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Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

Name- Student # 301277805

Diet Analysis Part 2

For sugar: DRI for sugar: upper limit = 5% of energy expenditure

To find energy expenditure in terms of grams:
Average Calorie expenditure: 1839 kCal/day
4 kCal = 1 g of sugar 1839 kCal / 4kCal = 459.75 g of sugar energy expenditure
The upper limit of the DRI: DRI = 5% of 459.75 g = 0.05 x 459.75g = 22.9875 g Round it to 23 g

Intake as % of Recommendation for carbohydrates- (167/219) *100=76.25%

Intake as % of Recommendation for Sugar= (79/23) *100= 343.47%
Intake as % of Recommendation for dietary Fibre= (11/25) *100=44%

Table 3
Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

Carbohydrates (5.5 marks)

ent of
Average Recommendatio Intake as % of Adequac
Intake n Recommendation y
(A, I, or
The minimum carbohydrate intake is 130 g/day,
which my current diet exceeds. Therefore, my
Total intake of total carbohydrates is adequate. My DRI
Carbohydrate Lower limit=
for carbohydrate intake is between 219-316g, and
I have not exceeded that limit. Also, in terms of
167g 219-316g A
macronutrient distribution, my total
Upper Limit=
carbohydrate intake falls within the 45-65% range
(~57%) Therefore, the degree to which I use
carbohydrates is within acceptable macro
nutrient range.

My intake for sugar was far above my DRI

Sugar* calculated of ~79g. The 23 g is seen as the
79g 23g 343.47% E Tolerable Upper Intake level, meaning exceeding
this number can increase chances for disease and
illness according to the WHO.
So, I access it Excessive.
My intake for dietary fibre was 14g under my DRI
Dietary Fibre 11g 25g 44% I of 25g. I assess this as inadequate because I am
still 66% within reaching the recommended

Table 3
Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

intake. Not consuming enough fibre, according to

the textbook, can compromise intestinal health as
well as excretion of cholesterol to lower blood

*For sugar, use the World Health Organization recommendation of 5% of total energy intake. Show calculations in the space below.
Note that this is considered a maximum amount.

Fats (7 marks)

Average Intake as % of
Recommendation of Adequacy Justification
Intake Recommendation
(A, I, or E)
Intake was inadequate based on my average intake
Total Fat
(39g) falling about 4g under my lower limit of DRI of
43-76g. However, in terms of macronutrient
90% (Lower
39g 43-76g I distribution, my total fat intake falls within the 20-
35% range (~29%) Therefore, the degree to which I
use fats in my diet is accurate, but my overall intake
is lacking.
14.4g <21.6g 66.7% A As my intake of saturated fat is 14.4g which is lower
Saturated than recommendation (21.6g) and the UL, I access
this adequate (For this amount, it do not have

Table 3
Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

negative impact on my health). And from the

Fat textbook, it shows that high saturated fat diet will
influence the LDL cholesterol which can increase the
risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Trans Fatty My intake of trans fatty acids is only 0.3g which is
Acids* lower than the upper intake level (1.42g). According
0.3g 2.04g 14.70% A RECOMMENDATION, Trans fatty acids should be
minimized in our diets and high trans fatty acids can
lead to heart disease. So,I access my level is
adequate with my low intake of it.
My intake of Cholesterol (51mg) which is lower than
Cholesterol the recommendation (300mg). According to the
textbook, Liver can produce cholesterol. Cholesterol
plays an important part in our bodies like building
51mg <300mg 17% A cells and producing hormone. So, I think my intake
of cholesterol is adequate because we don’t need
too much of it from our diets. Otherwise, high level
of it will increase the risk of heart disease and other
complications like chest pain and stroke.

*For trans fatty acids, use the World Health Organization recommendation of 1% of total energy intake. Show calculations in the
space below. Note that this is considered a maximum amount.
Recommendation for Trans Fatty acids (avg. energy expenditure • 1%) / (9kcal/g)
= (1839*0.01)/9=2.04 g
Intake as % of Recommendation for Total Fat= (39/43) *100=90%
Intake as % of Recommendation for Saturated Fat= (14.4g/21.6g) *100=66.7%

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Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

Intake as % of Recommendation for Trans fatty acids= (0.3/2.04) *100= 14.70%

Intake as % of Recommendation for Cholesterol= (51/300) *100= 17%

Protein (1.5 marks)

Average Intake as % of
Recommendation of Adequacy Justification
Intake Recommendation
(A, I, or E)
My intake for protein (38g) was little above my
Protein* DRI (36g) calculated based on my body weight by
2g. But according to AMDR my protein intake
which is 33% of total calorie intake still falls under
38g 36g 105.5% A
10%-35%, so I think little more protein will not
have any increased risk for chronic disease.
Protein is an essential nutrient for bones,
muscles, skin. so, I assess it as Accurate.

*For protein, use the recommendation based on body weight provided in the iProfile report.

