Why Immigration Is A Good Thing

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Why immigration is a good thing: positive immigrant contributions to the United States

You act like it's a bad thing. Find out why immigration is a good thing and how
immigrant labor contributes positively to the American economy.

This is a reaction to the msnbc news item, "New milestone: 1 in 6 U.S. residents is
Hispanic." I did not have the emotional fortitude to read the 3,100 bigoted responses to
how immigration is evil and immigrants are responsible for all that is wrong with this

Immigration is a good thing.

America was Built on Immigrant Labor

I am a western European mutt. I'm mostly German/Irish with a last name that traces back
to the mid-1600's in Moravia (an ancient kingdom that, along with Bohemia, comprise
modern day Czech Republic). I come from many generations of the working middle

What, dear reader, is your ancestry? Unless you are full-blooded native American Indian,
then this is technically not "your" country. You have no right in my mind to scream
bloody murder about how America is being overrun by immigrants, as you are a
descendant from immigrants yourself. Look in the mirror before uttering the incredulous
bigoted "narrative" we've all been fed by white supremacists.

Remember that America is a melting pot. What an image: skin colors all melting in a pot.
We all learned this in school, didn't we? America was built on the backs of immigrants.
This county's greatness was built by the blood, sweat and tears of willing and unwilling
(slaves from Africa) immigrants. This country is still being built by the toil of the
working class, enslaved by the ruling Corporatocracy elite.

This is our America. This is supposed to be the land of opportunity. Is it the land of
opportunity only for WASPs (white anglo-saxon protestants) and other white immigrants
who are culturally a little closer to the mainstream American culture? Or is it the land of
opportunity for all aspiring to achieve happiness and freedom?

How Immigrants Positively Contribute to the American Economy

Paul Zane Pilzer wrote a book on economics that is accessible to the layman. It was
written in 1990, but the concepts are timeless, valid and pertinent in Unlimited
Wealth. Pilzer dedicates an entire chapter on immigration. Here are some facts that you
may not know about the positive contribution of immigrants to the American economy.

The "economic pie" is NOT finite. This is the premise of the entire book, Unlimited
Wealth. Resources are not finite, as technology defines what is a resource and how much
of it we have. Resources are not finite. Jobs are not finite. Even money is not finite.
Money is illusory, as illustrated so brilliantly by Peter Joseph in the Zeitgeist Addendum,

Immigrants should not be blamed for all the economic woes of this country, yet there is
historically a long tradition of using immigrants as scapegoats for labor and economic
woes. Immigrants contribute to increasing wealth, they do not take away wealth from a
limited, finite economic pie.

Pilzer explains: "...every person [legal citizen or illegal immigrant] working in today's
economy is a net economic plus to our nation." (page 133) Pilzer gives the math and
supporting documentation on this immigration fact.

Immigrants contribute more to the economy than they use in municipal services. Pilzer
walks through the math, explaining how immigrants contribute more to the health of the
economy than the municipal services that they use. He also explains how immigrants fill
jobs that would not otherwise be filled and that ALL workers, regardless of nationality or
legal citizen status contribute to the health of the American economy.

"...in addition to the obvious economic benefits, the Wall Street Journal has continually
observed that the U.S. government is receiving more from undocumented immigrants in
the form of tax and social security deductions alone than the immigrants receive in public
services." (page 143-144. Footnoted source: "The Illegal Alien Non-Problem," Wall
Street Journal, 18 June 1976, 8.

Immigrants do NOT take away jobs from American citizens. Immigrant labor does not
drive down wages, either. Pilzer explains that study after study shows that the jobs
immigrants fill are complimentary to, not in competition with jobs filled by other
American citizens of minority nationalities. "Most of the jobs in this country held by
illegal immigrants are positions that Americans are not willing to take at any reasonable
salary," explains Pilzer. "Reducing illegal immigration will not necessarily lead to a rise
in wages and the employment of additional citizens." Pilzer explains that employers have
other options to raising the wages: going out of business, automation/mechanization, or
moving overseas and paying third world wages. (page 144)

Unlimited Wealth is full of footnotes with carefully documented research, studies,

reviews, books and experts on immigration statistics and demographics. The chapter on
immigration specifically covers the economic and demographic history of immigration
recruitment, immigration law, and the dynamics and repercussions both socially and
economically. Pilzer ends the chapter with a significant discussion of suggestions for a
supplemental immigration system to help fill jobs to make this country economically
America: Land of Opportunity. Remember the original American dream. Remember.

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