CpE 3 - Computer Technology - Syllabus

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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700

Office of the Vice President | Academic Affairs SSU-OVPAA-FR-018
21-JUN-2021 REV 6

I. Course Code : CpE3
II. Course Descriptive Title : Computer Technology
III. Credit Units/Time Frame : 3 units/72 hours (2 units Lecture & 1 unit Laboratory)
IV. Course Pre-requisite/s : None
V. Academic Term and School Year : First Semester, SY 2021-2022
VI. Vision and Mission of SSU

SSU Vision

A Transformative University Committed to Technology, Innovation and Service Excellence.

BOR No. 41 series 2014

SSU Mission

The University shall primarily provide advanced instruction and professional training in the arts, philosophy, social sciences, agriculture and fishery, forestry, science and
technology, engineering, education, law and other related fields. It shall also undertake research and extension services, and provide leadership in its areas of specialization.

Sec. 2. R.A. 9313

Quality Policy

Samar State University commits to provide and uphold service excellence in instruction, research and extension in conformity to legal and statutory requirements for continual
improvement and customer satisfaction.
BOR No. 20 series 2016

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VII. College Goal

The College of Engineering aims to develop engineers who are aware of their role as frontline technocrats in technological advancement and nation-building, equipped with the
necessary knowledge, expertise, and values, and prepared to face the challenges in the practice of the engineering profession, locally and globally.

VIII. Program Graduate Outcomes

Institutional Graduate Outcome Attributes Link to MV-CV

Common to All Programs in All Types of School

1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. Communicator Excellence, Technology
2. Communicate effectively in writing, speaking and presenting using culturally appropriate language. Communicator Excellence
3. Work effectively in teams, in collaboration with other disciplines, and multicultural teams. Team Player Leadership
4. Practice the profession in accordance with existing laws, social, moral and/ or ethical responsibility. Professional Discipline
5. Act as a responsible citizen and show pride of being Filipino by preserving and promoting Filipino Nationalistic Discipline
historical and cultural heritage.
Common to State Universities
6. Demonstrate competence to conduct research. Competent Excellence, Innovation,
7. Demonstrate competence and commitment to develop appropriate technological services in response to Committed/ Service,
national, regional and local development. Service Oriented Technology
Common to Samar State University Graduates
8. Demonstrate ability to use innovative, creative and appropriate methods to meet the demands of the Technology Provider Innovation, Technology
industry and/or labor market.
9. Demonstrate ability to sustainably manage the resources available in the community. Resource Manager Service,Technology
10. Demonstrate ability to create scientific solutions and innovative concepts with creativity and critical Solution Provider Excellence, Innovation
mindedness. Creative/Critical
11. Demonstrate competence to translate challenges into opportunities. Risk Taker Excellence, Innovation
Change Agent

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21-JUN-2021 REV 6

12. Demonstrate ability to engage in life-long learning with a passion to keep current with local, national and Life Long Learner Excellence, Technology
global developments.
Common to computer Engineering Graduates
13. Demonstrate ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering sciences to the
Technology Provider Innovation, Technology
practice of computer engineering.
Solution Provider
14. Demonstrate ability to design and conduct experiment as well as analyze and interpret data. Excellence, Innovation
15. Demonstrate ability to design a system to meet desired needs. Technology Provider Innovation, Technology
Solution Provider
16. Demonstrate ability to identify, formulate, and solve computer engineering problems. Excellence, Innovation
17. Demonstrate ability to use appropriate techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for computer Excellence, Innovation,
engineering practice to be locally and globally competitive. Technology
18. Demonstrate ability to apply acquired computer engineering knowledge and skills for national Committed/ Service,
development. Service Oriented Technology
19. Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a Committed/Service Service, Technology
team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. Oriented
20. Knowledge of contemporary issues Committed/Service Discipline, Service
21. Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, Committed/Service Discipline, Service
environmental, and societal context Oriented

IX. Program Objectives

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCpE)

The graduates of CpE Program shall be able to:

1. Prepare for planning, analyzing, designing, developing, managing and maintaining (a) computer hardware and software system; (b) computer-based system; (c) electronic system
automation; (d) computer networking; and (e)other types of work related to computer;
2. Gain information on the management of environmental systems.
3. Possess knowledge on financial, physical and resource managements;

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21-JUN-2021 REV 6

4. Develop themselves into becoming absolute engineers making most of their knowledge of arts, sciences, and engineering concepts;
5. Prepare the graduate tasks, researches and community outreach programs;
6. Discharge all the duties and responsibilities inherent to SSU Alumni Association.

