TEPS Voca750 Test09

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘

(죠셉 킴 강사)

제9강 TEST
어휘 기출유형문제 풀이 (8)

1. The ______ of a bride at an Indian wedding is a very long held tradition.

(a) ritual (b) attire
(c) masquerade (d) ornamentation

2. Plumbers always keep a wrench and towel ______ in case they need to work on leaky pipes.
(a) dingy (b) risky
(c) handy (d) lanky

3. Albert Einstein was ______ as one of the world’s leading scientists of his time and is still admired today.
(a) repulsed (b) recognized
(c) reciprocated (d) remanded

4. Along with the booming economy, the power of the euro underwent a ______ growth.
(a) substantial (b) puny
(c) decrepit (d) pertinent

5. The man made a friendship with the store owner only for ______ reasons; he felt he might receive a
(a) mercenary (b) lucrative
(c) mercurial (d) anachronistic

6. When the company ______ on their loan, the bank reclaimed their property.
(a) deprived (b) erred
(c) pondered (d) defaulted

7. The appearance of a bright, very fast moving lighted object was ______ for the observers on the ground.
(a) demanding (b) recurring
(c) baffling (d) opposing

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

8. The teacher was very ______ about the due date of the paper, so all students had to turn their reports in
on time.
(a) ancillary (b) indolent
(c) obdurate (d) unwonted

9. The single care-giver could not ______ all of the children and they eventually all began to cry.
(a) pacify (b) intimidate
(c) palpitate (d) abate

10. The tower is so ______ that it seems to have been designed to serve as a lookout.
(a) obsolete (b) conspicuous
(c) perturbed (d) auspicious

11. A: I really can’t afford to pay for the whole car at once.
B: Don’t worry. You can pay in _____?
(a) monthly installments (b) a monthly deposit
(c) monthly stages (d) a monthly down payment

12. A: What does your father do?

B: He ______ his own restaurant.
(a) makes (b) expands
(c) opens (d) runs

13. A: I am afraid that I may fail to turn in my economics paper on time.

B: Didn't you know that the professor gave us a one week ______ on it?
(a) delay (b) overtime
(c) deadline (d) extension

14. A: How did you know that the guy was just using you?
B: He was a terrible liar and his true motives were ______.
(a) smooth (b) transparent
(c) glassy (d) clean

15. A: I wish I knew who to ______ for!

B: Me too. All the candidates are terrible this year.
(a) elect (b) administer
(c) vote (d) act

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

16. A: I don’t know if I’ll get that job.

B: Just ______. There’s nothing else you can do.
(a) hang over (b) hang out
(c) hang loose (d) hang up

17. A: I can’t ______ this job anymore!

B: Me neither. We should start looking for anther one.
(a) pack (b) stand
(c) attach (d) break

18. A: Is there a stylist available for a haircut and color?

B: I’m sorry. We don’t take ______.
(a) walk-ins (b) interview
(c) makeover (d) impromptus

19. A: Do you have a campus map handy?

B: I only have an old one, but it should ______ just fine.
(a) succeed (b) effect
(c) work (d) suit

20. A: I didn't mean to ______ your dinner.

B: Don’t worry about it.
(a) intercept (b) interfere
(c) interrupt (d) interact

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