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Management and Production Engineering Review

Volume 7 • Number 4 • December 2016 • pp. 65–75

DOI: 10.1515/mper-2016-0037


USING ISO 9001:2015
Chi-kuang Chen1 , Karina Anchecta1 , Yuan-Duen Lee2 , Jens J. Dahlgaard3
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Department of Business and Operations Management, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan
Department of Management and Engineering, Linkoping University, Sweden
Corresponding author:
Chi-kuang Chen
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Yuan Ze University
135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan 32003, R.O.C.
phone: (+886) 3-4638800 ext: 2528

Received: 16 March 2016 Abstract

Accepted: 28 July 2016 The lack of an implementation roadmap always deters enterprises from choosing Total Qual-
ity Management (TQM) as its major management approach. This paper proposes a stepwise
ISO-based TQM implementation approach which is based on the notion of the new three-
dimensional overall business excellence framework developed by Dahlgaard et al. [1]. The
proposed approach consists of nine steps comprising three categories: “TQM faith build-
ing”, “TQM tools and techniques learning”, and “system development”. The steps in each
of the three categories are arranged to span across the proposed nine-step approach. The ISO
9001:2015 standard is used as a case study to demonstrate the proposed approach. The ideas
and benefits of the proposed approach are further discussed in relation to this illustration.
Total Quality Management, TQM, ISO QMS, ISO 9000, ISO 9001:2015.

Introduction activity affects, and is in turn, affected, by others. For

this reason, any organization with an ISO-certified
Total Quality Management (TQM) and the ISO- QMS is required to conduct internal audits, to check
based Quality Management System (QMS) have the health of its QMS and ensure that it can satisfy
been two of the most popular approaches chosen customer requirements.
by enterprises to build their QMSs since the 1980s. However, empirical evidence shows that both ap-
TQM is presented as a holistic approach, which proaches are difficult to implement, and sometimes,
engenders customer orientation, employee and cus- they even conflict with each other [4]. For example,
tomer empowerment, attention to processes, a well- the ISO-based QMS might become too rigid and has
functioning QMS, and continuous improvement [2, been mainly used just to meet requirements. In fact,
3]. It is essentially a way of organizing and ensuring it is well known that the implementation methods
the participation of the entire company, specifical- adopted by many organizations are only directed to-
ly every department, every activity, and every sin- ward attaining ISO certification. TQM, on the oth-
gle employee at all levels of the organization. The er hand, is often believed to suffer from the lack
ISO-based QMS is based on the same quality man- of a clear implementation roadmap to be followed
agement principles. It provides guidance to compa- by practitioners [5–7]. However, TQM and the ISO-
nies that want to ensure that their products/services based QMS are both recognized as focusing on man-
consistently meet customers’ requirements and that agement and leadership, commitment and involve-
their product/service quality undergoes continual ment, prevention and detection of errors and defects,
improvements. customer focus, and effective implementation. Thus,
For an organization to be truly effective in imple- combining the positive aspects of the two approaches
menting TQM, each component must work together can be beneficial, provided it is possible to strengthen
in harmony, recognizing that every person and every the systems and procedures of both approaches and


