MCQ On Quantitate Method For Managers

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1. A decision problem, where a decision-maker is aware of various possible states of nature

but has insufficient information to assign any probabilities of occurrence to them, is termed

as …………

A. Decision-making under uncertainty

B. Decision-making under certainty

C. Risk-taking under certainty

D. Risk-taking under uncertainty

Answer= A

2. Launching a new product, a major change in marketing strategy could be influenced by

such factors as………. except

A. he reaction of competitors

B. The new competitors

C. technological changes

D. Profit

Answer= D

3. Opening your first branch of business could be influenced by the following factors except

A. Changes in customer demand

B. Economic shifts

C. Risk maximization

D. Government legislation

Answer= C

4. Which of the following is not a criteria that have been proposed for the selection of an

optimal course of action under the environment of uncertainty

A. Maximin Criterion

B. Maximax Criterion

C. Tableau Criterion

D. Regret Criterion

Answer= C

5. A situation where the decision-maker is either optimistic or pessimistic, the best alternative

decision will be…………………

A. Maximin Criterion

B. Maximax Criterion

C. Hurwicz Criterion

D. Regret Criterion

Answer= C

6. In the absence of any knowledge about the probabilities of occurrence of various states of

nature, one possible way out is to assume that all of them are equally likely to occur. This

criterion of decision making is called……………………….

A. Risk and Uncertainty

B. Forecasting Criterion

C. Maximization Criterion

D. Laplace Criterion

Answer= D

7. A situation in whereby the probabilities of occurrence of various states of nature are known

while making decision is called……….

A. Decision Making under Risk

B. Decision Making under Uncertainty

C. Decision Making

D. All of the above

Answer= A

8. The decision making under risk process involves any of the following except…………….

A. Use the information you have to assign your beliefs regarding each state of the nature

B. Each action has a payoff associated with each of the states of nature X(a,s),

C. None of the above

D. Execute the action which minimizes (or maximize) R(a)

Answer= C

9. ………… is a collection of well defined objects, or elements

A. Set theory

B. Probability theory
C. Decision theory

D. Forecasting theory

Answer= A

10. The following are symbols used in set notation except……………….

A. - “is an element of”

B. - “is a proper subset of”

C. ()- “is bracket”

D. - “is a subset of”

Answer= C

11. In layman’s terms, a set A is a ..........of a set B, if all the elements in the set A also lie in

the set B.

A. Subset

B. Union

C. Complement

D. intersection

12. Answer= A

13. The law of set that is denoted by  (B  C) = (A  B)  C is associated with……………

A. Identity Laws

B. Associative Laws.

C. De Morgan’s Laws

D. Distributive Laws

Answer= B
14. De Morgan’s law of set theory is derived from which of the following set notations

A.  (B  C) = (A  B)  C

B. A  (B  C) = (A  B)  (A  C)

C. (A  B) = A  B

D. A = A

Answer= C

15. What is the difference between union and intersection of two set

A. The union of two sets contains only one element in either set or the intersection of two sets

contains two elements in BOTH sets.

B. The union of one set contains all elements in either set and the intersection of two sets

contains all elements in BOTH sets.

C. The union of two sets contains two elements in either set and the intersection of two sets

contains two elements in BOTH sets.

D. The union of two sets contains all elements in either set and the intersection of two sets

contains all elements in BOTH sets.

Answer= D

16. ……….applies to situations where you know all the possible outcomes, such as when

throwing dice or flipping a coin. Profit maximization

A. Classical probability

B. Empirical probability

C. Decision probability

D. Experimental probability
Answer= A

17. ………… applies when we have to estimate a frequency based on actual observations

A. Classical probability

B. Empirical probability

C. Decision probability

D. Experimental probability

Answer= B

18. ………… applies in situations that cannot really be repeated, so we have to imagine

repeating them to make sense of the notion of “frequency The types of economic system

in the country.

A. Classical probability

B. Empirical probability

C. Subjective probability

D. Experimental probability

Answer= C

19. If P (A) = 1 means the event occurs with certainty and P(A) = 0 means that it will certainly

not occur. P (A) is always in the interval……………..

