Implementing Electronic Marketplaces: Alexander ELSAS

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Implementing Electronic Marketplaces

Alexander ELSAS
Institute for Information Systems, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University
Frankfurt, 60054, Germany


Walldorf, 69189, Germany

Abstract marketplaces, a lot of smaller, specialized

marketplaces are being implemented or will be so in
After a short definition of the basic aspects of the near future. A summary of the distribution of
electronic marketplaces and a focus on its topic, this existing b2b marketplaces by region and industry
paper introduces Marketplace, which is gives [6].
part of SAP’s line of products in,
dealing with electronic marketplaces. Recent research by the Gartner Group underlines the
importance of a proven concept for the
To follow, the actual model is being developed and implementation of electronic marketplaces:
divided into 3 phases, major emphasis of the model Covisint, the marketplace of the automobile
can be found in phase 2. industry,[3] is not expected to work before 2002,
due to the complexity of the current technologies
The following part of this paper analyses findings and a lack of established communication technology
on the use of the model. An empirical analysis of a of the partners.
smaller test marketplace is presented, which was
implemented by SAP and Deutsche Bank. The
Emaro marketplace project focussed on the 2. Electronic Marketplaces
implementation of a horizontal marketplace dealing
with MRO-goods. Definition of terms
According to [1], electronic marketplaces can be
defined as virtual places, where, based on internet
Keywords: Electronic Marketplace, Emaro, technologies, to that extent free of timely and spatial
Implementation, ASAP, Model restrictions, transactions between suppliers of goods
and services and their respective clients take place.
In other words: electronic marketplace stands for an
internet based framework/platform for commerce or,
in a wider sense, the support of transactions between
1. Introduction enterprises. [10]

Developing a model for the implementation of Electronic marketplaces can be split into vertical
electronic marketplaces (EM) involves theoretical and horizontal marketplaces.
aspects, and on the basis of
Marketplace also practical aspects. Especially the Vertical marketplaces address a specific industry
business-to-business (b2b) marketplaces are and are specialized for the needs of this group. [7]
encompassed in this paper. The main characteristics and main goals are
bundling of demand and supply in an environment
Important industries have defined their goal to where the same expectations and interests are
implement electronic marketplaces in the near focussed onto the offered products. As well as
future, i.e. the automobile industry, the airline supporting transactions, industry-specific
industry and the travel industry as a whole, etc. informations are the additional services of vertical
Besides these classes of large electronic marketplaces. Therefore it is a prerequisite for the
operator of an vertical electronic marketplace to 2. Implementing Phase
have a thorough knowledge of the specialities and A) Project Preparation
needs of the addressed industry. B) Definition of a Business Blueprint
C) Realization and Implementation
In contrast to the vertical marketplaces, horizontal D) Production Preparation
marketplaces are not focussed on a specific E) Productive Start
industry, they address processes and functions,
which are of industryspreading importance. 3. Opening Phase

