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Agricultural and Biological Chemistry

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Ester Formation by Alcohol Acetyltransferase from

Brewers’ Yeast

Kazuo Yoshioka & Naoki Hashimoto

To cite this article: Kazuo Yoshioka & Naoki Hashimoto (1981) Ester Formation by Alcohol
Acetyltransferase from Brewers’ Yeast, Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 45:10, 2183-2190

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Agric. Bioi. Chern., 45 (10), 2183 ",,2190, 1981 2183

Ester Formation by Alcohol Acetyltransferase

from Brewers' Yeast


The Research Laboratories of Kirin Brewery Co.,
Miyahara, Takasaki 370-12, Japan
Received November 18, 1980

Alcohol acetyltransferase responsible for the formation of acetate esters during beer fermen-
tation was found to be localized at the cell membrane of brewers' yeast. This cell membrane-bound
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

enzyme was purified 120-fold by solubilization with Triton X-100, gel filtration on a Sepha-
rose 6B column and chromatography on a DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column. The enzyme was
most active at 30°C at pH 7 '" 8. It was least active against C 3 alcohol among C 1 '" C6 alcohols, and
slightly more active against straight-chain alcohols than against branched-chain alcohols with the
same carbon number. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by unsaturated fatty acids, heavy metal
ions and sulfhydryl reagents.

The accepted theory on the mechanism of affect the flavor quality of alcoholic beverages.
ester formation by brewers' yeast is based However, there are few reports on the for-
largely on the works of Nordstrom, who show- mation of acetate esters by cell-free prepara-
ed that ethyl acetate was not formed to any tions of yeast, and little is known about the
great extent through esterification of ethanol localization and the properties of the ester
with acetic acid, l ) and that several factors synthesizing enzyme, which should be. called
influencing the supply and consumption of alcohol acetyltransferase (acetyl-eoA : alcohol
acetyl-CoA affected the formation of ethyl acetyltransferase). In this paper, the locali-
acetate during fermentation. 2 ,3) The biosyn- zation of this new enzyme at the cell mem-
thesis of acetate esters was thus proposed as brane of brewers' yeast and the properties of
occurring through the esterification of al- the partially purified enzyme are reported.
cohols with acetyl-CoA, probably in the pres-
ence of an unknown enzyme. Howard and
Anderson supported this proposal with evid- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ence that ethyl acetate was formed from
Yeasts. A typical brewers' yeast (Saccharomyces uva-
ethanol and acetyl-CoA by the sediment pre- rum) was used for the enzyme preparation. Saccharomyces
pared at 105,000 x 9 from cell-free prepara- cerevisiae (NCYC No. 240), a sake yeast (Kyokai No.7), a
tions of brewers' yeast,4) Ishikawa, Momose wine yeast (IFO 2260) and Hansenula anomala (NI 7572)
and Yoshizawa suggested that the ester syn- were also cultured in a brewers' wort and used for the
experiment on ester formation by. intact cells.
thesizing enzyme of sake yeast was also as-
sociated with microsomal fractions sediment- Chemicals. Zymolyase 60,000, a product of Kirin
ing at 105,OOOxg. 5 ,6) Yamakawa, Goto and Brewery Co., Ltd., was used for preparation of the cell
Yokotsuka succeeded in fractionating the es- membrane-bound enzyme. CoA derivatives and phospho-
ter synthesizing enzyme from acetone powder lipids were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd.,
obtained from Cladosporiu:m cladosporioides,7) USA. All other chemicals were of analytical grade.

but did not establish the localization of the Assay of alcohol acetyltransferase activity. The reaction
enzyme in this microorgap.ism. mixture for assay of the enzyme activity contained 0.8 mM
Ester formation during beer fermentation is of acetyl-CoA, 15 mM of isoamyl alcohol and an appro-
important for brewers because esters greatly priate amount of the enzyme in MilS phosphate buffer or

