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1. What is globalization according to Manfred Steger?

Cite as an example a Philippine product

which is global. Explain Your Answer.

According to Manfred Steger globalization is one of the defining terms of our time, it describes the
rapidly growing and multi-dimensional phenomenon such as economies, politics, cultures, ideologies,
and environmental processes, He would refer to globalization as the expansion and intensification of
social relations between nations all over the world. He said there were 4 main dimensions of
globalization such as economic globalization, political globalization, cultural globalization, and ecological

A Philippine product or brand is San Miguel Corporation it is the Philippines’ largest corporation with
over 100 facilities. It is one of the best-selling beers in the world and has expanded and exporting to
multiple different countries worldwide.

2. What is Economic globalization? Compare and contrast the assumptions of the Bretton
Woods System with those of the Washington Consensus.

Economic Globalization describes the growing dependence of economies which are a result of countries
cross-border trading of products, services, and the fast spread of technologies between said countries. It
represents the irreversible but growing diversity of market trends. The fast globalization of economies
around the world is based on the development of technologies and in turn helped develop the
increasing cross-border labor enterprises in different countries.

The Bretton Woods system had a goal to guarantee financial stability through a strict system. It had
regulated the international monetary system and called for countries to adopt a monetary policy that
maintained the exchange rate of the said currency, The Washington Consensus on the other hand had
pushed for a freer market seen as they had pushed for the privatization of government-controlled
services, they believed that the less government spending would produce the best results unlike the
Bretton Woods System and its strict system.

3. Do you think internalization erodes the sovereignty of states? Distinguish between state and

I believe that no it does not erode the sovereignty of states due to the fact that states have their own
governs, policies and laws, states cannot have a say or influence different states. Internationalized
trades are not always harmful to a state’s sovereignty, its power may even grow as they grow
accustomed to an internationalized environment.

A state has its own population, government, sovereignty, and territory, the absence of one of those
factors it can not really be called a state. It has the obligation of securing their people’s welfare and
needs and managing the state’s fixed territory. A nation on the other hand is a group of people unified
by a sense of familiarity and share the same factors such as race, religion, language, history and even
history, unlike a state it has little to no concern to the physical needs of a person a part of it, mostly.
Even with the freer set of elements a nation has it is even more stable than a state because a nation
does not have an absolute factor unlike a state, the elements of a nation are ever-changing, with a state
if one factor is gone a states dies.
4. What are the challenges faced by the United Nations in maintaining global security?
Enumerate the five organs of the United Nations

The United Nations ultimate goal is of course the Peace and security between nations, and it this goal
comes with challenges facing it There are multiple threats that they may be facing such as aggression
between different countries, Violent Conflict due to political struggles inside that are happening in
countries, Abuse of Military power in some cases with instilling the fear into civilians and causing an
uproar. The United Nation has done a great job in exercising their way to reach their goal, but it will
never be enough as humans will keep causing conflict among each other and add more fuel to the ever-
growing fire that the UN wants to extinguish.

The Five Organs of The United Nations

1. The General Assembly

2. The Security Council

3. The Economic and Social Council

4. The international Court of Justice

5. The Secretariat

5. Cite one major issue in the West Philippine Sea and cite at least three solutions on How to
handle it.

The main issue would be the dispute over the West Philippine Sea between the Philippines and China, it
has been the subject of conflict between the 2 countries as the Sea is said to be overlapping the China
territory or their claimed “nine-dashed line” while still being part of the Philippines economic zone.
There are many complicated factors regarding this issue as the factor would reach even historical rights,
Jurisdiction between the two is said to be a fine line between the two states especially as both are
claiming for jurisdiction. China is specifically taking claim of the Scarborough Shoal which is part of the
Philippine territory and is continuously driving a rift between the countries due to the territorial

The first solution I can think of is for both countries to simply settle down and talk, they must come upon
an agreement regarding the dispute as this would lead to the most peaceful result possible. Settling on
an agreement would be a way for the countries to avoid territorial war and pea, but with the current
standing of both countries on the topic, China is said to not agree to an arbitration over the matter. A
second solution I can think of is for the Philippines to seek help and have an adjudication over the
matter, one that comes to mind to be an adjudicator would be UN as their goal is to maintain peace
among countries, they would surely find a way to settle the dispute. The third solution that I can think of
is for the Philippines to fight back and assert dominance over the situation, it has been released to the
public that the Philippines have the strongest claims over the area due to it still being part of the
Philippine archipelago as they have the closest proximity to it.

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