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Physica C 437–438 (2006) 184–186

Vortex lattices in different configurations of periodic

pinning line-arrays
Cléssio Leão S. Lima *, Leonardo R.E. Cabral,
Clécio C. de Souza Silva, J. Albino Aguiar
Laboratório de Supercondutividade e Materiais Magnéticos, Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
50670-901 Recife-PE, Brazil

Available online 7 February 2006


The vortex lattice (VL) ground-state configurations are found using Monte Carlo (MC) simulated annealing with a local molecular
dynamics (MD) in the London limit. We study the field dependence of the melting temperature for commensurate and incommensurate
vortex lattices interacting with different periodic arrays of pinning. We also investigated the proliferation of topological defects and its
dependence on the periodic pinning array symmetry and temperature.
 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.

PACS: 74.25.Ha; 74.25.Qt; 74.78.w; 74.78.Na

Keywords: Vortices; Periodic pinning; Monte Carlo simulation

1. Introduction in a defect field, there are many works with random pin-
ning [6] and periodic pinning arrays [7]. In the last case,
Melting of 2D systems is not a recent issue in condensed the order of phase transitions and what kind of phases
matter physics. About 2D melting in general, nowadays we for different pinning symmetries can be found is still a con-
know that on a smooth substrate there is not a transla- troversal topic. In the present paper, we focus on melting
tional long-range order [1]. Moreover, Nelson, Halperin and pinning phenomena for different kinds of periodic pin-
and Young formulated a theory (KTNHY) [2] based on ning arrays. In particular situations, we found the stable
the ideas of Kosterlitz and Thouless [3], which predicts that vortex configuration and how this configuration evolves
2D melting would occur via two separate second order as a function of pinning strength. We also investigate
transitions. In the first transition, we have unbinding of dis- how topological defects proliferate.
location pairs and in the second transition for higher tem-
peratures we have unbinding of disclination pairs. 2. Simulation and calculated quantities
In spite of all this information, there is still considerable
interest in this subject and in particular in melting of VL. We consider a square 2D system with periodic boundary
Actually, some works show that VL in 2D systems (thin conditions of size LxLy = 8k · 8k, where k is the penetra-
films) has transitions like KT transitions [4], while others tion depth length. Different configurations of periodic
point to weak first order transitions [5]. If we are interested array of pinning were used: a straight line, two parallel
lines separated by k and two perpendicular lines of pinning
centers. Nv vortices interact with pinning centers and
Corresponding author. between themselves according to the following expressions,
E-mail address: (C.L.S. Lima). respectively:

0921-4534/$ - see front matter  2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.

C.L.S. Lima et al. / Physica C 437–438 (2006) 184–186 185

a2p n2p 1 2
U vp
2 2
¼ ap 2 exp  ðbx þ by Þ=np ; ð1Þ
p 2
U vv
ij ¼  ln rij ; ð2Þ
where bu ¼ sinðpuap
Þ, u = x, y, and np ¼ sinð app Þ and so the
total energy is given by
1 X vv X vp
E¼ U þ U ik . ð3Þ
2 i6¼j ij ik