M/10 Tris-HCI buffer, pH 7.5. In a 10-ml reaction flask mixture was incubated with gentle shaking for 60 min at
with a silicone rubber stopper, 1.5 ml of the reaction 25°C in a 10-ml reaction flask with a silicone rubber
mixture was incubated for 60 min at· 25°C. When the stopper. Ethyl acetate or isoamyl acetate content was
activity of 10 mg of cell membrane-bound enzyme, 100 mg determined by head space gas chromatography under the
of the supernatant fraction, or 100 mg of centrifuged yeast same conditions as those for assay of alcohol acetyl-
was assayed, the reaction mixture was incubated with transferase activity.
gentle shaking. Enzyme action was terminated by the
addition of I g of sodium chloride; next, 0.4 ,umol of n- Determination ofprotein content. The protein content of
buthanol was added to each flask as the internal standard. the enzyme solution was determined by the modified
The flask was heated at 40°C for 20",-, 30 min and isoamyl Lowry method8 ) with bovine albumin as the standard.
acetate content was determined by head space gas chro- Sodium dodesyl sulfate was added to the reaction mixture
matography under the following conditions. to prevent the formation of a precipitate due to the
presence of Triton X-100. The protein content of the cell
Gas chromatograph: Hitachi K-53 gas chromatograph
membrane-bound enzyme was calculated by· multiplying
with dual flame ionization detectors
its total nitrogen value determined by the Kjeldahl meth-
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

Column: Stainless-steel column, 2 m x 3 mm i.d., pack-

od, by 6.25.
ed with 10% PEG 1540 on Diasolid L
Column temperature: 90°C
Injection temperature: 160°C RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Sample size: Head space gas, 1 ml
Carrier gas: N 2 , 50ml/min
The role of alcohol acetyltransferase in the
Hydrogen flow rate: 40 ml/min formation of acetate esters by brewers' yeast
Air flow rate: 1000 ml/min In order to elucidate the role of alcohol
One unit of alcohol acetyltransferase was defined as the acetyltransferase or esterases in the formation
amount of the enzyme that produced 1,umol of isoamyl of ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate, the most
acetate per min. popular esters found in alcoholic beverages,
Ester formation from alcohols other than isoamyl esters formed by lOOmg of the centrifuged
alcohol by the action of alcohol acetyltransferase. was
yeasts were' determined.
assayed with 0.8 mM of acetyl-CoA and 15 mM of the
alcohols. Inhibition of the enzyme was determined in M/10 As shown in Table I, brewers' yeast, as well
Tris-HCI buffer, pH 7.5, with 0.16",-,0.18mU of the as sake yeast and wine yeast, produced iso-
purified enzyme. amyl acetate from isoamyl alcohol only in the
presence of acetyl-CoA. In contrast, these
Assay of the reverse reaction of esterases. The formation
yeasts produced ethyl 'acetate from ethanol
of ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate from ethanol and
isoamyl alcohol, respectively, by the reverse reaction of and .acetic acid as well as from ethanol and
esterases was assayed in 1.5 ml of Mil 0 acetate buffer, pH acetyl-CoA. This suggests that the formation
5.0, containing 15 mM of each alcohol, 7 mM of magnesium of isoamyl' acetate depends exclusively on the
chloride and 100 mg of centrifuged yeast. The reaction action of alcohol acetyltransferase, whereas


The formation of acetate esters was assayed with 100 mg of each centrifuged yeast according to the method
for assay of alcohol acetyltransferase activity or the reverse reaction of esterases. All figures are indicated as the
amount per 10 g of centrifuged yeast.

Acetate Brewers' yeast

Sake Wine Hansenula
esters Substrate
yeast yeast anomala
formed S. uvarum S. cerevisiae

Isoamyl Isoamyl alcohol, acetyl-CoA 78 38 81 42 2

(ppm) Isoamyl alcohol, acetic acid 0 0 0 0 27

Ethyl Ethanol, acetyl-CoA 13 9 9 5 191

(ppm) Ethanol, acetic acid 7 10 6 9 396
Ester Formation by Alcohol Acetyltransferase 2185

the formation of ethyl acetate depends on both T ABLE II: LOCALIZATION OF ALCOHOL
alcohol acetyltransferase and the reverse re-
action of esterases. Schermers, Duffs and
MacLeod have observed the formation of Activity of alcohol acetyltransferase in each fraction
prepared from 100 g of the centrifuged yeast.
ethyl acetate from ethanol and acetic acid by
the reverse reaction of an esterase of brewers' Fraction Activity (mU)
yeast. 9 )
The formation of acetate esters by Precipitate after 3rd lysis
(Cell membrane fraction) 54.0
Hansenula anomala was unusual compared Supernatant after 1st lysis 21'.1
with that of other yeasts examined. Hansenula Supernatant after 2nd lysis 3.1
anomala produced isoamyl, acetate mainly Supernatant after 3rd lysis 1.2

from isoamyl alcohol and acetic acid,but

produced only small qua~ntities from isoamyl
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