An example for a horizontal marketplace could be a

marketplace which deals with the distribution of Due to the restrictions of this paper, phase 2, the
MRO (maintenance, repair and operation) goods implementation phase, shall now be introduced in
like office materials or other, not production more detail.
relevant consumption goods, the so-called C-
materials. In this case, the exact knowledge of the The Implementing Phase
appropriate business proces is the most important This phase of the model applies the concepts of
prerequisite for the marketplace operator. ASAP and adapts them to the procedure of
implementing electronic marketplaces with
The functionality of an electronic marketplace Marketplace.
supports ideally all phases of a commercial
transaction: preparation, agreement and handling. Based on five steps which are each supported by
further software tools, every step is exhausted in
Therefore the emphasis on the transaction function more and more becoming finer structures.
separates the concept of electronic marketplaces
from the concept of portals. These steps are the project preparation (step 1), the
definition of an business blueprint (or preparation
of an objective concept) (step 2), the realization and Marketplace implementation (step 3), the production preparation is a line of products from SAP AG (step 4) and the productive start (step 5).
which consists of a range of software components
and services for the handling and integration of Step A: Project Preparation
business processes in and between enterprises. In this first step the decision makers fix clear project
objectives to find a solution with an efficient
Internet technology is used for the handling of these method. The following working packets were
business processes. Marketplace was chosen:
developed especially for the automatization of
industryspreading business processes. • The introducing strategy’s designation,
• the fixing of the project organisation and
• the determination of technical requirements.
4. AcceleratedSAP
ASAP supports the introducing strategy’s
Overview designation by document-templates and report-
AcceleratedSAP (ASAP) has become a proven templates and by examples, which help to find
concept for the implementation of information standards and methods for the introduction. [9] The
systems based on SAP's standard software R/3.[9] setting up of the project plan has essential
importance. This project plan should contain a
The model, which is based on ASAP, is divided into working plan and also detailed documentations. The
3 main phases: working plan defines the planned project results
(and the estimated time which is needed) and the
previous and following project parts. The
1. Preparation Phase concretized project working plans should ensure that
A) Analysis of potential the established business model will be realized and
B) Definition of a business model that each activity will be coordinated. In this phase,
C) Acquisition of participants extensive documentations are established. They are
completed during the whole project.
Documentations about configurations and The last mentioned contains their technical
customizing settings, user documentations or service realization and the demands on the network and the
reports may be helpful for the project decisions. memory.[9] First of all, business processes are fixed
by an approximate grade of details. The marketplace
The project team’s combination is fixed in the is completely modelled as a whole system. This
project organisation. Mostly, a marketplace team model contains indirect affected sectors as well as
is a mixed project team of colleagues from the aspects between different companies.[8]
order-giving enterprise and of external consulting
partners. Afterwards, the business processes are divided. The
main aspect is to manage the complexity in form of
The definition of the needed infrastructure, the clear business processes (a “Question & Answer-
procurement of hardware and of necessary database” might help). The special concept (which
interfaces for the data-adoption from the ERP- describes the business process that has to be realised
systems of the marketplace participants are among in detail) and the functionality of the marketplace
the technical requirements of the marketplace- software have to be synchronized. Possible
construction. The hardware architecture of an developments of individualisation will be
electronic marketplace is mostly characterized by a foreseeable in this planning phase.
complex construction.
The last working package in the phase of the
At the end of the first step the project structure is objective concept’s preparation deals with system-
evaluated by the “Concept Check Tools”.[11] The technical aspects. A detailed analysis of the
now following project-kick-off-meeting deals with hardware requirements and of further technical
the technical tasks of the marketplace project. components is necessary for the fixing of system
Within this meeting the project leader explains the preconditions. The result is that decisions
final objectives and the project planning. The concerning the operating system, the database
project shifts to step 2 (the preparation of an system and the network configuration have to be
objective concept) after the project leader has made. Also reflections about necessary safety
completed this step. precautions and the authorization concept have to be
considered. It is clarified which measures have to be
taken to prevent interruptions like operation errors,
Step B: Definition of a Business Blueprint system- and net failures and unauthorized pounces
