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The Contemporary World

What is Contemporary World?

Contemporary: marked by characteristics of the

present period: Modern, Current.
(Meriam Webster)

The Contemporary World

 The circumstances and ideas of the

present age;’ in modern times like these”
modern times, modern world, present Add your notes here. Add your notes here
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Globalization Why do we need to study this subject?

Definition Of Globalization Add your notes here. Add your notes here
First Appearance in Webster's Dictionary in Add your notes here. Add your notes here
1961, many opinions about globalization have
flourished. The literature on the definitions of Add your notes here. Add your notes here
Globalization revealed that definitions could be
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classified as either (1) broad and inclusive or (2)
narrow and exclusive. Add your notes here. Add your notes here
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Title for Enumeration

1. Add enumeration
2. Hello
3. Hi
4. Hola!

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