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KIN 256 Week #2 Readings Check-In

20 points

Name: Ben Blackburn

1. If the NFL expands into China assuming that all business practices and elements of the game will
operate the same and that Chinese culture will be similar to that of American culture, this is an
example of (1 point):
a. Consumer culture
b. Homogenization
c. Heterogenization
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

2. According to the “Global Goals: Youth and Sport”, “The global flows that pattern world sport
have several dimensions.” Please list these. Provide a specific example from a sport
organization. (4 points)

International movement of people

Technology flow
Media Dimension
Ideological Dimension

Blockchain is an example of technology innovating and changing the sports landscape

3. What is the purpose of The Millennium Development Goals? And, provide one example of how
sport helps to meet the Sustainable Development Goals formerly known as the Millennium
Development Goals. (2 points)

The purpose of The Millennium Development Goals is to tackle the indignity of poverty.

4. In what ways has tennis become more global? List two examples from the article. (2 points)

They have the ability to play in any location

They use their stars as faces of the league to promote their sport exponentially

5. What percentage range do 10-24 yr. olds live in less developed countries? (1 point)

a. 80-90%
b. 10-15%
c. 30-40%
d. 50%
e. None of the above

6. Referring back to the Key Concepts and Critical Issues chapter. Has sport ownership contributed
to global expansion and why? Cite an example from the chapter or one that you know about? (2

Yes it has contributed massively in certain instances. The example that comes to
my mind is the attempted formation of the “Super League” in European Soccer.
I believe there were investors from North America that wanted to get into
soccer through the Super League and that brought about great innovative ideas
to the game but also conflict.

7. What has been a strategy for the sport of tennis for growing their brand globally (refer to tennis

Using their sports stars to market for the sport themselves essentially through social
media and various outlets.

What about the NBA?

NBA is establishing grassroots organizations in China and India not only to find talent
But also spark an interest in these countries as well.

What have been some challenges for the NFL with global expansion? (Refer to the Key Concepts
Chapter) (5 points)

The social media following of the NFL is significantly lower, maybe in part due to the fact
that players physically wear helmets during the game. I think it is also a much more
team-oriented game, which makes the longevity and importance of stars less

8. List at least three of the ways in which the structure of sport leagues differs between Europe
and North America. This is from Ch. 5 in your textbook. (3 points)

Much more inter-country competition

More of a democratic governing process as opposed to singular leaders
Sport rankings are different and league participants are non-stagnant in some situations

9. According to many of the readings for today, describe the impact of technology and social media
on sport and the global implications. Discuss at least two impacts. Ch. 5 in your text talked
specifically about the expansion of social media. (2 points)

Social media has good and bad factors that it brings into the sports world. For one, social media
is the ultimate promotion platform and teams, and players utilize this to grow their brand the
promote events. However, the usage of social media can also be a negative if it is mishandled.
There have been many instances where representatives/players of teams mis-use social media
and it reflects poorly on the entire organization.

10. List three ways in which a sport system in your respective country has been influenced by
globalization. (3 points)

Globalization brings new player population to American leagues, like MLS brings
international talent into their teams.

Globalization makes it possible for American teams to have featured away games on
international fields and facilities. NFL games in London and Mexico City.

Globalization allows younger athletes to pursue their athletic dreams with American
high school and collegiate programs. This is very common in basketball.

11. Research Mr. Joern Schlimm’s background. Come up with three questions for Mr. Schlimm.

What are some of the most important factors when you evaluate risk?

What is the most unique scenario you have seen in risk management?

What is the most exciting part of your job?

12. Would you prefer to meet on Zoom for his presentation or in class? Majority will rule.


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