Railway Systems Engineering: Transport Engineering and Mobility, M. SC

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Railway Systems Engineering

Transport Engineering and Mobility, M. Sc.

Designing Future
Course of Studies

How can innovative ideas in vehicle The focus Railway Systems Engineering
construction enable new transport concepts? concentrates on the further development of
How can transport networks be logically railway engineering. Students work with rail
developed, expanded, relieved, and vehicles, rail transportation systems, and
ecologically planned? How can factors like infrastructure developments in rail
rolling stock and routing be managed in a way transportation.
that need-oriented and smooth railway traffic is This master‘s programm covers each aspect of
possible? How do random disturbances in the complete system „Railway“, the
transportation have to be considered in order to infrastructure, the operation and the vehicles
avoid jamming or to optimize safety strategies? including the electrical drive as well as electric
How can we shift more passenger and freight power supply.
transport to the rails? Is driverless operation Furthermore, this is the only focus of the Master
possible for all kinds of rail transport means? degree program Transport Engineering and
When the interaction of technical possibilities, Mobility which can be studied completely in
infrastructure, and human behavior is supposed English.
to be optimized, transport engineers are called
upon for their interdisciplinary perspective.

At RWTH Aachen University, students of the

Studying at the RWTH Aachen
Mobility and Transport program acquire this
The RWTH Aachen University is one of the
interdisciplinary expertise by studying the
largest and one of the best renown universities
perspectives of three engineering disciplines:
in Germany. Due to ist large student population,
civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and
Aachen is a young and dynamic city offering
electrical engineering. This extraordinary
many leisure activities which is located near the
breadth allows them to consider not only the
border to the Netherlands and Belgium.
aspects of infrastructure development and rail
vehicle engineering but also the economic
In addition, Germany is one of the few
framework conditions of their concepts.
countries where courses are exempt from
Take advantage of the opportunity to expand tuition fees, though there is a semester fee for
and refine your expertise within the process of organisational matters and the semester ticket
designing the ever-present desire of people to for the hole public transport in North Rhine-
be mobile. Westphalia.
Strong in Theory and practice

The Research Center Railways who organizes railway system, including the interfaces with
the RSE-Master program is a cooperation other means of transport.
between three institutes from three different The rail vehicle is placed in the center of the
faculties. research activities at the IFS, closely integrated
in the overall railway system and with logistic
Institute of Transportation Science and connections with other transport systems.
Chair of Railway Engineering and ww.ifs.rwth-aachen.de
Transport Economics (VIA)
This institute is a part of the Faculty of Civil Chair and Institute for Power Electronics
Engineering. The lectures from VIA focus on the and Electrical Drives (ISEA)
fundamentals of railway construction such as The ISEA is part of the Faculty of Electrical
track construction, alignment, stations and Engineering and Information Technology. The
switches as well as railway operation. This institute consists of the Chair for Power
includes dimensioning the infrastructure, Electronics and Electrical Drivers and the Chair
productions systems, signaling and safety for Electrochemical Power Conversion and
systems and operation of urban transportation Battery Storage. The field of research of ISEA is
systems. This way, our students obtain a broad on power electronics, electrical drives and
knowledge about planning, operating and batteries. At ISEA, students can participate in
maintaining a railway network. research activities of all relevant electric drive
Another task of this institute is transportation components for electro-mobility, regardless of
economics (Transport Management, Intermodal the application.
Transport and Logistics). www.isea.rwth-aachen.de

Chair and Institute of Rail Vehicles and

Transport Systems (IFS)
As a member of the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, the IFS is responsible for research
and teaching in the field of railway rolling stock.
The IFS investigates and develops methods,
processes and products that improve the
attractiveness and competitiveness of the
Railway System Engineer
Exemplary study plan