A. [1, 1]

B. [0, 1]

C. [2, 1]

D. [0, 0]

Answer= B

20. The probability of all events put together must add up to………..
A. 1

B. 0

C. 2

D. 3

Answer= A

21. The intersection of two events is when two events……………

A. happened differently

B. both happen

C. happen one after another

D. happened one before another

Answer= B

22. The formula for conditional probability is denoted by...............

P( A  B)
A. P( A | B) =
P( B)

B. A  (B  C) = (A  B)  (A  C)

C. (A  B) = A  B

D. A = A

Answer= A

23. Events are called ……......if the occurrence of one does not affect the probability of the


A. independent

B. conditional

C. dependent
D. all of the above

Answer= A

24. …………….is a specification of all different possible values of a random variable along

with a measure of the frequency for each of those values.

A. Expected value

B. Random distribution

C. Probability distribution

D. Normal distribution

Answer= C

25. …………… one that is measured on an unbroken number scale, and therefore can take

on an uncountable and infinite number of possible values

A. Random variable

B. Continuous variable

C. Discrete variable

D. Probability variable

Answer= B

26. The probability distributions in which the value of the function P(x) can be interpreted as

the probability of the value x is called.................

A. Random distribution

B. Continuous distribution

C. Discrete distribution

D. Probability distribution
Answer= C

27. The the normal distribution with mean of zero and standard deviation

of 1

A. standard normal distribution

B. Continuous distribution

C. Discrete distribution

D. Probability distribution

Answer= A

28. The most important function of the business manager is................

A. Strategic policy making

B. Effective management

C. Decision making.

D. Efficient management

Answer= C

29. Prof. Hassan’s class grades are normally distributed, with a mean of 65 and a standard

deviation of 17. (Yes, he sometimes gives scores above 100.) How many students get B’s,

if the B range is 80 to 90?

A. 11%

B. 12%

C. 13%

D. 14%

Answer= B
30. The process of selecting one action from two or more alternative course of actions is

known as.....................

A. Decision making

B. Policy making

C. Strategy making

D. All of the above

Answer= A

31. Managers of business organizations are constantly faced with wide variety of decisions in

the areas of all of the following except...............

A. Pricing

B. product selection

C. cost control

D. Advertising

Answer= D

32. Which of the following does not involves decision making process

A. The identification of the firm’s objectives.

B. The statement of the problem to be solved.

C. Maximization of cost

D. The listing of various alternatives.

Answer= C

33. Risk and uncertainty can be minimized only by………………..

A. Making accurate forecast and forward planning.

B. Inventory control
C. Setting good standard

D. All of the above

Answer= A

34. …………is the study of the reasoning underlying an agent's choices?

A. Decision making

B. Choice making

C. Theory of choice

D. All of the above

Answer= C

35. ………… gives advice on how to make the best decisions, given a set of uncertain beliefs

and a set of values

A. normative decision theory

B. descriptive decision theory

C. prescriptive decision theory

D. none of the above

Answer= A

36. …………… analyzes how existing, possibly irrational agents actually make decisions

A. normative decision theory

B. descriptive decision theory

C. prescriptive decision theory

D. none of the above

Answer= B
37. ………..tries to guide or give procedures on how or what we should do in order to

make best decisions in line with the normative theory

A. normative decision theory

B. descriptive decision theory

C. prescriptive decision theory

D. none of the above

Answer= C

38. Who published an influential paper entitled Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement

of Risk, in which he uses the St. Petersburg paradox to show that expected value theory must

be normatively wrong?

A. Daniel Bernoulli

B. St. Petersburg paradox

C. Daniel Benoulli

D. Daniel Bernulli

Answer= A

39. In the 20th century, interest was reignited by Abraham Wald's 1939 paper[8] pointing out

that the two central procedures of sampling-distribution-based statistical-theory,

namely hypothesis testing and parameter estimation, are special cases of ……………….

A. general decision making

B. general decision theory

C. general decision problem

D. none of the above

Answer= C
40. The work of …………..showed that human behavior has systematic and sometimes important

departures from expected-utility maximization.

A. Maurice Alais and Daniel Ellserg

B. Murice Allas and Daniel Ellsberg

C. Maurice Ilais and Daniel Ilsberg

D. Maurice Allais and Daniel Ellsberg

Answer= D

40. The economy comprises of the interaction with any of the following element except………

A. Households

B. Firms,

C. Government

D. Others

Answer= D

41. The ……………. of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky renewed the empirical study

of economic behavior with less emphasis on rationality presuppositions.