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convert the same into an integrated system. Doing includes multiple layers and elements/components
so can lead to better results, especially because the within its umbrella, and the issues related to its im-
ISO-based QMS might be a good beginning for TQM plementation are as below.
implementation; the QMS is considered by many to 1. Does TQM work?
be a stepping stone towards TQM [8, 9]. 2. If it works, does it work in any situation?
Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is 3. What is the best implementation strategy?
to develop an ISO-based TQM implementation ap- 4. What are the critical success factors?
proach by using the three-dimensional overall busi- 5. How do you choose the best roadmap and
ness excellence framework proposed by Dahlgaard tools?
et al. [1]. The proposed approach consists of a nine-
step implementation approach covering three cate- ISO-based QMS certification
gories that are specifically arranged to overlap among
The ISO-based QMS is a management standard
that presents a sequence of steps intended to in-
crease business efficiency and customer satisfaction,
Literature review thus helping organizations meet the needs of cus-
tomers and other stakeholders as well as the regula-
Total quality management tory requirements related to their products/services.
TQM refers to a management philosophy includ- It is a QMS that has been created to monitor the
ing tools and methods used to enhance quality and functions and data of a specific organization, which
productivity in organizations. The basic principles helps maintain and keep the proper balance with-
of TQM are intended to achieve continuous organi- in it.
zational improvement through the participation and The ISO-based QMS is an internationally recog-
commitment of all its employees. TQM focuses on nized standard that can be implemented by any orga-
ensuring that all the resources of an organization are nization, whether small or large; this certification can
employed strategically toward meeting the needs of benefit both marketing and promotional aspects, as
its customers (both internal and external), using sta- well as lead to organizational improvements. Various
tistical tools and techniques to measure results and manufacturing organizations were early adopters of
aid decision making. The basic philosophy of TQM the ISO-based QMS. Lately, this approach has found
is trying to “Doing the right thing right first time, on favor with numerous services-based area associations
time, all the time, always striving for improvement, as well.
and always satisfying the customers”. It involves all ISO 9001 certification became popular among
the departments and employees, focusing on contin- other reasons because an ISO-based QMS, when
uous process improvement within the organization, properly implemented, could help to improve effi-
so as to provide superior customer value and meet or ciency and hence business competitiveness. In short,
exceed customer expectations. the benefits of properly implementing an ISO-based
Gharakhani et al. [10] stated that TQM helps QMS may include:
the organization achieve and maintain success over • Cost savings: helps optimize the organization’s op-
the long term. However, the approach seems to have erations.
lost its attractiveness in the last decade, and in- • Enhanced customer satisfaction: helps improve
stead, new terms like Business Excellence, Organi- quality, enhance customer satisfaction, and in-
zational Excellence, Six Sigma, and Lean Six Sig- crease sales.
ma seem to have overtaken the position previous- • Access to new markets: assists in overcoming trade
ly occupied by TQM [7]. However, TQM is not on- barriers and opening up global markets.
ly the first management approach to embrace both • Increased market share: helps increase productiv-
the western and eastern ways of thinking and prac- ity and competitive advantage.
tices, but it is also the first comprehensive man- • Environmental benefits: aids in reducing negative
agement approach to cover the three key areas of impacts on the environment.
management: Process/Operation Management, Hu- Various organizations earned this certification
man Resource Management, and Strategic Manage- for their business operations because as increasingly
ment. Hence, TQM can be understood as a moti- more of their suppliers became ISO 9001-compliant,
vation, if not a revolution, toward better manage- they also requested the organization to attain the
ment [6]. certification as well. One of the main results for
Dahlgaard-Park et al. [11] hold that TQM has be- many companies in implementing this approach is
come a comprehensive management approach that improved sales; many companies experienced that