Intake as % of recommendation- (38/36) *100= 105.5%

Water (2.5 marks)

Average Recommendation Intake as % of Assessment Justification

Intake Recommendation of Adequacy

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Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

(A, I, or E)
I am only consuming 34.5% of the 1839 g of water
Water* that is recommended for my daily intake. This is
inadequate because water is an essential part of
636g 1839g 34.5% I my body’s functions, and I need to ensure that I
have enough in order to keep the bodily
processes working smoothly. So, I assess my
water intake is inadequate.

*Note that for some versions of the iProfile software, “moisture” or “water” in the “Intake compared to DRI” report only includes
the water content of food; if this applies to the version of iProfile that you are using you also need to add your average intake of any
additional water you consumed. If applicable, show calculations for your total water intake below.

*For water, use a recommendation of 1 ml water per kcal of energy expended (using your average energy expenditure). Show
calculations below. Note that 1 ml water = 1 g water.
My average water intake= (689+719+497)/3=1905/3=636g
Average Energy expenditure= 1839kcal
1ml of water =1g of water
So, recommendation for water= 1839 g of water

Intake as % of water recommendation- (636/1839) *100=34.5%

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Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

Implications for Health & Suggestions for Improvement (10 marks)

Choose two of the macronutrients assessed above and answer the following questions about each one.

Nutrient 1: Dietary Fibre

Discuss the impact of your intake of this nutrient on your health, including short-term and long-term consequences (e.g. if your
intake is adequate, discuss the health benefits of your intake; if your intake of the nutrient was inadequate or excessive, discuss
the potential health risks of your intake.) Be specific, logical, and realistic. (2 marks)

I am inadequate of my intake in fibre. I think in short term, it can cause constipation and irregularity in bowel movement but in
the long term, with inadequate fibre maybe it will be hard for me to control my blood sugar which can easily lead to diabetes. It
can also have negative effects on my heart (cardiovascular diseases) and immune system. Moreover, it will be difficult for me to
manage weight as without enough fibre it will be hard for my body to break carbs since it regulates my digestion.

Describe 1 specific dietary change you could make to improve your intake of this nutrient (e.g. what specific foods, including
amounts of those foods, might you exchange in your diet). Calculate your new average intake and intake as a % of
recommendation for this nutrient. Show all calculations. Discuss the potential impact this change will have on your health. (3

I need to consume more fibre rich foods like avocados and broccoli. I could add a cup of broccoli which contributes to 2.4 g of
fibre in my dinner and one avocado in my snacks which contributes to 10 g of fibre which will complete my fibre needs. It may
exceed my fibre intake for Day2, but I guess high fibre diet doesn’t cause much harm.
Impact- It think it will help in bowel movement and hence prevents constipation and it will maintain my blood glucose level and
will protect my body from diabetes. Fibre will promote my intestinal health and consuming more would not harm the body.

Actual intake of Fibre for Day 1- 12g, Day 2 -15g, Day 3-7g, My Average Fibre intake 11g, My DRI for Fibre Intake- 25g

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Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

If I added cup of Broccoli and one Avocado, New Actual intake will be- Day1- 12g+10g+2.4g=22.4g
Day2- 15g+12g+2.4g= 29.4g
Day 3- 7g+10g+2.4g= 19.4g
Average New Fibre Intake= (22.4g+29.4g+19.4g)/3=23.3g
23.3 g is very close to 25g of Recommended fibre intake.

New Intake as % of recommendation- (23.3/25) *100= 93.2%

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Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

Nutrient 2: Sugar

Discuss the impact of your intake of this nutrient on your health, including short term and long-term consequences (e.g. if your
intake is adequate, discuss the health benefits of your intake; if your intake of the nutrient was inadequate or excessive, discuss
the potential health risks of your intake.) Be specific, logical, and realistic. (2 marks)

I consumed Excessive amount of Sugar, it can cause higher level of Cholesterol and blood pressure in short term and in long term it
will increase my blood glucose level that may also higher the risk of me getting diabetes and obesity.

Describe 1 specific dietary change you could make to improve your intake of this nutrient (e.g. what specific foods, including
amounts of those foods, might you exchange in your diet). Calculate your new average intake and intake as a % of
recommendation for this nutrient. Show all calculations. Discuss the potential impact this change will have on your health. (3

I could change French vanilla on Day 2 (13g sugar) and large Steeped Tea (14g sugar) from Tim Hortons on day 1 with black coffee
with no sugar. With this change, my average of three days will decrease from 79g to 70.3g per day. And it will decrease intake as
percentage of recommendation from 343% to 305% which is almost 38 % less.
Actual Sugar Intake for day 1-57g, Day 2-142g, day 3-39g Average Sugar Intake- 79g Recommended Intake- 23g
New Sugar Intake- Day 1- (57-13), Day 2 (142g-14g), day 3-39g= Day 1- 44g, Day 2-128g, Day 3-39g
Average New Sugar Intake – (44+128+39)/3=70.3g
Intake as % of Recommendation- (70.3/23) *100= 305.6%

It is a good improvement than the original intake of sugar. My blood glucose level will be decreased that will also lower the risk of
diabetes and obesity.

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Macronutrient Assessment BPK 110

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