color: Clear to Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled- Seeds
Regions: Northern Europe
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LUISTIGB
Major Chemical Constituents: Ketones (-40-60%)
Skin Type: N/A; can irritate skin
Dosage: 2% dilution
Contraindications: Heat & Empty FireIYin; Liver Wind or Liver Yang Ascension
(neurotoxic); Pregnancy
Actions: Antviral, anti-tussive, stomachic, bile stimulant, emrnenagogue, E. coli in the
urinary tract
(1) Descend Lung qi for coughing
(2) Resolve food stasis and promote digestion
(3) Promote bile secretion and lactation
(1) Rebellious Lung Qi with coughing and wheezing (LU-7, LU-9, CV-17,
Topical Application (s):
Specific Protocol(s) :
( 1 2% dilution of Dill (40%), Caraway (30%), and Nutmeg (30%) for
Deficient Spleen Qi. Can also apply blend to SpleedStomach
Divergent Channels.
Additional Comments)):
ELEMI (Canarium Zuzonicum)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: Berseraceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Strong> Balsamic
Color: Clear to Pale-Yellow
Parts DIStilfed: Gum resin (fixative)
Regions: Philippines, Brazil, Central America
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Warming (can be drying)
Affinity: LRMT
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (phellandrene -10-25%)
Skin Type: Mature,
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Pregnancy
Actions: Mucolytic, circulatory stimulant, sedative
(1) Move qi and invigorate blood in the chest
(2) Expel phlegm (unproductive cough)
(1) Chest Bi-Obstruction with chest distress and tightness, .-
anxiety, insomnia, shallow-breathing
Topical Application (s):
Specific Protocof(s):
(1) Apply a 8% dilution of Elemi (30%), Sandalwood (30%), Orange
(20%), and Ylang Ylang (20%) at CV-15, CV-14, PC-7, and HT-7 to
calm the shen.
A //,/;t;~"~?/"'.-iÑç-/~¥ç/
E UCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus)
Chinese Name: An Ye
Family: Myrtaceae
Note: Top-Middle
Aroma: <Strong> Spicy, Camphorous
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Leaves & Twigs
Regions: Australia, France, North Africa, Spain, California
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LUIST
Major Chemical Constituents: 1,s-cineole (-60-85%)
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 10% dilution
Contraindications: Children and babies (use Eucalyptus radiata instead)
Actions: Antiviral, antibacterial, antifiingal, decongestant, antipyretic, anti-
inflammatory, diuretic
(1) Release the exterior of Wind-Cold
(2) Expel damp-phlegm (thin-mucous discharge) and drain dampness
(1) Wind-Cold with chills & fever, headaches, body aches and pain, no
sweat (LI-4, LU-7, ST-36, BL-12, GB-20, BL-13)
TopicalApplication(s) :
(1) Apply Eucalyptus smithii directly as the base oil for chest rubs for Hot
Phlegm. Note that Eucalyptus is eliminated via the respiratory tract.
Other Application(s):
(1) - .-- with Lavendar for respiratory infections and headaches.
(2) Apply 1-2 drops of Eucalyptus radiata to egg canal
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Eucalyptus should serve as the principal oil for exogenous conditions,
combining with other oils depending on wind- eat, Wind-Cold, Wind-
Damp, Summer Heat. Keep in mind that due to its strong aroma - it
will dominate a blend (you can decrease its % to avoid this).
...Wind-Heat: 10% dilution of Eucalyptus citriodora (50%), Lavendar
(30%), and Peppermint (20%)
...Wind-Cold: 10% dilution of Eucalyptus globulus (50%), Terebinth
(20%), and Rosemary (30%)
...Wind-Heat (ENT): 10% dilution of Eucalyptus radiata (50%),
Thyme Linalool(30%), and Lavendar (20%).
...Summer Heat: 10% dilution of Eucalyptus citriodora (50%),
Patchouli (30%), and Cardamom (20%).
Additional Comments)):
(1) Eucalyptus citriodora is for exogenous conditions due to Wind-Heat
and hot-phlegm, including hypertension.
(2) Eucalyptus radiata is more appropriate for cooling ENT conditions.
(3) Eucalyptus polybractea cuminol/cineol is useful for cold-phlegm in the
d^u Lungs and sinus region; its cryptone makes it very effective for P 'Â¥
, J ~
u C ~ . ,L i ~ ~ g e n i @ lconditions, including m- warts, grostatitis,
end;&triosis, and uterine fibroids.
(4) Eucalyptus dives is a strong rnuc&tic and can be used as a chest rub
(but contains ketones - so avoid for children and during pregnancy).
FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgaris)
Chinese Name: Xiao Hui Xiang
Family: Apiaceae/Umbelliferae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Herbaceous, Sweet
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Seeds
Regions: France, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, North Africa, India
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Warming
Affinity. LR/SP/ST/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Phenolic ethers (-50-90%), ketones
Skin Type: Mature; can irritate skin
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Estrogenic; heat and interior wind patterns*, pregnancy, cancer,
Actions: Stomachic, cholagogue, analgesic, diuretic
(1) Warm the Middle Heater to promote digestion and appetite (though
excessive use will suppress appetite)
(2) Regulate fluid metabolism - frequentlscanty urination, edema, gout,
cystitis, cellulite; regulate qi to expel cold in the Liver channel - hernia,
menstrual cramping, amenorrhea
(3) Strengthen the Kidneys and chi-willpower; Ming-Men (Life-Gate) Fire
(4) Communicate Kidney-Heart; nourish Kidney yin and tone Kidney yang
(1) Cold in the Stomach with abdominal pain, undigested protein, loss of
appetite, nausea, constipation, desire for warm drinks (CV-12, ST-36,
ST-2 1, ST-42)
(2) Cold in the Liver Channel with lower abdominal pain, shadhernia,
lack of menstruation, difficulty in urination and defecation (LR-5, LR-
1, SP-1, LR-3, CV-2)
(3) Deficient Heart Yang (GV-14, HT-5, BL-14, BL-15, TH-4)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply to bunions and useful in blends for foot reflexology.
Specific Protocols)):
(1) Apply a 4% dilution of Fennel (50%), Rosemary (30%), Celery Seed
(20%) for Cold in the Liver Channel and LRIGB Divergent Channels.
(2) Apply a 4% dilution of Fennel (40%), Cinnamon Leaf (30%), and
Mugwort (20%) to open Governor Vessel. (Note: For short-term use
Additional Comment(s):
(1) *Long-term use of Fennel can induce epilepsy and hallucinations.
(2) Fennel has been found to be useful to neutralize alcohol and is
therefore important for recovering alcoholics:
FIR (Abies alba)

Chinese Name: Not Known

Family: Pinaceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Spicy, Pinelike
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Needles (sometimes branches)
Regions: Yugoslavia, Austria, Switzerland, France, United States & Canada
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: L U M
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (santene, pinene)
Skin Type: N/A
Dosage: 6% dilution
Contraindications: None
Actions: Expectorant, vulnerary, analgesic
(1) Tonify Lung qi and assist the Kidneys in qi reception
(2) Expel damp bi-obstruction and damp-phlegm
(3) Clear damp-heat in the Lower Heater
(1) Kidney Not Grasping the Qi with Damp-Phlegm (KI-3, GB-25, BL-
23, SP-9, ST-36, ST-40)
(2) Damp-Bi Obstruction in the Upper Limbs (Ah-shi, SP-9, SP-6, ST-38,
GB-2 1)
Topical Application(s) :
(1) Apply as liniment for damp bi-obstruction (see above).
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) 6% dilution of Fir (50%), Sweet Marjoram (30%), and Rosemary
(20%) for deficiency in the Sinew Channels (GB-21, GB-3 1, SI-18,
CV-3, GB-13, GB-22).
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Fir is sometimes used interchangeably with Pine.
FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia carterii)

Chinese Name: Ru Xiang

Family: Berseraceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Strong> Balsamic
Color: Clear to Yellow-Brown
Parts Distilled: Gum resin/milky-white oleoresin
Regions: Africa, Iran, Arabia, Lebanon
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Slightly Cooling (drying)
Affinity: LU/HT/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (pinene, dipentene -40%)
Skin Type: Mature
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Pregnancy
Actions: expectorant (dry up phlegm), vulnerary, sedative
(1) Relax the diaphragm to promote circulation of Lung qi -- deep
breathing (e.g .,asthma, bronchitis)
(2) Invigorate blood and calm the shen-spirit (e-g., anxiety, irritability,
agitation, insomnia, worry, and depression)
(3) Clear heat in the Lungs (coughing, wheezing), Stomach (e-g., ulcers,
fibrocystic breast), and Kidneys (cystitis)
(4) Reduce swelling and and treat non-healing wounds, ulcers, and scars
(1) Lung Heat with Chest Qi Stasis (CV-17, LU-10, LU-1, LU-5, BL-17,
(1) Apply direct to scar tissue to promote healing and regeneration of new
Other Application(s):
(1) Add 5 drops of Frankincense and 5 drops of Neroli to bath water for
anxiety and depression.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) 6% dilution of Frankincense (40%), Eucalyptus citriodora (40%), and
Helichrysurn/Everlast (20%) for Lung Heat and Lung Luo Vessel.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Frankincense is a strong anti-oxidant oil and can be used as a fixative to
prevent rancidity.
GALBANUM (Ferula galbaniflua)

