Future Tenses

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Dyah Darma Andayani

1. Positive / Affirmative Sentences –

 Subject + Will/Shall + Verb (Ist form) + Object + (.)
 She will write a letter.
2. Negative Sentences-
 Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Verb (Ist form) + Object
+ (.)
 She will not write a letter.
3. Interrogative Sentences-
 Will/Shall + Subject + Verb (Ist form) + Object + (?)
 Will she write a letter?
4. Interrogative Negative Sentences-
 Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Verb (Ist form) + Object
+ (?)
 Will she not write a letter?
 Kita kadangkala menggunakan the simple present
form untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi di
masa depan (future events). Terutama membicarakan
“official events” yang terjadi dalam waktu yang sudah
diatur seperti jadwal (timetables), pertemuan, daftar
perjalanan (itineraries), program(programmes) dll.
 Q) "What time does the train leave?" A) "It leaves at
 Q) "What time does the meeting begin tomorrow?" A)
"It begins at 8.00am."
 Q) "What time do you arrive at the airport tomorrow?"
A) "I arrive at 6.30pm."
 The future continuous tense bisa dikatakan
sebagai daur ulang dari bentuk the present
continuous tense. Tense ini sering
untukdigunakan untuk bertanya dan
mendiskusikan aturan-aturan masa depan atau
rencana dengan waktu masa depan, tetapi hanya
digunakan jika rencananya sudah pasti.
 Q) What are you doingnext week?" A) "I'm
 Q) What's he doingtomorrow?" A) "He's playing
 The present continuous tense juga digunakan
untuk membicarakan dan membuat perjanjian di
masa depan dan perjanjian dengan
menggunakan kata” go” atau “come”....
 Q) When are you coming to see me?" A) "Next
 Q) What are you doing tomorrow?" A) "I'm going
to the dentist."
 ...and using verbs of arrival and departure.
 "We're arriving in London at 2.30."
 "The train leaving from platform one is the 2.45
to Edinburgh."
 Penggunaan 'will be doing' dalam kalimat sering
ditujukan sebagaimana bentuk the future
continuous. Tenses digunakan untuk
membicarakan kejadian yang akan terjadi
(happening) pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.
 Next week we will be having a party. Can you
 You can also use it (or the present continuous
form) to talk about future plans.
 For example:
 We will be leaving here at 7.30pm.
1. Positive / Affirmative Sentences –
 Subject + Will/Shall + Be + Verb (Ist form) +
Ing + Object + (.)
 She will be writing a letter.
2. Negative Sentences-
 Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Be + Verb (Ist
form) + Ing + Object + (.)
 She will not be writing a letter.
3. Interrogative Sentences-
 Will/Shall + Subject + Be + Verb (Ist form) +
Ing + Object + (?)
 Will she be writing a letter?
4. Interrogative Negative Sentences-
 Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Be + Verb (Ist
form) + Ing + Object + (?)
 Will she not be writing a letter?
 Kita dapat menggunakan bentuk the present
perfect simple untuk menyatakan sesuatu
akan terjadi di suatu masa tertentu di masa

Contoh :

"This time next year I will have finished my

 Kita dapat menggunakan bentuk the present
perfect continuous untuk membicarakan
berapa lama sesuatu akan terjadi pada waktu
tertentu di masa depan.

Contoh :
"This time next year I will have been teaching
English for 9 years."
 Kita dapat menyatakan sesuatu akan terjadi
(something is going to happen) ketika hal
tersebut telah direncanakan.

Q) Are you going to fly to Germany?
A) No, we're going to drive.

 Kita juga dapat menggunakan “going to” untuk

memperlihatkan bahwa sesuatu telah diputuskan.

"We're going to buy a new car next year."
 Kita juga dapat menggunakan “going to”
ketika melihat sesuatu akan terjadi.

"Look at that cloud. I think it's going to rain."

"Watch out! He's going to crash into that tree!"

 Kita juga dapat menggunakan “going to”
untuk memprediksi masa depan berdasarkan
kejadian-kejadian yang ada sekarang.
 "It looks as though Manchester United are
going to win the European cup.
 "I think my friend Louise is going to have a

Catatan :
 "I'm going to Germany." bukanlah bentuk the
future tense. Bentuk yang tepat adalah "I'm
going to go to Germany."
 Ketika kita memberikan informasi tentang masa
depan atau prediksi kejadian masa depan yang
tidak pasti, kita umumnya menggunakan
 Q) Who do you think will win the election?" A) "I'm
not sure but I think the current party will win."
 Kita dapat menggunakan shall/will untuk janji
untuk masa depan.
Contoh: When leaving work I would say -
"Goodnight, I'll (I will) see you tomorrow."
 Shall/Will juga digunakan ketika kita baru
saja memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu
(quick decision).
 The phone is ringing - If I decide to answer
the phone I would say - "I'll (I will) get it.“

 Juga dapat digunakan dalam situasi formal

untuk mengekspresikan kejadian-kejadian
terencana dan biasanya dipilih untuk
digunakan dalam penulisan formal.
 The party will start at 10.00pm.
Rule: Will/Shall + Have + Verb (3rd form)
1. Positive / Affirmative Sentences –
 Subject + Will/Shall + Have + Verb (3rd form)
+ Object + (.)
 She will have written a letter.
2. Negative Sentences-
 Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Have + Verb
(3rd form) + Object + (.)
 She will not have written a letter.
3. Interrogative Sentences-
 Will/Shall + Subject + Have + Verb (3rd form)
+ Object + (?)
 Will she have written a letter?
4. Interrogative Negative Sentences-
 Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Have + Verb
(3rd form) + Object + (?)
 Will she not have written a letter?
Rule: Will/Shall + Have been + Verb (Ist form)
+ Ing
1. Positive / Affirmative Sentences –
 Subject + Will/Shall + Have been + Verb (Ist
form) + Ing + Object + (.)
 She will have been writing a letter.
2. Negative Sentences-
 Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Have been +
Verb (Ist form) + Ing + Object+ (.)
 She will not have been writing a letter.
3. Interrogative Sentences-
 Will/Shall + Subject + Have been + Verb (Ist
form) + Ing + Object +(?)
 Will she have been writing a letter?
4. Interrogative Negative Sentences
 Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Have been +
Verb (Ist form) + Ing + Object +(?)
 Will she not have been writing a letter?

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