alcohol and acetyl-CoA. This yeast also pro- 5500xg for lOmin, dissolved in a small
duced a very large amount of ethyl acetate amount of deionized water and lyophilized for
from ethanol, especially in the presenc~ of assay of activity in the supernatant containing
acetic acid. This is contrary to reports that microsomal fractions.
esterases, including Hansenula anomala, 10'" 13) Table II shows the distribution of alcohol
were not involved in ester formation by yeast. acetyltransferase in the brewers' yeast. About
The formation of esters by this yeast seems to 70% of the activity was observed in the pre-
depend primarily on the reverse reaction of cipitate obtained by centrifugation at 5500 x 9
esterases. for 10 min., This fraction was used for further
purification as the cell membrane-bound en-
Preparation of cell membrane-bound enzyme zyme. The absence of intact cells in this frac-
and localization of alcohol acetyltransjerase tion was confirmed by microscopic exam-
activity ination and observation of the lack.. of the
To prepare cell membrane-bound enzyme ability to ferment' glucose to ethanol. When
not containing intact cells, brewers' yeast 'cells this fraction was suspended in M/15 phosphate
were treated with Zymolyase three times in buffer, pH 7.5 containing 0.25 M sucrose, ho-
M/15 phosphate buffer, pH 7.5 at 25°C with mogenized for 2 min in a waring blender and
gentle shaking. After each treatment, the pre- centrifuged at 700 x 9 for 10 min,about 80%
cipitate was separated from the supernatant by of the activity of the homogenate wasobserv-
centrifugation at 5500xg for lOmin. At the ed in the'precipitate, and most of the residual
first lysis, 20 g of the centrifuged yeast was activity was observed in the' precipitate after
treated with 30 mg of Zymolyase for 2.5 hr in centrifugation ofthe supernatant at 10,000 x 9
400 ml of the buffer. The precipitate collected for 20 min.
was further treated with 15 mg of Zymolyase These results suggest that alcohol acetyl-
for 2.5 hr in 200 ml of the buffer. After the transferase of brewers' yeast is mainly located
second lysis, the precipitate was collected and at its cell membrane.
treated again with 15 mg of Zymolyasefor
2.5 hr in 200 ml of the buffer. The precipitate Partial purification of alcohol acetyltransferase
fromthe third lysis was washed with 100 ml of The following purification procedures were
deionized water, collected by centrifugation at carried out at 1°C to minimize inactivation of
5500 x 9 for 10min and lyophilized to obtain the enzyme.
cell membrane fraction. The supernatant from Solubilization, of the enzyme from the cell
each lysis was saturated with ammonillm sul- membrane. The enzyme was solubilized most
fate and stirred for 1. hr, at 1°C.The resultant effectively by treatment of 1. 5 g of the cell
precipitate was collected by centrifugation at membrane fraction obtained from 100 g of the

centrifuged yeast with 25 ml of 1% Triton X-

100 in M/15 phosphate buffer, pH 7.5. The
mixture was stirred for 1 hr, and the super-
natant was collected after centrifugation at
10,000 x g for 10 min. The precipitate was
washed with 10 ml of 1%Triton X-100 in MilS
phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, and the supernatant
was collected after centrifugation at 10,000 x g
for 10 min. The supernatants were combined
10 20 30
to obtain 25 ml of the dissolved enzyme. The Fraction number (10 ml/:fraction)
total activity of the enzyme remarkably in- FIG. 1. Gel Filtration of the Enzyme on a Sepharose 6B
creased after solubilization from the cell mem- Column.
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

brane as shown in Table III. A part of the 0--0, protein; e---e, activity.
enzyme seems to be bound to the cell mem-
brane in an inactive form. Approximately 109
of Sephadex 0-25 was placed in a beaker 50
.c 40 :;
containing approximately 25 ml of the dissolv- ''';
ed enzyme for 10 min. The swelled gel was then ~

