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Theology 102

Activity 3

Name: Villavert, Dainiel Mattheu B. Date: February 12, 2021

Course: BSA 1A

Answer the question below. Base your answer in the PowerPoint presentation that was sent to
you. Do not get answer from the internet.

1. What is the significance of Christology in the life of Human Person?

 Christology is primarily concerned with the identity of Jesus. Because Christianity asserts
that Jesus is human and divine, the discipline asks how both of these can exist in one
person. Christology also investigates how this relates to the life and works of Jesus. How
and why did the incarnation and resurrection occur? Why is salvation offered through
Christ? These questions and topics lead to a greater understanding of who Jesus is, what
he did and what all of this means. Several theological fields are related to Christology.
Soteriology, or the study of the salvation doctrine, includes an interpretation of the
essence of Jesus. The same applies to topics such as ecclesiology, Christian Church
science, and Trinitarian theology, or the study of God in the Trinity (the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit). Christology applies to many fields of theology, but its place in the
life of the believer is most important. Recognizing who Jesus is, what he did, and why it
is necessary for them to know him. Only then will anyone believe and have everlasting
life in Jesus.

2. If Jesus would ask you with this question “Who do you say that I Am? How would you
 In Jesus, God adopted a human form in order to live life as we do. The love of God for us
is unconditional and endless. There was no better way for God to be with us than for God
to become one of us, to connect with us in a personal way as we do with our friends and
family. Jesus traveled through the same roads and endured the same tribulations and
challenges as other individuals. It is as necessary to accept Jesus as fully human as it is to
accept him as fully divine. Stress, rage, resentment and isolation were encountered by
Jesus, but he chose never to react sinfully to these experiences. Given the choice between
popularity and telling people the truth, he chose the path that ultimately turned people
against him and led to his death. Jesus is a role model for me. Like Jesus I have been
baptized in the faith. Jesus taught his disciples and us how to pray. He taught people to
pray simply and trustingly to God as father, without trying to impress God with fancy
language. Through Jesus I learned to talk to God like a son does to his father; to say what
is in your heart, to ask for guidance when you need to make tough decisions. Jesus has
taught me to be thankful for all the blessing I have in life.

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