X. Course Description

This course is an introduction to the computer systems. Basic hardware concepts are covered. Main topics include an overview of components of a computer, the
components of system unit, operating systems and utility programs, communications and networks, the Internet and World Wide Web, web development programs, e-commerce,
and system maintenance. The course is designed for students who have some basic familiarity with Microsoft Office application. This course satisfies the required core computer
competency for general education.

XI. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
CLO1. Identify the major hardware and software components of a computer system, their
relationship to one another, and the roles of these components. I I

CLO2. Develop an understanding of different between application and system software. I I

CLO3. Develop an understanding of how various electronic media are used in real-life
CLO4. Demonstrate an understanding of the necessary criteria for the selection of
microcomputer hardware. I I

Key: I – Introductory E – Enabling D – Demonstrated

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21-JUN-2021 REV 6

XII. Core Values to be Develop

Leadership, Excellence, Service

XIII. Course Content

Content No. of Hours

A. Preliminaries 2 hrs.
1. University VMGO
2. CoEng’g Goal and Program Objectives
3. Grading System
B. Topics
1. Inside the Computer 8 hrs.
1.1 Anatomy of a Digital Computer
1.2.Computer Architecture
1.3 Number System
1.4 Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits
1.5 Memory Units
2. Input / Output Concepts and Methods
2.1 Input Devices 6 hrs.
2.2 Output Devices
3. Computer Software & Software Development
3.1 Introduction to Computer Software
3.2 Operating System 10 hrs.
3.3 Programming Languages
3.4 Introduction to Basic, C, C++, Pascal and Java
3.5 Introduction to Software Development
4.Data Processing and Networking
4.1 Data Processing 8 hrs.
4.2 Processing Data / CPU
4.3 CPU
4.4 Computer Networks

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21-JUN-2021 REV 6

4.5 Distributed Data Processing 8 hrs.

5. Storage Devices
5.1 Storage Devices
5.2 Auxiliary Storage Devices 8 hrs.
6. Introduction to Word Processing
6.1 Word Processing
6.2 Desktop Publishing
6.3 Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets
6.4 Introduction to Multimedia Presentation
6.5 Multimedia Processing
6.6 Database Management
6.7 Introduction to Virtual Reality 5 hrs.
7. Computer Maintenance, Security and Internet
7.1 Introduction to Computer Security
7.2 Internet and Intranets
7.3 Electronic Mail 5 hrs.
8. Computer in Business
8.1 Computer in Office Automation
8.2 Computers as Information Tools for Management Control
8.3 Computer in Engineering
8.4 Mobile Computing 8hrs.
9. Personal Computer Troubleshooting
C. Midterm/Final Examination 4 hrs.

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XIV. Grading System

Class Standing 15%

Term Requirements 20%
Summative Tests 25%
Major Exam 40%
Total 100%

FINAL GRADE = 50% Mid-term + 50% Final-term

*Midterm Grade and Final Grade is computed based on the above criteria.
*Final Rating = 50% Midterm Grade + 50% Final Grade.

XV. Required Readings

1. Norton, Peter (2006). Introduction to Computers, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill

XVI. Suggested Readings and References

1. DigiTools: Technology Application Tools, Thomson 2006, ISBN 0-538-44196-8

XVII. Classroom Policies

Students have an option to have an offline or online learning modality. For those students who have the resources like internet connection, computer, smart
phone, and the like, they are encouraged to have an online learning modality since it is more convenient for them. For those students who have limited resources,
offline learning mode is advised.

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General Classroom Policy

1. Classes will be delivered based on flexible-learning scheme. Classes will be based on the available resources of both the University and the students.
2. If the student is capable, the learning materials will be available through the SSU LMS which can be accessed using the respective accounts of the
3. If the student is not capable of accessing the SSU LMS, the student can contact their respective instructor for other possible options to deliver the
learning needs of the students.
4. Students are encouraged to regularly check the available communication platform used in the delivery of instruction.
5. Students can contact the instructor through the available platforms. However, queries or questions will be entertained during the course regular
6. Students must be in proper or decent attire while attending online classes;
7. Students must use full real name on social media account for proper identification and for prompt admission during online classes;
8. Turn camera on at all times, if applicable (i.e., when required by instructor/professor). Even when the camera is off, students must stay attentive and
participative and face the screen/camera in an upright position throughout the entire class session;
9. Students must stay focused during the entire online class discussion. Student should set the microphone into mute mode when i t is not his/her turn to
talk or if not recognized by the instructor/professor to avoid any disruption of classes;
10. Students must observe good manners and right conduct at all times. Students must be polite when asking for clarifications or in answering his/her
instructor’s/professor’s and classmate’s questions. All messages, either for instructors/professors or classmates must be in professional/educated
manner and well-written.
11. Students must use concise, clear, specific, and formal language in asking questions and in giving responses. Students must avoid using trendy or non-
standard abbreviations and jargons and be particular in using emoticons to show emotions;
12. Students must give appropriate response to the person who generated the original message. Student must avoid to any message u nless it is with a
good purpose. No student should respond when he/she is angry/upset to avoid delivery of derogatory words;
13. Students must consider the audience or the recipients of the message. The content must be checked and proofread. Apply “think before you click”
principle in replying, sending or posting anything on social media or in any online platform. Evaluate the content and remember your purpose. (Is it
helpful? or, is it worth sharing?);
14. Students must not publicize other persons’ email address or contact number/s in adherence to Data Privacy Law;
15. Students must be the real author and real owners of any course requirements. Plagiarism must be avoided and proper referencing and citation must
be practiced at all times.
16. Students must display honesty and value integrity at all times. It must be noted that all forms of cheating are prohibited during an online quiz and
examination; and
17. Students must adhere to the provisions of the policy enumerated above.