removed by centrifugal filtration at 1500 x g ~o

~ g20
for 10 min. The dissolved enzyme was con- =' ..
centrated into 5 ml of the filtrate without
'0 ~
significant loss of activity. ~ -10
Gel filtration on a Sepharose 6B column. A- 1~0 200 250
Elution·volume (ml)
5 ml concentrated sample was applied on a
Sepharose 6B column (60 cm x 2.6 cm i.d.) FIG. 2. Estimation of Molecular Weight of the Enzyme
by Gel Filtration on a Sepharose 6B Column.
equilibrated with MilO Tris-HCl buffer, pH
1, y-globulin (human) M.W. 160,000; 2, alcohol acetyl-
7.5, containing 1% Triton X-100. The column
transferase; 3, catalase (bovine) M.W. 240,000; 4, ferritin
was eluted with the same buffer at a flow rate (horse spleen) M.W. 364,000; 5, apo-ferritin (horse) M.W.
of 20 mllhr, and fractions of 10 ml were col- 480,000.
lected. Fractions No. 21 to 24 shown in Fig. 1
were combined for further purification by
chromatography on a DEAE-Sephadex A-50 ,.--------10.05
column. The specific activity of the enzyme o
decreased slightly when the enzyme was frac- 6 ~
tionated by gel filtration overnight, as seen in 5 ," 1
Table III, probably because of the instability ~ bI) , ,

-5-54 : I
of the enzyme solubilized. The molecular >.
.+oJ ~ ,
I '
.~.~ 3
weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 'r-! .+oJ
.+oJ 0
! ~
about 220,000 from the elution volume of the I \

I \
I \
I \
marker proteins and the enzyme, as shown in
f \
Fig. 2. I \-.~ ...
Chromatography on a DEAE-Sephadex A- o 5 10 IS 20
50 column. Forty milliliters of enzyme solution Fraction number (10 ml/fraction)
obtained by gel filtration on a Sepharose 6B FIG. 3. Chromatography of the Enzyme Fraction on a
column were applied on a DEAE-SephadexA- DEAE-Sephadex A-50 Column.
50 column (5 cm x 1.5 cm i.d.) equilibrated Fractions No. 21,,-,24 shown in Fig. 1 were collected and
with MilO Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.5 containing subjected to column chromatography.
1% Triton X-100. The column was first eluted 0-0, protein; e---e, activity.
Ester Formation by Alcohol Acetyltransferase 2187


Purification from 100 g of the centrifuged yeast.

Total Total
activity Purification Yield
Step protein activity
(mU/mg (fold) (%)
(mg) (mU)

Cell membrane-bound enzyme 864 54.0 0.0625 1 100

Dissolved enzyme 109 88.5 0.812 13 164
Sephar·ose 6B gel filtration 28.6 21.5 0.752 12 40
DEAE-Sephadex A-50
1.26 9.18 7.29 117 17
column chromatography
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

100 100

, 80

\ I

~60 \

-+J I
tU 40
'. ,A'

tU20 ,,/,--

O~ _ _- - - - J l . - -_ _--L-_ _- - - L_ _
10 20 40 5 6 7 8
Temperature pH

FIG. 4. Effect of Temperature on Alcohol Acetyltrans- FIG. 5. Effect of pH on Alcohol Acetyltransferase

ferase Activity. Activity.
The activity at 30°C is shown as 100%. The activity of the partially purified enzyme at pH 7 and
0--0, partially purified enzyme; e---e, cell membrane- the activity of the cell membrane-bound enzyme at pH 8
bound enzyme. are shown as 100%.
0--0, partially purified enzyme; e---e, cell membrane-
bound enzyme.
with 100ml of Tris-HCI buffer, pH 7.5 con-
taining 1%Triton X-I 00, and then with 200 ml
of the same buffer containing 1%Triton X-lOO of 7 ~ 8, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The opti-
and M/20 sodium chloride. Fractions No. 16 mum pH of the enzyme was slightly lower-
and 17 shown in Fig. 3 were used as the ed by solubilization of the enzyme from the
partially purified enzyme. cell membrane.
The purification procedure is summarized in Substrate specificity. The enzyme was most
Table III. The enzyme was 120-fold purified inactive against C 3 alcohol among C 1 ~ C6
from the cell membrane of brewers' yeast by alcohols, and slightly more active against
solubilization with Triton X-IOO, gel filtration straight-chain primary alcohols than against
and column chromatography. branched-chain alcohols of the same carbon
number, as seen in Fig. 6. The predominance
Properties of alcohol acetyltransferase of ethyl acetate formation during brewing is
Effect of pH and temperature. Both the cell not the result of significant alcohol acetyl-
membrane-bound enzyme and the purified en- transferase activity against ethanol, but is
zyme were most active at 30°C in a pH range instead due to the natural predominance of

Cell membrane-
The enzyme activity was determined in the presence of
>-. 150 2 mM of each lipid.
-j-l Relative
u Lipid
m 100 activity (%)*

, None (Control) 100
r-1 Myristic acid 77
~ 50 I
Palmitic acid 86
...--_.. Stearic acid 86
Oleic acid 36
Linoleic acid 3
o 1 2 4 5 6 I 2 4 6 Linolenic acid 3
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