The objective concept, often called “business like data misusing or data destruction. There must
blueprint”, is a main thread of the marketplace be also reflections about electronic paying
construction and contains all details of the procedures that are secure and practicable. After a
implementation in only one document.[12] All final consistence check of the measure catalogue
business requirements are portrayed there, and this and after the corresponding release, the realisation
is the base for organisation, configuration and, if of the marketplace functionality begins.
necessary, for development activities. The following
working packages have to be managed in this phase:
Step C: Realization / Implementation
• The training of the project members, Now follows a detailed configuration and fine
• a detailed definition of the business process setting of each system component based on the
that has to be portrayed and business blueprint. This contains the function units’
• the establishment of the system combination of the system, which are necessary to
preconditions. fulfil the defined tasks. The operation parameter’s
adjustment occurs in two steps: the so-called
The objective concept’s result is a special concept, “baseline-“ and the “detail configuration”. Further
which is orientated on the established business elements of this phase are the fixing and the
model. A catalogue of measures is developed, based establishment of the system’s management, the final
on the special concept. A two-step view is distribution of authorization and the workflow
characteristic: The first and most important manner specification.[9]
of sight is orientated on business processes, which is
supported by the information technology (IT) on the The baseline-configuration contains about 80 per
electronic market. cent of the common marketplace transactions. 3 The
number and precision of the baseline scenarios
depend on the striven reliability’s degree of the
market place.[9] The configuration is conducted by Depending on the business model different
the business process- and the technical consulting marketplace processes may be automated. They may
team and the employees of the enterprise. Both have lead to cost- and time savings of the participating
to work together. market partners. The status of the planned
achievements has to be checked of completeness
The detail configuration is based on the baseline- and exactness at the end of phase 3. The project
configuration and deals with the processes, which management conducts this internal quality check.
rarely appear. There is a division in process- This quality check must not be mixed up with the
orientated cycles that may be configured parallel. independent reviews, which should be ideally
Therefore, reports, process descriptions, test conducted after each phase.
scenarios and authorization profiles have to be
Step D: Preparation of Production
Another important precondition for the task The aim of this step is the final preparation for the
fulfilling of the system’s management is made in marketplace opening. One main element is the
this third step: System installation and system execution of various tests to ensure a start without
administration including guidelines of detailed problems. The test plan includes all important
descriptions, responsible people who deal with this situations that may appear at the normal marketplace
system and methods for the escalation management operation. Besides the tests of interface programs
are documented in a system’s management are throughput- and stress tests.[9] The choice of
handbook.[9] test cases depends on the importance of each
function and the expected frequency of errors.
The preparation of an approximate authorization Connections to the ERP-systems of attached
concept that was enlarged in the objective suppliers are also checked (in connection to the
conception by fixing the roles and tasks of the users system tests).
was already made in the project preparation. The
detailed description of the user administration takes
first place in this phase. Each special department or Step E: Productive Start
organisation of the marketplace is described and The productive start of the marketplace takes place
concretized to each working place with the in the final step. The project team conducts the care
connected security requirements.[2] and optimization of the EM in view of the technical
infrastructure and its regular usage and it also
The “Four-eyes-principle” is mostly used therefore. conducts the business process. A concept for the
The administrative tasks are distributed to, at least, preventive check of the marketplace functionality,
two administrators to ensure a high security the marketplace settings and the marketplace
standard. Application and data are protected against performance has to be prepared, too.
unauthorized approaches by a flexible authorization
concept. In this phase the commencement of following
projects is possible. They will add new marketplace
In connection to the Workplace functionalities or achieve another automation and
(another product in the line of the improvement of the business transactions. In this
marketplace participants are simultaneous equipped context, reflections about further activities in the
with the necessary authorizations for individual content and community sector must be made to
applications. Mainly expensive and longwinded achieve that the participants profit from the current
processes are checked about their workflow ability added value functions.
in the last working package in step 3.