1. Semester 2. Semester 3. Semester 4. Semester

Ÿ Railway Systems Ÿ Rail Vehicle Vibration Ÿ Track Guiding Ÿ Master Thesis

Ÿ Principles of Rail Dynamics Technology Ÿ Multibody Dynamics
Vehicle Technology Ÿ Mechatronic Systems Ÿ Sustainability
Ÿ Power Electronics - in Vehicle Engineering Strategies in Politics
Fundamentals, Ÿ Railway Timetabling, and Companies
Topologies and Operations and Control Ÿ Railway Timetabling,
Analysis Systems Operations and Control
Ÿ Enviromental Ÿ Electrical drives Systems
Sustainability in Ÿ Mobility Research and Ÿ Internship of 12 weeks
Transport Engineering Transport Modelling
Ÿ Introduction to Ÿ Power Electronics -
Scientific Computing Control, Synthesis and

One of the prerequisites for getting accepted to 10 ECTS CP each from this subject-specific
this master program is a first university degree, knowledge has to have been acquired in two of
with which the necessary engineering the following fields: transportation science,
background education can be proven, as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering,
outlined in the exam regulations. The students construction engineering, urban planning and
should have completed 18 ECTS CP in computer science. In addition, a profound level
mathematics/statistics (at least 14 ECTS CP in of the English language is required. For this
mathematics and 2 ECTS CP in statistics), and focus a level corresponding to the level B2 of
11 ECTS CP in mechanics. Furthermore, they the Common European Framework of
have to prove knowledge equivalent to at least Reference for Languages (CEFR) is necessary.
10 ECTS CP in at least two of the topics
construction material science, geotechnology, Non-EU-citizens need to apply for a visa for
environmental management, hydromechanics, their stay and have to send their application for
thermodynamics or electrical engineering. the degree programme by March 1st.
Subject-specific knowledge worth 50 ECTS CP EU-citizens need to send an application by July.
is required. 15th.
Studying with perspective
Industry contacts Career Prospects

Mobility is the global motor for economic Engineers with expertise in mobility and
development and personal evolution. transport are multidisciplinarily trained
International experience for budding transport professionals, who are able to optimize the
engineers is becoming increasingly important interaction of transport carriers and transport
and is often a deciding factor for one's career infrastructure with regards to technical,
path. This program offers a great opportunity economic, and social aspects. Among the
for young engineers of diverse backgrounds to many positions held by RWTH graduates of
learn, study and work together in an such master courses are, for instance,
international environment. German universities optimizing transport processes in public -
are well known for working closely with the administration, where they support the entire
industry on cutting edge topics, thereby organization – from the political decision to
rendering their research not only relevant to the budgeting continuing to the operation of
needs of the current times, but also fostering a transport systems. On another level, many
fruitful environment of mutual development. employment possibilities exist directly in the
Each of the organizing institutes has railway industry, for example working for
outstanding contacts to companies in and manufacturers for rolling stock or signaling
outside of Germany. The involved faculties are systems. Our graduates also work in consulting
members of many different research and engineering offices which offer support and
associations as well. All these factors help solutions to the original equipment
generate chances for interesting and highly manufacturers. Furthermore, transport
instructive internships for the students. companies which operate the rail networks
across the world as well and the logistics
sector both face very challenging tasks of an
interdisciplinary nature which are ideal areas of
application from the perspective of a mobility
Finally, a very important and interesting
opportunity is to continue one's career in the
university as a doctoral candidate. Doctoral
studies in the engineering field in Germany offer
you the chance to work on open questions in
the railway sector, in close cooperation with the
aforementioned industries.
At a glance
More Information on www.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/bmyq

Information on subject-specific details Information for foreign students
Academic Program Coordinator International Office at the RWTH Aachen
move@fb3.rwth-aachen.de University
Information from student‘s perspective www.rwth-aachen.de/international
Student council of the Faculty of Civil
Engineering Research Center Railways (RCR)
fs-bau@rwth-aachen.de Institute of Transportation Science and Chair of
www.fs-bau.rwth-aachen.de Railway Engineering and Transport Economics
(VIA), Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Nießen
Information on studying and internships abroad
International Office at the Faculty of Civil Chair and Institute of Rail Vehicles and
Engineering Transport Systems (IFS),
international@fb3.rwth-aachen.de Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Schindler
Chair and Institute for Power Electronics and
Electrical Drives (ISEA),
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-ir. Dr.-h.c. Rik W. De Doncker

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