Chinese Name: Ai Wei

Family: ApiaceaeIUmbelliferae
Note: Middle-Base
Aroma: <Strong> Spicy, Woody
Color: Green
Parts Distilled: Resin from the Stems
Regions: Middle East
Taste: Spicy, Sour
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LR/SP
Major Chemical Constituents: Pinene
Skin Type: Mature
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: None
Actions: Nervine, uterine tonic, vulnerary, expectorant
(1) Regulate Liver qi and its overacting effect on the Spleen
(2) Expel damp-phlegm and damp bi-obstruction at the extremities
Indications :
(1) Liver Overacting on the Spleen, especially manifesting as .gating
disorders (LR- 14, LR- 13, CV- 12, SP-6, CV-6)
~opical~pplicatio*) :
(1) Promote cellregeneration; for abscesses, scar,
w s - acne

Specific Protocol(~):
(1) 4% dilution of Galbanurn (40%), Styrax (30%), Violet (lo%), and
Peppermint (20%) for Wind-Damp Bi-Obstruction. Good mixture for
divergent zones.
Additional Comment(s):
GARLIC (Allium sativum)
Chinese Name: Da Suan
Family: LiliaceaeIAmaryllidaceae
Note: Medium
Aroma: <Strong>
Color: Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled: Bulb
Regions: China, Japan, Egypt, Bulgaria, France, Germany
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LU/HT/SP/ST
Major Chemical Constituents: Allicin, terpenols
Skin Type: NIA; will irritate and bum skin
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications': Heat & Empty FireIYin
Actions: Anthelmintic, bactericidelfungicide, cardiac tonic, blood purifier
(1) Resolve Damp-Cold dysentery
(2) Destroy intestinal parasites - hookworm, pinworm
(3) Detoxify toxins
(1) Intestinal Parasites (ST-25, ST-37, ST-39)
Topical Applicatwn(s) :
(1) Apply a 4% dilution on warts, calluses, corns, and fungal infections.
(2) Apply a 4% dilution on the scalp for ringworm and lice.
Specific Protocol(s) :
(1) Apply a 4% dilution on the Great Luo of the Spleen SP-21 to clear
toxins from the blood.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Always test for skin sensitivity with the dilution and take note of the
GERANIUM (Pelargonium graveolens)
Chin,ese Name: Shi La Hong ^<(,t^- ctt^ic^
FarmQ: Geraniaceae hw&
Note: Top-Middle
A r mia: <Moderate> Rose-Citrus
Coloi: Yellow to Green-Yellow
Pa& DistiHed: Leaves

Regil m: Morocco, Egypt, Madagascar, Algeria, Reunion (highest quality)

Taste: Sweet
Nafu,re: Neutral
Affin ity: L W
Major Chemical ConstUuenfs: Monoterpenols (-55-65%), Esters (-20-30%)
Skin Type: Dry, Mature, Sensitive (eczema, psoriasis, acne, impetigo)
Dosqge: 10% dilution; 1-2%dilution for skin
Contraindications: Estrogenic
Actw ns: Antifimgal, anti-inflammatory,,hemostatic, mimuno-stimulant
(1) Nourish Kidney yin and establish communication between Kidneys and
Heart; calm the shen
(2) Regulate Liver qi - PMS,fibrm,ysdcubreast,
---..- jaundice
(3) Descend Stomach qi for food stasis and mildly nourish Stomach yin
(4) Astringe fluid and blood loss in the Lower Heater - diarrhea,
hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding, varicose veins, lymph congestion
...y et will mildly promote urination
(1 ) Deficient Liver/Kidney En hypertension, menopause, and infertility
(LR-8, CV-7, CV-1, CV-4, KI-1, KI-3,KI-6, LR-3)
(2) Wasting & Thirsthg syndrome (Xiao-Ke) - diabetes (treat with the
above points for Deficient Kidney Yin)
Topi:a1 Applications) :
(1) d s , and stretch marks.
Apply 10% forrbums,b J l e e d b g ~ ~ o ~ulcers,
(2) Apply 5% dilution as a foot soak for athlete's foot ad as a sitz bath for
candida (can add Niaouli or Tea Tree).
(3) --, ---
Good harmonizer for massage oil blends.
Spec]ific Protocoi(.):
(1) Apply directly to KI-3, KJ-6, KI-9, CV-4, and CV-7 for Deficient
Kidney Yin.
(2) 4% dilution of Geranium (50%), Sandalwood (25%), and Rose (25%)
for HT-KI communication - apply to CV-17, CV-14, GB-22, and BL-
17. Given the cost of Rose, one can substitute for it with Clary Sage or
Ylang Ylang (especially for menopausal depression).
Addi fional Comment(s):
(1) Sniffing can reduce blood pressure.
(2) There are many chernotypes of Geranium identified, though none has
been specifically distilled for use presently.
GINGER (Zingiber offlcinale)

Chinese Name: Jiang

Family: Zingiberaceae
Note: Middle-Base
Aroma: <Moderate> Spicy, Sharp
Color: Pale-Yellow to Yellow
Parts Distilled: Rhizome
Regions: China, Japan, India, Malaysia, Jamaica, Philippines, Nigeria, Guatemala
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Hot
Affinity: LU/SP/ST/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Sesquiterpenes (gingerin -50%), Monoterpenes
(-20%), cineol, borne01
Skin Type: NIA
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Heat & Empty Fire, especially Stomach Fire
Actions: Stomachic, carminative, expectorant, analgesic
(1) Release the exterior of wind-cold and resolve damp-cold bi-obstruction
(2) Transform cold-phlegm
(3) Harmonize and warm the Middle Heater; destroy intestinal parasites
(4) Invigorate blood by warming the channels
(1) Wind-Cold with coughingand cold-phlegm (BL-12, BL-13, LU-7, LU-
9, LU- 1, ST-40, CV-17)
(2) Deficient Spleen Yang with Cold in Stomach - nausea, poor appetite,
indigestion, epigastric-abdominal distention and pain, morning/motion
sickness, cold limbs, loose stools, lethargy (BL-20, BL-21, SP-6, SP-9,
SP-3, ST-42, ST-36, CV-6)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply a 4% warming liniment with Ginger, over the area affected by
cold bi-obstruction.
(2) Apply a 4% dilution of Ginger (50%) and Clove (50%) for toothache
prompted by cold temperature and food.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply a 6% dilution of Ginger (30%), Eucalyptus globulus (50%), and
Benzoin (20%) for Wind-Cold with damp-cold bi obstruction. This
blend can be applied to LULI Divergent Channels.
(2) Apply a 4% dilution of Ginger (40%), Cardamon (30%), and Coriander
(30%) for Deficient Spleen Yang.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Gylger increases absorption of herbs and drugs and yet can harmonize
their adverse effects on the Liver.
(2) Galanga is very similar to Ginger in its effects.
GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus paradisi)
Chinese Name: Da Guo Pi
Family: Rutaceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> Citrus
Color: Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled. Peel
Regions: Florida, California, Brazil
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Slightly warming (drying)
Affinity: LU/ST/GB
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (-98% limonene)
Skin Type: Oily, stretch marks (astringes)
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Photosensitive; cautious with headfire
Actions: Antiseptic, antidepressant, appetite stimulant, analgesic, mild diuretic
(1) Regulate flow of Liver qi and relieve pain; LR invading ST
(2) Promote bile function
(3) - -- - up qi, food, and phlegm stagnation

(4) Drain dampness and damp bi-obstruction

(1) Food and Phlegm Stagnation resulting in Liver Qi Stagnation (CV-
13, CV-12, PC-6, ST-40, LR-14, LR-3, GB-34)
(2) Damp-Cold in the Lower Heater (CV-3, CV-9, SP-6, SP-9, TH-4)
(1) Add to blends to promote w~ight_l,o~s by, its reduction of water
retention and lymph congestion (e.g., cgllulite)
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) 6% dilution for Damp-Cold in the Lower Heater with Grapefruit (50%),
Juniper (30%), and Fennel (20%).
(2) 6% dilution for Damp-Heat in the MiddleILower Heater with
Grapefruit (50%), Cedarwood (30%), and Lovage (20%). Can be
applied for Dai MaiIBelt Channel.
Additional Commentfs):
(1) Grapefruit has the shortest shelf-life of all the citrus oils (therefored
a fixative to prevent rancidity - e.g., Vitamin--E, wheat-germ oil, cold-
pressed sesame seed oil, etc.).
(2) Grapefruit can .+"- reduce the skin-irritating effects of Lemongrass (1:l