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Offline Classroom Policy

1. For offline learning, college developed self-learning modules are used. Self-Learning Modules are available at the College of Engineering, SSU Main
Campus. Everyone (parents, guardian, Brgy.Officials, etc) can ask for a softcopy. The office is open Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00PM.
2. Students are NOT ALLOWED to share any instructional materials (self-learning module) through any other online/offline platforms (Facebook, YouTube,
Instagram etc.,). Acquired or downloaded IM’s are for student’s personal use or students who are taking the course only. It SHOULD NOT be shared
to other sections/programs/universities.
3. For questions/inquiry, students can contact the instructor through chat during office hours (Weekdays, 8:00AM – 12:00NN and 1:00PM – 5:00 PM) or
during consultation hours. Always indicate your full name, program and section when sending messages.

Online Classroom Policy

Since online learning environment is a bit different than face-to-face setting, make sure you sound respectful, polite, and knowledgeable when you post in
our online classroom. It is very important to understand some common rules for good online etiquette. This ensures that the message you intend to convey is
received correctly. Hence, always remember and obey the following online classroom rules:

1. Always use your real name as username in our official online platform for ease of identification.
2. Questions/Inquiries regarding the lessons should be addressed in the official online classrooms and group chat. Do not directly message your instructor
through messenger/text so that if the same questions/inquiries are raised, the answer is visible for everyone.
3. Before posting your questions to a discussion board/group chat, check if anyone has asked it already and received a reply.
4. Stay on topic. Irrelevant comments, links, thoughts or pictures are highly discouraged.
5. Always cite your resources and references. Plagiarism is very much discouraged.
6. Be aware of strong language. Don’t write anything angry/sarcastic, even as a joke. Without your tone, others might not realize you’re joking.
7. Be aware of all caps and exclamation points (ALL CAPS!!), if you do, it will look like you’re yelling at others.
8. Respect the opinions of your classmates. If you feel the need to disagree, do so respectfully. Don’t badmouth others or call them names. You may
disagree with their ideas, but don’t mock the person.
9. Collaborative learning is encouraged. You can help each other to learn through collaborative effort, peer tutorial, and mentoring. Remember to say
“Please” and “Thank you” when asking for help from your classmates.
10. If you reply to a question from a classmate, make sure your responses are accurate, do not guess. Also, be brief. If you write long responses, its unlikely
anyone will spend the time to read it all.

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21-JUN-2021 REV 6

11. If you refer to something your classmates/instructor has said, quote a few lines from their post so others know which post you’re referring to.
12. If you ask a question and many people respond, summarize all the answers and post it to benefit your whole class.
13. Run a spelling/grammar check before posting. Use complete words and sentences in all post.
14. Be forgiving. If your classmates make a mistake, don’t badger him/her for it. Let it go – it happens to the best of us.
15. Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions/issues at the official online platform/group chat. We are still here to help, even virtually.
16. Reach out for your instructor during consultation hours or office hours (Weekdays, 8:00 AM-12:00 NN and 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM).

XVIII. Consultation Hours: 1:00-5:00PM Wednesday

IX. Learning Plan

Learning Intended Learning Outcome Teaching-Learning
Content Frame Resources Assessment
Outcome (ILO) Activities

1. Cite the Vision and Mission Preliminaries 2 hrs.  Module/SSU  Inquiry-based  Recitation
of Samar State University a. University VMGO LMS/Google approach
2. Explain the College of b. CoEng’g Goal and Meet/Other
Program Objectives platform such
Engineering and Program
c. Grading System (FB group and
goals messenger)
3. Enumerate criteria in the  Laptop/PC/
grading system Mobile Phones

4. List the two main parts of the Inside the Computer 8 hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
CPU and explain how they  Anatomy of a Digital LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
work together. Computer Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
5. Explain the difference  Computer Architecture platform such module
between RAM and ROM.  Number System (FB group and  Individual hands-on
messenger) activities using

