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Cat In Heat: Signs, Symptoms, & What To Do

Did you know that an unspayed female cat is called a "Queen?" In fact, the name is so accurate
that during a female cat's heat cycle, male cats called "Toms" fight amongst themselves to get
the right to mate with a queen.

The period in which female cats go into heat is called an "estrus" and it is during this time that
they become sexually receptive towards the male species. Queens usually wander about
attracting several toms when in heat and this usually lasts for about 4-5 days. If a queen fails to
get pregnant within this timeframe, it may go in heat once again in a few weeks.

The reason for this is because cats are seasonally poly-estrus animals and can go through a
number of heat cycles per year. Apart from that, they are also induced-ovulators and the act of
intercourse is the only time an egg would travel to the uterus. This characteristic gives cats the
ability to produce a litter of kittens with many different fathers.

Cats may experience significant changes in behavior during estrus.

When Does A Cat's First Heat Begin?

Kittens as young as 5 months old can already go into heat while some start late at 12 months.
Despite this, cat owners should prevent their kittens from mating because their bodies,
especially their reproductive organs, are yet to completely develop.

Signs And Symptoms Of A Cat Going In Heat

One of the first signs that your cat is going into heat is that it starts to vocalize incessantly. The
cat would meow, yowl, or moan relentlessly to call out a mate. This is probably one of the most
annoying things about a cat in heat as these vocalizations tend to become louder and more
intense whether it is day or night.

During estrus, the cat may start to become restless.

She will also start rubbing her body everywhere from your leg to your furniture or even the floor.
While this may seem like a regular habit for cats, but it would be done more than usual because
the cat wants to place its scent everywhere to let the tomcats know of her status.

A cat in heat may also start wondering around and may not be able to return home in a couple
of days until the heat passes. If your cat is not one for the outdoors but all of a sudden develops
an interest, there is a high chance it's going into heat.

Your cat may also start shaking from time-to-time.

Female cats are known for spraying objects during heat because their urine contains large
quantities of the hormone estrogen which is important in attracting males. Some females make
a habit of rolling on the ground.
Female cats in heat may also start to lick their genitals excessively. During this period, cats may
develop a swollen vulva and a slight discharge.

Lastly, a female cat will assume the position of lying flat on its tummy with its buttocks raised
high to make penetration easier for the males.

What To Do When Your Cat Is In Heat

Because of the behavioral changes that a queen experiences during estrus, it can become quite
a trying time not just for the cat but for its owner as well. Here are some of the things you can do
for your pet when it is in heat.

 Make sure your cat is actually in heat. You must confirm the true status of your cat by
observing the signs and symptoms mentioned above because if your cat is not in heat
and it is exhibiting odd behavior, then there is a large chance that it may actually be sick.
 Keep it away from males. If you don't want your cat getting pregnant, you may need to
isolate it from the males. Close off all doors, windows, and any opening the cat might
use. This is also important because a female in heat can get quite excited in the
presence of a male. Close off all your curtains so that the cat may not even see a
glimpse of any male. Make sure everything is secured because a cat in heat can
become an excellent escape artist if you're not careful.
 Leave your cat alone for a while. Since you're trying to keep it away from any male,
your cat might become irritable towards you. Give your cat some space and don't take it
to heart when it suddenly lashes out.
 Pamper it with lots of attention. If your cat isn't irritable, you can do the opposite of the
previous point. Instead of giving it space, you can shower it with lots of attention by
constantly brushing its fur and petting it. Doing so may reduce its level of stress and
 Devote some playtime. When your cat becomes too restless, you can devote a couple
of minutes to play with it just to distract it even for a little while.
 Try using catnip. Cats have varying reactions when it comes to catnip. Some cats
become calm and relax when given catnip but some become even more agitated.
 Prepare a warm wet towel. Some cats enjoy sitting on a warm wet cloth or towel when
in heat. Just make sure that the temperature of the wet cloth isn't too hot for the cat to sit

The Different Stages of Feline Estrus Cycle


This is the first stage of the heat cycle and usually lasts two days. During this stage, your cat will
not exhibit the typical signs of heat yet but it will become attractive to the male species of its
kind. However, it will not be willing to mate.

This is the actual heat cycle that your cat will be experiencing along with the surfacing of the
signs and symptoms of estrus mentioned above. Lasting for about three to 14 days, this heat
cycle is often mistaken as the cat being in pain but it isn't. If your cat isn't mated within this
period, then the cycle may repeat itself in a few days or weeks.


This is the time that passes when the cat fails to be mated during estrus and usually lasts up to
three weeks.

Diestrus or Metestrus

This is the stage after your cat is successfully bred, lasting up to a month and a few days. If
pregnancy occurs, it may last until two months or up to 64 days.


When your cat finishes its heat cycle, it will become hormonally and sexually inactive for a few
months, usually two to three.

The Solution: Spaying

If you have no plans to breed your cat, it is recommended that you have it spayed to spare you
and your pet the distress that estrus can cause. Spaying is a surgical procedure aimed at
removing the ovaries and the uterus of female dogs and cats to render them incapable of
reproducing and free them from the effects of estrus.

The best time to spay your cat would be before it goes into its first heat to prevent accidental
pregnancies and even reproductive diseases. While it is possible to spay your cat during estrus,
it may cost you more because the procedure is further complicated by the engorged blood
vessels which may cause excessive bleeding.

Furthermore, spaying is a surgical procedure that should be conducted only by qualified

veterans. Before you have your cat spayed, make sure to check a vet or vet clinic's credentials
to make sure your pet will be well taken care of and that the operation goes smoothly and

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