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without having attained the ISO 9001 certification ing and tasks of the various practices that need to
they could not have won a significant number of new be implemented as part of the system.
contracts. This study advocates building a stepwise learn-
The literature also shows, however, that the certi- ing strategy based on the ISO approach to educate
fied companies do not really focus on building an effi- employees on the important principles and aspects of
cient and effective framework that would allow them TQM. The logic behind this reasoning lies in the no-
to reap all the benefits of an ISO 9001 certification. tion that TQM is an improvement to the ISO-based
The problems experienced from many companies are approach which helps the organization to develop,
among other things that maintaining ISO 9001 cer- produce and deliver quality products and services in
tification is perceived to be time consuming, bureau- a consistent manner which will satisfy its customers;
cratic and too costly [12]. conversely, attaining the ISO certification is no guar-
antee for providing high quality products and ser-
Linkage between TQM and the ISO-based vices. The ISO-based approach focuses on the estab-
approach lishment of a quality system. TQM focuses not only
Regarding the relationship between ISO 9001 im- on the establishment of a quality system but also on
plementation and its subsequent evolution to the the realization of continuous improvement in quality.
adoption of TQM, many experts argue that in or- Therefore combining the two methods can help any
der to achieve more benefits, the organization’s first organization to meet customer requirements consis-
step should be to attain certification. Research has tently and efficiently.
demonstrated that companies certified as ISO 9001-
compliant practice higher levels of TQM than their Development of the proposed approach
uncertified counterparts. However, recent studies for
countries like Singapore have not been able to pro- The framework
vide similar evidence [4]. The reason for that may The purpose of this research is to develop an ISO-
be that some of the elements of the ISO standard based stepwise TQM implementation approach that
could be contrary to that of a TQM based manage- can be used as a tool to help organizations achieve ex-
ment system, such as lack of flexibility and the con- cellence whilst maintaining the basic TQM principles
siderable number of controls required for ISO 9001 and obtaining the benefits of both ISO and TQM.
implementation. The notion used to develop the proposed approach
Regarding the impacts of implementing a TQM is based on the overall business excellence framework
based management system, research have also shown of Dahlgaard et al. [1]. The framework has a three-
different results. The early research by Black and dimensional design that complements existing busi-
Lynch [5] found that the use of TQM did not seem to ness excellence models, and it helps organizations to
have any impact on organizational productivity but integrate appropriate management tools/techniques
the comprehensive research by Hendrics & Singhal with suitable organizational culture/characteristics.
[15] and Boulter, Bendell & Dahlgaard [13] showed The approach proposed here consists of nine
quite opposite results. TQM implementation steps covering the following
Why these different results? We believe that three categories: “TQM faith building”, ‘TQM tools
when companies fail with TQM implementation the and techniques learning”, and “ISO-based system de-
main reason is that they do not respect several of velopment”. See Fig. 1.
the basic TQM principles during the implementa- Figure 1 represents the framework of the nine
tion phase. For example people – managers as well steps and their interconnections, and Table 1 con-
as ordinary employees – do not get enough education tains a brief description of the nine-step approach.
and hence they are not respected enough during the The approach begins with “TQM faith building”,
critical implementation process, just commanded to which refers to the management of the organization-
do things differently without understanding why. Of al culture and the organizational characteristics that
course such an implementation approach will lead to are needed to cultivate a TQM culture among its
failure, and no positive impacts can be shown after employees. “TQM tools and techniques learning” de-
implementation because the implemented manage- termines the best tools and techniques for each de-
ment system is not really based on the TQM basic partment within the organization, so as to assist in
principles. planning, operation, and improvement. “ISO system
A root cause of the many TQM implementation development” serves as quality system guidance to-
failures may be that TQM for many reasons lacks an wards achieving business excellence and conducting
overall implementation strategy to control the tim- assessments of the organization’s performance.

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Fig. 1. Framework of the stepwise ISO-based TQM implementation approach.

Table 1
Description of the steps.
Step Category Description Method
1 TQM faith building-1 Building faith in the TQM approach To look up role models or organizations
using the historical examples of role from a historical perspective (e.g., Ed-
models/organizations/enterprises. wards Deming and Joseph Juran).
2 TQM tools/techniques learning-1 Learning about TQM tools and Giving employees proper education
techniques using the educational and training, using either direct em-
tools/techniques relating to quality. ployee training or e-learning.
3 TQM faith building-2 Building faith in the TQM approach To find and imitate a role model from
using the current examples of role the current era; the model should have
models/organizations/enterprises. demonstrated a good implementation
method (e.g., Jack Welch).
4 ISO system development-1 Developing an ISO-based system at Developing a strategy before the actual
the strategic level. implementation starts, using clauses 1,
3, 4, 5, and 6 from ISO 9001.
5 TQM faith building-3 Building faith in TQM with the help Studying organizations that have im-
of role models within the organiza- plemented TQM and have had specific
tion. outstanding role models, like Wilbert
James from TOYOTA Corporation.
6 TQM Tools/techniques learning-2 Learning about TQM tools and tech- Implementing projects using the TQM
niques by implementing quality im- approach and QCC competition to
provement projects. learn TQM tools and techniques.
7 TQM faith building-4 Building faith in TQM by devising Explaining how an organization can
quality improvement projects. become successful and analyzing their
implementation practices.
8 ISO system development-2 Developing an ISO-based system at Developing a system at the operational
the operational level. level, using clauses 7, 8, 9, and 10 from
ISO 9001.
9 TQM faith building-5 Building faith in TQM by “self- Recognizing the processes that can be
actualizing” quality improvement used to develop the organization’s un-
projects. derstanding about its own functioning
and the state of its environment.