Carbon number
Monostearin 42
FIG. 6. Substrate Specificity of the Enzyme for Alcohols. Monoolein 24
Formation of corresponding esters (pmol/min) was as- Steoroyl-CoA 87
sayed with 15 mM of each alcohol and 0.8 mM of acetyl- Palmitoyl-CoA 72
CoA as substrate. The activity for isoamyl alcohol is Oleoyl-CoA 13
shown as 100%. Glycerol 86
0--0, straight-chain primary alcohols; e---e, Tween 40 51
branched-chain alcohols (isopropyl alcohol, isobutyl al- Tween 60 23
cohol, isoamyl alcohol). Tween 80 11
Ergosterol 27
Lecithin 66
TABLE IV. SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY OF THE Phosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoyl 89
ENZYME FOR BUTYRYL-CoA Phosphatidylcholine, dioleoyl 58
Formation of the corresponding ester (pmol/min) was Phosphatidylethanolamine, dipalmitoyl 91
assayed with 15 mM of alcohol and 0.8 mM of acyl-CoA as Phosphatidylserine 12
substrates. Phosphatidylinositol 3

Relative activity· (%) * The activity without lipid is shown as 100%.

Cell membrane- Dissolved Purified
bound enzyme enzyme enzyme
cause it is bound to the cell membrane of
brewers' yeast" with'a part of the enzyme
Isoamyl alcohol
100* 100* 100*
apparently bound in an inactive form.
+ Acetyl-CoA Generally, unsaturated fatty acids in a me-
55 40 31
dium greatly reduce the ester level and satu-
+ Acetyl-CoA rated fatty acids raise it. 14 '" 19) However, the
1.4 1.3 1.3
assumption by Ayrapaa 14 ) that unsaturated
+ Butyryl-CoA fatty acids inhibit the action of the ester
* The activity for isoamyl alcohol and acetyl-CoA is
synthesizing enzyme remains to be
shown as 100%. demonstrated.
Table V shows the effect of fatty acids and
ethanol formation, and due to the partial lipids on the activity of alcoholacetyltrans-
formation of ethyl acetate by the reverse re- ferase purified from brewers' yeast. The en-
action of esterases. The enzyme was identified zyme was strongly inhibited by unsaturated
as alcohol acetyltransferase because of its fatty acids, especially by linoleic acid and
slight tendency to form" ethyl butyrate from linolenic acid. In contrast, saturated fatty
ethanol and butyryl-CoA, as shown in Table acids such as myristic acid, palmitic acid and
IV. stearic ;acid showed· only a slight inhibitory
Effect offatty acids. The effect of lipids on effect. The derivatives of unsaturated fatty
the activity of the enzyme is interesting be- acids such as monoolein, oleoyl-CoA, Tween
Ester Formation by Alcohol Acetyltransferase 2189


The enzyme activity was determined by adding I mM of The concentration of each inhibitor in the reaction
each salt to the reaction mixture. mixture is the same with that in Tables V, VI and VII.

Salt' Relative activity (%)* Relative activity (%)

None (Control) 100 In the absence In the presence
Na·CH 3 COO 101 of cysteine of 10 mM cysteine
KCI 99
K 2 S04 97 None (Control) 100* 56
KN0 3 9r Pb(CH 3 COO)2 o 69
MgCl2 96 CoCl2 17 76
CaS04 95 CuS04 1 6
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

