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My answer

Disciplinary action is taken against the employee when experience conflict at work and
sometimes break the rules. It's then rise to you to resolve the issue and get everything back on
track. The aim of disciplinary action is to assist employees in changing their unwanted behavior.
While when employees believe they have been treated unfairly by management or they have any
issue with them then they might utilize this technique to resolve problems.

Q no1= In order to organize information, in which ways can the literature review
be arranged?


What is the difference between background theory and focal theory?Multi Line

(2.5 Points)
3.What are the characteristics of good data?Multi Line Text.

 Data must be precise, so it must contain correct information. Precision saves the user's time as
well as money.
 It gives a correlational, descriptive, causal-comparative, or experimental research.
 The data should be appropriate and relevant to the user's needs.
 It is according to research type.
 It can answer the questions or provide information of researcher which he wants.

Write at least 5 points that you should consider while writing an email?Multi
Line Text.
1. Always put a subject line and make it specific
Make sure your subject line doesn't appear like spam. Avoid using all capital letters and
unnecessary punctuation. It should be able to summarise the email quickly, and if there's
anything in the email that they might need to click on, it should be mentioned.
2. Remember your opening salutation
Some people send out emails with no salutation at all. However, if you don't include a
formal greeting, it's unlikely that the receiver will read the email. Another thing to keep
in mind that this will be part of the preview line of the email after the subject line.
3. Keep it simple and to the point
The chances of someone reading the entire email after it beyond a paragraph or two are
low.. Make sure your message is clear and only contains one primary point at a time.
Sending a message with two or three completely different subject matters is not a good
idea. To make your material simpler to read, keep your paragraphs brief and add bullet
points for space if necessary.
4. Avoid the reply all button
Try to keep the recipients of your emails particular unless it's absolutely necessary. You'll
receive a better answer from a smaller group.
5. Check your spelling and grammar and format your email properly
Before sending an email, check its spelling and grammar. It has a good impact on the
viewer. Formatting of email is also necessary.

Captive audience are the person or people who are unable to leave a place and are thus
forced to listen to what is being said. They have no will to attend the lecture or seminar
This includes business meetings, school events, board presentations, and the like. They
only need to show strength. While on the other hand committed audience voluntarily
assembles because members value what is being discussed or inspired by a speaker.
This Include Freelancing seminars etc.
Nonverbal communication's fundamental function is to transmit meaning by
complementing, substituting for, or contradicting verbal communication. Nonverbal
communication may also be used to influence people and control the course of a
conversation. The ways in which nonverbal communication serves as a fundamental
element of relationship communication and identity expression are maybe even more
The lack of communication between employees that obstructs the business process and
the organization's commercial success is known as an organisational barrier.
1.Status and relationship
People with varying degrees of expertise, positions, and responsibilities are assigned to
different levels of authority in organisations based on hierarchies.
2. Inadequate facilities/ opportunities of growth and improvement
The telephone, stationery, translator, and other organisational facilities are supplied to
staff to ease communication. When these amenities are provided to employees in a
sufficient manner, communication is considered to be timely, accurate, and appropriate.
In the lack of such facilities, communication may be negatively impacted.
3.Complex Organizational Structure
When the number of management levels in an organisation increases, communication
suffers. When there are more levels, communication is delayed and may change before it
reaches the intended recipient.
1. Always put a subject line and make it specific
Make sure your subject line doesn't appear like spam. Avoid using all capital letters and
unnecessary punctuation. It should be able to summarise the email quickly, and if there's
anything in the email that they might need to click on, it should be mentioned.
2. Remember your opening salutation
Some people send out emails with no salutation at all. However, if you don't include a
formal greeting, it's unlikely that the receiver will read the email. Another thing to keep in
mind that this will be part of the preview line of the email after the subject line.
3. Keep it simple and to the point
The chances of someone reading the entire email after it beyond a paragraph or two are
low.. Make sure your message is clear and only contains one primary point at a time.
Sending a message with two or three completely different subject matters is not a good
idea. To make your material simpler to read, keep your paragraphs brief and add bullet
points for space if necessary.
4. Avoid the reply all button
Try to keep the recipients of your emails particular unless it's absolutely necessary.
You'll receive a better answer from a smaller group.
5. Check your spelling and grammar and format your email properly
Before sending an email, check its spelling and grammar. It has a good impact on the
viewer. Formatting of email is also necessary.
• Data must be precise, so it must contain correct information. Precision saves the
user's time as well as money.
• It gives a correlational, descriptive, causal-comparative, or experimental research.
• The data should be appropriate and relevant to the user's needs.
• It is according to research type.
• It can answer the questions or provide information of researcher which he wants.

For the literature review, informations can be organized in following ways:

(1) According to the nature of questions which are required to answer
(2) According to sequence of topics and subtopics that are being studied.
(3) According to the varibles undergoing for research
(4) According to choronological order: From the oldest to the most recent, simplest of all
(5) According to different aspects of view.
(6) According to method used by writer
(7) According to problem, cause, solution order

Background theories are used in research to prove or disprove how evidence supports a
certain hypothesis. According to the focal model at different ages, diverse connection
patterns arise, no pattern is specific to one age, and patterns overlap.

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