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A brief overview of the event

New KFC program aims to change employees’ lives

KFC is a leading fast food company of the America, which has customers from all over the
world. It is big name in the field of fast food industry. The company believes the exiting name,
fame and success of the company is due to its employee’s hardwork, honesty and dedication. By
concerning this, the company launch a new program that aims to enhance its selected employee’s
live by providing need- based supports and helps. Under this program the company gifts a
combined $35000 to its employees as per their needs or life-enhancing wishes in the form of
dental work, a car, debt relief or a meaningful experience. For this, 400 employees were
nominated and provide $35000 worth supports to 10 employees who are very hard working and
suffered from incredible circumstances. Each granted wish of employees were backed by an
emotional story. The employees for program or event were nominated and selected for the grand
were as per the recommendations and suggestions of foundation employees and regional KFC.
The program will be a permanent ongoing event in the company. Through this event, the
company realized strong bonding among the employees and gratitude an every employee had
toward their co-worker.

Key management issues and responses evident in the event

Dissatisfaction and sadness among the employees becomes the major issue on the company
performance and profitability as employees are one who directly communicate with customers
and delivery the product and services to the customers. In KFC employees are happy and
satisfied with company’s pays and offers in some extent. However, in other extent they are less
motivated to do for organizational performances due to not happy with company pays and
services. However, the program will help the company to resolve the issues of negative impact of
employee’s dissatisfaction on company performance and productivity. Additionally, it helps to
eradicate the negative perceptions on employees regarding their coworkers as the selection
process portraits that employees have the feeling of gratitude’s for their co-worker which
enhance employee’s relations. It is beneficial for overall performance and productivity of KFC.

Linking Key issues with management theory

Several theories of management can be associated with company’s structure, system and its
adopted culture. Therefore in relation to the KFC human resource management issues can be
associated with the behavioral theory of management. This theory of management focused on
human aspects of work. The theory is also known as human relations movements as these
theories aspire to grab better understanding of human behavior in organization to improve its

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