Module 1: Introduction To Organizational Behavior

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Module 1: Introduction to Psychological Contract- an unwritten and

silent contract between individuals and the
Organizational Behavior management of the organization.
Organization is a defined collection of Organizational behavior can be viewed as a
individuals who work together, having a means to create a competitive advantage
coordinated system, towards the attainment through its human resources.
of a common goal.
Competitive Advantage- something unique
Organizations can be characterized by the about the organization and cannot be easily
following features: copied by any other competitor.

1. Network of Individuals Human Capital- simply the sum of an

individual’s KSAOs – knowledge, skills,
2. System attributes, and other general characteristics.
3. Coordinated Activities Human capital as a source of organization’s
competitive advantage can be determines by
4. Division of Labor its value, rareness, and imitability.
5. Goal Orientation Human Capital Value- extent to which
individuals are capable of supporting
6. Continuity over time, regardless of
strategy for competing in the marketplace.
membership change
Human resources can add value to the
An organization can be considered effective organization by ensuring that the HR
when it is able to achieve its goals. functions and practices are strategic, e.g.,
Organizational Behavior can be defined as lowering the cost and increasing the
the study of how people behave and act in an revenues.
organizational environment. Human Capital Rareness- refers to the
extent to which employees’ KSAOs are
Levels of Organizational Behavior unique in the industry where their
1. Individual organization belongs.
2. Group Rare talents are difficult to find, hence, it
becomes a source of competitive advantage.
3. Organizational
Productivity- output of individuals and
Satisfaction- related to the feelings of
individuals and groups towards their work
and work environment.
Organizational Success- refers to the
organization’s competitive advantage and
financial performance.
Fields that a have huge contribution in
the study or theories in OB are:
Political Science
It refers to the actions of individuals and
groups in and organizational context.
Organizational Behavior
It is the sum of skills, knowledge, and
general attributes of people in the
organization. Human Capital
It is defined as the collection of individuals
who work together, having coordinated
system, towards the attainment of a common
goal. Organization
These are the outputs of the individuals in
the workplace. Productivity
It relates to the feelings that individuals and
groups have about their work and the Module 2: Globalization,
workplace. Satisfaction Diversity and Ethics
Globalization demands the human
resources to be more competitive beyond
their national borders. –refers to the
internationalization of business
organizations leading to a global economy
Expatriates or “expats”- individuals who
are tasked to work outside their home
Culture Shock- common problem that an
expat encountered
Culture- as defined, is a way of life, varies
from one country to another
High-context Cultures tend to
communicate and understand individuals
through contextual elements. They consider
looking at the underlying meaning, gesture
and tone in a message. They focus on
valuing personal relationships and trust.
Korea, China, Japan, and Philippines
Low-context Cultures communicates
through an established system. They prefer
no room for confusion. Its purpose is to
make a message clear to everyone so that it
will not show that it will not slow down the
Dimensions of National Culture
Monochronic Time Orientation -Geert Hofstede, a social scientist, four
individuals prefer working one at a time. dimensions of culture, Power Distance,
Polychronic Time Orientation individuals Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism, and
who work well even with multiple tasks at a Masculinity.
given time. -researchers under The Global Leadership
and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness
(GLOBE) Project generated 9 units of
measurements or Cultural Dimensions
Cultural Intelligence- individual’s ability 1. Power Distance- power and status
to understand and adjust with behaviors of privileges are accepted by people to be
people outside his/ her culture. unequally distributed in the society.
2. Uncertainty Avoidance- people do not
International Participation feel like taking risks in unpredictable
.Multidomestic Firms outcomes.
-firms operate in such a way that they 3. Assertiveness (masculinity, Hofstede)-
respond to the needs in particular of each people are aggressive and confrontational,
country. reflects the strong personality of individuals.
-Low Integration but of High 4. In-group Collectivism- people taking
Responsiveness. pride belonging to their organizations and
-company employees then have less chance families.
of being deployed outside their countries. 5. Institutional Collectivism- integration of
.Global Firms groups and organization is being
-to offer standard and common products encourages, means that countries who have
across different countries and regions of the high institutional collectivism oppose
world. individualism- individuals feel good when
-High Integration and Low Responsiveness. they are self-reliant ad focused in their
-opposes multidomestic firms. personal goals.
.Transnational Firms 6. Performance Orientation- which
-uses transnational strategy in becoming excellence is recognized and being
highly responsive to specific needs of a rewarded, innovation and competitiveness
country and at the same time, high in global are encouraged in countries with high
integration. performance orientation, they value the
-somehow exhibit the characteristics of both training and reward system.
multidomestic and global firms.
-international travels and meetings and
foreign job assignments are also evident in 7. Humane Orientation- people value
this type of firm fairness, kindness, and altruism in the
.International Firms country.
-not actually considered strategic as they 8. Gender Egalitarianism- which quality
have Low levels of Local Responsiveness for men and women is actualized, this is
and Global Integration. evident when women are given opportunity
-much known as exporting strategy to achieve power and positions.
9. Future Orientation- individuals value
interesting in plans for the future, people aspirations
value long-term gains in countries with high .Glass border- barrier that discriminates
future orientation. against women by not providing
opportunities to be given foreign job
Diversity assignments
-the differences between and among .Glass floor or Sticky floor- barrier that
individuals and groups are often viewed as hinders an even lateral movement into other
sources of conflict in the workplace. positions at the basic level.
-as acknowledging, understanding, 6. Communication Barriers and
accepting, and valuing differences among Resistance to Change- miscommunication
people with respect to age, class, race, and resistance to change have also hindered
ethnicity, gender, disabilities, etc. the achievement of diversity
- A huge factor that brought about diversity
is the changing demographics. Effective managers should take into
-it promotes a continuous learning account two important programs
environments, creativity and innovation in
the workplace. Affirmative Action Programs- were created
by the government to eliminate
Barriers to Achieving Diversity discrimination, thus promoting equal
1. Prejudice and Discrimination- prejudice employment opportunities.
is an unjustified and negative attitude of
individuals toward s others who belong to Diversity management Programs- responds
social or cultural groups outside their own. to the needs of individuals and groups in
discrimination is the negative behavior terms of fostering a grater inclusion in the
resulting to unfair treatment towards people workplace regardless of different
based on individual’s social or cultural backgrounds.
membership. Ethics- a moral principle about what is
right or wrong.
Discrimination is manifested in 3 common 1. Cultural Influences- how people are
examples – racial, age, and gender raised leads to personal ethics
discrimination 2. Organizational Influences- implemented
2. Stereotyping- generalized beliefs toward in the entire organization and attempts to
individuals belonging to a certain group. create a company image behaving ethically.
3. Differences in Social Identity- social 3. External Environment- includes
identity theory is proposed by psychologist, political, legal, economic and international
Henri Tajfel. He defined social identity as a developments as well.
person’s sense of who they are based on
their group membership. In social identity Ethics in the Context of
theory, individuals take pride as they belong Globalization
to a certain group. Ethical Behaviors reflect an organization’s
4. Power Differentials- power often comes honest and just professional endeavors and
from status and expertise activities.
5. Poor Organizational Design and Ethics play an important role in several HR
Structural Integration practices including employee recruitment
.Glass ceiling- barriers that hinder minorities and selection, performance management,
and women from reaching their career retention decisions and labor relations.
Question of Ethics
Emotional Intelligence- ability to
understand and manage one’s own and other
people’s mood and emotions— can be
increased through training.

Module 3: Learning and


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