(3) Grapefruit will
- .increase f other essential oils.
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: AsteracedCompositae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Strong> Spicy, Sweet
Color: Yellow-Orange
Parts Distilled: Flowers
Regions: France?Italy?Yugoslavia
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LULR
Major Chemkal Constituents: Esters (neryl acetate -40%), pinene?gerianioll
linalool, beta-diones (anti-coagulant)
Skin Type: All, esp. Mature and bums (regenerate skin)
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Cold and Deficient Yang
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, vulnerary? analgesic, antispasmodic7 cell
(1) Clear chronic Lung heat - asthma? dry cough, chronic bronchitis,
(2) Clear Damp-Heat in the LiverIGall Bladder (facilitate bile flow) and
damp-heat bi-obstruction
(3) Cool Heat in the Blood - bleeding, phlebitis, hematoma
(4) Clear Fire-Toxins, especially during detox
(5) Expel worms
(1) Liver Fire leading to Liver Blood Stasis (LR-3, BL-18, BL-19, PC-6,
BL- 17, LR-2) - excellent during drug detox
(2) Lung Heat (LU- loyBL- l3>LI-11 LU-5, LU-1, CV-17)
Topical Application (s):
(1) Excellent for breaking up fibrotic and necrotic tissue, as well as
hematomas. Potential use for cystic fibrosis.
(2) Add to sunscreens to protect from harmful W radiation.
(3) Apply directly to damp-heat bi (e.g., hot-swollen rheumatic joints).
Speczjk Protocol(s):
(1) 6% dilution of Helichrysum (30%)? Lavendar (40%)?and German
Chamomile (30%) to Liver Luo Vessel or Liver Fire with Blood Stasis
in the Lower Heater.
(2) 6% dilution on the nodes - CV-23? CV-18, and CV-12 for deep
emotional trauma.
Additwnd Comment(s):
HO LEAF (Cinnanzomunz camphors)
Chinese Name: Ho Sho Ye
Family: Lauraceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate Floral, Woody
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Leaves
Regwns: China
Taste: SpicyySweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LU/ST/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Linalool (-95Y0)
Skin Type: NIA
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Cold or Empty Yang
Actions: Antisepticyantispasmodic, nervine, insecticide
(1) Clear Wind-Heat
(2) Harmonize Spleen and Stomach
(3) Expel hot-phlegm
(1) Wind-Heat (LI-11, L1-4yBL-l2>GB-20)
Topical App lication(s):
(1) Apply to insect bites.
Spec@ Protocol(s):
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Ho Leaf is steam distilledrectified and considered a good substitute for
Rosewood. It contains very small percentage ( ~ ~ 5 %of )camphor.
HYSSOP LINALOOL (Hyssopus officinalis var.

Chinese Name: Not Known

Family: LamiaceaeLLabiatae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate Herbaceous, Spicy
Color: Clear to Pale-Yellow
Parh Dktiiied Flowering Tops
Regions: Albania, France, Spain, Hungary, Mediterranean
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LU
Major Chemical Constituents: Linalool (-SO%), oxides
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindicatwns: None
Actions: Mucolytic, antiviral
(1) Clear Lung Heat
(1) Lung Heat*, including allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis (hacking cough
with thick-yellow/green sputum)
TopicalAppiication(s) :
(1) Apply a 4% dilution for heat in the skin ( e g , SLE).
Other Application(s) :
(1) Diffuse to puri& the home.
(1) 6% dilution of Hyssop Linalool (40%), Ravensara (20%), and Niaouli
(40%) for Lung Heat and LULL1 Divergent Channels.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) *Hyssop oil is eliminated through the Lungs.
(2) Other chemotypes of Hyssop are neurotoxic - use cautiously with
children, the elderly, and pregnancy.
(3) The oxides in Hyssop Linalool has one of the strongest antiviral effects
(eg., HIV, herpes, etc.).
HYSSOP (Hyssopus officinalis)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Famify: LamiaceaeLabiatae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate-Strong> Spicy
Color: Clear to Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled: Flowering Tops
Regions: Albania, France, Spain, Hungary, Mediterranean
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LU5IUHT
Major Chemical Constituents: Ketones (-45-55%)*, Monoterpenes (-2530%)
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindicatwns: Neurotoxic, hepato-toxic (Liver Wind); use small dose (lq-ge
a m z - ~ t or
s excessive use will produce asthma, seizures, and high blood pressure);
glaucoma; prostate cancer
Actions: @ti-inflammatory, stiviral, hypertensive, mucolytic (chest rub)
(1) Expel damp-cold phlegm (sinusitis, bronchitis) & damp-cold bi-
(2) Tonifj~Lung qi
(3) ---.--...---Heart
Strengthen ,* . -. qi and -* d (strengthen the veins due to
diosmin - for varicosity)
(1) Deficient Lung Qi (LU-9, LU-7, LU-1, BL-13, ST-36)
(2) Damp-Cold Phlegm (SP-6, SP-9, ST-40, BL- 13, BL-20)
(3) Blood Stmk due to Cold, especially in the Lower Heater (PC-6, SP-10,
BL-17, CV-2)
TopicalApplication(s) :
(1) Apply a 4% dilution on bruises.
Other Application(s):
(1) Dice to purifj the home.
Spec~jicProtocol(s) :
(1) 4% dilution of Hyssop (SO%), Birch (30%), and Black Pepper (20%)
for Damp-Cold Bi-Obstruction.
Additwnal Comment(s):
(1) Hyssop is a strong %tj=v-vl @-J&kw).!,
(2) *Hyssop Linalool (Hyssopus oficinalis var. decumbens) is low in
ketones and high in oxides - which allows for safer use (see next page).
JASMINE (Jasminum officinaZe/
Jasmin urn grandiflorum)
Chinese Name: Mu Li Hua
Family: Oleaceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Strong> Floral
Color: Dark-Brown
Parts Dktilled: Flowers (absolute)
Regions: China, Philippines, France, Italy, India, Turkey, North Africa
Tmte: Sweet
Ndure: Cooling
Amnity: LRKI
Major Chemical Constituents: methyl anthranilateybenzyl alcohol & acetate
Skin Type: Dry, Mature
Dosage: 4% dilution
Gmtraindications: Cold & Empty Yang
Actwns: anti-depressant, uterine tonic/stimu1ant, emenogogue, galactagogue, narcotic
(1) Clear Liver fire and empty fire in the Lower Heater
(2) yin
(3) rth (trauma during prolonged labor)
(1) Deficient Kidney Yin (KI-3, KI-6>KI-9, BL-23, CV-7)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Add to c s for-- its
- aroma and calming effects.
Speczjik Protocol(s):
(1) 6% dilution of Jasmine (40%), Geranium (30%)?and Orange (30%) for
Ren Mai or Deficient Kidney Yin.
M a-4

(2) 6% dilution ofiasmine (40%), Ylang Ylang (30%), and Sage (30%) for
Empty Fire.
(3) Apply on KI-6 to open Yin Qiao Mai.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Jasmine absolute is most ofien adulterated due to its cost.
, JUNIPER (Juniperus communis)
'/ Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: Cupressaceae
Note: Medium
Aroma: <Strong> Pinelike
Color: Clear to Pale-YellowIPale-Green
Parts Distilled: Berries
Regions: France, Italy, Spain, Yugoslavia, Siberia, Austria, North America
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LRIIU
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (-6040%)
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Deficient Kidney Yin, Pregnancy (toxicity will result in redness of
skin and blisters); ~ e ~ h r o t o x(not
i c to be used with visceral kidney conditions)
Actions: Ernmenagogue, diuretic, analgesic
(1) Expel wind-damp-cold bi-obstruction
(2) Drain damp-cold
(3) Promote menstruation
(1) Wind-Damp-ColdBi-Obstruction (Ah-shi, SP-9, GB-3 1, KI-7, ST-36)
(2) Cold in the Blood with amenorrhea or painful --

menses with thick dark
clots (LR-1, SP-1, CV-2, LR-8, SP-8)
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply a 8% dilution for BladderIKidney Divergent Channels, especially
for removal of latency from the joints.
(2) Apply a 8% dilution of Juniper (40%), Atlas Cedar (30%), Birch (20%),
and Rosemary (20%) for Wind-Damp-Cold Bi-Obstruction.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Juniper combines synergistically well with Rosemary.
(2) Juniper Twig essential oil (produced mainly from Yugoslavia) is
mucolytic and a diuretic.
(3) Juniper from Montana tend to be high in esters (good for
neurological/wind conditions)
LA VANDIN (Lavandula x hybrida)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: LamiaceaeILabiatae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Sweet, Sl. Camphorous
Color: Clear
Parts DIStilled: Flowers
Regions: France, Spain, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Argentina
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUILR
Major Chemical Constituents: Linalool (-30-45%), ester (linalyl acetate -25%),
camphor (-5 - 15%)
Skin Type: All
Dosage: 6% dilution
(contraindications: Cold or Empty Yang
Actions: Analgesic, vulnerary,antiviral
(1) Regulate Liver qi
(2) Clear Lung and Liver heat
(1) Liver Fire with migraine headaches (Taiyang, LR-3, LR-2, LR-14, LI-
TopicalApplication (s):
(1) 6% Liniment (50% Terebinth, 25% Lavandin, and 25% Spike
Lavendar) to relieve muscular tension and promote circulation.
(2) Apply directly to athlete's foot.
Specific Protocol(s) :
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Lavandin is a cross between English Lavendar and Spike Lavendar (L.
latifolia). It is easier to grow and yields more oil than Lavendar (thus it
costs relatively less).
(2) Spike Lavendar is more for head signs, including +. stroke and Bell's

palsy. Use 4% dilution.