Building faith in TQM ganization as a whole. Therefore, it is vital to create

a TQM culture throughout the entire organization.
In order for an organization to prosper in a com- “TQM faith building” refers to the belief in the
petitive environment, building faith in TQM is the success that can be derived from personal career de-
very first step in establishing a highly functioning or- velopment, enterprise, and social sustainability by

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implementing TQM in every organizational activi- Step-5: TQM faith building-3: Building faith in
ty. Building faith in TQM acts as the change agent TQM with the help of role models within the orga-
necessary for the successful implementation of the nization.
approach. The five steps within this category are The third step for building faith in TQM con-
arranged in a manner that builds faith in TQM cerns emulating role models within the organization.
alongside employees learning about the history and This may be accomplished by learning from employ-
knowledge pertaining to quality management. They ees in organizations that practice TQM successfully.
are illustrated in the following paragraphs. For example, TOYOTA, which has thousands of em-
Step-1: TQM faith building-1: Building faith and ployees worldwide, has Wilbert W. James as a role
trust in the TQM approach using historical case model. He was named president of one of TOYOTA’s
studies of role models/organizations/enterprises. plants, climbing his way to the top after joining the
This first step involves conducting research on team in 1987 as an assembly group leader. Now, as an
role models or organizations from a historical per- organization leader and the first African–American
spective. When a role model’s version of the trans- president of TOYOTA Motor Manufacturing, he is a
formation story is understood by employees, they role model for employees across the organization and
appreciate the reasons behind his/her success. This embodies the spirit that helps strengthen it.
encourages debates on the topic, reinforcing lessons Step-7: TQM faith building-4: Building faith in
learnt, and prompting employees to infuse the exam- TQM by devising quality improvement projects.
ples with their own personal meanings. The fourth step with regard to building faith in
One such example is that of Bell Labs’ physicist, TQM involves quality improvement projects. Em-
Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, who proposed the control ployees can learn much from implementing such
chart as a method to determine when a process is projects. For example, what actions are necessary to
in a state of statistical control. Another famous in- make quality improvements? What was their experi-
fluential leader in quality management is Edwards ence like? How have their new and past experiences
W. Deming, who is mostly known for his creation helped them continue improving? By learning from
of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (Deming) cycle and Dem- practical experiences the organization can eventu-
ing’s 14 points, and his work as an educator in the ally transform its business strategy and vision and
Japanese industry. His message was “By improving improve its processes for better service delivery and
quality companies will decrease expenses as well as heightened customer satisfaction.
increase productivity and market share”. Although Consider the example of XEROX which decided
Deming did not coin the term Total Quality Man- to integrate Six Sigma and Lean Management as a
agement he is credited with starting the TQM move- corporation-wide strategy. To do so, the top manage-
ment. ment committed the resources required to enable a
Step-3: TQM faith building-2: Building faith in robust deployment, identified projects based on val-
TQM using examples of role models/similar organi- ue creation, and engaged with every function and
zations/enterprises in the current era. value chain across the organization. Key deployment
The second step with regard to building faith in management positions were staffed in every major
TQM is to find and imitate a role model from the cur- department, and full-time candidates were identified
rent era. Role models that may have devised quali- based on the individual’s performance record, lead-
ty management methods are good examples. They ership potential, and training. The leadership at all
could be business leaders as well. Those who as- levels in XEROX worked to integrate Lean Six Sigma
pire to the mantle of leadership will attain insider’s principles into all business processes including prod-
knowledge about how other role models succeeded, uct design and development, integrated supply chain,
and therefore created faith by embracing change, set- marketing and sales, customer services, infrastruc-
ting goals, achieving better performance, considering ture/governance, and strategy deployment. By us-
good ideas for the betterment of the company, and ing this TQM practice, XEROX moved from being a
more. For instance, Jack Welch can be considered good organization to a truly excellent and successful
as a good role model. He is one of the 20th centu- one.
ry’s most dynamic and successful corporate leaders, Step-9: TQM faith building-5: Building faith
and he became one of history’s most accomplished in TQM by “self-actualizing” quality improvement
CEOs by rewriting the rules of leadership, and let- projects.
ting hands-on frontline employees, instead of bureau- The last step regarding building faith in TQM
crats, guide him as to the actions that needed to be concerns the actual implementation of quality im-
taken. provement projects wherein each employee recog-

