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1. How did not being fluent (or being fluent) in Spanish make you feel?

I would not consider myself being fluent in Spanish. Although, I have lived in a household that
spoke in Spanish before so I was able to understand the language a bit better. I was able to speak
and listen to the language. Watching the video made me feel like I had an advantage because I
was able to somewhat understand what the instructor was saying.
2. In what ways did the instructor help support the content to someone who might not
understand Spanish?
The instructor started showing pictures and diagrams about the topic. She showed mostly
pictures instead of words. These pictures perfectly matched the topic. Also, she used her curser
to point out the pictures and diagrams. It helps to correlate things as they are. I think it would be
confusing and hard for a lot of people if she had presented them with just text and without
pictures. As well, it did help for the instructor to speak slowly. Most native and fluent Spanish
speakers tend to speak fast. The instructor took her time explaining the topic. She had questions
at the beginning of her lesson that tied up with the topic.
3. How might you apply these new understandings of being a non-fluent speaker of a
language to you teaching emergent bilinguals who are not yet fluent in academic
Being a non-fluent speaker of the language and teaching someone that aren't yet fluent in
academic English is not simple. There can be language barrier between the student and teacher. I
know what I am capable of teaching and helping these students. I would want them to feel
welcome and not be ashamed of not being able to speak English. By showing patience to the
students and teach them that it is okay to make mistakes. It is showing improvement in learning
the language. Instead of teaching in a verbal manner. I would teach them by using visuals.
Showing them pictures makes them have a better understanding of what I'm talking about.

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