LA VENDAR (Lavandula angustifolia)

Chinese Name: Not Known

Family: LamiaceaeILabiatae
Note: Top-Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Floral, Sweet
Color: Clear (dark-green if absolute)
Parts Distilled: Flowers
Regions: France, England, Spain, Russia
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LU/LR/PC
Major Chemical Constituents: Esters (-40-55%), linalool (-2550%)
Skin Type: All
Dosage: 15-20% dilution
Contraindications:*..* - --
None; caution when bleeding (tend to be an anti-coagulant)
Actions: Analgesic, nervine, anti-spasmodic, hypotensive, insect repellent
Functions:111 11
(1) Release Wind-Heat - chills & fever, sinus infections, sore throat
(2) Promote smooth - of- Liver qi --- headaches, muscle spasms and
% -

tightness, dysmenorrhea, scanty menses

(3) Calm the, shea - palpitations, nervousness, irritability, insomnia,
restlessness, high blood pressure (for pillows)
(4) Diffuse Lung qi - chest tightness
(1) Liver Qi Stagnation (LR-14, LR-3, GB-34, PC-6)
(2) Liver & Heart Fire (LR-2, PC-6, PC-8, CV-17, LR-14, LI-11)
Topical Application (s):
(1) Apply direct for insect bites, buplsun-damaged skin.
(2) Reduce s c a r r i i (with Caulophyllum, Lemon, Frankincense, Everlast).
(3) Diffuse for its calming effect or place on pillows.
Specific ProtocoI(s):
(1) Apply 8% dilution of Lavendar (50%), Melissa (lo%), Ylang Ylang
(20%), and German Chamomile (20%) to LiverIGall Bladder Luo
(2) Apply 6% dilution of Lavendar (40%), Rosemary (30%), and
Peppermint (30%) to yang sinew channels.
(3) Apply 6% dilution of Lavendar (40%), Rosemary (20%), Nutmeg
(20%), and Birch (20%) to LiverIGall Bladder Divergent Channels
(especially hip bi-obstruction).
Additional Comment(s):
(1) There are over 30 different types of Lavendar oil traded on the
commercial market (with many blending Lavendar with Lavandin
andlor Spike Lavendar).
(2) Lavendar can normalize blood sugar levels.
LEMON (Citrus limon)
Chinese Name: Ling Meng Pi
Family: Rutaceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> Citrus, Sharp
Color: Yellow to Yellow-Green
Parts Distilled: Peel
Regions: Argentina, Brazil, Mediterranean, Portugal, Spain, U.S.
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Cooling (but drying)
Affinity: LR/GB/ST
Major Chemical Constituents: Lirnonene (-55-80%), coumarin
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 10% dilution
Contraindications: Photosensitive
Actions: Strong antiseptic, hepatic decongestant/rejuvenator, anti-coagulant
(1) Clear Liver and Stomach Fire; fire toxins in the Liver and Gall Bladder
- e.g., gallstones; heat in the blood - arteriosclerosis, varicosity
(2) Transform dampness and expel damp-bi obstruction
(3) Break ." stones - gallstones and urinary
--. *. up

(1) Liver Fire with migraine headaches, hypochondriac distention,
indecisiveness, redeyes, jaundice, insomnia, fever, hypertension (LR-2,
LR- 14, LI- 11)
(2) Stomach Fire with sinus congestion, sore throat, acid reflux, vomiting,
epigastric burning, hunger (ST-44, CV- 12, LI- 11, ST-21)
(3) Damp bi-obstruction (ah-shi, SP-6, SP-9, GB-34, BL-11)
Topical Application(s) :
(1) Apply a 10% dilution of Lemon (50%), Juniper (30%), and Birch
(20%) on damp-cold bi-obstruction on the knee and foot (e.g., gout).
(2) Apply a 10% dilution of Lemon (50%), Lavendar (30%), and
Frankincense (20%) for scars and luo-vessels.
(3) Apply 3 drops of each of Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Carrot Seed, and
Helichrysum to 1 oz. of Castor Oil as a compress over a congested
/----- -
w- LR.
Other Application (s):
(1) --- a room and to orevent contagious diseases.
Diffuse to disinfect =.-

Specific Protocols) :
(1) 8% dilution of Lemon (50%), German Chamomile (30%), and
Rosemary (20%) for LiverIGall Bladder Divergent Channels.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Lemon is a strong anti-oxidant and increase mineral absorption.
(2) Lemon stimulates the pancreas and can normalize blood sugar levels.
(3) Lemon is heavily sprayed with pesticides.
(4) Use with Lavendar for any patterns of Liver or Wood excess.
Chinese Name: Da Er Long Qian
Family: LarniaceaeLabiatae
t Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> Sweet, Lemon-like
Color: Yellow-Green
Parts Distilled: Leaves
Regions: France, North Africa, Central America
Taste: Bitter
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LWPC
Major Chemical Constituents: Geraniol, neral, citral
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: mildly photosensitive
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, sedative
(1 Clear Liver and Heart fire - restlessnes, anxiety, stress, tachycardia,
(2) Regulate Liver overacting on the Stomach resulting in nausea, vomiting,
colic, epigastric burning, foul breath
(1) Heart Fire manifesting as hyperthyroidism (ST-9, PC-7, PC-8, HT-8,
BL-14, BL-15, LI-11).
TopicaVOtherApplication (s) :
(1) Diffuse for insomnia.
- -""

Specific Protocol(s) :
(1) Apply 1 drop of Lemon Verbena on CV-15 to calm the shen.
(2) 4% dilution of Lemon Verbena (40%), Lavendar (40%), and German
Chamomile (20%) for I-ITISI Divergent Channel or Heart Luo Vessel.
Additional Cornment(s):
(1 Lemon Verbena is very balancing for the thyroid and pituitary glands.
(2) True lemon verbena is rare and expensive with limited production.
LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon citratus)
Chinese Name: Xiang Mao Cao
Family: Graminae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> Lemon-like
Color: Yellow to Amber
Parts Distilled: Leaves (Grass)
Regions: India, Sri Lanka, Africa
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Warming
m n i t y : LRISP
Major Chemical Constituents: Aldehydes (65-85% citral)
Skin Type: Oily, astringe the pores (acne)
Dosage: 3% dilution (need to experiment to find right concentration without irritation of
the skin)
Contraindications: Heat & Empty Fire; can bum skin
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, Stomachic, diuretic. Insecticide (fleas, ticks, lice)
(1) Warm the Spleen for transformation & transportation
(2) Astringe yang
(1) Deficient Spleen Yang with f l l l p c p , abdominal bloatingifullness, poor
appetite, cold limbs, loss of concentration, heaviness, lethargy (SP-6, CV-
12. BL-20, BL-21, CV-6, SP-3)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply 2% dilution for scabies and ringworm.
Other Application(s):
(1) Diffuse with Orange or Tangerine to promote mindfulness.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply 2% dilution of Lemongrass (30%), Coriander (40%), and Ginger
(30%) to CV-12 and ST-36 to tonify Spleen qi.
Additwnal Cornment(s):
LIME (Citrus limettalaurantifolia)