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nizes the methods and processes that can be used of the employees and the benefits accrued to the or-
to develop the organization’s understanding about ganizations’ operations as a whole.
its own functioning and state of its environment.
The “self-actualizing” employee accepts organiza- Developing the ISO-based system
tional change in line with the changes operating in System development is necessary as the organi-
his/her own environment. This implementation is zation needs to create a framework within which it
a strategic way to respond to the new challenges can implement its quality process.
in an environment subjected to change and uncer- “ISO system development” refers to the develop-
tainty. ment of an ISO-based system in a strategic and op-
Surveys and interviews can be used to acquire in- erational manner. The two steps relevant to system
formation and verify whether the proposed stepwise development are as follows.
implementation is successful, why it helped, and how Step-4: ISO system development-1: Developing
it is believed to have worked. the ISO-based system at the strategic level.
It is important for an organization to first devel-
Learning about TQM tools and techniques op a strategy before operationalizing it. In this re-
gard, the most important document for establishing
In order to put all quality tools into practice, first,
and implementing an ISO certification system is the
employees must learn how to apply or use them.
quality manual. This manual contains all the infor-
“TQM tools and techniques learning” refers to the
mation necessary for the oversight, controlling, and
education, training, and practice of quality manage-
designing of the processes needed to ensure the effi-
ment tools/techniques, which are: the Seven Qual-
ciency of business operations. It contains the quality
ity Control (QC) tools, Quality Function Deploy-
policy statement underlining management’s commit-
ment (QFD), New QC Tools, TOYOTA Production
ment to quality as well as the organization’s quality
System/Just-In-Time (TPS/JIT), Total Productive
policy and information about responsibilities. The
Maintenance (TPM), and Six Sigma. Learning TQM
lessons learned from steps 1 and 3, which focus on
tools and techniques provides all kinds of benefits, in-
building the employees’ faith in TQM, should have a
cluding work improvement and increased skills. The
significant impact on developing a strategic quality
explanation for the two steps involved in learning
tools and techniques appears below.
Step-8: ISO system development-2: Developing
Step-2: TQM tools/techniques learning-1: Learn-
an ISO-based system at the operational level.
ing about TQM tools and techniques using the edu-
The operational level includes the quality proce-
cational tools/techniques relating to quality.
dures, standard operating procedures (SOPs), work
This step is used in order to properly train and
instructions, and quality records. The operation level
educate employees. Some of the most popular tools
is typically driven by the overall business strategy of
towards TQM adoption are: flowcharts, histograms,
the organization and is designed to maximize the ef-
check sheets, scatter diagrams, Pareto analysis, cause
fectiveness of production and support elements while
and effect diagram and many more. It has to allow
minimizing costs. The skills taught in steps 2 and
employees to learn in different ways, either through
6, which focus on learning TQM tools/techniques,
direct training or e-learning programs. Direct train-
should have a significant impact on the development
ing provides a foundation for knowledge to grow.
of an operational system. At this level the organi-
E-learning programs could consist of typical course
zation can transform resources or data inputs into
videos explaining how to use the TQM tools and
the desired product, service, or outcome, and deliver
value to its customers. It needs to specify how the
Step-6: TQM tools/techniques learning-2: Learn- organization will allocate its resources in order to
ing about TQM tools and techniques by implement- support infrastructure and production. Also, quality
ing quality improvement projects. records must be maintained to prove compliance to
This step requires employees to practice what the standard.
they have learned from step-2. Practicing quality
improvement through TQM tools is the fundamen-
tal building block for all organizations that wish to Demonstrations
achieve process quality improvement. The practice
can help transform inputs, including actions, meth- ISO 9001:2015
ods, and operations, into quality outputs. Not only ISO 9001:2015 is the latest version of the ISO
do employees gain experience from what they have 9001 standard and was released in 2015. The guide-
learned, but employers can also gauge the progress lines contained in this new revision are based on the