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6. Explain why computers use  Boolean Algebra and  Laptop/PC/ online/offline

the binary number system. Logic Circuits Mobile Phones simulation application
 Memory Units  Online/offline
Free Simulation

7. Name the different Computer Input / Output Concepts and 6 hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
Input and Output devices. Methods LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
8. Understand how does Input  Input Devices Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
and Output devices works.  Output Devices platform such module
(FB group and  Individual hands-on
messenger) activities using
 Laptop/PC/ online/offline
Mobile Phones simulation application
 Online/offline
Free Simulation

9. List the four primary Computer Software & Software 10 hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
functions of an operating Development LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
system.  Introduction to Computer Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
10. Differentiate the two main Software platform such module
approaches to computer  Operating System (FB group and  Individual hands-on
programming. messenger) activities using
11. List and describe three  Programming Languages  Laptop/PC/ online/offline
elements of object-oriented  Introduction to Basic, C, Mobile Phones simulation application
programming. C++, Pascal and Java  Online/offline
12. Identify the three main  Introduction to Software Free Simulation
categories of programming Development application

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21-JUN-2021 REV 6

13. Identify at least three Data Processing and Networking 8 hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
benefits of using a network.  Data Processing LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
14. Differentiate between LANs  Processing Data / CPU Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
and WANs. platform such module
15. Name the best-known (FB group and  Individual hands-on
families of CPUs.  Computer Networks messenger) activities using
CLO3, 4  Distributed Data
16. Identify one advantage of  Laptop/PC/ online/offline
using multiple processors in Processing Mobile Phones simulation application
a computer.  Online/offline
Free Simulation

Partial Assessment 2 hrs. Midterm Examination

MIDTERM 36 hrs
17. Explain why file Storage Devices 8 hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
compression is a factor in  5.1 Storage Devices LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
drive performance.  5.2 Auxiliary Storage Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
18. Define the term data Devices platform such module
transfer rate and describe (FB group and  Individual hands-on
how it is measured. messenger) activities using
19. Explain two steps you can  Laptop/PC/ online/offline
take to optimize the Mobile Phones simulation application
performance of your  Online/offline
computer’s hard disk. Free Simulation

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20. Name three kinds of Introduction to Word Processing 10 hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
formatting you can perform  Word Processing LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
with word processing  Desktop Publishing Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
software. platform such module
 Introduction to Electronic
21. Identify four types of data (FB group and  Individual hands-on
that can be used by Spreadsheets messenger) activities using
spreadsheet programs.  Introduction to Multimedia  Laptop/PC/ online/offline
CLO3 22. Explain what presentation Presentation Mobile Phones simulation application
programs are used for.  Multimedia Processing  Online/offline
23. Define the terms database  Database Management Free Simulation
and database management application
system (DBMS).  Introduction to Virtual
24. List three steps needed to Reality
create a database.
25. Define the terms threat, Computer Maintenance, Security 8 hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
vulnerability, and and Internet LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
countermeasure in the  Introduction to Computer Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
context of computer security.  Security platform such module
26 Describe four specific (FB group and  Individual hands-on
 Internet and Intranets
threats that computer users messenger) activities using
face.  Electronic Mail  Laptop/PC/ online/offline
27. Identify six major services Mobile Phones simulation application
you can access through the  Online/offline
Internet. Free Simulation
28. Explain how e-mail application
technologies allow users to
exchange messages.
29. Identify two ways in which
Internet-based peer-to-peer
services are used.

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30. Define the terms enterprise, Computer in Business 8hrs.  Module/SSU  Online discussion  Exercises (written)
distributed application, and  Computer in Office LMS/Google  Question and Answer  Quizzes
tier. Automation Meet/Other  Self-learning activity  Hands on activities
31. Provide at least two  Computers as Information platform such module
examples of how software (FB group and  Individual hands-on
Tools for Management
can handle many users at messenger) activities using
once. Control  Laptop/PC/ online/offline
 Computer in Engineering Mobile Phones simulation application
 Mobile Computing  Online/offline
Free Simulation

Final Assessment 2 hrs. Final Examination

FINALS 36 hrs.

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XX. Additional Topics as Suggested by the Students

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________

Prepared by:


Instructor, College of Engineering

Peer Reviewed:

ENGR. FRANCISCO A. DEQUITO JR. _______________________________ ENGR. JON ALVIN L. MACARIOLA

Instructor, College of Engineering Area Chairperson Program Chair, BSCpE

Examined and Endorsed:


Focal Person for Quality Assurance, College of Engineering Chairman, CIMRC Associate Dean, College of Engineering



OIC Dean, College of Engineering

Date Approved: _______________________

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