Chinese Name: Qing Ling Pi

Family: Rutaceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> Citrus
Color: Clear to Yellow-Green
Parts Distilled: Peel
Regions: Caribbean, Central America, United States, Italy
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LU/ST
Major Chemical Constituents: Limonene
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 10% dilution
Contraindications: None; photosensitive
Actions: Strong antiseptic, astringent, digestive stimulant
(1) Regulate Stomach and Spleen qi
(2) Uplift the mood to relieve depression
(1) Rebellious Stomach Qi with nausea, vomiting, and anorexia (CV-13,
PC-6, ST-21, BL-2 1)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Add to blends for antiseptic and astringent effects.
Other Application (s):
(1) Diffuse for depression.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) 8% dilution of Lime (50%), Coriander (30%), and Lavendar (20%) for
Liver Overacting on the SpleenlStomach.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) acce
Lime is similar to Lemon but is more appropriate for conditions.
(2) Lime should not be confused with Lime Blossom (Tilia europaea)
which is used for clearing heat in the Lungs (e-g., coughing) and the
Liver (e.g., hypertension, headaches, restlessness). Lime Blossom
.--sw,-. , is
good for hyperactive children.
LITSEA (Litsea cubeba)
Chinese Name: Dou Chi Jiang
Family: Lauraceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate> Spicy, Sharp (like Lemongrass)
Color: Clear to Yellow
Parts Distilled: Fruit
Regions: China
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Warming (releases heat to the surface)
Affinity: LU/LR/SP/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Terpene Aldehydes (-75%)
Skin Type: N/A
Dosage: 4-6%
Contraindications: Deficient Yin with Heat
Actions: Analgesic, stomachic, anti-inflammatory
(1) Tonifj Spleen and Kidney yang (lumbago)
(2) Expel Wind-Damp Bi-Obstruction, especially in the lower back
(3) Release Wind-Cold with underlying deficiency
(4) Invigorate qi and blood in the lower abdomen and used in dysmenorrhea
(1) Deficient Spleen and Kidney Yang - loss of appetite, profuse sweat,
cockcrow diarrhea, renal hypertension, undigestate (BL-20, BL-2 1, BL-
23, CV-6, GV-4, SP-3, KI-3)
(2) Wind-Cold with Qi Deficiency - severe chills, fever, sweat, muscle aches
and pain, fatigue (LI-4, LU-7, LU-9, LU- 1, BL- 13, BL- 12, ST-36)
(1) 10 drops to 2 tablespoon of alcohol as a warming liniment for low back
(2) Apply directly over -herpes
--a * --.
., blisters
c to dry up.
- - Protocol(s) :
(1) ~ p on lLI-4 ~with Lavendar on LR-3 directly for---
~Litsea ... sickness.
Sniff at LI-4.
(2) Apply a 6% dilution for Kidney & Bladder Divergent Channels.
Additional Commentfs):
L 0VAGE (Levisticum officinale)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: ApiaceaeKJmbelliferae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Strong> Spicy, Sweet
Color: Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled: Roots (sometimes Leaves)
Regions: France, Belgium
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Cold
Affinity: LUISPKI
Major Chemical Constituents. Phtallides (-50%)
Skin Type: NIA
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Photosensitive & toxic; considered a harsh diuretic
Actions: Diuretic, intestinal stimulan<~xpectorant
(1) Clear damp-heat in the Stomach/Spleen and expel damp-heat bi-
(2) Clear fire toxins in the Kidneys
(3) Expel water, phlegm, and intestinal stagnation
(1) Damp-heat parasites in the Lower Heater (ST-25, ST-37, ST-39, GB-34,
Topical Application (s):
(1) Apply a 4% compress over the lower abdomen or lower back for damp-
heat infections in the Lower Heater. For short-term use only (e.g., 1-2
days, twice a day).
Specific Protocol(s):
Additional Comments):
(1) Lovage essential oil from the leaves is a strong emmenagogue.
MANDARIN & TANGERINE (Citrus reticulata)

Chinese Name: Ju Pi
Family: Rutaceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> Citrus
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Peel
Regions: Italy, Greece, Spain, Algeria, Brazil, Cyprus, United States
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LRlSP/ST
Major Chemical Constituents: Lirnonene (-65-77%), esters (methyl anthranilate*)
Skin Type: Oily (acne)
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Slight photosensitive (yet is the safest of the citrus essential oils)
Actions: Antispasmodic, calming,
Â¥UM' hypnotic
(1) Strengthen Spleen's transformation - poor appetite and digestion,
dampness (phlegmllymph congestionledema)
(2) - - -. epigastric pain, colic, indigestion
Descend Stomach qi - -hiccups,
(3) Calm the Shen - ' restlessness, agitation, hyperactive kids
(4) Subdue Interior Wind - epilepsy, spasm
(1) Disturbed Shen (PC-6, HT-7, CV-14, CV-17, ST-40, SP-4)
(1) Add to skin blends to regenerate skin and reduce stretch marks.
Speczjic Protocol(s) :
(1) 8% dilution of Mandarin (50%), Ylang Ylang (30%), and Sandalwood
(20%) for Heart Fire and Fullness of the Heart/Pericardiurn Luo.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) *Methyl anthranilate is what distinguishes Mandarin from Tangerine.
(2) Tangerine works well with Liver Overacting on the Spleen and
Stomach and regulates Gall Bladder function.
MARIGOLD (Tagetes minuta/Tagetespatuh)
Chinese Name: Wan Xou Ju (Ten Thousand Longevity)
Family: AsteraceaeICompositae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Moderate> Spicy
Color: Orange
Parts Distilled: Flowers with stems (tend to be absolute)
Regions: France, Spain, Italy
Taste: Bitter
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUISPIGB
Major Chemical Constituents: Ketones
Skin Type: cracked skinlnipples; varicosity
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Photosensitive & toxic - contraindicated if convulsions.
Actions: Anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, bile stimulant, antiseptic, vulnerary
(1) Clear heat
(2) Expel phlegm (swollem lymph, cyst) (

(3) Promote bile secretions

Indications :
(1) Hot Phlegm (ST-40, LI-11, LU-10, LU-1)
Topical Application(s):
( 1 Apply 4% dilution on calluses, varicose veins, and athlete's foot.
Specific Protocol(s):
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Due to its high amount in beta-carotene and its orange color, Marigold
is sometimes sold as Carrot Seed Oil.
(2) - ----- (Calendula officinalis).
Its properties are very similar to Calendula
SWEET MARJORAM (Origanum marjorana/
Marjorana hortensis)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: LamiaceaeILabiatae
Note: Top-Middle
Aroma: <Moderate> Herbaceous, Sweet
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Leaves
Regions: Spain, France, England, Egypt, North Africa, Hungary
Taste: Spicy, Bitter, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LULRIST
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenols (-50%), monoterpenes (-40%)
Skin Type: Dry, Bums
Dosage: 6% dilution (higher dilution will be narcotic); overuse will numb the
emotions resulting in the feelings of loneliness, rejection
Contraindications: Asthma, Pregnancy
Actions: Analgesic, antispasmodic, hypotensive, vasodilator, nervine, emrnenagogue
(1) Descend Liver Yang Ascension and clear Liver Fire - migraines,
* hbp
(2) Release Wind-Heat and wind-damp-hot bi-obstruction
(3) Alleviate cough (esp. whooping cough) and expel damp-hot phlegm
(4) Descend Stomach qi to. promo&perjstalsis -
-xe..s~ma~w. and relieve food stasis,
reflux, and flatulence
(1) Liver Yang Ascension with Wind - migraine headaches, facial tic,
epilepsy, vertigo, hypertension (GV-20, GB-20, LR-3, Taiyang)
(2) Liver and Heart f i r e - agitation, anxiety, sexual aggression,
tachycardia, insomnia, scanty menses (PC-8, LR-2, CV- 14, LR- 14, LI-
Topical Application(s) :
(1) Apply direct at CV-17 and HT-7 for calming anxiety.
(2) Add to post-workoutblegds to relax- the sinews.

Other Application (s):

(1) Add 5-10 drops to bath water for its wei stimulating effects -
defiressiop (especially from loneliness, isolation, andlor
and nervous exhaustion.
(2) Add 2 drops each of Sweet Marjoram, Cypress, and Thyme Linalool
with some honey water and gargle for sore throat.
Specific Protocols)):
(1) 6% dilution of Sweet Marjoram (50%), Lavendar (20%), and
Sandalwood (30%) for Heart Fire and HTIPC Luo Vessels.
a. -..-.,

(2) 6% dilution of Sweet Mqoram (50%), Rose (20%), and Frankincense

(30%) for Disturbed Shen (feelings of loneliness and isolation).
(3) 6% dilution of Sweet Marjoram (50%), German Chamomile (30%), and
Lavendar (20%) for Liver Fire.
(4) 6% dilution of Sweet Marjoram (40%), Rosemary (30%), and Lavendar
(30%) for Liver and Gall Bladder Divergent Channels.
(5) Direct on LR-5 and CV-2 to promote menstruation and to relieve
menstrual cramping. Can also reduce sexual drive.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Sweet Marjoram is an excellent oil for the ,rites
- passage (e.g.,
marriage, funeral, graduation, etc.).
M E L I S S N M O N BALM (Melissa officinalis)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: LamiaceaeKabiatae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Moderate> Sweet, lemon-like
Color: Clear
Purts Distilled: Leaves
&gwns: France, Spain
Taste: Bitter, Sweet
Nature: Cooling but drying
Affinity: LR/HT/ST
Major Chemical Constituents: Aldehydes (citronella1 -50-60%)
Skin Type: Dry, Mature, wasp and bee stings (high amounts can irritate skin)
Dosage: 1-4% dilution
Contraindications: None
Actions: Antiviral*, sedative, hypotensive, antispasmodic

Clear Heat in the Wei level (use small amounts - 1% dilution**) - good
for the portals, especially the teeth for latency
Clear Liver and Heart Fire & Heat in the Blood - calm the shen
Open and relax the chest
Descend Stomach Qi and regulate bile secretions .

