So That VS Such That

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So that VS Such that

A. So…that…
 Pattern 1
So + adjective/adverb + that + effect
Example :
 My cat is so funny that everyone likes it.
 Rooney always studies so hard that he passes exam easily.
 Pattern 2
So + many/few + plural countable nouns + that + effect
Example ;
 There are so many cars on the road that the traffic jam is unavoidable.
 The school has so few students that the government wants to close it.
 Pattern 3
So + much/little + uncountable nouns + that + effect
Example :
 You give so much sugar in my tea that it taste too sweet to drink.
 I get so little information about the university that I confuse to register.
B. Such…that…
 Pattern
Such + adjective + noun + that + effect
Example :
 He is such a good man that everyone loves him.
 It was such beautiful place that he people want to visit.


1) We may use so or such in exclamation

 The determinan ‘such’ diikuti kata benda.
 You are such a brave man!
 You have such weised taste!
2) We do not need to add the conjunction ‘that’
 The adverb ‘so’ diikuti kata sifat.
 You are so cute!
 It’s so dark outside!
When do we use it?

1. ‘So…that…’ and ‘Such…that…’ is used when you want to show a fact with the result or
consequence. Example :
 Ivan Gunawan is famous.
The sentence expresses the fact of Ivan’s popularity.
 Ivan gunawan is so famous that he appears on TV almost every day.
The clause ‘that’ after ‘so famous’expresses the effect of Ivan Gunawan being popular.
2. ‘So…that…’ and ‘Such…that…’ is used when you want to show your extreme feelings or
opinions about something.
You are such a bad citizen that you often break the law.

What are the rules?

1. So…that…
‘So’ is followed by an adjective.
‘That’ is followed by the effect clause.
Examples :
a) Ivan Gunawan is so professional that he is able to open his own studio.
b) Painting is so interesting that I cannot pass the day without painting.
2. Such…that…
‘Such’ is followed by a noun phrase (adjective + noun).
‘That’ is followed by the effect clause.
Examples :
a) Ivan Gunawan is such a talented designer that he influences women to wear his dresses.
b) He is such a big man that he has to buy customized T-shirts.

 ‘So…that…’ and ‘Such…that…’ are connectives that effect.
 The patterns for the connectives are :
a. So + adjective + that + clause
b. Such + (article) + adjective + noun + that + clause
Example :
 Ivan Gunawan is so talented that he makes pretty cocktail dresses.
 They are such adorable evening gowns that women love to wear them.
Prepositional phrase
A. Definition
A phrase that begins with a preposition and ends in a noun, pronoun, noun phrase.
B. Pattern
Preposition + noun, pronoun, or noun phrase.
 Example of preposition + noun :
At school → at : preposition, school : noun.
On time → on : preposition, time : noun.
 Example of preposition + pronoun :
With you → with : preposition, you : pronoun.
Between us → between : preposition, us : pronoun.
 Example of preposition + noun phrase :
On the floor → on : preposition, the floor : noun phrase.
In a car → in : preposition, a car : noun phrase.
C. Function
 As an adjective
The prepositional phrase will answer the question which one?
Example :
1. The man in front of my home is my father.
Explanation : Which one? The on in front of my home.
2. The football players in the stadium play football fastly.
Explanation : Which football players? The one in the stadium.
3. The book on the table is mine.
Explanation : Which the book? The one on the table.
 As an adverb
The prepositional phrase will answer the question how? when? or where?
Example :
1. Faith speaks English with fluent pronunciation.
Explanation : How does Fatih speak English? With fluent pronunciation.
2. After class, Tono played football with his friends.
Explanation : When did Tono play football? After class.
3. We visit a beautiful park at Pundungan Village.
Explanation : Where did we visit a beautiful park ? At Pundungan Village.
D. Did you know?
 Prepositional phrase are groups of words containing preposition.
 A prepositional phrase function as a unified part of speech. It normally consist of a
preposition and a noun or a preposition and a pronoun.
Example :
 He went to the living room to find his car key.
 Have you ever met the lady with a scar on her right hand.
E. Remember !!
a. Means : by
b. Purpose : for
c. Time : in, on, at
d. Addition : besides
e. Cause : because of, from
f. Place : between, among, in, on, at
A preposition signals that a noun or a noun structure follows it, the preposition + noun
combination constitutes a prepositional phrase.
Example : the amount of wealth in a country.