A. Prospect theory

B. Revenue theory

C. Decision theory

D. Cost theory

Answer= A

42. ……….. is concerned with the kind of choice where different actions lead to outcomes

that are realized at different points in time

A. Relational choice
B. Inter-temporal choice

C. Normative choice

D. Alternative choice

Answer= B

43. The major objectives of the manage include the following except:

A. To achieve the Organizational Goal

B. To maximize the Output

C. To maximize the Sales

D. To minimize profit

Answer= D

44. A manager investing in new product development, adoption of new technology or new

market entry faces………..

A. Various risks

B. Challenges

C. Problems

D. Competition

Answer= A

45. Which of the following is not a type of risk a manager can face when making decision

A. Uncertainty

B. Economic risk

C. Business risk

D. All of the above

Answer= D
46. Some decisions are difficult because of the need to take into account how other people in

the situation will respond to the decision that is taken. The analysis of such social decisions

is more often treated under the label of …………..

A. uncertainty theory

B. economic theory

C. game theory

D. decision theory

Answer= C

47. which of the following is not an advocates for the use of probability theory

A. the work of Richard Threlkeld Cox for justification of the probability axioms,

B. the Dutch book paradoxes of Bruno de Finetti as illustrative of the theoretical difficulties

that can arise from departures from the probability axioms

C. the complete class theorems, which show that all admissible decision rules are equivalent

to the Bayesian decision rule for some utility function and some prior distribution (or for

the limit of a sequence of prior distributions).

D. None of the above

Answer= D

48. The proponents of fuzzy logic, possibility theory, quantum cognition, Dempster–Shafer

theory, and info-gap decision theory maintain that probability is only one of ……………..

A. contract risk

B. many alternatives

C. none of the above

D. all of the above

Answer= B

49. A general criticism of decision theory based on a fixed universe of possibilities is that it

considers ………..

A. the "known unknowns"

B. the "unknown unknowns

C. the "known known"

D. the "unknown knowns

Answer= A

50. The probable payoffs associated with all possible outcomes are called……

A. Expected value.

B. Payoff value

C. Risk value

D. Uncertainty value

Answer= A

51. The behavior of mangers when the payoff is less than the expected value is


A. Risk loving

B. Risk aversion

C. Risk management

D. Risk neutral

Answer= B

52. Which of the following is not a way of managing the risk and uncertainty
A. Insurance

B. Hedging

C. Diversification

D. Controlling

Answer= D

53. not a criterion for measuring the minimum expected opportunity loss.

A. Minimin

B. Minimax

C. Maximin

D. Maximax

Answer= A

54. ...................originate from telephone network congestion problems and the work of A. K.

Erlang. Erlang (1878-1929),

A. Expenditure theory

B. Queuing theory

C. Cost theory

D. Decision theory

Answer= C

55. .................. form because people or things arrive at the servicing function, or server, faster

than they can be served

A. Waiting lines

B. Queuing theory

C. Lining up
D. None of the above

Answer= A

56. Decisions about waiting lines and the management of waiting lines are based on these

averages for customer arrivals and service times. They are used in queuing formulas to


A. variable characteristics

B. operating characteristics

C. Customer characteristics

D. Fixed cost

Answer= B

57. The basic elements of a waiting line, or queue include the following except

A. Arrivals

B. Servers

C. Waiting line

D. Choice line

Answer= D

58. In queuing, a customer is a person or thing that wants service from an

operation…………….. is the source of the customers to the queuing system

A. The operators

B. The managers

C. The calling population

D. The firm’s owner

Answer= C
59. ................. is the rate at which customers arrive at the service facility during a specified

period of time. Revenue

A. The arrival rate

B. The waiting time

C. The waiting line

D. All of the above

Answer= A

60. Service times in a queuing process may also be any one of a large number of different

probability distributions. The distribution most commonly assumed for service times is


A. The service exponential

B. The negative exponential

C. The positive exponential

D. The neutral exponential

Answer= B

61. It is logical to assume that the rate at which services are completed must exceed the arrival

rate of customers otherwise, there will be no…………………

A. "minimum" solution

B. "maximum" solution

C. "average" solution

D. “Average” function

Answer= C

62. …………… is the order in which waiting customers are served.

A. queue discipline

B. queue waiting

C. queue line

D. queue service time

Answer= A

63. The most common type of queue discipline is………………..

A. Queuing serving

B. last come, first served

C. first come, last served

D. first come, first served

Answer= D

A. If a machine operator might stack in-process parts beside a machine so that the last part is

on top of the stack and will be selected first. This queue discipline is called…………

A. last in, first out

B. first in, first out

C. first in, last out

D. last in, last out

Answer= A

64. A place where we buy and sell goods and services is called………….

A. Business

B. Market

C. Warehouse

D. Store
Answer= B

65. A situation in which a waiting line at a movie theater could stretch through the lobby and

out the door if necessary is an example of……………...

