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Arizona Supreme Court Criminal Petition for Review - Appeal CR-21-0120-PR STATE OF ARIZONA v THOMAS JONATHAN CHANTRY ‘Appellate Case Information DeptiComposition Case Filed) 26-Mar-2021 Case Closed: eS (Litigant Group] STATE OF ARIZONA’ ‘Attorneys for: Appellee Mak Binovich, Esq. (AZ Bar No. 14194) Linley Wison, Es 9. (AZ Bat No. 27040) © state of Arizona MAS JONATHAN CHANTRY, Appellant (Liigant Group) THOMAS JONATHAN CHANTRY. ‘Attorneys for: Appellant Loti Voepel. Esq. (AZ Bar No. 15342) Alejandro Barrientos, Esq. (AZ Bar No. 34120) (© Thomas Jonathan Chantry ZT Mar 25, 2021...Pending Cause/Charge/Class | Judgment/Sentence | Judge, Role [Trial | Dispo © vay PisoocRaoTe00es Wolestation ofa Ghia, [24 ears; 24 Veais 24 [Bradley 8 Astrovaky, ORY Class 2: Molestation of a | Yeats: 24 Vears Sentencing (hid, Class 2: Molestation Comments: (none of a Chia, Class 2 Molestation ofa Chi Class 2 1 ‘26-Mar-2021 FILED: State of Arizona's Petion fr Review Certheate of Service: Cetfiate of Compliance (Appeliee State) 2 26.Mat-2021 FILED: Appendix Cerificate of Service (Appeliee State) a ‘26-Mar-2021 FILED: Motion for Leave to File Patton for Review that Exceeds the Word Limit(4416 Ward PR Filed) Certfcate of Service (Bopeliee State) 4 26-Mar-2021 A*Motion for Leave to File Petition for Review that Exceeds the Word Lim (Appellee State) having been filed with 2 4315 word count petition fr review, andthe Cle ofthe Court having been authorized by the Supreme Couttto enter orders granting or denying requests for edended word count, ITIS ORDERED granting Appellees request to exceed the thy: fve-hundred:word count stated in Rule 312102), Atzona Rules of Criminal Procedure. The petiion for review fled as of March 28, 2021. (Tracie K. Lindeman, Cle) 5 ‘20-Mar-2021. FILED: Record from Cath: Electronic Record 6 20-Apr-2021 FILED: Unopposed Motion for Procedural Order Extending Time to File Response to Pettion for Review, Certiieate of Service (Appellant Chany) 7. 22-Apr-2021 A"Unopposed Motion for Procedural Order Extending Time to File Response to Pettion for Review” (Appellant Chanty/' having been fled on Apil20, 2021 ITIS ORDERED granting a fist extension of time to file the response to pettion for review on or before June 10, 2021. No further ‘etensions oftime shall be granted absent extizerdinary cicumstances_ (Tracie K. Lindeman, Cle) a 10-Jun-2021 FILED: Response to Pettion for Review Certifeate of Service; Cerificate of Compliance (Appellant Chanty) ° 10-Jun-2021 FILED: Motion to Exceed Word Count Limit for Appellants Response to Pettion for Review 4.670 Word Response Filed); Cerificate of Service Appellant Chantry) tears em-21-0170-PR eR10120 ER 21 0170 CR-2 bfermasion presente as docimert ay not reflect al cave atv nes sugect to change without nate. Arizona Supreme Court Criminal Petition for Review - Appeal CR-21-0120-PR STATE OF ARIZONA v THOMAS JONATHAN CHANTRY 10. 11-Jun-2021 "Motion to Exeeed Ward Count Limi for Appellants Response to Peton for Review" (Appellant Chanty) having been fled wth 24.870 word count response to pettion for review, andthe Clef ofthe Court having been authorized by the Supreme Court ‘o enter orders granting or denying requests for extended word court ITIS ORDERED granting Appellants request to exceed the thityfive-hundred-word count stated in Rule 31.21(9)2), Arizona Rules of Criminal Provedure by 1.070 words. The response & fled as of June 10, 2021. (Tracie K Lindeman, Cle) tears bfermasion presente as docimert ay not reflect al cave atv nes sugect to change without nate.

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