The Show Must Go On

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Cause The Show Must Go On

And as life hits him with the final blow, he sits down on stage, suddenly
everything becomes extra silent, he can't identify if the people where
actually keeping their calm or was it the clock that had suddenly stopped
ticking. He opens his mouth to say something but is not able to. It feels
heavy down his throat as if someone was deliberately choking him. A
puddle of tears forms in his eyes and a silver dew droplet trickles down
the left cheek. "Fuck the performance" "Fuck the audience" "I just want
to cry now, I just want to cry my hearts out" He opens his mouth to let
out a shriek of years of subdued pain that he just was not able to hold
anymore and all that comes out is a thunderous roar of laughter. A
demonic laughter that was never heard before, as the audience sat their e

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