ME 309 Experimental Analysis Orifice, Venturi and Rotameter Calibration For Flow Rate Measurement

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ME 309 Experimental Analysis

Orifice, Venturi and Rotameter Calibration for Flow Rate Measurement

The objective of this experiment is to calibrate a) a venturi meter b) an orifice meter c) a rotameter for
flow rate measurements.
In practical engineering applications such as oil and gas pipelines, chemical plants and oil refineries etc. it
is often required to measure liquid or gas flow rates accurately. Few flowmeters measure flow rate directly
by repeatedly charging and discharging a chamber of known volume, and by counting the number of
discharges per unit time. These are called positive displacement flow meters. However most flow meters
measure flow rate indirectly, for example by measuring average flow velocity (v) through a passage with
known cross sectional area (A) and calculating volume flow rate by 𝑉̇ = 𝐴𝑣. It should be noted that velocity
is usually not uniform across a passage, for example in a pipe flow velocity is maximum at the center and
minimum towards the walls. Orifice and venturi flow meters work by obtaining flow velocity and are widely
used for flow rate measurements and are shown in Figure 2. Other types of flow meters are Ultrasonic flow
meters that work on sound propagation and Coriolis flow meters that work on electromotive force generated
when fluid passes through a magnetic field and thermal mass flow controllers that work by measuring
current to keep a heated tube at a constant temperature.
Consider incompressible flow through a pipe of diameter D where an orifice plate with an opening of
diameter d is installed as shown in Figure 1. Assume station 1 is sufficiently upstream of the orifice plate
and station 2 is right after the orifice plate. The continuity equation for flow rate at stations 1 and 2 is given
by Eq.1, where incompressibility is assumed. By rearranging V1 could be written in terms of V2 as given in
Eq. 2. Bernoulli’s equation for station 1 and 2 is given by Eq. 3. By substituting for V1 in Eq. 3, velocity
through the orifice could be obtained and is given in Eq. 4. Here is β is the diameter ratio = d/D.

𝑉̇ = 𝐴1 𝑉1 = 𝐴2 𝑉2 ( 1)

𝑉1 = (𝐴2 ⁄𝐴1 )𝑉2 = (𝑑⁄𝐷 )2 𝑉2 ( 2)

1 1
𝑃1 + 𝜌𝑉1 2 = 𝑃2 + 𝜌𝑉2 2 ( 3)
2 2

2(𝑃 −𝑃 )
1 2
𝑉2 = √ 𝜌(1−𝛽 4) ( 4)

Using the average velocity through the orifice, volume flow rate could be calculated using Eq. 5., where
ΔP=P1-P2, is the pressure difference across the orifice. Thus flow rate could be simply calculated by
inserting an obstruction in a flow and measuring pressure difference across the obstruction. Though the
derivation here is for an orifice the same expression works for all types of obstruction flow metes, for
example a venturi flow meter.

𝑉̇ = 𝐴2 𝑉2 = 𝐴2 √𝜌(1−𝛽4 ) ( 5)

Copyright ©2019 Dr. Ravi K. Bompelly, All rights reserved
The flow rate calculated using Eq. 5 is theoretical flow rate as the velocity calculation assumed no losses,
and thus the velocity and also the flow rate are maximum possible. In real flow scenarios part of the total
pressure loss goes in overcoming frictional effects and thus the real velocity is less than the theoretical one.
In addition, as flow goes through an orifice it continues to contract downstream of the orifice, forming
“vena contracta” where flow area is smaller than the orifice area. Therefore, flow rate calculations require
a correction factor, to account for frictional pressure losses and also for the formation of vena contracta.
The correction factor is incorporated by using either effective are (Aeff) of the orifice instead of the
geometrical area or a discharge coefficient (Cd) where, 𝐴𝑒𝑓𝑓 = 𝐶𝑑 𝐴2 . Effective area or discharge coefficient
of an orifice is experimentally determined by measuring actual flow rate and pressure difference across the
orifice using Eq. 6, where 𝑉̇ is the measured flow rate.

2∆𝑃 2∆𝑃
𝑉̇ = 𝐴𝑒𝑓𝑓 √𝜌(1−𝛽4 ) = 𝐶𝑑 𝐴2 √𝜌(1−𝛽4 ) ( 6)

Figure 2. A typical a) orifice plate b) Venturi meter

used in pipelines for flow rate measurement.
Figure 1. Flow through an orifice plate

Rotameters are variable area flow meters that give direct reading of flow
rates. They usually consist of a transparent conical tube installed vertically
and a float that is free to move inside the tube as shown in Figure 3. Without
any flow the float would be at the bottom of the tube and as flow passes
through the tube, the float rises due to drag force and buoyancy. The float
finds an equilibrium position where weight of the float matches the net
upward forces. Flowrate is measured by calibrating where vertical height
of the float is related to measured flow rate. Floats are typically spherical
balls or cylinder shaped with a reading edge. The accuracy of rotameters is
typically ± 5%.

