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Q1: Based on conversational maxims proposed by Grice, analyse the following excerpt taken

from an interview. Also identify the probable reasons of non-observance, flouting, or opting
out of maxims. (Marks 25)


When miss Chima asked India’s ambassador about releasing Indian wing commander and his
first picture. She said about international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions rather
than Indain air force attacked Kashmir and their captain was captured by civilians. she violates
the maxim of quality. She taunts Pakistan by saying “we are happy that eee… they Pakistan has
showed this maturity to take this step to announce the release of wing commander Abhi Nandan
and has returned to India” in the following response contains too much information, and
therefore violates the second maxim of quantity (‘do not make your contribution more
informative than is required
By replying to the question of miss chima about de-escalate tensions between the two countries.
India’s ambassador violates the maxim of relevance she does not answered the question which
was asked. She diverged the topic because Indian army tried to invade and attack Pakistan. Also
she flout the maxim of quality by blaming Pakistan for supporting Jesshe Mohammed. India has
no evidence of this matter. So guest has lack of adequate evidence.
When host asked about complains of terrorism between India and Pakistan guest violates the
maxim of quality because she wants hide their terrorism in Kashmir and blamed Pakistan being a
Guest asked about Indian involvement in Balochistan she violates the maxim of manners. Rather
than answering their activities in balochistan
When host asked about Jammu and Kashmir Guest violates the maxim of quality rather than answering
their activities in Kashmir she wants to proves that Pakistan is behind every activities in jammu and

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