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Name of Student:
Learning Area/Grade TLE-HE COOKERY-GRADE 9
Activity Title: Prepare a Range of Appetizers


Appetizers are foods which stimulate the appetite, through their attractive
appearance, fragrance or appealing flavor. Preparation of these requires knowledge and
skills of the different recipes in preparing such, from simple to complicated ones.

This lesson provides you the different recipe in preparing appetizers for your
reference in deciding what to perform according to enterprise standards.

Prepare a Range of Appetizers

Hot and Cold Appetizers

Hors d’eouvres is often served preceding a meal, they are served as the food at cocktail
parties involving alcoholic beverages.

a. Hot Hors d’oeuvres are served between the soup and fish course. In today’s
shortened menus, they are often served instead of hot entrée. The size and richness
depend upon the composition of menu. Many hot hors d’oeuvres are suited for
serving a small ala carte dishes, and usually described as hot dish.

b. Cold hors d’oeuvres should stimulate appetite, and therefore should always be
served at the first course in the menu. There are five types of cold hors d’oeuvres
and they are served as follows:

 Plate of Hors d’oeuvres may consist of shrimps, smoked beef, poached egg, Spanish
sardines and lettuce, sauce can be served at the side
 Grisson Platter may consist of two kinds of cold meat, such as ham, smoked beef, peppered
ham. Sauce can be served at the side.
 Hors d’oeuvres Platter. A well-presented platter with a limited choice of simple or more
expensive foods. The basic rules are “small quantity, but big in quality” and at the same time
attractively served. It may consist of shrimps with jelly, asparagus tip with mushrooms,
sardines with onion rings, tomatoes stuffed with salad and chicken loaf.
 Assorted hors d’oeuvres can be served in special portioned platters with dishes or even from
a serving cart.
 Rich hors d’oeuvres - still a classical form of presentation. Lobster should always be
included. The hors d’oeuvres dish system in conjunction with a silver platter can be used, but
it is also possible to arrange the center pieces on a silver platter covered with meat jelly and
served with accompaniments in a small separate bowls or container.

Recipes of Appetizers Salmon and Cucumber Bites

Purpose: To prepare salmon and cucumber bites

Tools/Equipment Needed:
 Chopping board
 Spatula
 Bread knife
 Mixing bowl

Ingredients Needed:
1 (12-inch) cucumber 4 ounces pre-packaged smoked
teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest salmon, cut into inch-long strips

teaspoons fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons fresh dill, chopped, for

garnish Steps/Procedure:
4 ounces’ crème
Peel and slice cucumber into 1/4-
1/8 teaspoon pepper inch slices.
1. In a bowl, mix lemon zest, lemon juice, crème, and pepper.
2. To assemble, top a cucumber slice with a strip of salmon, a dollop (about 1/2 tsp) of
crème mixture.
3. Garnish with dill.

Preparing Hors d’ oeuvre cocktails and relishes

Tools/Equipment Needed: Materials/ingredients needed:

 Knife  Oysters or Shrimps or Fruits
 Chopping board  Dips
 Gloves  Herbs
 Sugar/Syrup Ice, Lemon


A. Oyster and clam’s cocktails

1. Open fresh oysters and clams on the half shell.
2. Arrange on flat plates, preferably on a bed of ice.
3. Place cocktail sauce in a small cup in the center or at the side of the plate.
4. Provide lemon wedges

B. Shrimps and other cooked seafood’s cocktail

1. Arrange seafood in a stemmed glass or in a small, cup-shaped bowl in a bed of ice. Cocktail
sauce maybe put in the glass first and arranged the seafood on top, partially immersed. Or
the cocktail sauce may be added as toppings.
2. Garnish the dish attractively with lettuce or greens with lemon wedges.

C. Fruit Cocktail
1. Use fruits that are pleasantly tart and not too sweet.
2. Cut fruits into desired shapes.

3. Add fresh lemon or lime juice to fruit mixtures to provide necessary tartness. A simple
wedge of melon with lime is a refreshing cocktail. Add a few drops of flavored liqueur to
improve flavor.

D. Relishes
1. Select fresh vegetables
2. Cut into sticks or other attractive bite size shapes.
3. Hold vegetables for a short time in ice water to become crisp.
4. Arranged vegetables, in crushed ice to maintain crispness.
5. Serve with dips.

Mixed vegetables relish with cheddar cheese dip.

Purpose: To prepare raw vegetables relish.

