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1. INTRODUCTION • An X-ray (also called radiography) is a painless test • Used – To see

inside the body – Differentiate between soft tissues and dense matter – For locating
fractures and infections in the bones – Detecting benign or cancerous tumors, arthritis,
blocked blood vessels, or tooth decay. – For diagnosing digestive tract problems or
swallowed foreign objects. • Knowing what to expect and how to prepare patient for the
procedure, it can make the process go more smoothly and patient less anxious.
2. GENERAL NOTES 1. History 2. Any admission 3. Child bearing age/pregnant 4. Consent
5. Privacy 6. Previous film and note review 7. Intervention, risk of bleeding? 8. Bowel
cleaning 9. Premedication 10. Through explanation.
3.Preparations for radiology patients
1) CONSULTATION BEFORE THE PROCEDURE • It is essential before getting an X-
ray, especially if they are breastfeeding or might be pregnant. • Small amounts of
radiation will be exposed that can be dangerous for the developing fetus. • Depending on
the circumstance, another imaging test might be used to avoid radiation.
2) NEED FOR FASTING • Depending on the type of X-ray test • Usually only for certain
X-rays of digestive tract. • Fasting normally requires to not eat or drink for eight to 12
hours before test. • If regularly take medication and are required to fast before an X-ray,
take the medicine only with a small sip of water.
3) ATTIRE • Dress comfortably for an x-ray • Loose clothing that can easily remove • If
receiving a chest x-ray, will normally undress from the waist up. • In this case, a hospital
gown is to be wear during the exam.
jewelry at home. • Glasses need to remove these as well.
5) EMPTY BLADDER PRIOR • Procedure for an abdominal x-ray • Do not drink
excessively on the morning of the procedure.
6) DRINK A CONTRAST MEDIUM • Some X-ray tests require to drink a contrast medium
that helps outline a specific area of body on the X-ray image – Drink a solution of barium
or iodine. – Swallow a pill. – Receive an injection
7) SOME MANEUVER • Holding breath to show up more clearly chest and lung on the x-
ray image. • To hold still and/or move to different positions. • Body position between the
machine and a plate that creates the digital image. • May be asked to move in different
positions so front and side views can be captured.
8) PAIN ? • An X-ray is a painless procedure during which X-ray beams pass through
body and record an image. • This procedure usually takes minutes for bone X-rays but
can go longer if a contrast medium is used.

4.Some Radiolog

1. X-rays
3.Ultrasonography (USG)
4.Computed Tomography / Computerized Axial Tomography
(CT / CAT) Scan
5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan
6. Nuclear Examination, such as Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) Scan

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