Heilmann defines a workflow as a defined, mostly 5. The Emaro Marketplace Project

work-divided process that leads to the preparation or
utilization of company achievements.[5] The Overview
dynamic course of events, from the initiation to the The Emaro marketplace [4] has been a test project
end, is the main focus of this consideration. A for the validation of the described implementation
workflow generally arises by an event, for example model.
a customer’s order. Now follow different activities
until the workflow ends with a result (for example This horizontal marketplace has been organized as a
with an invoicing).[8] joint venture between SAP AG and its partner, the
Deutsche Bank AG, with SAP holding 40% of the • Lean infrastructure platform
shares. The hardware-architecture, on which Emaro
runs, is, regarding to the statements of nearly all
Emaro is designed to deal with MRO-goods like participants involved in the technical aspects of
office materials, office furniture and IT for offices. the project, too complex. This results in high
costs for the needed multiple server-computers
SAP’s task concerned mainly the technical aspects and causes monitoring problems of these
of driving the marketplace as well as care and servers.
maintenance. Two leading consulting firms were
involved as the other participants in the project. • Need for an uniform upgrade strategy
Meanwhile, other German and international global SAP is following a component based strategy
players have entered the succesfully implemented for the upgrade of it’s products. In the context of
marketplace. the marketplace product, this is leading to
complex interdependies of different releases of
The analysis of the Emaro project is based on both a the marketplace components.
quantitative and a qualitative questionnaire which
was given to senior executives of the project • Migration of mandators from the ERP-
partners. system
All mandators, which are configured in existing
ERP-systems like SAP R/3, have to be
Project Phases configured in the marketplace product. This
The development of Emaro consists of 2 phases: causes a high one-time effort, because there is
no simple migration tool avaible at the moment.
The first phase dealt with the construction of the SAP offers a so-called User Server as a solution
marketplace infrastructure. Functional target was the to this problem, but this means another level of
implemenation of a solution for the buying and complexity of the whole system and additional
selling of products based on a multi vendor catalog. costs. Because of this, the project participants
are asking for a smaller and more simple
The duration of this phase was 4 months, it was migration tool.
completed on time. All project participants stated
this as an postive aspect of the project. • Testing
The Emaro marketplace is developed on the
The main objective of the second phase, which basis of Marketplace. Because of
started immediately after the successful still existing technical weaknesses of
implementation of the first phase, is the extension of Marketplace, an extensive testing
the implemented functionality of the marketplace. phase had to be conducted in the Emaro project.
This effort could have been spared, if
The main objectives here are: Marketplace had been tested in a
• The implementation of a complete integration of more thorough way.
the marketplace transactions into the ERP-
Systems of the participants, • Documentation
• Adding the functionality of auctions and reverse The documentation of Marketplace
auctions, is still in an early stage of development. The
• Integration of additional services like financial complexity of a marketplace project can be
services (online financing), reduced in a significant amount, if the
• New product groups. documentation of the underlying technolgy and
product is better developed.
Analysis .
The empirical analysis of the questionnaires
identified a few problems of the Emaro project,
despite it’s overall success.

The consequences for the further development of the

marketplace product of SAP and the underlying
implementation model are:
6. Conclusions References

The results of the analysis of the Emaro project [1] Berlecon Research (eds.): Virtuelle Vermittler –
allow a balanced view of the project and the Business-to-Business-Marktplätze im Internet;
implementation model: Berlin, 1999

SAP has established the image of a competent [2] Brand, H.: SAP R/3 – Einführung mit ASAP:
implementation partner for electronic marketplaces, Technische Implementierung von SAP R/3 planen
the model proved basically its validity and und realisieren, München, 1999
The Emaro project suffered from a few
shortcomings like an insufficient number of project [4]
participants with thorough knowledge of the know-
how of electronic marketplaces. Some minor [5] Heilmann, H.: Workflow Management –
weaknesses in the implementation of the proposed Integration von Organisation und
model and the Marketplace product Informationsverarbeitung; in: Handbuch der
were identified by a thorough analysis of the modernen Datenverarbeitung, Volume 34, No. 176,
questionnaires and were taken into account for the p. 9-21, 1994
further development of the model.
It is predicted, that in the future, the concepts of
electronic marketplaces will develop into the [7] Mattes, F.: Electronic Business-to-business – E-
direction of Value Webs, leaving the traditional Commerce mit Internet und EDI; Stuttgart, 1999
concept of Value Chains, which are the main
concept of today and proposed electronic [8] Keller, G.: R/3 prozessorientiert anwenden –
marketplaces, behind. Iteratives Prozess-Prototyping zur Bildung von
Wertschöpfungsketten; München, 1999
The ability to adapt the proposed implementation
model and the underlying technology to such new [9] SAP AG (eds.): Accelerated SAP, Funktionen
developments will be crucial in the future, maybe im Detail; Walldorf, 1999
even for the existence of global players like SAP.
[10] SAP AG (eds.): – Der Marketplace, White Paper; Walldorf,

[11] SAP AG (eds.): SAP R/3 Concept Review

Service – Präventive Überprüfung des
betriebswirtschaftlichen Umfelds unter
Berücksichtigung der Performance-Aspekte, Fact
Sheet; Walldorf, 1999

[12] SAP AG (eds.): Tools and Accelerators –

Turbo-Charging Your Installation, Folder; Walldorf,

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