A. Waiting Line

B. Waiting Line Structures

C. infinite queue

D. finite queue

Answer= C

66. Which of the following is not a waiting line processes, according to the nature of the

service facilities

A. single-channel, single-phase

B. single-channel, multiple-phase

C. multiple-channel, single-phase

D. Waiting Line Structures

Answer= D

67. The number of ………….. in a queuing process is the number of parallel servers for

servicing arriving customers

A. channels

B. lines

C. phases

D. servers
Answer= A

68. A post office with several postal clerks waiting on a single line of customers is an example

of a …………. operation.

A. single-channel, single-phase

B. single-channel, multiple-phase

C. multiple-channel, single-phase

D. multiple-channel, multiple-phase

Answer= C

69. There is a type of linear programming problem that may be solved using a simplified

version of the simplex technique called……………..

A. transportation method

B. transportation function

C. transportation solution

D. transportation equation

Answer= A

70. To develop a/an ……………. in a transportation problem involves evaluating each unused

cell to determine whether a shift into it is advantageous from a total-cost stand point.

A. optimal problem

B. optimal solution

C. optimal demand

D. optimal supply
Answer= B

71. What happens when the evaluation of any empty cell yields the same cost as the existing


A. an alternate optimal solution exists

B. an alternate solution exists

C. an alternate optimal solution is not reached

D. an alternate solution is not reached

Answer= A

72. ……………..exists in a transportation problem when the number of filled cells is less than

the number of rows plus the number of columns minus one

A. Equilibrium

B. Brake even

C. Degeneracy

D. Optimal solution

Answer= C

73. There are two possible conversions to a transportation model. The first conversion, make

each excess node a supply point and each shortage node a………….

A. Supply function

B. Supply point

C. Demand function

D. Demand point

Answer= D
74. The transportation problem that can be used to assign tasks to people or jobs to machines

or award contracts to bidders is called…………….

A. Degeneracy model

B. Assignment problem

C. Task award model

D. Shipping problem

Answer= B

75. A balanced assignment problem has the same number of people and tasks because the

relationships are…………….

A. all equal

B. all unequal

C. mutual

D. unique

Answer= A

76. A situation in which the variable values for corner point solutions to an assignment model

are integers is called…………..

A. transportation problem

B. special case of transportation problem

C. transportation solution

D. special case of the transportation solution

Answer= B
77. ……………… an approach to solving linear programming models by hand using slack

variables, tableaus, and pivot variables as a means to finding the optimal solution of an

optimization problem.

A. The linear programming

B. The Simplex method

C. The maximization method

D. The minimization method

Answer= B

78. A ............... is a method of achieving the best outcome given a maximum or minimum

equation with linear constraints

A. linear programming

B. Simplex method

C. maximization method

D. minimization method

Answer= A

79. To solve a linear programming model using the Simplex method the following steps are


A. Simple form

B. Introducing slack variables

C. Creating the tableau

D. Pivot variables

Answer= A

80. ……………is a prediction or estimation of a future situation, under given conditions

A. Demand forecast

B. A forecast

C. Supply forecast

D. Consumer forecast

Answer= B

81. Standard form is the baseline format for all linear programs before solving for the optimal

solution. The following are requirements except…………

A. must be a maximization problem

B. all linear constraints must be in a less-than-or-equal-to inequality

C. all variables are non-negative

D. Pivot elements

E. Answer= D

82. To transform a minimization linear program model into a maximization linear program

model, simply multiply both the left and the right sides of the objective function


A. 1

B. -1

C. 0

D. -0

Answer= B
83. …………..are additional variables that are introduced into the linear constraints of a linear

program to transform them from inequality constraints to equality constraints.

A. Pivot variables

B. Tableau

C. Slack variables

D. Constraint variables

Answer= C

84. ……………is used to perform row operations on the linear programming model as well as

to check a solution for optimality

A. Pivot variables

B. Simplex tableau

C. Slack variables

D. Constraint variables

Answer= B

85. ……………..of a maximization linear programming model are the values assigned to the

variables in the objective function to give the largest zeta value.

