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Type of Formula Example

Create conditional formulas
Check if a number is greater than or less than another
Display or hide zero values
Hide error values and error indicators in a cell

Lookup Look up values in a list of data

Date and Time Add dates

Add times
Calculate the difference between two dates
Calculate the difference between two times
Count days before a date
Show dates as the day of the week
Insert the current date and time in a cell
Insert Julian dates

Financial Calculate a running balance

Calculate a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)

Statistical Calculate the average of a group of numbers

Calculate the median of a group of numbers
Calculate the mode of a group of numbers

Math Add numbers

Subtract numbers
Multiply numbers
Divide numbers
Calculate percentages
Round a number
Raise a number to a power
Calculate the smallest or largest number in a range
Calculate the factorial or permutation of a number
Create a multiplication table

1 Microsoft
Counting Count cells that contain numbers
Count nonblank cells
Count how often a value occurs
Count unique values among duplicates
Count numbers greater than or less than a number
Calculate a running total
Count all of the cells in a range
Count the number of words in a cell or range

Conversion Convert times

Convert dates stored as text to dates
Convert numbers stored as text to numbers
Convert measurements
Convert numbers to different number systems
Convert Arabic to Roman numerals

Text Change the case of text

Check if a cell contains text (case-insensitive)
Check if a cell contains text (case-sensitive)
Combine text and numbers
Combine text with a date or time
Combine first and last names
Combine two or more columns by using a function
Repeat a character in a cell
Display only the last four digits of identification
Remove spaces and nonprinting characters from text
Remove characters from text
Insert the current Excel file name in a cell
Split names by using Convert Text to Columns
Split text among columns by using functions

Array Formulas

Here are some tips related to the use of Array Formulas in Excel.

1. When using an Array Formula, you press Ctrl+Shift+Enter instead of just Enter after
entering or editing the formula.

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2. An Array Formula will show curly brackets around the formula in the Formula Bar like this:

3. Vector of 1's: The following formula will return an n x 1 vector of ones:


4. Sequential Number Vector (1, 2, 3, ...): To return an n x 1 vector of sequential numbers

starting with 1, use the following formula:


3 Microsoft

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