SrCl2 103 ZnCl2 3 71

BaCl2 67 AgN0 3 8 43
AICl 3 89 CdCl2 o 84
SnCl 2 76 HgCl 2 2 66
Pb(CH 3 CPOh o PCMB** 2 30
MnCl 2 67 DTNB** 1 64
FeS04 94 Oleic acid 36 30
CoCl 2 17 Linoleic acid 3 3
NiCl 2 32
CUS04 1 * The activity of the control is shown as 100%.
ZnCl 2 3 ** The names of the inhibitors are abbreviated as
AgN0 3 8 shown in Table VII.
CdCl 2 o
HgCl 2 2
inositol. The activity of alcohol acetyltrans-
* The activity assayed without salt is shown as 100%.
ferase bound to the cell membrane seems to be
related to the composition of lipids in the cell
T ABLE VII. EFFECT OF SOME INHIBITORS membrane. Ester formation in relation to li-
pids metabolism is an important subject for
future investigation.
The enzyme activity was determined in the presence of Inhibition by heavy metal ions and sulfhydryl
each inhibitor.
reagents. The effect of metal ions on the
Relative enzyme activity is summarized in Table VI.
activity (%)* None of metal ions examined had a stimu-
latory effect on the activity of this enzyme.
None (Control) 100
Monoindoacetic acid (IAA) 72
Contrary to the observation by Howard and
p-Chloromercuribenzoic acid (PCMB) 2 Anderson that 6/'-18 mM of magnesium ions
5,5'-Dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) stimulated the formation of ethyl acetate from
(DTNB) ethanol and acetyl-CoA by microsomal frac-
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluorid (PMSF) 93
2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulfotiic acid
tions of brewers' yeast,4) the enzyme separated
(TNBS) 43 from the cell membrane was found to be
somewhat significantly inhibited by 1/'-1 10 mM
* The activity without inhibitor is shown as 100%.
of magnesium ions. The enzyme was strongly
inhibited by heavy metal ions such as lead,
80 and phosphatidylcholine, dioleoyl, had also copper, zinc, cadmium and mercury ions, as
a stronger inhibitory effect on the enzyme than seen in Table VI.
the derivatives of saturated fatty acids. The Table VII shows the effect of some in-
enzyme was also strongly inhibited by ergo- hibitors on the activity of alcohol acetyltrans-
sterol, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidyl- [erase. It was strongly inhibited by sulfhydryl

reagents such as p-chloromercuribenzoic acid 4) D. Howard and R. G. Anderson, J. Inst. Brew., 82,
and 5,5 /-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid). 70 (1976).
5) T. Ishikawa, H. Momose and K. Yoshizawa,
Inhibition of the enzyme was also observed Abstract of Papers, Annual Meeting of Nippon
when it was separated from 5,5 ' -dithiobis (2- Nogeikagaku Kai, Tokyo, April, 1979, p. 408.
nitrobenzoic acid) by gel filtration on a 6) T. Ishikawa, H. Momose and K. Yoshizawa,
Sephadex G-50 column after incubation in the Abstract of Papers, Annual Meeting of Nippon
Hakkokogaku Kai, Osaka, October, 1979, p. 147.
presence of 2 mM of the reagent for 10 min at
7) Y. Yamakawa, S. Goto and I. Yokotsuka, Agric.
20 o e, while the enzyme eluted from the col- Bioi. Chem., 42, 269 (1978).
umn after incuvation in the absence of the 8) C. S. Wang and R. L. Smith, Anal. Biochem., 63, 414
reagent exhibited appreciable activity. As seen (1975).
in Table VIII, the strong inhibition of the 9) F. H. Schermers, J. H. Duffs and A. M. MacLeod, J.
enzyme by heavy metal ions except copper Inst.Brew., 82, 170 (1976).
10) J. L. Peel, Biochem. J., 49, 62 (1951).
Downloaded by [Universidade de Sao Paulo] at 09:21 09 December 2015

ions or sulfhydryl reagents was diminished in

11) J. Tabachnick and M. A. Joslyn, J. Bacteriol., 65, 1
the presence of 10 mM of cysteine. These re- (1953).
sults clearly show that the enzyme is a sulfby- 12) J. Tabachnick and M. A. Joslyn, Plant Physiol., 28,
dryl enzyme. 681 (1953).
13) T. Baba, Hakkokogaku Zasshi, 34, 79 (1956).
Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank the 14) T. AydipiHi and I. Lindstrom, 14th, Eur. Brew.
management of Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd. for permission to Conv., Proc. Congr., Salzburg, 1973, p. 271.
publish this work. They are also grateful for the con- 15) R. G. Anderson and B. H. Kirsop, J. Inst. Brew., 80,
tinuous encouragement of Mr. T. Itoga, Managing 48 (1974).
Director, and Dr. Y. Kuroiwa, Director of the Research 16) A. K. Palmer and H. Rennie, J. Inst. Brew., 80, 447
Laboratories. (1974).
17) K. Yoshizawa, Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi, 50, 115
18) T. Ayrapaa and I. Lindstrom, 16th, Eur. Brew.
1) K. Nordstrom, J. Inst. Brew., 67, 173 (1961). Conv., Proc. Congr., Amsterdam, 1979, p. 507.
2) K. Nordstrom, J. Inst. Brew., 68, -398 (1962). 19) T. Ishikawa and K. Yoshizawa, Agric. Bioi. Chem.,
3) K. Nordstrom, J. Inst. Brew., 69, 142 (1963). 43, 45 (1979).

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