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Tugas Dialog “Make a Date”

A : “ Hi! How are you?”

B : “ Oh, hi! I’m good. How about you?”
A : “ I’m always good.
Anyway, did you know that we are both in the same group for the
English assignment?”
B : “ Of course, I did.
Our task is to create a dialog about ‘Make a Date’, right?”
A : “ Bingo!
When will we do the task? What about today?”
B : “ Too bad, I can’t do it today,”
A : “ What a shame.
May I know the reason?”
B : “ My little brother is sick.
So. I have to take care of him.”
A : “ Oh, I'm sorry.
I hope he gets better soon.
B : “ Thanks,”
A : “ No problem.
So, when do you have time to do our task?
B : “ I'm free tomorrow,”
A : “ How about your little brother?
He's sick. Would you leave him to do the task?
B : “ It’s fine.
Tomorrow my parents will be at home.
So, they can take care of my brother while we do our task,”
A : “ I see.
Well, tomorrow is good, but I can’t do it in the morning,”
B : “ Can you do it in the afternoon?”
A : “ Yes, I can.
What time we will start tomorrow?”
B : “ We will start at 4 p.m.
Is it okay with you?”
A : “ Absolutely fine.
Then, I will arrive before 4 p.m,”
B : “ Don’t be late!
We only have a little time,”
A : “ Sure, I wont,”
B : “ Then, I’ll take my leave now.
See you tomorrow!”
A : “ Take care!”

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