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results of an extensive survey, and consider the in- In this case, Company A decides to focus on Dem-
creasing diversity of ISO QMS users, new develop- ing’s studies. The CEO of Company A decides to
ments in knowledge and technologies, broader inter- start building the employees’ faith in TQM by read-
est of users in matters related to quality, and changes ing from Deming’s most inspirational book, “Out
in the industry. The revisions in this version include: of Crisis”, to motivate their employees. The CEO
• Increased emphasis on achieving value for the or- then creates weekly study groups in each department
ganization and its customers. within the organization. He proposes that each em-
• Increased flexibility in the use of documentation, ployee should read this book within four weeks. At
making it more readily applicable to the “service” the weekly study group discussions, all the employ-
organizations instead of just focusing on a specific ees are together and discuss their discoveries, expe-
product. riences, and how they can apply the new acquired
• Elevated structure. knowledge within the organization.
• Improved capability for services organizations. The purpose of this method is to make all the em-
• Fewer prescribed requirements. ployees feel like they are a part of the organization’s
• Increased emphasis on organizational context. product or service development. This exercise can
• Increased leadership requirements. help the employee feel comfortable to approach the
• Replacement of the term “documents and records” CEO with new ideas, concerns, or even complaints,
with “documented information”. hopefully establishing a stronger relationship among
• Replacement of the term “outsourcing” by “exter- the employees, managers, and even the CEO.
nal provision”. Step-2: TQM tools/techniques learning-1: Learn-
• Replacement of the term “product” by “goods and ing about TQM tools and techniques using the edu-
services”. cational tools/techniques relating to quality.
Notably, the 2015 version emphasizes risk-based In order to help the employees to work in
thinking, which is explicitly built into the whole man- a smarter and more effective manner Company A
agement system. Risk-based thinking can help iden- decides to help them learn the seven quality tools.
tify opportunities that can be considered as the posi- The tools are fundamental instruments that help im-
tive side of the risk. The adoption of this term could prove product quality. They are a fixed set of graph-
help improve customer confidence and satisfaction ical techniques identified as being most helpful in
and assure consistency of quality goods and services. problem-solving. They are suitable for people with
Overall, this new version intends to ensure a more little formal training in statistics, and thus, they can
satisfactory implementation and focuses not only on be used to solve the majority of quality-related is-
specific products but also services. sues.
The ISO 9001:2015 standard is used in this re- The three-month training program covers the de-
search as the QMS for the proposed stepwise TQM scription of the tools, when to use them, procedures
implementation approach. The approach is described to apply the tools, how to interpret the results, as
below. well as examples of previous applications and exer-
cises to support the learning. Company A encourages
Case descriptions and demonstrations its employees to continue their education and also
Company A is used as an example to demonstrate supports their professional development.
the approach proposed in this study. Company A is Step-3: TQM faith building-2: Building faith in
a company that manufactures construction equip- the TQM approach using the current examples of
ment. Although the company expresses confidence role models/organizations/enterprises.
in many areas its clients insist that they obtain an After finishing the reading of Deming’s book,
ISO 9001 certification. These calls intensify after the Company A decides to adopt Jack Welch as their
release of the latest version of the ISO 9001 stan- second role model. Jack Welch took over GE’s op-
dard, and the company is requested by their clients erations in 1981, becoming the youngest CEO in
to upgrade the QMS. When starting this upgrade GE’s history. The legendary leader made a resolu-
project the management team decides to employ the tion to transform GE into the world’s most compet-
stepwise approach proposed in this study to gain itive enterprise. Welch, who is a strategic thinker,
more benefits throughout the company from the business teacher, corporate icon, and management
implementation of TQM. theorist, devised 12 lessons which when implement-
Step-1: Building faith in the TQM approach us- ed contributed to the largest corporate makeover in
ing the historical examples of role models/ organiza- history. By studying the 12 lessons Company A hopes
tions/enterprises. to achieve success, just like Jack Welch did for GE.

