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Declamation Speeches:

Respected Teachers and my dear friends,

A warm good morning to one and all.

We all use the word respect quite often. But what does it mean? It
means esteem for the worth or excellence of a person.

First of all we should respect ourselves. Each one of us is created

in God’s image. Each one of us is unique—a very special creation of
God. Therefore each one of us should value ourselves highly.

Secondly we should respect our elders. It includes our parents,

elders, and teachers. In doing so we are respecting not only their age
but their wisdom and the good they have done to society. One way to
show respect, is by greeting them – “Good Morning maam”, “Goodbye
Teacher” and “Thank you po”.

Thirdly we should respect the law, our government, our nation, our
national anthem and our national flag. We should always remember with
thanks all those people who sacrificed so much for our nation’s freedom.

Finally let it be noted that love and respect go hand in hand. The
Bible says that a husband should love and respect his wife and the wife
in turn must respect her husband.
So let us respect all people who come our way–even those who hold a
different opinion than ours!
Respected teachers and my dear friends,

A warm good morning to one and all.

It is said that you sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character
and you reap a destiny.”
Yes friends, our habits form our future. So let us cultivate healthy

There are four kinds of habits. They are:

Educational and
All of them are important for children.

Spiritual habits
include praying to God when we get up in the morning and thanking him
for the gift of a new day. We should also pray when we start to study to
ask God to give us wisdom to learn.

Physical habits
include brushing our teeth in the morning, taking bath properly and
wearing clean dress. We should also spend some time playing in the
outdoors so that our bodies stay healthy and strong.

Educational habits
include reading and studying well, listening to teachers, doing
homework and going to school regularly. We should try to take part in
all the activities of the school as it will help to improve our personality.

Social habits
include obeying our parents, respecting elders, smiling when we greet
people and being happy. These help to develop leadership qualities too.

To conclude, healthy habits will help us to excel in life. Only children

with excellence and character can build a strong nation.

Like good friends, healthy habits will stay with us always.

Thank you.

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