Did you know ?

A prepositional phrase functions as an adjective or adverb.
1. The book with the plastic cover has been read many times.
2. Without a GPS, we will lose our way in the town.
3. The tiger crept slowly behind the tree.

 Prepositional phrases are groups of words containing preposition.
 The usually consist of a preposition and a noun or a pronoun.
 Prepositional phrases can function as an adjective or verb.

Non finite clause
A. Finite clause : tensed.
→ verb/kata kerja dipengaruhi oleh tensed.
→ verb/kata kerja pada finite clause juga dipengaruhi subject.
Example :
 I eat an apple.
 She eats an apple.
Juga dipengaruhi oleh plural/singular.
Example :
 The book is interesting.
 The books are interesting.
B. Example of finite clause
a. I know that you met your old friend. She knows that you met your old friend.
b. I don’t know if she likes flowers.
c. I bought food for you.
d. They are coming from Lampung.
C. Kesimpulan
 Verb dipengaruhi tense, subject, numbers.
 Main clause/ independent clause.
 Dependent clause/subordinate clause.

A. Non finite clause : tense less.

→ non finite clause pada verb-nya tidak dipengaruhi oleh tense.
→ non finite clause merupakan dependent clause yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri.
Example : I want to eat an apple.
Non finite clause
B. Example of non finite clause :
a. I need the teacher to check my work.
Non finite clause
b. I want her to buy pizza.
Non finite clause
c. I’ve never seen her study at home.
Non finite clause
d. I love watching Korean movie.
Non finite clause
e. Those are the books written by my brother.
Non finite clause
C. Kesimpulan
 Tidak dipengaruhi tense.
 Dependent clause/subordinate clause
 Terdiri dari : non finite clause bare infinitive, to infinitive, participle, and past participle.

Clause and sentence

A clause is the basic unit of English Grammar. For example :

 Corruption affect you.

 You don’t get close to it.

A clause is made up of a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. For example :

 According to the world bank, between $1 trillion and $1,6 trillion are lost globally each year to
corruption activities.
 Because of corruption, the amount of wealth in a country will be reduced and the standard of
living will sink lower than usual.

A sentence may consist of two are more clause together. For example :

 Because of corruption, the amount of wealth in a country will be reduced and the standard of
living will sink lower than usual.
 Corruption affect you even if you don’t get close to it.

Remember !!

An adjective or relative clause is used to describe a noun.

Chasing someone who committed graft.

Adjective clause

A relative pronoun is usually used to introduce an adjective clause.

A famous magazine, which was published last November, also raised an issue on corruption.

Do you know?

These are two kinds of adjective clauses :

a. Non-defining clauses
The information in these clauses is additional and unessential. The clauses always begin and end
with a comma and the determiner that is not used in these clauses.
Example : people power, which toppled the corrupt regime of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986,was
very phenomenal.
Explanation : the information in a clause between commas is considered unessential to be stated.
People power was a phenomenal group so readers or listeners will know what this group refered
b. Defining clauses
The information in these clauses is important to give readers or listeners a clue. Unlike non-
defining clauses, defining clauses do not use commas and use that is the determiner.
Example : corruption in India is a major issue that adversely affect its economy.
Explanation : the clause gives important information that as a major issue in India, corruption
strongly influences India’s economy.

 Finite clause can be main clauses or subordinate clauses. The time of action can be seen from the
verb used as it shows the tense.
Example : the demonstrator feel the spirit of People Power which succeeded in overthrowing the
corrupt regime of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986.
 Unlike finite clause, non-finite clauses are always subordinate clauses and the verbs use do not
showed the tense. The time of action can be identified from the main clauses.
Example : it aims to help developing countries recover assets stolen by corrupt leaders.
 Nouns followed by a modifying clause are indicate by relative pronoun : that, which, who, whose,
and whom.

Remember !!

A. Social function :
To describe things or give additional information.
B. Participle phrases
A participle phrases represent the predicate part of a phrase beginning with the verb with an
addition of -ing or –ed. Example :
 Famous demonstration, overthrowing the corrupt regime of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986,
were known at ‘People Power’.
 In 2005, a study conducted by Transparency International reported that more than 60% of
Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribesor nepotism.

The present participle phrases indicate the active voice, while the past participle phrase indicate the
passive voice.

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