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The 12 lessons are “Lead, not manage”, “Get less cause not only do all the parties have to be willing
forma”l, “Don’t tolerate bureaucracy, blow it up”, to commit to the changes that will follow, but they
“Face reality, stop assuming”. . . etc. To understand should continue to do so until the very end of the im-
these lessons more thoroughly, Company A estab- plementation. Thus, the company must have a guide
lishes a study group to discuss each lesson individ- throughout the whole process so as to not circumvent
ually, and it conducts a workshop where groups of any steps.
employees implement these lessons and analyze the • Clause 6 – Planning: To plan the solutions to
best way to interpret them for the rest of the employ- potential risks and opportunities that can help the
ees through their leadership. The workshop serves to organization meet all its requirements toward deliv-
understand the outcomes related to future products ering a quality product/service; Company A utilizes
and services, and teaches employees the need to be many pieces of equipment (small and big machinery),
more sociably responsible. so planning solutions to potential risks would not on-
Step-4: ISO system developing-1: Developing an ly be safe but also effective in the case of a mishap
ISO-based system at the strategic level. whether is in the process or documentation matter.
The ISO standard is mainly concerned with con- Using the ISO-based system approach along with
tinuous improvement in all activities, from high-level the faith built in TQM via steps 1 and 3 will help
strategic planning and decision making to detailed achieve and sustain high quality performance com-
execution at the strategic level. prehensively and effectively across the entire orga-
The latest version of ISO 9001:2015 contains the nization. For example, the executive team members
following 10 clauses. 1. Scope, 2. Normative Refer- in Company A learned much from Edwards Deming
ences, 3. Terms and Definitions, 4. Context of the and Jack Welch in steps 1 and 3, and thus, they are
Organization, 5. Leadership, 6. Planning, 7. Support, able to develop important ideas with regard to orga-
8. Operation, 9. Performance Evaluation, and 10. Im- nizational value and leadership, or hire a consultant
provement. to help them implement these ideas.
Certain clauses in this new version, namely, 1, 3, Step-5: TQM faith building-3: Building faith in
4, 5, and 6, are more adaptable to the development TQM with the help of role models within the orga-
of a TQM system at the strategic level. The remain- nization.
ing clauses will be explored in step-8. These clauses Company A has completed its study of role mod-
involve close interactions among people, encouraging els or quality gurus such as Deming and Welch. The
the creation of a suitable strategy within the given employees decide to choose the production manager
working environment. Thus, employees are vital for of the organization as their role model because he has
the system to function as intended. These clauses are good knowledge about these two personalities, shows
explained below in some detail. a high interest in implementing their strategies, and
• Clause 1 – Scope: To assess the requirements aspires to achieve good quality products/services.
of Company A, and to understand how it will deliv- It is important to recognize good role models
er the product to meet the customers’ requirements within the organization, particularly when consid-
through the effective application of the system. ering their achievements in TQM implementation.
• Clause 3 – Terms and Definitions: To establish Such role models are typically employees that have
all the terms and definitions that are necessary for a positive attitude toward work, their responsibil-
the employee to know within the context of the orga- ities, co-workers, and customers. Such role models
nization; since Company A manufactures construc- can help to provide a vision to make the other em-
tion equipment, it would be prudent for the compa- ployees feel actively involved in the organization’s
ny to define all the materials it uses so the employee goals. It is preferable to have role models that have
does not mistreat them or handle them irresponsibly. received public awards, as it demonstrates his/her
• Clause 4 – Context of the organization: To superior performance and ability to be more fair and
understand the organization, from the context of flexible in dealing with employees because of his/her
the processes involved in manufacturing the prod- experience. Thus, a role model from within the orga-
uct/delivering the service; Company A would have nization can help encourage the professional growth
to establish the processes used during product man- of co-workers and others.
ufacture, from beginning to end, as well as the pro- Step-6: TQM tools/techniques learning-2: Learn-
cedure to be followed once product manufacture is ing about TQM tools and techniques by implement-
complete. ing quality improvement projects.
• Clause 5 – Leadership: To demonstrate leader- In order to learn about TQM tools and tech-
ship while developing the TQM system; this is be- niques, the employees need to practice them. Learn-

