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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘

(죠셉 킴 강사)

제12강 TEST
어휘 기출유형문제 풀이 (11)

1. A: You’re nervous for your first day teaching, right?

B: It is that obvious? I didn’t think it _____.
(a) showed (b) look
(c) saw (d) seemed

2. A: You should _____ the butter in this recipe if you are trying to lose weight.
B: But, will it still taste good?
(a) get rid of (b) take off
(c) leave out (d) turn down

3. A: You look healthier these days.

B: Thanks. I’ve been working ____ and eating less fat.
(a) out (b) off
(c) in (d) on

4. A: Pardon, but I couldn’t catch that.

B: Oh, never _____. It wasn’t important anyway.
(a) tell (b) mention
(c) mind (d) apologize

5. A: Please tell me it’s not another _____!

B: Yeah, there is nothing new on television these days.
(a) replace (b) remake
(c) review (d) recycle

6. A: How did you finally find a topic for your thesis?

B: It’s just _____ on me all of a sudden.
(a) broken (b) caught
(c) flown (d) dawned

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

7. A: Wow! Juan got a perfect score on his SAT.

B: Yeah, and English isn’t even his mother .
(a) word (b) country
(c) place (d) tongue

8. A: Dennis cheated me out of my money.

B: Well, the ____ I see it, it’s partly your fault.
(a) view (b) way
(c) case (d) sense

9. A: Are you keeping up with the new ____ in the Enron scandal?
B: No, it doesn’t really interest me.
(a) phases (b) development
(c) progress (d) growth

10. A: Hi, Sue. Where’ve you been?

B: Oh, hi, Dilan. I was just at the library, because I have to _____ in my psychology paper
(a) hand (b) pass
(c) finish (d) forward

11. A: I am terrified of flying.

B: Don’t be _____. Flying is one of the safest modes of transportation.
(a) abnormal (b) irregular
(c) peculiar (d) ridiculous

12. A: Why did you break up with Alice?

B: I really don’t want to talk about it, so please let’s _____ the subject.
(a) kick (b) omit
(c) drop (d) erase

13. A: Lena is so cute with her big eyes and little nose.
B: As far as I know, she ______ her mother in appearance.
(a) looks after (b) takes after
(c) resembles after (d) seeks after

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죠셉 킴의 TEPS 750 플러스 어휘
(죠셉 킴 강사)

14. A: You looked happy talking to John.

B: He is probably the _____ most interesting person I’ve ever met.
(a) only (b) singular
(c) single (d) sole

15. A: Did you watch the final ______ of ‘The Bachelor’?

B: No. I watched ‘The Simpsons’ instead.
(a) episode (b) sequel
(c) period (d) chapter

16. A: Are you still going out with Dan?

B: Not any more. He’s _____ now.
(a) record (b) memory
(c) unreality (d) history

17. A: I especially love the cover track, “Quizas, quizas, quuizas” ; the singer gives it a new ______.
B: I agree. It is completely different from the original.
(a) twist (b) screw
(c) curve (d) turn

18. A: The school nurse came to talk to our class about personal _____ today.
B: Probably, that’s because that new student never washes his hands or clothes.
(a) lavatory (b) hygiene
(c) clearance (d) sanitation

19. A: Did you know that McDonal’s is the leader in the fast food ______.
B: I know, but McDonal’s burgers aren’t tasty for me, though.
(a) industry (b) commerce
(c) stock (d) career

20. A: Why didn’t Andrew join the national team last year?
B: He was only _____ in Canada after he won the gold medal in the last Olympic Games.
(a) naturalized (b) converted
(c) legalized (d) civilized

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