In our case, rp = 0.0125ap and ap = 0.25k. Only one vor-

tex per pinning, ns = 1 (rp  2n), is permitted. We use MC
simulated annealing with local MD.
At the end of the simulation, we collect temperature
dependent quantities like the internal energy average hEi,
specific heat C(T), general vortex position standard devia-
tion rr, rx and ry and for each particle, pinned vortex per- Fig. 2. Energy versus temperature curve for Nv = 16 interacting with a
straight line of pinning centers. Trx and Try are the temperatures when x
centage v(T), radial distribution function gð~rÞ, distribution and y vortex position deviations explode. TC(T) is the temperature when
function of vortex position Pxy, density–density correlation C(T) · T curve has a peak. Insets: VL snapshots for the instant before first
function Gð~ rÞ, histogram of energy, voronoi and delaunay topological defect appears (a), for a bounded dislocation pair (b), for an
cells and final VL snapshots. unbounded dislocation pair with Burgers vector parallel (c) or perpendic-
ular (d) to the pinning line and (e) unbounded disclination.
3. Results
temperature region is characterized by the begin of plastic
The VL configurations were obtained at various values melting. If the temperature is increased further these bound
of B (Nv = 4–64) for the different kinds of pinning arrays. dislocation pairs are separated with Burgers vector direc-
In this paper, we describe some interesting cases. The com- tion parallel to the pinning line, and for higher tempera-
plete study will be presented elsewhere. tures unbound dislocation pairs with Burgers vector
The first case studied is a straight line of pinning centers perpendicular to pinning line can be seen. After this point,
(Fig. 1). All the structures obtained try to lock into the pin- for higher temperatures, specific heat curve has a peak
ning line in order to decrease the total free energy. The VL announcing unbounded disclinations and so the vortex lat-
orientation is induced by matching between VL and pin- tice is melted. At this same temperature, vortices can
ning array lattice parameters. unlock from the pinning centers (see Fig. 2).
For Nv = 16, all the pinning centers are filled when Note that Nv = 16 is a specific case, where one funda-
T = 0. For T 5 0, all vortices shake in the same way in mental lattice vector of ideal VL aligns exactly with pinning
an elastic melting. When the temperature is increased line (VL and the pinning array are almost commensurate).
unpinned vortices shake more than pinned ones. In a par- When VL and pinning line are arranged in a different way,
ticular high temperature region, these same vortices move the melting process occurs differently. For example, with
in an anisotropic mode inducing a smectic phase and the Nv = 48 VL align perpendicular to Nv = 16 case. In this sit-
first topological defect: bound dislocation pairs [8]. This uation, topological defects appear in the same temperature

8 8 8

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 1. Vortex ground state (full circles) obtained from simulated annealing for a pinning line (open circles) with Nv = 16, 32 and 48, respectively.
186 C.L.S. Lima et al. / Physica C 437–438 (2006) 184–186

order (bounded dislocation–unbounded dislocation– cess is similar to one line case with the same number of vor-
unbounded disclination) but with different directions. The tices, but now with a lower characteristic temperatures. If
vortex position standard deviation curves shows that all Nv = 64, despite high density, we still have a smectic phase
the r 0 s increase in the same temperature so that in this sam- from VL ground state when temperature is increased.
ple we do not have a smectic phase.
If the VL and pinning line orientations are more com- 4. Conclusion
plex like in the case Nv = 32, despite the defects appear
in the same order, the temperature at which these defects In summary, we have simulated different kinds of pin-
appear is lower. It happens because the stable VL configu- ning array where VL is submitted. In some situations, the
ration in T  0 for Nv = 32 is very different from hexagonal symmetry of these arrays can induce an anisotropic melting
VL configuration and it is easier to proliferate topological despite high vortex density values. In all structures, phase
defects. For low temperatures, VL oscillates between differ- transitions are similar to KT transitions. Additional calcu-
ent configurations and the melting process will occur when lations are currently under way and will be reported
T increased, in the direction of these oscillations (easy melt- elsewhere.
ing axis).
For two parallel pinning lines, one of the most interest- Acknowledgements
ing cases is Nv = 8. In this case, VL locks so that two pin-
ning centers are filled and the structure of VL oscillate This work was supported by the Brazilian Agencies
between pentagonal and hexagonal structures. This insta- CNPq,CAPES and PADCTIII/CNPq.
bility is not maintained if potential pinning strength is
decreased. In these cases, the VL locks in the pinning line References
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that the VL of second case is more distributed than the first [6] See for example V.A. Kashurnikov, I.A. Rudnev, M.E. Gracheva,
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onal VL ideal melting process. [7] See for example M.V. Zyubin, I.A. Rudnev, V.A. Kashurnikov, JETP
For the case of two perpendicular lines, VL choose a 96 (2003) 1065.
particular direction to orientate. If Nv = 16, only pinning [8] C.L.S. Lima, J. Albino Aguiar, C.C. de Souza Silva, Physica C 419
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sites in x-direction can be occupied. Thus, the melting pro-

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