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Microwave and Radar

Time: 90 Minutes Max.Marks: 50

Note: Answer any TWO full Questions from Part A and ONE question from Part B

1 a. Starting from the Impedance Matrix equation, prove the symmetry property of a Reciprocal Network.
(10 M)
b. Explain S- Matrix representation of Multi-port Network. (5 M)
c. A load impedance of Zl = 60- j80  is required to be matched to a 50  co-axial line, by using a short
circuited stub of length ‘l’ located at a distance ‘d’ from the load. The wavelength of operation is 1 metre.
Using Smith chart, find ‘d’ and ‘l’. (5 M)

2 a. Define Insertion loss, Transmission loss, Return loss in terms of S- Parameters. (10 M)
b. Derive an expression for input Reflection Co-efficient of a 2-port network with mismatched load. (5 M)
c. Compare [S] matrix with [Z] and [Y] matrices. (5 M)

3 a. Two transmission lines of characteristic impedance Z1 and Z2 are joined at plane PP1. Express S parameters
in terms of impedances. (Assume the circuit diagram). (10 M)
b. Explain Symmetrical Z and Y matrix for Reciprocal Network. (5 M)
c. Draw the block diagram of a basic radar set and explain the essential of its operation. (5 M)

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Time: 90 Minutes Max.Marks: 50

Note: Answer any TWO full Questions from Part A and ONE question from Part B

1 a. Starting from the Impedance Matrix equation, prove the symmetry property of a Reciprocal Network.
(10 M)
b. Explain S- Matrix representation of Multi-port Network. (5 M)
c. A load impedance of Zl = 60- j80  is required to be matched to a 50  co-axial line, by using a short
circuited stub of length ‘l’ located at a distance ‘d’ from the load. The wavelength of operation is 1 metre.
Using Smith chart, find ‘d’ and ‘l’. (5 M)

2 a. Define Insertion loss, Transmission loss, Return loss in terms of S- Parameters. (10 M)
b. Derive an expression for input Reflection Co-efficient of a 2-port network with mismatched load. (5 M)
c. Compare [S] matrix with [Z] and [Y] matrices. (5 M)

3 a. Two transmission lines of characteristic impedance Z1 and Z2 are joined at plane PP1. Express S parameters
in terms of impedances. (Assume the circuit diagram). (10 M)
b. Explain Symmetrical Z and Y matrix for Reciprocal Network. (5 M)
c. Draw the block diagram of a basic radar set and explain the essential of its operation. (5 M)

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4 State and explain the properties of S- Parameters. (10 M)

5 Derive Radar range equation in terms of effective aperture, radar cross section of target and minimum
detectable signal power of receiver. (10 M)


4 State and explain the properties of S- Parameters. (10 M)

5 Derive Radar range equation in terms of effective aperture, radar cross section of target and minimum
detectable signal power of receiver. (10 M)


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