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Branch: Pakistan School Musannah

Subject: English Unit# 7 In a Guava Orchard Class: IV

Name of Teacher: Mrs. Farzana Liaqat

In case of any query, you can contact Mrs Farzana Liaqat via WhatsApp

b) Comprehension Focus
(i) Answer the following questions.
a) Where did the boys go while coming back from school?
Ans: The boys went to a guava orchard while coming back from school.
b) What did they do in the guava orchard?
Ans: They roamed freely and playfully. Raheel plucked some guavas and started to eat them,
while Sameer and Hassan swirled like monkeys.
c) How was Hassan caught?
Ans: Hassan tried to pick his last guava which rolled out of his pocket. He jumped to pick it up
but slipped and fell down. So, he was caught by the watchman.
d) If you were in place of Hassan what would you have done?
Ans: If I were in place of Hassan, I would not have jumped back to pick up guava.
e) How did the master treat Hassan?
Ans: The master treated Hassan kindly.

Q ii) Fill in the blanks.

• There was a mud wall around the guava orchard.
• Raheel was the first to jump over the wall into the orchard.
• The watchman caught Hassan, what would you have done?
• Never use wrong means to get anything.

Q iii) Describe your favourite character from the story in a few sentences. Also tell why
you like it.
My favourite character of the story is the master. He is a kind hearted man. When the watchman
took Hassan to master, he did not scold Hassan at all. He told Hassan not to enter in the orchard
like a thief. He also advised Hassan to ask watchman first for permission to take fruit.
d) Vocabulary Focus
Words Meanings

Orchard an area planted with fruit trees

Luscious sweet and delicious
Whisk to take somebody away
Terrifying cause to feel extreme fear

Q ii) The text below contains some words that are homophones of actual words.
Circle them and write pairs of homophones in the blanks.

knight, night I, eye

blew, blue knew, new
see, sea maid, made
Ex E: Grammar Focus
Prepositions of time
Q v) Choose any five prepositions of time and use them in sentences of your own in the notebook.
in from at since on

In: My birthday is in January.

From: I usually work from Sunday to Thursday.
At: I get up at 7 o’clock.
Since: Ali has been living in this city since 2018.
On: I will visit you on Monday.

Joining words (Conjunctions)

Q vii) Fill in the blanks with the correct joining words.
• My house is small yet comfortable.
• He arrived after everybody had gone home.
• Sara was deciding whether to go out.
• Let’s go out because the weather is beautiful.
Q viii) Rewrite the following using capital letters in your notebook.
a) Student Welfare Organisation b) Lakeland Middle School
c) Department of Health d) Pakistan Army Hospital
e) Government College for Women

Application to the principal for a school leaving certificate.

The principal,
Pakistan School Musannah,
Subject: Application for a school leaving certificate
Respected Sir,
With due respect, it is stated that my father has got a new job in Australia
and my family is moving there next week. Therefore, kindly provide me a
school leaving certificate in order to get admission in a new school.
I shall be grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Yours obediently,
Name: ______________
Grade: IV- Section: A
Date: 30th May, 2021

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