A. Simplex method

B. Minimal solution

C. Maximal solution

D. Optimal solutions

Answer = D
86. To check optimality using the tableau, all values in the last row must contain values greater

than or equal to............

A. Zero

B. One

C. Minus zero

D. Minus one

Answer= A

87. …………….is used in row operations to identify which variable will become the unit value

and is a key factor in the conversion of the unit value in linear programming.

A. Variable in linear programming

B. Constraint variable

C. pivot variable

D. slack variable

Answer= C

88. The difference between the mean of a sample and the population mean is


A. sampling error

B. sampling technique

C. sampling frame

D. sample size

Answer= A

89. ………………is an entity that combines and processes resources in order to produce

output that will satisfy the consumer’s needs.

A. A market

B. A farm

C. A shop

D. A firm

Answer= D

90. ……………..brings out the relationship between inputs used and the resulting output.

A. Production function

B. Cost function

C. Demand function

D. Supply function

Answer= A

91. ………….is a function that defines the maximum amount of output that can be produced

with a given level of inputs.

A. Short run production function

B. Long run production function

C. Cobb douglas production function

D. None of the above

Answer= C

92. ……………are used to make generalizations from a sample to a population.

A. Hypothesis testing

B. Inferential statistics

C. Sampling frame

D. Population
Answer= B

93. ……………. is a statistical method that is used in making statistical decisions through

experimental data.

A. Hypothesis testing

B. Inferential statistics

C. Sampling frame

D. Population

Answer= A

94. Suppose we select a random sample of 12 farmers (n = 12) and measure their maize yields

per hectare, if we assumed x = 1.5 tons/ha and s = 0.6 tons. Calculate the standard error

A. 0.16

B. 0.17

C. 0.18

D. 0.15

Answer= B

95. …………….is simply taking each sample and dividing it by a count of the number of

samples in the population

A. Population mode

B. population mean

C. population error

D. The population standard deviation

Answer= B

96. The following are major forecasting techniques except

A. Naïve

B. simple average

C. moving averages

D. Cost

Answer= D

97. To select the appropriate forecasting technique, the manager/forecaster must be able to

accomplish the following except……….

A. Define the nature of the forecasting problem

B. Explain the nature of the data under investigation

C. Describe the capabilities and limitations of potentially useful forecasting techniques.

D. Any of the above

Answer= D

98. a measurement of the dispersion of the samples of the population from the


A. standard deviation

B. Population mode

C. population mean

D. population error

Answer= A

99. which of the following is not a steps in calculating the standard error of the mean

A. Determine the population mean or average

B. Calculate the standard deviation of the population

C. Select the mean average

D. Calculate the Standard Error of the Mean

Answer= C

100. ………….Is a statistical hypothesis testing that assumes that the observation is due

to a chance factor

A. Alternate hypothesis

B. Null hypothesis

C. Hypothesis

D. All of the above

Answer= B

101. Which type of hypothesis shows that observations are the result of a real effect

A. Null hypothesis

B. Hypothesis

C. All of the above

D. alternative hypothesis

Answer= D

102. In Hypothesis testing, if the significance value of the test is greater than the

predetermined significance level, the resulting effect is to..............

A. accept the null hypothesis

B. reject the null hypothesis

C. do nothing

D. any of the above

Answer= A
103. In Hypothesis testing, if the significance value is less than the predetermined value,

then the resulting effect is to..............

A. accept the null hypothesis

B. reject the null hypothesis

C. do nothing

D. any of the above

Answer= B

104. which of the following is not a procedure for evaluating a statistical hypothesis

A. Developing one null hypothesis

B. Developing one alternative hypothesis

C. Calculating the test statistic based on the observations

D. Developing a second null hypothesis

Answer= D

105. In Hypothesis testing, .................occurs when we are rejecting the null hypothesis,

but that hypothesis was true

A. type I error

B. type II error

C. type III error

D. type I & II error

Answer= A

106. In hypothesis testing ............... occur when we accept the null hypothesis but it is

A. type I error

B. type II error

C. type III error

D. type I & II error

Answer= B

107. in estimating the probability of encountering a type I or type II error, beta depends

on the following factors except

A. The false difference between the sample estimate and the true value of the population


B. The significance level alpha used to evaluate the null hypothesis and whether the test is

one sided or two sided.