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ing how to work these tools will help clarify the con- • Clause 8 on “operation” refers to the plan that
cept of TQM. needs to be prepared depending on the customers’
In order to make the learning experience more requirements. The requirements will define the ac-
interesting and keep the employees motivated, Com- tions needed to support the objectives, namely the
pany A decides to hold a contest among its employees delivery of a quality product/service. According to
to see who devises the best idea for quality improve- this clause, Company A needs to establish procedures
ment or product/service innovations. This contest is necessary to communicate with their customers. The
to be held every six months, and employees can even procedures should contain all the information re-
compete for a national award for best performance lating to its products/services, be it contracts, en-
in quality improvement projects. This can not only quiries, or equipment handling.
motivate the employees to opt for a better working • Clause 9 refers to “performance and evalua-
position but also assure them that their efforts are tion”. The company needs to measure the expect-
not in vain and are appreciated. ed performance of an employee, his/her development
Step-7: TQM faith building-4: Building faith in needs, and outcomes to assess whether employees’
TQM by devising quality improvement projects. achievements are above or below the expectations of
After having implemented all the previous steps, the organization. Company A can monitor customer
it should be easier for the employees to enhance their satisfaction in any way it finds feasible. This will
faith in TQM. help the company to enhance customer satisfaction,
Company A then decides to set up an incentive demonstrate conformity of the equipment with cus-
system to promote employees who practice TQM. It tomer requirements, and determine how and where
is found that performance is significantly enhanced they might be able to improve.
when employees are involved in TQM implementa- • Clause 10 refers to “improvement”. Here, Com-
tion since the beginning of its inception, which, in pany A determines and selects opportunities to en-
turn, enhances their confidence via implementation. hance growth or implement necessary actions to ful-
If the employees are involved in all the activities of fill all the requirements of its customers, the final
the new incentive system from the outset they gain goal being to deliver a top quality product (in this
knowledge of this system and become familiar with case, construction equipment).
its working and effects, and therefore, are prepared The documentation needed to fulfill the require-
for the changes that accompany a new system. If ments of this clause includes the organizational struc-
the organization builds such faith from the time the ture, responsibilities of employee, and required ac-
approach is first adopted, it can even encourage em- tions. In order to define subsystems clearly, activi-
ployees to enhance their productivity. They can pass ties in each area must be documented and reviewed
on their newly acquired knowledge to their subor- to ensure that all the requirements are fully met,
dinates and maintain a good relationship with their and most importantly, to identify any problem areas
colleagues. and rectify them by using all the necessary corrective
By this stage of the process, an employee should and preventive measures. Thereafter, the employees
have become character-driven, reliable, and positive should be trained to ensure that they are capable of
by exceeding expectations and willingly taking on carrying out their job functions.
any task assigned to him/her. Step-9: TQM faith building-5: Building faith
Step-8: ISO system developing-2: Developing an in TQM by “self-actualizing” quality improvement
ISO-based system at the operational level. projects.
To develop an ISO system at an operational lev- After implementing the previous steps, the orga-
el, Company A analyzes the results, compares them nization starts enjoying many benefits. This process
against the set goals at the strategic level, and de- has thus become an important management tool,
fines the system using the remaining clauses. providing step-by-step instructions to ease imple-
• Clause 7 on “support” refers to the provi- mentation, and help increase productivity by allow-
sion of resources needed for the maintenance of ing the employee to self-actualize and fulfill their ca-
the TQM system. Company A needs to ensure reer development goals. In doing so, employees also
that it can meet its customers’ requirements in achieve their goals with regard to the organization.
a timely and effective manner by providing sup- Initiating and participating in quality improvement
port to the employees responsible for the opera- projects often allows achieving incremental and mea-
tion of the QMS, which includes all the processes surable changes which makes an actual difference and
performed for the manufacture of the construction help the employees to think differently rather than
equipment. just use the traditional approaches.

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Here, it is prudent for Company A to measure implementation of an ISO system and the TQM ap-
the satisfaction level amongst their employees. Sur- proach. Tsim et al. [14] found that implementing ISO
veys are conducted every six months to make sure 9001 could lead to loss of flexibility as its rigid doc-
that the employees are satisfied with their jobs and umentation requirements may hamper the organiza-
implementing the new rules. tion’s ability to make quick changes.
Most surveyed ISO-certified organizations re-
Discussion and conclusion spond that the system provides no benefits once ISO
9001 certification is complete. In order to survive
To ease TQM implementation, the approach and prosper in a highly competitive business envi-
should be applied as proposed in this paper, namely, ronment, it is not enough to implement a QMS based
in a stepwise manner, in terms of the three compo- on the ISO 9001 standard only even if it is aimed at
nents: 1. faith building, 2. learning tools/techniques, achieving customer satisfaction by preventing prod-
and 3. system development. We believe that grasping uct/service nonconformities. Instead, a more proac-
the notions behind these definitions will help organi- tive QMS driven by customer satisfaction and rapid
zations to understand and implement TQM. The first response to market environments is a necessity.
task is to emphasize the importance of faith building. The approach proposed in this study can bene-
The next task is to identify adequate tools and tech- fit any organization as it focuses on the strategy of
niques depending on the organization’s requirements maintaining not only the ISO certification even after
or the product/service to be delivered. The last task the three-year certification period is complete but al-
is to develop an appropriate system that can support so working to fulfill a clear business objective, namely
the organization’s previous as well as new methods. planning, managing, and delivering the final product
This study, therefore, can act as a guide to companies or service. The proposed approach can also help re-
that wish to implement TQM in an easier manner. solve the rigidity prevalent in implementing the ISO
The proposed approach is outlined below. standard by moderating the process using the pro-
First, the organization begins with building em- posed steps. Additionally, since TQM implementa-
ployees’ faith in the TQM approach. Second, it im- tion follows no concise methodology, the proposed
parts training to its employees with regard to TQM stepwise implementation makes it easier for the or-
tools and techniques, and last, the organization de- ganization to communicate its plans, objectives, and
velops an appropriate ISO-based system to help it strategies to all its employees.
implement TQM.
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