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Who am i? Answering a question like this has often been difficult even for
those with high intelligence quotient. I may not know who fully I am but I’m
pretty sure I know who I am not. Eighteen years ago, I, (state your name) was born
on the (state your bith date)at (state your place of birth). Our light of our home
(state your mothers name) my mother, contains me for nine months about 275
days and nights in her womb before I step to the world and when I turn 5 years old
she decided to go Dubai to work so that she can provide our everyday necessities.
And the pillar of our home (state your fathers name) my father, who take care of us
when mama work at the abroad. I am the only daughter and I have only one elder
brother. My elder brother named (state your brothers name, he is now at age of
(state the age). He was born on the (state the birth date) at (state the place of birth).
He is now a second year college at (state his school and course). My both parents
are college graduate. Our present life, my mother is a housewife and my father has
no work, only my aunties and uncles in my father side are the one who help us
providing all our necessities. I am living in an extended family setting. My parents
can’t fully provide my everyday needs and wants but I have my aunties and uncles
who always supported me whole heartedly.

Reminiscing the past, year 2006, is the starting point of my education. I start my
education at (state your kinder school) as Kinder 1 and ended up my kindergarten
at the same school as a rank 4 in the class. I am an active dance troupe member
there. And year 2008, my teachers allows me to move and step another level of
education so my parents decided to enrol me at (state your school) as Grade 1
student. I became a rank 1 in the class and after all I am eligible to become a grade 2
students and I also became a rank 2 in the class. And after all I can now proceed to
grade 3. I took my grade 3 at (state your school) School it’s because my father
decided to transfer me because of too much things need to pay like the electric bill,
the janitors, the electric fan, the chalks and the ribbons and medals that you will
receive in the recognition unlike in there’s no need to pay the electric bill, janitors,
the electric fan, the chalks and the ribbons and medals all you need is to go to school
everyday and always listen to the teachers. During my grade 3 life, I step the gate
with no friends at all, with new environment I face and new ways of learning. It’s
hard for me to acclimate in dealing anything to the new school I enrolled but, I meet
people with no idea that they will be my comrades to the rest of my elementary life.
We became friends up until now and we are 9 years together and still counting. By
the help of them everything became easy to deal. I became a rank 3 in the class until
I turn grade 4 with same school. And when I turn grade 5 I became a rank 1 in the
class and I graduated as a 2nd honorable mention with the same school. I have many
achievements in my elementary life. I became an SGO at school as auditor since
grade 3 to grade 6 and I became also an active president at our room since grade 3
to grade 6. I became a star scout and girl scout leader since grade 3 to grade 5 and I
represent also our school for the competition of all public schools in about
PAGANDAHANG PAGBASA and won as 2nd placer at (state the school), I am
also part of those students who represent our school for bible quiz for all elementary
schools of our place and we won as 2nd placer and also I am a 2nd placer for the
science quiz at (state the school) competing with other elementary school. I became
also a second placer for the district meet badminton single at (state the shool). I am
an active dance troup and chorale member since grade 3 to grade 6. The teachers of
this school motivate me, inspire me, encourage me, and educate me in any aspects
of my life. And when I turn grade 7 my auntie decided to enrol me at (state the
school). I have no achievement on that year level that makes my parents proud
because I’m too scared to go to school because of all the news I am facing ; new
surroundings, new faces, and new ways of learning but when I turn grade 8 I’m
slowly catching and embracing all new that I need to adopt. I became an academic
achiever in the class and I start joining dance troupe. When I turn grade 9 I am
slowly having an interest in academics and I became also a with honour but sad to
say my teacher didn’t recognize me as with honour during recognition because it
is too late to him to know that I must part of it but above this I just consider it
whole heartedly. And when I turn grade 10 and 11 I became also with honour.
teachers have also a big contribution of who I am today. They are also part of my
eighteen years of journey. And now I am a grade 12 student taking the strand of
HUMSS or Humanity and Social Sciences in the same school. I took this strand
not because this has a connection to my course but because of my friends. My
friends took also this strand so I just join with without knowing that this is the
preparation for our college. Actually the reality is I have still no idea what course I
will take in college because i don’t still see what I am in the future but I am now
starting knowing myself of what course I want to be and I will be. But by the grace
of God, hope I can decide my course before this school year ends.
Billions of people have work to earth and many will still do. However, no two
people have the same characteristics even among identical twins. Personalities,
regardless of how dissimilar, make the world full of varieties. This is why i know I
am uniquely me and the best version of me there is. I am not perfect and I have
never claimed to be. I am responsible people who always do all the responsibilities. I
am a dance and music lover but I don’t say I am good at that. I am fun of reading
stories except those academic related. I am fun of socializing other persons. I always
believed in myself in any decisions I make as long as no one is involved when it
comes to the rough times. I am always making myself happy even though
sometimes there’s an ache in my heart. I don’t stop dreaming of all I want it’s
because I believe that there’s no impossible in this world as long as I am breathing.
My philosophy in life is that do all you want as long as you can’t cause harm to
others and as long as we are breathing don’t lose hope in everything. In
determining the truth, we must be intelligent enough in trusting everything and
don’t let yourself in prison by the lies you must ascertain the truth.. My
philosophy in happiness is that happiness depends upon ourselves because
happiness is our choice. And before I ended up this piece don’t forget that in this
world full of problems you must always remember these quotes that “don’t problem
your problem. Let your problem, problem you” and stay positive whatever happen
in your life, and lastly thank you for giving me privilege to share what’s behind in

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