Deficient Spleen Qi due to Liver Overacting on the Spleen with

indigestion, nausea, flatulence, lethargy, flank distention (LR- 13, LR- 14,
SP-6, CV-6, SP-3)
Liver or Heart Fire with red complexion, red eyes, angry outbursts,
palpitations, chest tightness, insomnia, irritability, hypertension, hysteria,
angina (HT-7, PC-6, PC-7, CV-14)
Liver Blood Stasis due to Heat with painful menses, intermittent sharp
migraine headaches, vertigo, infertility (BL-17, SP-10, LR-8, CV-2)
Rebellious Stomach Qi with vomiting, belching, morninglmotion
sickness, epigastric spasm, food stasis (CV-13, PC-6, ST-40)
Topical Application(s) :
(1) Make a cream -
-,.. with Melissa for &es and chickenpox.
Specific ProtocoI(s) :
(1) 4% dilution of Melissa (40%), Sandalwood (30%), and Ylang Ylang
(30%) for Heart Fire (add Clary Sage if Empty Heart Fire). Can apply to
Heart Luo Vessel.
(2) Apply direct to LR-14, Tai-Yang, and GB-21 for Liver Fire affecting the
head and eyes (e.g., migraines and red eyes).
Additional Comment(s):
(1) *Melissa is one of the most powerful anti-viral
--..* - essential
s oils.
(2) **Melissa, in high dosage, will aggravate wei qi and irritate skin and
respiratory conditions. High dosage (2%) would be more appropriate for
Wind-Cold. Melissa is often adulterated with Lemon, Lemongrass, Litsea,
andlor Citronella.
(3) Melissa has 2 chemotypes - citral and citronella1 (more sedating).
MIMOSA (Acacia decurrens)
Name: Mot Known

Clear Blood Heat and FireToxins ¥

C & w m d - M o n - e , - , h w
at ( B ~ l 7 , S&10, LI-11) .

dilution in an oliveoil base

(30%), and Violet (30%)

1) Mimosa is afixative.
MUG WOWArtemisia vulgaris)
Chinese Name: Ai Ye
Family: Asteraceae
Note: Middle-Base
Aroma: <Moderate>
Color: Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled: Leaves & Flowering Tops
'Regions: France, Germany, Hungary, Morocco, India, Japan, China
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LRISP/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Ketones (thujone)
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Heat & Empty Fire; neurotoxic; pregnancy
Actions: Ernmenagogue, uterine tonic, anthelmintic - i-t/i^t-<- , o ~ .?M-
~ Qfe
(1) Warm the Uterus and promote menstruation.
(2) Expel cold in the abdomen.
(1) Deficient Spleen Yang (BL-20, BL-2 1, SP-9, SP-3, CV-12)
Topical Application (s).:
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply to GB-41 to open Dai-Belt Mai.
Additional Comment(s):
MYRRH (Commiphora myrrha)
Chinese Name: Mo Yao
Family: Burseraceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Strong> Spicy, Bitter, Balsamic
Color: Yellow to Red-Brown
Parts Distilled: Gum resin
Regions: Iran, Libya, Africa
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUISPIST
Major Chemical Constituents: Sesquiterpene ether (hecrabolene)
Skin Type: Mature
Dosage: 6% dilution
Contraindicatwns: Pregnancy, uterine bleeding

Actions: Expectorant, anti-inflammatory, emrnenagogue, antiviral/antifungal, horrnonal-
balancing, vulnerary
(1) Clear Lung & Stomach Heat - thick yellow sputum, coughing, gum
swellings, t o o t h a c h e , m i d i s m
(2) Strengthen the spleen flatulence, loss of appetite, chronic diarrhea,
cgdida, vaginal discharge
(3) ~nvigoratethe blood for bruises and varicose veins (ischemia)
(4) Promote healing of wounds
(1) Stomach Fire resulting in Lung Heat (LU-10, ST-44, CV-12, LU-1, ST-
40, ST-9, CV-17)
(2) Apply on GV-1for lowering blood serum cholesterol
TopicalApplication(s) :
(1) Chapped, cracked skin, blemishes,
- athlete's foot, and ringworm
Specific Protocols)):
(1) 6% dilution of Myrrh (SO%), Eucalyptus citriodora (30%), and Thyme
Linalool(20%) for Lung Heat.
(2) 6% dilution of Myrrh (SO%), Pine (20%), and Sandalwood (30%) for ST
Luo Vessel.
Additional Comrnent(s):
(1 Myrrh is good for oral hygienic health, including laryngitis.
MYRTLE (Myrtus communis)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: Myrtaceae
Note: Middle-Base
Aroma: <Soft> Spicy, Camphorow
Color: Pale-Yellow to Green (Corsica)
Parts Distilled: Leaves & Twigs (sometimes Flowers)
'Regions: Mediterranean, North Africa
Taste: Bitter, Sweet
Nature: Cooling but drying
Affinity: LUBL
Major Chemical Constituents: Oxide (1-8 cineole), esters, aldehydes
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 10% dilution
Contraindicatwns: Cold & Empty Yang
Actions: Anti-bacterial/viral,
seu* ,*
mucolytic, nervine
(1) Clear Lung Heat and heat in the upper orifices (e.g., rhinitis)
(2) Astringe leakage of qi and blood (e.g., sweating, bleeding,
diarrhealdysentery, hemorrhoids)
(1) Lung Heat allergies (LI-4, LU-7, LU-10, LU-1, LI-20, ST-1, LI-11)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply onJj^;bl~cd vessels on the surfac-e.
(2) Apply on chest for congestion, including breast lumps.
Other Application(s):
(1) Diffuse to disinfect room.
(2) Diffuse for a calgung,effect.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply on LU-7 to open the luo-passage channel.
(2) 10% dilution with Cypress for leakage of Lung Qi - apply to LU-6, LU- 1,
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Myrtle is well-tolerated and good for children with infections.
(2) Myrtle is very similar to Niaouli in properties.
NARCISSUS (Narcissus poeticus)

Chinese Name: Shui Xian

Funity: Amaryllidaceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Moderate> Floral

lor: Amber to Olive-Green
arts Distilled: Flowers (absolute)
gwns: France, Holland, Middle East, Mediterranean
Taste: Bitter, Sweet
Nature: Cold
Affinity: KIIHT
Major Chemical Constituents: Narcissine (-2% alkaloid), quercetin
Skin Type: Dry
Dosage: 2%
Contraindications: Deficient Yang and Interior Cold
Actions: Emetic, sedative, antispasmodic
(1) Establish Heart-Kidney communication.
(2) Calm the Shen.
(1) Heart Fire Disturbing the Shen (HT-7, HT-8, CV-14, BL-14, BL-44)
TopicalApplication(s) :
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply on KI-6 to open Yin Qiao Mai.
Aliditwnal Comment(s):
(1) All species from the Arnaryllidaceae family can cause paralysis and even
death. They are not for internal use and often used primarily for their
ChineseName:Ge Hua
Family. Rutaceae-
Note: Middle-Base
Aroma: <Moderate> Floral
Color: Pale-Yellow
Parts Ldistilled: Flowers
RegionJ: Egypt, China, India, France, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Comoro Islands
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature : Cooling
Affinityr: HT/SP/ST
 ¥ / _ _.
' - - J -M
- ~fhemical
-' Constituents: Monoterpenols (40%), monoterpenes (-35%), esters
Skin Tww: All, especially mature
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindicatwns: None (safe for children/elderly; long-term use can lead to
withdrawd t i r n i d ity)
Actions: Sedative, antidepressant, stomachic, antifungal
(1 1) Tonify Spleen function - promoting digestion; ascending qi; and
transforming dampness; and upliftingmood
i) Clear Heart Fire - fibrillations, angina, hysteria, shock,
high blood pressure, insomnia
ms :
1) DeficientSp/eenQi(BL-20,BL-21,SP-3,CV-12,ST-36)
1 ) H e a r t Fire (HT-7, PC-6, PC-8, BL-14, BL-15, CV-14, CV-17)
1) Neroli can regenerate cells and is appropriate for scars and stretch
marks. Add to skin-care blends.
(1 I) 6% dilution of Neroli (40%), Ylang-Ylang f40%), and Sandalwood
(20%) for Heart Fire.
2) 6% dilution of Neroli (40%), Coriander (40%), and Ginger (20%) for
chronic digestive weakness (Deficient Spleen Qi).
3) Apply direct to CV-15 to treat depression (e.g., external/internal
1) Apply direct to SP-4 to open the C h g Vessel or LU-7 to open the
Ren Mai (more effective with Ren points).
Additional Comment(.):
(1 1) Due to its expensive costs, Neroli is often adulterated.
NIAOULI (Melaleuca quinquenervia viridiflora or MQ V )
Chinese Name: Bai Qian Zeng
Family: Myrtaceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <Strong> Sweet, Eucalyptus-like
Color: Clear
Parts Distilled: Leaves
Regions: Australia, Madagascar, New Caledonia
Taste: Bitter, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUAU
Major Chemical Constituents: Pinene, limonene, citrene, oxide (1,8-cineole -35-65%)
Skin Type: Dry
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Can cae-eskin irritation; caution during pregnancy and with children
Actions: ~ x ~ e c t o r a n t , ~ t i v i hormonal-balancing
ral, (pituitary-ovarian)
(1) Clear Wind-Heat and Damp-Heat in the Lower Heater, including worms
(2) Tonify Lung and Kidney qi
(1) Lung Heat allergies (LU-10, LU-1, LI-11, LI-4, LU-7,SI-18)
(2) Deficient Lung Qi (LU- 1, BL- 13, LU-9, LU-7)
TopicalApplication (s):
(1) Apply to infected
. . ~ l ^ wounds
a ^ a t i lulcers m..-.
u M ' - bums . .and
~ ,L. ~ ~ gum inflammation (add a
drop to toothpaste during brushing).
(2) Apply 10-25 drops to bath or showers along Lung and Liver channels
during the allergy season.
(3) Apply 20 drops to bathafter radiation
--+.at. ,- therapy.

