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Our Progress with Science and Technology

(Critical Reflection Paper)

Based on my reading in Yuval Harrari’s article, the application of the Scientific
Revolution is known for its basis of improving society. The essential contribution of science and
technology to society is the implementation of new innovative knowledge and use it to improve
the wellbeing of human lives and solve complex problems that society is facing currently. As
people are immersed in making innovative ideas for expanding the social revolution, it helps the
country to have an advanced development. As I observed for the last 10 years of civilization in
the Philippines, there are drastic changes that were made in both society and technology. In my
experience before, technologies back then, like smartphones, were still not that a big influence,
however in today’s generation many people were all hooked on new advanced gadgets. Upon
learning the capabilities of science, there are potential strategies that social revolution obtains
throughout the timeline and how it can impact human life.
In my observation and understanding of social revolutions, the advancement of
technological and scientific progress gives more potential and capability on working effective
and powerful material sources that can help the social revolution. It also compromises to
alleviate upon overcoming our limitations that are present in our part of evolution. The major
element of a technological expanding influence goes through social acceptance before adapting
to its advancement. What I analyze during the early stage of advancement is that most of the
resources are allocated to the concept of innovation and reorganization, which became benefitted
by the society.
With my experiences and encounters of scientific inventions and advanced technology, it
provides benefits that can improve the aspects of human life through various domains such as in
education, politics, medicine, laboratories, and others. In terms of medicine, I witnessed on the
news that in the other developing country they were able to develop a cure for HIV, a long-term
problem that people faced. This kind of progress would help the people to sustain their health
and live a longer life. Technologies can also be helpful to the community and can raise the
market popularity of it, as more people started to invest in new technology. Gadgets like
smartphones are being heavily needed by society today, I could see a lot of people that surround
me started to invest in the latest gadgets like most brands on Apple, Samsung, Huawei and etc.
because of how amazing it new technology functions. With the continuous productivity in
scientific innovation and advanced technology, it could lead to its weakness in how it will make
an impact on humans. Since technology is developed to make life easier, people will start to
depend on machines and devices because they no longer need to make any efforts. I also witness
this kind of example which is the voting machine, since there are lots of people who vote on a
day, it will automatically verify and register the votes without human effort. However, it can be
prone to errors that could lead to vote manipulation. Therefore, there are limitations to using
machines in improving our lives by making things easy.
Continuing the progress of the scientific revolution for the future development of one’s
civilization, we should continue keeping the importance of studying historical development to
learn more about the changes between the past and present. We usually can learn through history
about the development of the past society, technology, beliefs, governments, cultures, traditions,
and institutions, on knowing changes in the systems of the past functioned. This enables us to
add more knowledge about the past, understand the function of the world and ourselves.
Learning our history is also considered a key to humanity because it is a way for making
improvements to our future. Accepting and applying lessons that we integrate from history can
be an advantage in understanding and relating our own life experiences. It would also be a great
way of learning about the living conditions of our ancestors, which can make us the connection
of our identity
In ending this reflection, I learned how science grows with us as our civilization further
developed with major improvements that can help us carry on with our lives through the help of
advanced technology. Understanding how the world functions, we must fill ourselves with
doubts and curiosity because in that way we will only be able to acquire discoveries and
knowledge as we try to learn. By moving forward, I will continue to learn and be eager to fulfill
myself with learnings as I can also contribute to the progress of scientific development in our
livelihood. Keeping an open mind and acknowledging the importance of science, as it surrounds
us in our daily lives. From what I learned is that with the knowledge of science, it is considered
as an opportunity in continuing finding solutions and discoveries that can benefit our future
because, without it, we will be stuck in an undeveloped paradigm of civilization.

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