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**This write-up is a part of a story that I am writing so maybe somethings seem

out of place, so just a note of info- that the girl in this story is blind**

We were walking down the sidewalks of JM Road, I, a silent sentinel beside her
and she, a princess oblivious of my presence. A stream of cars, motorcycles and
pedestrians gushing past us. It was almost 5 o'clock, I could tell from the sky,
the sun had slowly started to depart leaving behind a shimmering display of
hues of orange and yellow in the sky. The warmth of a patch of sunlight
intertwined with the shadow coming from the back of the nearby tree gently
kissed Megha’s face and I saw a sparkle in her limpid eyes. A zephyr blew
gently and along with it, her untangled hairs that tickled my face leaving behind
a trail of sweet yet subdued fragrance of her hair.

I felt a cold touch on my hand, it was her, she had playfully placed her left hand
on my right hand as she was trying to intertwine my fingers, she was blushing, I
smiled at her, knowing that maybe she would just feel how happy she makes me
when she is near. Suddenly she clasped my hand, it was cold, I somehow could
feel that she wanted to tell me something, something that she might have been
trying to tell me for a long time. Maybe it was her eyes or maybe it was a sense
of comfort and understanding that I had with her to at least sense some of the
unsaid and untold words. “Can we just sit somewhere?” she asked, inquisition
reeked her voice. Involuntarily I nodded my head in affirmation and then
quickly added “Yeah sure! Come with me” We sat, still holding hands, it was
the first time I have ever held a girl’s hand for this long, I don’t know why but it
felt so good. Maybe because it was a touch of care and affection.

I could see her nostrils flaring and drops of sweat glistening on the tip of her
nose and forehead, she was in vain trying to hold an affable smile, telling me
something was there eating her up from inside. She calmly rested her head on
my upper-arm trying to find peace on my non-existent biceps, I felt exuberant
and yet cautious, the joy and care of a five-year-old as a butterfly perches on his
hand. The joy of being the chosen one, the one whom the butterfly of all the
flowers and leaves thought was a more suitable place to sit at.

As clichéd as it may sound, I felt the time was flowing slower than it usually
does, more correctly we chose to slow down a bit, to take a step out of this rat
race of pedestrians and honking cars and bikes. “It feels like everything has
slowed down quite a bit,” I said, “Love is a psychedelic drug” she laughed.

“I won’t be able to meet for a month, you know, I am going for a corneal
transplant and if everything’s okay then I might be able to see again” she tried
to hold a gloomy face but broke to a burst of gleeful laughter towards the end.
“OMG! Really! And you were trying to act all sad all these time, I was so
damn tensed” I was delirious, Isn't it strange sometimes, how people who
almost a month earlier meant nothing to you, become such an integral part of
your life and then somehow involuntarily gather a say over your happiness
even with some of the most trivial things they say or do.
“I hope to see you soon” her head still on my upper-arm “and I am sure you
look just as I think you do,” she said taking her hands and moving it around as
if looking for something, I forwarded my cheek and she rested her hand and
lovingly pulled it “I will miss you, man, I will miss you so bad, A month away
from you” she was almost tearing up, a gush of insecurities washing up her
throat “that’s just very difficult, I don’t want to leave you alone and what if you
forget me, what if when I come back and never I get to know who you are, what
if you just ignore me and pass by and I am not able to recognize you” “Are! Tu
Pagal hai kya” I said, I, myself was trying not to give away, and my heavy
voice wasn’t helping much “It’s just a month and moreover you are going to
receive the gift of vision, the birds, the trees, the sky and the sun, you will get to
see them and appreciate them all, and I just can’t wait for god to see you smile
at the appreciation of his creations, nature has already waited too long to see
those pair of whites and you should not keep it waiting any longer”

“But you were my eyes na, for these few months, the way you describe all
that’s going around, I don’t know if I would be able to see that myself and I
don’t know if nature would actually be able to match those descriptions of
yours or will it just disappoint”
There was a pause that followed. A blanket of silence mired by occasional
honks and screeches of the vehicles and occasional chirpings of the birds had
cosily covered us as we sat there. It’s great to be with someone who you love
talking to but it’s much more awesome to be with someone with whom you
can share these silences.

I closed my eyes as well, I wanted to know the world as she does. Something
completely based on what I hear and thus making up an own world of mine that
can look just as I want it to be, the crows can be rainbow-coloured, the cars
could actually be some advanced chariot and maybe there is always a rainbow
in the sky. Is it how she imagines the world? I opened my eyes and looked at
her, she had her eyes closed and an affable smile on her face. I wanted to peck
a kiss and just open up and tell her how she means the world to me.

Then suddenly, “You know na, how much I love you?” she said, her voice

“I do, I do” No voice came from my mouth, but I knew she had her answer.

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