Other Application(~):
(1) Apply 20 drops to a sitz-bath to astringe
->a -*,
" %--. hemorrhoids:
Specific Protocol(~) :
(1) Apply a 10% dilution of Niaouli (50%), Green Myrtle (30%), Eucalyptus
radiata (20%) on Lung Luo Vessel. Can also be applied to LULI
Divergent Channels.
(2) Apply a 10% dilution of Niaouli (50%), Pine (30%), and Thyme Linalool
(20%) for Deficient Lung Qi.
(3) Apply a 10% dilution of Niaouli (50%), Fennel (30%), and Rosemary
(20%) for Deficient Kidney QiIYang.
Additional Comment(s):
Niaouli is one of the most effective essential oils for treating g a l
conditions. It promotes leukocytosis and is @&$ergen.
NUTMEG (Mykticu fragans)

Clear to Me-Yellow
DriedKernel (Nuts)
Europe,Indonesia,Sri tsa^.West Indies (especially Grenada)

(-70-80%), phenolic ether (myristicin

to heat; Liver WdAscension; neurotoxic

higb dose will produce delirium, convulsions,
. *
stoffiaehw,canmnative, emmenagogue

Astringe dianfea due to DeBcient Spleen and ~ i d n e yYng - e.g.,

codcerow dianhea

qi in the Middle Heater with nausea,

Deficient Spleendiarrhea (BL-20, BL-21, ST-36, ST-37, SP-8, ST-42,

SP-6, SP-9, B W )
OAKMOSSXLUNGMOSS (Evernia prunastri)
Chinese Name: Sung Lao (Old Man's Beard)
Family: Usneaceae
Note: Base
Aroma: <Moderate> Sweet
Color: Pale-Yellow to Olive to Dark-Brown
Parts Distilled: Lichen
kegwns: France, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, North Africa, USA
Taste: Bitter, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUISP
Major Chemical Constituents'. Lichen acids (evemic acid)
Skin Type: Dry
Dosage: 2% dilution
(contraindications: None
Actions: Expectorant, mucolytic
(1) Expel hot-phlegm and nourish yin
(1) Deficient Lung Yin with Hot-Phlegm (CV-17, LU-10, LU-1, BL-13, ST-
40, LU-9)
Topical Application (s):
Specific Protocol(s) :
(1) 5% dilution of Grapefruit (40%), Sage (30%), and Oakrnoss (30%) for
Deficient Lung Yin with Hot Phlegm.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Oakmoss is a fixative.
ONION (Allium cepa)
Chinese Name: Yang Cong
Family: Liliaceae
Note: Medium
Aroma: <Strong> Sulphurous
Color: Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled: Bulb
Regions: France, Germany, Egypt
Taste: Spicy
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LIUSP1K.I
Major Chemical Constituents: Dipropyl disulphide
Skin Type: NIA; will irritate skin
Dosage: 4% dilution
Contraindications: Heat & Empty Heat
Actions: Mucolytic, diuretic, anthelmintic,
-- ~tirnicrobial,regulates insulin
(1) Warm the interior to expel cold and dampness (e-g., edema, diarrhea,
copious clear urine)
(2) Transform damp-cold phlegm - swollen glands
(3) Invigorate blood
(4) Destroy parasites
(1) Damp-Cold Phlegm (LU-1, SP-9, LU-7, ST-36, ST-40)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply a 4% dilution on warts and abscesses.
Specific Protocol(s):
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Onion essential oil comes primarily from red onions.
ORANGE (Citrus sinensis)
Chinese Name: Ju Pi
Family: Rutaceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Soft> Citrus
Color: Pale-Yellow to Orange
Parts Distilled: Peel
Regions: California, Florida, Israel, Spain, Mediterranean, North Africa, Central &
South America
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LU/HT/ST
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (limonene -90%)
Skin Type: Oily
%Dosage: 10% dilution; some photosensitivity
p Contraindications: None
Actions:^Carminative, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue
(1) Release Wind-Heat with fever, chills, cough
(2) Clear Heart Fire - arrhythmia, palpitations, insomnia, hypertension
(3) Descend Stomach qi to promote peristalsis and clear Stomach Fire -
anorexia, indigestion, abdominal spasdpain, flatulence, nausea,
vomiting, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome
(1) Wind-Heat (LI- 11, LU-7, LU- 1, LI-4, LU- 11, LI- 1, BL- 13, BL- 12)
(2) Heart Fire (HT-7, LI-11, PC-7, CV-14, BL-14, BL-15)
Topical Application(s):
(1) Apply a 10% dilution to clear heat from gums, mouth ulcers.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply a 10% dilution of Orange (SO%), Sandalwood (20%),
Frankincense (20%), and Lavendar (10%) for Heart Fire.
(2) Apply a 6% dilution of Orange (50%), Coriander (30%), and Black
Pepper (20%) to descend Stomach qi.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Orange is among the safest of the citrus oils - and is slightly water-
soluble. It is good for children.
(2) Bitter Orange is stronger and "rougher" than Sweet Orange.
(3) Long-term use of Orange can have a hypnotic effect.
(4) Orange can reduce blood serum cholesterol.
(5) Blood Orange is an anti-depressant.
OREGANO (Origanum vulgare)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: LamiaceaeILabiatae
Note: Medium
Aroma: <Moderate-Strong> Spicy
Color: Yellow to Amber (with age)
Parts Distilled: Leaves
Regions: Spain, Greece, North Africa, Italy, Bulgaria, Russia
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Warming
Affinity: LU/LR/SP
Major Chemical Constituents: Phenols (carvacrol)
Skin Type: N/A
Dosage: 4% (toxic in high dosage)
Contraindications: Heat & Empty Fire; Pregnancy (abortive); Hepato-toxic
Actions: Anti-spasmodic, al, anthelmintic, emmenagogue
(1) Warm the Middle Heater - strengthen Spleen qi and its production of
blood; resolve vomiting and diarrhea
(2) Promote appetite and menstruation
(3) Expel damp bi-obstruction and damp-phlegm
(4) Destroy parasites
(1) Damp Bi-Obstruction (Ah-shi, SP-6, SP-9, CV- 12)
Topical Application(s) :
Specific Protocol(s) :
(1) 4% dilution of Oregano (30%), Lavendar (40%), and Atlas Cedar (30%)
for Damp-Hot Bi Obstruction and Wei-Atrophy.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) Oregano can irritate and even bum the skin. Use small concentration and
test for sensitivity. For short-term use only.
(2) The chemotype phenols is one of the best for the H. pylori.
PALMAROSA (Cyrnbopogon martini)
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: Poaceae
Note: Top
Aroma: <Moderate> LemonRose-like
Color: Pale-Yellow
Parts Distilled: Grass
Regions: Africa, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, Brazil
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Nature: Cooling
Affinity: LUfLR
Major Chemical Constituents: geraniol
Skin Type: All, hydrates the skin (esp. good for inflamed conditions)
Dosage: 6-8% dilution
Contraindications: None
Actions: Antibacterial/viral/fiingal (boils, shingles), antipyretic, analgesic (especially for
neur~lo~icdconditions, such as sciatica, facial neuralgia)
(1) Release Wind-Heat
(2) Regulate Liver qi and clear damp-heat fire toxins on the skin
(1) Wind-Heat with red, pustular, and itchy skin (ah-shi, BL-40, LI-4, LU-7,
Topical Application (s):
(1) Apply in a liniment for stiff mqsqles.
Specific Protocol(s):
(1) Apply direct to jing-well and sinew confluence points to clear heat in the
sinews, upper orifices, and skin.
(2) Apply 6% dilution of Palmarosa (40%), Nutmeg (30%), and Clove (30%)
at BL-67 for difficult delivery.
Additional Comments)):
(1) Palmarosa is often used to adulterate Geranium and Bulgarian Rose.
Chinese Name: Not Known
Family: Umbelliferae
Note: Medium
Aroma: <Strong>
Color Yellow -
PartsDistitleA Seeds
Regions': France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Hungary, India
Taste: Spicy, Bitter
Naiure: Warming
Affinity: LR/SP/KI
Major Chemical Constituents: Myristicin (-60-85%); psoralen
Skin Type: Varioo 'ty; can irritate skin
Dosage: 4%
Confraindicataous. Neurotoxic; hepato-toxic; pregnancy (apiol induces abortion);
Actims: Dimtic, uterine tonic, bowel s t h u h & --
(1) Invigorate blood and promote menstruation/labor.
(2) Promote appetite and regulate Stomach qi - flatulence, nausea,

