Difficult To Change A Society... But Not Impossible

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For a world without selfishness and abuse to exist, we must go a long way, society must
begin to be governed by empathy, justice, equity, education, respect, and stop being
governed by ambition and power, sounds very complex, doesn't it? Why don't we start?
First, it must be said that society will not change until the leaders do, the day they decide to
be real leaders and not seek power to retain it. Therefore, we must choose our rulers well,
and make them social pressure on their promises and injustices that arise, in addition to that
society learns to distinguish these with the head and without getting carried away by
corruption or money, but to be rational and objective when making decisions. This would
give way to a critical society, where injustices will not be presented by the state or any
person. We must add that, to reach our perfect world, we must know that on the way, he
who makes them pays them, no privileges to anyone, we want to achieve an equitable
society, where we are all at the same point, therefore, no preferences to any member.

We must generate in society the feeling of empathy in each human being, people through
their daily actions, must begin to put themselves in the shoes of others, to think that this
world is not sustained only thanks to them, that we all play a role in society, and we must
learn to value and respect it. Thanks to the fact that we ignore what has already been
mentioned, society is so unstable today, because by belittling the work of others, and
believing ourselves superior because of our position, we make one side of the scale tip and
it is not equitable. To solve the problem of our lack of empathy, the rulers must generate
awareness campaigns from the side that benefits the most, towards the sides that are at a
disadvantage, instilling this feeling in the citizens, and not imposing it.

Having the awareness of both sides of the scale, the next step is to learn to give and receive,
since society will not stop presenting selfishness and abuse until we are all on the same
terms, these situations arise when someone believes superior to another for x or y reason,
for example, abuse in the workplace, sexual, economic or selfishness (because we think that
by being superior we can suppress others of their rights). For everyone to be on equal
terms, those who benefit the most will have to learn to give, and those who benefit the least
will have to learn to receive, thus putting an end to superiority.
In addition to presenting an equity of life, we must do it with one of classes, that we will all
be equal in rights and respect, babies and innocent children will not be mistreated, women
and girls will not die by femicides, the elderly will be respected ... And this will be fulfilled,
because thanks to awareness campaigns, we would instill respect and value for the life of a
person who is not me.

Along the way to reach the dreamed world, we must make changes in the way we teach, it
is known that, thanks to this, society today is the way it is, because the way we raise
children is the future of our world. We must begin to be aware that a grade does not define
us, it does not tell us who we are, the most important thing is not to be full of banal
knowledge, education will obviously have classes such as mathematics, physics,
philosophy, Spanish, English among others, because after all these serve us in the future,
but the big difference is that schools should instill before anything else values, and not
allow these to be lost, values as important as respect, empathy, honesty, humility etc.. In
addition, the school will be one of life, because it will prepare them for their future, so that
when they leave school and it is time for them to integrate into society, it will not be
difficult for them, because they are already prepared.

Complex? A little, with the right steps it is easy, what is difficult is to change a society, to
start from scratch and instill everything already mentioned, if we leave the search for power
and ambition, everything will be easier, with the right leaders, society will learn what a
good life is, we just must do our part and be willing to change. It will be a long road, and
many will not fully agree, but in the end, we will understand that all this change is for the
common good, we must think before we act, and choose very well who will lead us.

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