đề 9 CBMA - Liên thông

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TRƯỜNG CĐ VĂN HÓA NGHÊ ̣ Đô ̣c lâ ̣p- Tự do- Hạnh phúc

Mã đề : 09
Môn thi: Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành chế biến món ăn. (Dành cho các lớp CĐ liên
Hình thức thi: Thi viết
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Ngành: Chế biến món ăn Bâ ̣c: Cao đẳng Hệ: Liên thông
Họ và Tên: .................................... Lớp:
Số báo danh:…….…… ...........
Cán bộ coi thi số 1 Cán bộ coi thi số 2 số phách
(Ký và ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký và ghi rõ họ tên)


Question 1: Choose the best answer by using the below pictures (1M)
1.A muffin pan is used for ……….. muffins.
a. stirring
b. baking

c. whisking

2.When water …................. over it comes out of the pot, so be careful!

a. boils
b. fries
c. bakes

3.He's……………… some batter to make cake.

a. stirring
b. frying
c. Whisking
4. This man is …………….. a big pizza.
a. cooking
b. cutting
c. baking

Question 2: Multiple choices. Circle the correct answer (2M)

1. A…….is used for mixing and when cooking and stirring hot foods.
A. Wooden Spoon B. Slotted Spoon C. Wire Wisk
2. A……..is used to stir foods that are in liquids and to separate the solid foods from
the liquids when serving
A. Wooden Spoon B. Slotted Spoon C. Wire Wisk
3. A……..is used to whip eggs or cream or add air to a batter. Not used with thick
A. Wooden Spoon B. Slotted Spoon C. Wire Wisk
4. Used for mixing, folding soft ingredients and to remove ingredients from a bowl or
A. Rubber Scraper B. Rubber Spatula C. Both A and
5. Tool to remove the outer layer of fruits and vegetables. It is a….
A. Peeler B. Slotted Spoon C. Wire Wisk
6. All purpose large knife used to……,…. , chop, cube and dice.

A. slice B. mince C. Both A and B

7. tool used to flatten dough for rolls, pizza, cookies or crusts
A. Rotary Mixer B. Rolling Pin C. beater
8. A wire mesh container that is used to strain liquids away from solid ingredients or
to separate and aerate dry ingredients like flour and powdered sugar. It is a…
A. Strainer B. Sieve C. Both A and B
Question 3: Choose the correct words to complete these sentences.(1 M)
grill knead dice puree
1.We’re making saute’ potatoes, so peel these potatoes and……….…them in to small
2.When you make bread, you have to …………….…it with your hands so that it is
well mixed.
3.Please…………….…these steaks over the charcoal fire for six minutes.
4. To make mashed potatoes, you have to…………….…boiled potatoes, and add
butter and milk.
Question 4: Match the verbs with the suitable nouns (ingredients) (2M)
1. rinse a. water
2. stir- fry b. beef and vegetable
3. fill c. oil
4. heat d. eggs
5. break e. lemongrass, chili, ginger
6. simmer f. lemon juice, vinegar, oil, garlic, salt, pepper.
7. combine g. squid
8. marinate h. onion and garlic
Question 5: Read the following conversation and answer the questions (2M).

Jan: Louis, could you give me the recipe for a simple main course?
Something that’s easy to prepare. It’s for a dinner.
Louis: What about pepper steak?
Jan: Pepper steak? Some customers had that last night.
Louis: And what did they think? Did they like it?
Jan: They said it was delicious and they didn’t leave any. Is it easy to prepare?
Louis: Yeah. I can give you a simple recipe using French measuring cups. How
many is dinner for?
Jan: For six
Louis: Oh, I see. Well, you’ll need fillet, rump or sirloin steaks, butter, garlic,
onion, flour, dry sherry, green peppercorns, cream parsley. Trim meat of
excess fat. Heat butter then add garlic and onion, steaks.
Jan: What about peppercorns?
Louis: Pour in brandy and stock, stir, reduce heat and simmer. Than add pepper
corns and cream and stir crushing peppercorns lightly. Return steaks to
sauce and cook about 7 – 12 minutes. I think you like it.
Jan: Yes, thank you very much.
1.Who is planning a romantic dinner?
2.Who suggests a main course dinner recipe?
3. What’s the main course?
4. How many ingredients do you need to prepare the main course?
Question 6: Write the ingredients and the recipe of a national dish.(2M)

Lưu ý: - Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liê ̣u.
- Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.

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