C. The standard error of the sampled population.

D. The size of the sample n.

Answer= A

108. ..................... is designed to test if two population variances are equal

A. T-test

B. F-statistics

C. F-test

D. T-statistics

Answer= C

109. The t distributions were discovered by.......................

A. Patrick S. Gosset in 1908

B. Ferdinand S. Gosset in 1908

C. George S. Goset in 1908

D. William S. Gosset in 1908

Answer= D

110. The calculated value of t is compared with a table of critical values, to determine

probability that difference between two samples is due to................

A. chance alone

B. error

C. level of significance

D. confidence interval

Answer= A

111. In hypothesis testing ................refers to the degree of significance in which we

accept or reject the hypothesis.

A. chance alone

B. error

C. level of significance

D. confidence interval

Answer= C

112. In hypothesis testing, 100% accuracy is not possible for accepting or rejecting a

hypothesis. So, we therefore select a level of significance that is usually …………………

A. 1%

B. 3%

C. 5%

D. 10%

Answer= B

113. In Hypothesis testing, usually known as the probability of

correctly accepting the null hypothesis

A. Power

B. error

C. level of significance

D. confidence interval

Answer= A

114. The type of data that allows the analyst to view the evolution of a variable over a

period of time is called.................

A. Primary data

B. Secondary data

C. Time series data

D. Panel data

Answer= C

115. Any time series can contain some or all of the following components except

A. Trend (T)
B. Cyclical (C)

C. Seasonal (S)

D. Intercept

Answer= D

116. A a method to obtain a smoother picture of the behaviour of a series.

A. moving average

B. waiting average

C. queuing average

D. seasonal average

Answer= A

117. ...................... refers to the process of predicting future values of the time series


A. Decision

B. Demand

C. Forecasting

D. Supply

Answer= C

118. .................are used to describe data and to explain the relationship between one

dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

A. Regression estimates

B. Hypothesis testing
C. Time series

D. All of the above

Answer= A

119. Linear Regression Analysis consists of more than just fitting a linear line through a

cloud of data points. It consists of any of the following stages except

A. analyzing the correlation and directionality of the data

B. estimating the model, i.e., fitting the line

C. evaluating the validity and usefulness of the model

D. Computing the level of significance

Answer= D

120. Which of the following is not the uses of linear regression analysis

A. Might be used to identify the strength of the effect that the independent variable(s) have on

a dependent variable.

B. Analyzing the Z-value

C. It can be used to forecast effects or impacts of changes

D. Regression analysis predicts trends and future values

Answer= B

121. Standardized regression estimates should be used when the researcher is testing
A. explanatory hypotheses

B. correlational hypothesis

C. regression hypothesis

D. alternate hypothesis

Answer= A

122. Which of the following is not a terms for predictive analysis?

A. Curve fit

B. Polynomial fit

C. Effect size fit

D. Best fit line

Answer= C

123. The general form of the generalized linear regression is: y= a + bx. Which of the

following statement is true?

A. The coefficient "a" is a constant called the y-intercept of the regression

B. The coefficient "b" is called the "slope" of the regression

C. The coefficient “y” defined the dependent variable

D. The coefficient “x” defined the research model

Answer= D

124. Which of the following is not a statistical regression selection methods of data


A. forward selection
B. backward elimination

C. stepwise selection

D. straight line entry

Answer= D

125. Modern game theory began with the idea regarding the existence of mixed-strategy

equilibria in……………….. game

A. three-person zero-sum games

B. two-person zero-sum games

C. one-person zero-sum games

D. four-person zero-sum games

Answer= B

126. In 1965, …………… introduced his solution concept of subgame perfect

equilibria, which further refined the Nash equilibrium

A. Reinhard Selten

B. John Maynard Smith

C. Thomas Schelling

D. Robert Aumann

Answer= A

127. …………… "the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation

between intelligent rational decision-makers".

A. Decision theory
B. Set theory

C. Game theory

D. Probability theory

Answer= C

128. A game is ……………. if the players are able to form binding commitments

externally enforced.

A. cooperative

B. non- cooperative

C. mutual

D. non- mutual

Answer= A

129. A ……………is a game where the payoffs for playing a particular strategy depend

only on the other strategies employed, not on who is playing them

A. Cooperative game

B. symmetric game

C. Zero-sum games

D. All of the above

Answer= B

130. ………………are a special case of constant-sum games, in which choices by

players can neither increase nor decrease the available resources.

A. Cooperative game
B. symmetric game

C. Zero-sum games

D. All of the above

Answer= C

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