(3) Drain dampness in the Lowet Heater - urinary/gall stones, fibroids (shan-
jia); lowers blood pressure I;l
' È

dilution of Parsley (40%), Cypress (30%), and Ginger (30%)

on CV-2, LR-5, SP-8, and SP-10for uterine fibroids.
Regfonsi Indonesia, China, India,Burma, Philippines, Paraguay, Brazil
Nalwre: Slightly Wanniflg, sL astringent
ffafiv ~ l ~ m i aCoitStllaaitr.
il Seaiuitapeaes (40-SW),Se!iquti!>paÈ( 3 5 4 % )

goat (diffuse); nervine, tonic; vascular

on wUfa Patchouli ever CV-17 or CV-I5 to release pent-up

(3) 4% dilution of Patchouli (40%). Bergamot (3#%), and Cedarwood (30%)
for the prevention of cold tor those with chronic susceptibility to
' upper respiratory tract conditions.
(4) 8% dilution of Patchouli(w), Lavendar (30%), and Eucalyptus radiata
PEPPEHINT (Mentha piperita)
Chinese Name: Bo He
Fami&: Lamiaceaekabiatae
Note: Top-Middle
Aroma: <Strong> Minty
Gdor: Clear
Parts Dktilled Leaves
Region: United States, China7England, France (best from Europe)
Tmte: Spicy
Ndure: Cooling, refreshing
Aflnity: LULR
Major Chemical Constituents: Menthol (-30-45%), menthone (-1 5-35%)
Skin Type: Antiseptic use
Dosage: 2-8% (higher dilution tend to be stimulating)
Contraindications: None (though not appropriate for young children); some develop
skin sensitivity (and skin irritations can be made worse when high concentrations are
Actwns: Anti-inflammatory, sedative, hepato-regenerative, carminative7antispasmodic
(1) Clear Wind-Heat -- headache7 fever, nasal congestion7 dry cough, sore
eyes and throat
(2) Regulate Liver qi -- promote menstruation, relax emotions, PMS,
decongest the Liver* (e.g., hepatitislcirrhosis)
(3) Rgdieve-itch-%d. open the portals -- improve concentration and treat
(4) Promote wei-defensive qi movement - muscular and digestive spasms
(including irritable bowel syndrome) - dyspepsia, nausea, flatulence
(1) Wind-Heat (LI-11, BL-12, BL-13, LU-11, LI-1)
(2) Liver Qi Stagnation PMS (LR- 14, GB-34?LR-3)
Topical Applicatwn (s):
(1) Apply 15% dilution liniment (with alcohol) to the forehead ---.,. to reduce fever
and headachesa . . . and~angmi&
in Shaoyang
(2) Apply direct to the umer"..---- ..- .jing-well
back-and .. points to release wind.
Other Application(s) :
(1) Add 2 drops of Peppermint to a cup of hot water and L&ale the h e s
(carehl -- not too close)-.to open th5 sinus
a-zv. v- . cavity.
(2) Add 3-5 drops to-bgthsto reduce fever (carehl not to get into eyes).
(1) Gua-sha the area of GV-14, BL-11, BL-12 followed by the application of
a lobulus, Lavendar (equal amounts
o the blend to GB-20, TaiYang, LI-
4, LI-207and LI-11 for the treatment of Wind-Heat.
(2) Apply a 6% dilution of equal amounts of Peppermint and Ravensare to
LR-3, GB-34?LR-14?and LR-2 for dysmenorrhea.
(3) Apply 9% dilvtion over LR-5 and GV-1 ng in the genitalia -
for impotence.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) *Peppemint essential oil can regenerate.
- .. hepatic cells while Rosemary
verbenone is hepatic protectant.
(2) ~eppcmihtcan neutralize.rnany homeopathic remedies.
(3) There are more than 20 varietieshybrids of Peppermint.
PETITGRAIN (Citrus aurantium)

Chinese Name: Qing Ye

Family: Rutaceae
Note: Top-Middle
Aroma: <Soft> Citrus
Color: Clear
Par& Distilled Leaves & Stems
Regions: Afica, Haiti, France, Spain, Italy, Paraguay
Taste: Bitter
Nature: Cooling
AfBnity: LU/HT/ST
Major Chemical Constituents: Esters (linalyl acetate -40-55%), monoterpenols (-30-
Skin Type: Oily, especially acne
Dosage: 6- YO
Contraindications: None; some photosensitivity
Actions: Nervine, anti-depressant?antispasmodic
(1) Regulate qi in the chest and epigastrium
(2) Calm the shen
(3) Strengthen memory by transforming dampness
(1) Chest Qi Stagnation with chest tightness, labored breathing, insomnia
(CV-17, PC-6, LU-9, HT-7)
(2) Rebellious Stomach QiFood Stasis with nausea? vomiting? niccups7
epigastric hllness? sour reflux (CV- 13, CV- 12, PC-6? ST-21 ST-36)
Topical Applicatw n(s):
(1) Add to cosmetic blends for its antiseptic and skin-balancing effect.
SpeczjZc Protocol(s):
(1) Apply directly to CV-17 to relax the chest or CV-13 for rebellious qi.
Additwnal Comtnent(s):
SCOTCHMOUNTMN PINE (Pinus sylvestris)
Chinese Name: Song Jie
Family: Pinaceae
Note: Middle
Aroma: <So@ Pinelike
Color: Clear
Paris Dktilled: Needles
Regions: Russia?Germany?France, Austria, Italy, Yugoslavia
Taste: Bitter?Sweet
Nature: Warming (drying)
Affinity: LUKI
Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpenes (pinene 40-70Y0)
Skin Type: Oily
Dosage: 8% dilution
Contraindications: Cautious with Deficient YidBlood
Actions: Anti-infectious?anti-fimgal?expectorant, analgesic?adrenal support
(1) Descend Lung qi to the Kidneys - coughing, wheezing?breathlessness,
(2) Warm Kidney yang - for impotence,
(3) Transform cold-phlegm and expel &nd-damp-cold bi-obstruction
(1) Deficient Lung Qi with Cold-Phlegm (LU-1 LU-7? ST-40, BL-13,
BL-l7? CV-17? ST-36?SP-9)
(2) Kidneys Not Grasping Lung Qi (KI-3? GB-25, LU-l7KI-7, BL-23)
TopicalApplicatw n(s):
(1) Apply as 10% liniment with Pine (40%), Birch (40%)?and Peppermint
for Wind-Damp-Cold Bi-Obstruction.
(2) 10% water spray for sweaty feet and to absorb foot odors.
(3) 8% chest rub (with Thyme linalool and Eucalyptus dives).
Other AppZication(s):
(1) Difise to disinfect rooms.*
(2) Add 10-15 drops to bath water for muscular aches and during hay-fever
Speczjk Protocol(s):
(1) 8% dilution of Pine (50%), Juniper (30%)? and Eucalyptus globulus
(20%) for Kidneys Not Grasping the Qi and weak willpower.
(2) 8% dilution of Pine (50%)> Sage (30%), and Orange (20%) for
Deficient Lung Yin.
(3) Apply direct to LungLarge Intestine Divergent Channels.
Additional Comment(s):
(1) *Pine has been diflbsed in burn wards to prevent infections on bum

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