Figure 3. Rotameters

Copyright ©2019 Dr. Ravi K. Bompelly, All rights reserved
Experimental Setup
The experimental setup consists of a venturi meter
and an orifice meter installed on two separate lines.
In addition, the setup is equipped with a rotameter as
well. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup is
shown in Figure 4. The setup is provided with
pressure taps to measure pressure difference between
the upstream and downstream sides of the venturi and
orifice meters. Pressure tapings are taken from the
inlet and the throat of the venturi meter and upstream
and downstream ends of the orifice meter and are
connected to a U-tube manometer. Ball valves are
provided to switch between pressure taps on the
venturi and orifice meters. In addition, valves are
provided to clear any air bubbles in the manometer
tubes when pressure difference is measured. At Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the
downstream ends of the venturi and orifice meters experimental setup
ball valves are provided to regulate flow rates.
Average flow rate could be measured by closing the measuring tank vent with a drain plug and monitoring
the time taken for water level to rise by a desired height. The measuring tank cross section dimensions are
45 cm x 39.5 cm.
Table 1. Experimental Setup Specifications.
Parameter Value
1 Diameter of the inlet section to the orifice .028 m
2 Orifice diameter .014 m
3 Venturi meter inlet section diameter 0.028 m
4 Venturi meter throat diameter 0.014 m
5 Measuring tank cross sectional area 0.1 m2
6 Mercury density 13600 kg/m3

Experimental Procedure
1. Ensure that ON/OFF switch on the panel is at the OFF position.
2. Close all the flow control valves and fully open only the bypass valve.***
3. Now turn on the main power supply and then turn on the pump.
4. Fully open the ball valve downstream of the orifice meter and keep the valve on the venturi meter
fully closed.
5. Now fully open the flow control valve upstream of the rotameter.
6. Partially close the bypass valve and also if required partially close the orifice meter valve to
adjust flow rate through the orifice meter.
7. Open valves on the manometer tubes such that manometer tubes are connected to pressure taps on
the orifice meter. Close the valves that connect manometer to the venturi meter pressure taps. Do
this process slowly to avoid rushing of water in to mercury in the manometer.
8. Now open the air release valves on the manometer to release air bubbles.

Copyright ©2019 Dr. Ravi K. Bompelly, All rights reserved
9. When there is no air in the manometer tubes close the air release valves.
10. Gently tap on the main water lines to release any air bubbles that got trapped.
11. Adjust flow rate in the orifice meter and after arriving at a desired flow rate, record height
difference between the manometer tubes. Wait until mercury columns are not bouncing up and
12. Measure time averaged flow rate through the orifice meter by dropping the drain plug in to the
tank and recording the time taken for the water level rise from 5 cm to 15 cm.
13. Repeat the procedure for five different flow rates by adjusting the bypass valve and the orifice
meter valve.
14. Minimum flow rate corresponds to a small difference between the manometer column heights
whereas the maximum flow rate corresponds to the bypass valve fully closed and the orifice
meter valve and the rotameter valves fully opened.
15. When all the flow rates for the orifice meter are done, open the bypass valve fully and also open
the venturi meter valve fully.
16. Now close the orifice meter valve. Note: Make sure orifice meter valve and the venturi meter
valves are not in closed position at any time. Doing so would expel the mercury in the
17. Now open the valves on the manometer that connect the manometer to pressure taps on the
venturi meter and close the valves that connect manometer to the orifice meter.
18. Now repeat the same procedure and record pressure difference across the venturi meter for five
different flow rates.
1. Keep the ball valves open on both the orifice and venturi meter lines.
2. Set a desired flowrate by adjusting the bypass valve and the control valve upstream of the
3. Measure time averaged flow rate by monitoring the time taken for water level to rise from let’s
say 5cm to 20cm.
4. Note down reading on the rotameter scale corresponding to the reading line (step change in float
diameter) of the float.
5. Repeat the procedure for about 7-10 different flow rates, that correspond to minimum and
maximum float positions.
Data to be taken
1. Note down the pressure difference across the orifice meter for about 7-10 different flow rates. For
each case also measure the time averaged flow rate.
2. Note down the pressure difference across the venturi meter for about 7-10 different flow rates.
For each case also measure the time averaged flow rate.
3. For the rotameter note down the reading on the rotameter scale and also measure time averaged
flow rates for about 7-10 flow rates.
Results Needed for the Report

1. Plot the measured flow rate in kg/s vs √∆𝑃 for the orifice and venturi meters in two separate
plots. Are the trend lines linear? Discuss why or why not.

Copyright ©2019 Dr. Ravi K. Bompelly, All rights reserved
2. Calculate discharge coefficient (Cd) for the orifice and venturi meter for each flow rate, and plot
flow Reynolds number vs Cd. Discuss the plot trend. Report the averaged Cd values for the orifice
and venturi meters. Also report effective areas.
3. Plot the rotameter flow rate reading vs measured flow rate. Discuss the plot. Provide an analytical
expression for calibration.

Copyright ©2019 Dr. Ravi K. Bompelly, All rights reserved

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