Urinary Catheterization

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Pediatric Nursing Practice Lecture: 11

(Urinary Catheterization)
 Equipment
1. Catheter.
2. Catheterization tray.
3. Gloves.
4. Cotton balls and povidone- iodine or cleansing solution.
5. Water soluble lubricant.
6. Syringe 10 cc.
7. Sterile water.
8. Light source.
9. Blanket.
10. Catheter plug.
11. Tape.

 Procedure
1. Check for order.
2. Gather equipment.
3. Wash hands.
4. Provide privacy.
5. Explain procedure to child and family.
6. Place child on back in a recumbent position.
7. Adjust light source to provide maximum lighting.
8. If needed, put on gloves and cleanse perineum of stool.
9. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
10. Prepare sterile field maintaining a septic technique. Open catheterization tray or sterile
gloves, and drop catheter and syringe on to a sterile field.
11. Put on sterile gloves.
12. If using catheterization tray, unfold waterproof under pad and place under child's buttocks.
13. Prepare povidone- iodine or cleansing solution and cotton balls.
14. Open sterile lubricant. If lubricant is not part of catheterization tray have assistant open
and squeeze lubricant.
15. Fill syringe with sterile water.
16. Check catheter balloon prior to insertion by inflating and deflating it with sterile water.
17. Cleanse area and insert catheter
Pediatric Nursing Practice Lecture: 11
a) Male:
1. Grasp shaft of penis gently but firmly with non-dominant hand.
2. Clean the meatus and then clean outward in circular motion. Use each swab or cotton
ball only ones.
3. Pick up the catheter with free hand and lubricate the tip.
4. Hold the penis shaft to the body and insert the catheter slowly and gently.
5. Insert the catheter to the hub.
6. Inflate the balloon with water.
b) Female:
1. Separate labia using thumb and forefinger of non-dominant hand.
2. Clean the labia and meatus from front to back. Use each swab or cotton ball only
3. Pick up the catheter with free hand and lubricate the tip.
4. Align the catheter opposite to the meatus and then insert gently downward.
5. Insert the catheter to the hub.
6. Inflate the balloon with water.
18. Connect catheter to drainage system.
19. Attach drainage bag to bed below level of bladder.
20. Secure catheter with a tape or tube holder.
a) Male: on abdomen or outer thigh.
b) Female: inner thigh.
21. Clean the perineum.
22. Make child comfortable.

 Documentation
1. Procedure and time done.
2. Size of catheter.
3. Amount of urine output.
4. Color of urine.

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