Tools/Equipment Needed:
 Knife
 Chopping board
 Strainer
 Platter

Ingredients needed:
Raw Vegetables Dips

1 pc. Celery 94 g cream cheese

1 pc. Red bell pepper 38 ml evaporated milk

1 pc. Cucumber 44 g mayonnaise

1 pc. Cherry tomato 7.5 ml lemon juice

.5 ml hot red pepper sauce

.5 ml Worcestershire sauce

75 g cheddar cheese


1. Wash vegetables well.

2. Cut vegetables into sticks or decorative bite size shapes.
3. Hold vegetables for a short time in ice water to become crisp.
4. Drain well.
5. Arrange vegetables in a platter with crushed ice to maintain crispness. Serve with cheddar
cheese dip.

Procedure for preparing Canapés from toast

Perform the steps in preparing Canapés from toast.

Tools/Equipment Needed: Ingredients Needed:

 Bread knife - Pullman loaves
 Spatula - Spreads
 Tray - Toppings
 Cutting board

1. Trim crusts from unsliced Pullman loaves. Save trimmed crusts to be used as breadcrumbs.
2. Cut the bread horizontally into slices, ¼ inch thick.
3. Toast the slices in the oven.
4. Cool the toast.
5. Cover with a thin, even layer of spread and cut into desired shapes with a knife. Make the
cuts neat and uniform.
6. Alternately, cut the toasts into desired shapes with small cutters and reserve the trim for
breadcrumbs. Spread each cutout with desired topping.
1. Garnish the cutouts as desired.
Bread slices for canapés can be cut into several basic shapes with no waste.


LO 2. Prepare a Range of Appetizers
2.1 Differentiate between hot and cold appetizers
2.2 Prepare a variety of appetizers
2.3 Follow workplace safety procedures

Activity 1. Test your understanding by answering the following questions. Write at
least 3 sentences.
1. What is appetizer food?
2. What is the difference between hot and cold appetizers?
Your answer will be rated using the scoring rubric below

5 Explains very clearly the answer to the question
4 Explains clearly the answer to the question
3 Explains partially the answer to the question
2 Was able to explain the answer to the question
1 Was not able to explain the answer to the question

Activity 2. “Performance Task”

Direction: Prepare an appetizer (Hot and Cold). You can search the recipes
from the magazines, books, and internet. You can select recipe that are suited to the
availability of resources at home or in the community.
What to do:
 Follow the workplace safety procedures
 Take a photo, video or a write up of the actual performance.
 Send your output via email, messenger, or during the retrieval of

What to wear:

o Hairnet
o Apron
o Face Mask


5 Explains very clearly the answer to the question
4 Explains clearly the answer to the question
3 Explains partially the answer to the question
2 Was able to explain the answer to the question
1 Was not able to explain the answer to the


Excellent (4 pts.) Very Satisfactory (2 pts.) Needs Improvement
Satisfactory (1 pt.) Points
(3 pts.) Earned
1. Use of tools Uses tools and Uses tools Uses tools and Uses tools and
and equipment correctly and equipment correctly equipment incorrectly
equipment. and equipment and but less and less confidently most
confidently at all correctly and confidently of the time.
times. confidently sometimes.
most of the
2. Application Manifests very clear Manifests Manifests Manifests less
of understanding of clear understanding of the understanding of the
Procedures. the understandin step-by-step step- by-step procedure
step- by-step g of the step- procedure seeking clarification most
procedure. by-step but sometimes seeks of the time.
procedure. clarification.

3.Work Works Works Works independently Works independently but

management independently with independently with ease and with assistance from
skills. ease and with ease and confidence others most of the time.
confidence at all confidence sometimes.
times. most of the
4. Safety work Observes safety Observes Observes safety Most of the time not
habits. precautions at all safety precautions observing safety
times precautions sometimes. precautions.
most of the

5.Product Product is very Product is Product is less Product is not attractive
outcome. attractive and very attractive and attractive and less and not enticing to
enticing to appetite enticing to enticing to appetite appetite
Ingredients are appetite Ingredients are Ingredients are
very well Ingredients overcooked. overcooked.
- cooked. are well –
6. Time Work completed Work Work completed Work completed____
management ahead of time. completed ___(mins./hours/days (mins./hours/days)
within allotted ) beyond. beyond.


Activity 1. Activity 2.

Refer to the scoring rubric Refer to the scoring rubric


Education, Department of. 2016. "Technical Vocational Livelihood Education COOKERY Manual." In
Cookery Module 1, by Department of Education, 72-77. Pasig City: DepEd-BLR.

Frankel, Bethenny. 2012. My Recipes. December. Accessed August 14, 2021.

Prepared by: Validated by: Edited by:

Maryjane D. Matalote Sonia M. Sales Alberto Nolasco

Reviewed by:



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